Advertising that catches fresh attention

| January 31, 2010

Joe Guerrera in the Bronx NY has some great truck advertising to promote his fish wholesale business … Meat Without Feet. His business is based out of the New Fulton Fish Market at Hunts Point (800 Food Center Drive, Unit #99, Bronx, NY 10474). I enjoyed his truck ads so much that I don’t mind […]

Record Ohio whitetail buck to be officially measured on Saturday

| January 30, 2010

On Saturday, Clayton, Ohio hunter Brian Stephens will know “officially” if the buck he shot with a muzzleloader on November 30th 2009 is one for the record books. (photo above is Brian, the buck and a coyote) Without question the “green” scored 232 5/8 non-typical whitetail deer taken in Highland County Ohio is one big […]

MyTether “no patch” Beta installed and running fine

| January 29, 2010

The MyTether “no patch” beta fix was release while I was traveling this week. I didn’t have the nerve to install on my Palm Pre in fear of ‘bricking’ it so waited until this afternoon to reinstall. So far so good, although the speeds aren’t what I would like, most likely due to 5PM Sprint […]

Ohio to get $400M for high-speed rail

| January 28, 2010

Hmm … I don’t want to be negative just because I dislike big government and excessive borrowing … but will a high speed rail service really be the best investment for our state? I drive from Cincinnati to NE Ohio every week, but unless I could park safely and cheaply on this end and rent […]

Cute mousetrap Youtube video

| January 27, 2010

EDIT: Switched to cropped version 1/30/2009. [flv:cheesecommercialshort.flv 485 225]

Well prepared cruising sailor shares his story

| January 26, 2010

Wayne Meretsky shares  the “Loss of Moonduster“ We arrived in Savusavu, Fiji, on Monday, November 23, after a fairly uneventful 3-day passage from Tonga. Our goal was to spend a month cruising the western Yasawa Islands before leaving from Lautoka around Christmas to arrive in New Zealand early in the New Year. After a week […]

Testing with an MP3 link

| January 26, 2010

Listening to Great Lakes folk singer Lee Murdock; a link sent from a sailing friend. For the most part I’m posting here to see how and the MP3 repost to MyDesultoryBlog is handled. EDIT: Audio doesn’t post correctly … tweaked for a pop-up MP3 Link instead.

When will we see a Subaru diesel on this side of the pond?

| January 25, 2010

Still waiting for the boxer Subaru diesel in the U.S. I know a few people who would enjoy a solidly built all-wheel drive diesel, be it one from VW, Audi or Subaru … or for that matter a domestic manufacturer. Subaru Impreza 2.0 RC diesel MENTION the Subaru Impreza and most people think of the […]

Superbowl XLIV pits Colts against Saints on February 7th

| January 24, 2010

After spending a few enjoyable hours watching football Sunday afternoon,  it was exciting to find out who would go to Miami and conclude the 2009 NFL football season: the AFC champion Indianapolis Colt and NFC New Orleans Saints. After watching our Cincinnati Bengals lose two weeks in a row to an strong New York Jets […]

NASA Puffin concept returns to the birth of aviation

| January 23, 2010

NASA’s Puffin electric-powered, super-quiet personal VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft concept is ideal for those wanting a quick commute to work on a traffic congested morning … particularly if you’ve got a charging station on your buildings helipad  … and who doesn’t? The USMC V-22 Osprey looking aircraft could offer a bit more promise […]

Is Healthcare “Deader than a doornail”

| January 22, 2010

[flv:FN_Healthcare1001221.flv 480 255] After President Obama, and most of the U.S. Congress (the Democrats), wasted a year on massive health care legislation, many are suggesting our nations’ leaders may finally be getting the message: Focus on jobs and the economy before spending money we don’t have on taking over health care. The current bills, according […]

Racing the stock VW Jetta TDI against the TDI Cup Car

| January 22, 2010

Thanks for the link Scott … 😉 Posted via email from richc’s posterous

Conan O’Brien spending NBC dollars on his way out

| January 21, 2010

The irritated O’Brien continued his feud with NBC and Jay Leno as he finishes his short career hosting The Tonight Show (article). For those not familiar with late night TV talk shows, Jay Leno left The Tonight Show for his own show at 10PM on NBC seven months ago. Conan O’Brien was given The Tonight […]

Facebook is making social networking inroads in my life

| January 20, 2010

After years of resisting the thought of using ‘my kids’ preferred social networking site Facebook, I’m starting get the urge to check my “wall” (or “walls” plural – explained below) once in a while. Usually this occurs after being send a link, or receiving an email invite from someone I might, or might not, know. […]

The winds of change for Democrats

| January 19, 2010

Republican Scott Brown wins Massachusetts Senate seat previously held by Kennedy. Posted via email from richc’s posterous

Getting your luggage “extra care” when flying

| January 18, 2010

Not my idea, but I’d be interested to know how many regular travelers have secured their computer, camera or regular luggage  by flying with a “weapon?” I might toss my Orion 12ga. flare gun in a bag and give it a try next flight.  (A weapon in a bag keeps the bag secure since the […]

The 2010 season premiere of 24 highlighted the Palm Pre

| January 18, 2010

There was a day when we didn’t watch much TV, but nowadays that wouldn’t be true. Besides too much football and cable news, my wife and I have become addicted to a few weekly programs … one which had its 2010 season premiere Sunday evening: 24. As usual, it was exciting and left me hanging […]

Tech Tip:

| January 17, 2010

If you have a need to send a large file, such as a video, compressed archives or entire directories, or other large digital files where the size is too large for email or normal FTP file sharing services which limit file sizes (often around 400MB), then give a try. This free (but advertising buggy […]

The earthquake in Port au Prince Haiti

| January 16, 2010

I’ve been debating on how to archive the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti since there isn’t one article or report that has summarized the disaster appropriately. After 96 hours, one thing that is significantly clear is that the loss of life in this poor country is tremendous — estimates of the number of dead range from […]

Continued Liberty Twp Ohio Coyote problems

| January 16, 2010

I received a phone call from my neighbor a few minutes ago concerning a wounded and limping coyote on her back porch (previous post). By the time I retrieved my voicemail it was too late to do anything as the county sheriff arrived and the critter headed off into the ravine. A brief search with […]

Fog continues to hang around

| January 16, 2010

I would have thought that the unusual mid-winter fog would have disappeared by 10:30 in the morning … I guess not? (test post ‘again’ using Palm Pre to

Porcupine vs. Pit bull … the photos tell it all

| January 15, 2010

A friend sent me this knowing how our dog reacts to ‘critters’ in the yard. A pit bull was in his backyard in southern California, minding his own business, when a porcupine invades his territory. The brave, but stupid pit bull immediately challenges the porcupine! Bad decision…the porcupine won this short contest. Follow up: A […]

Japanese whalers escalate war with Sea Shepherd

| January 15, 2010

While monitoring what my friend Pete Bethune has been up to since he and his biodiesel powered boat Earthrace circumnavigated the world in 2008, it was with distress to see the unique boat destroyed (see previous posts). In 2009 the futuristic boat joined up with an anti-poaching marine wildlife conservation organization Sea Shepherd which utilized […]

Our federal government and health care

| January 14, 2010

Although I rarely forward emails since I dislike the spam filling up my box, I do once in a while get the urge to share.  Here’s a snippet worthy of  thought as the our elected representatives continue in a direction to take over reform  health care. Will they break their streak and run it efficiently […]

Cold but beautiful sunny day in Ohio

| January 13, 2010

Playing with the Palm Pre and while posting the sun and ice covered trees in central Ohio. Posted via email from richc’s posterous

Book: World Cruising Routes, an ocean crossing necessity

| January 12, 2010

For many years I’ve contemplated buying a fairly expensive reference style book — one that I really don’t currently need, but have wanted. Since I had a few Christmas dollars to spend (thanks Mom H.) I figured now was the perfect time add the $60.00 628 page book to my library. After spending a few […]

EAA284 meeting: Brian Cooper talking aerobatic aircraft design

| January 11, 2010

Who doesn’t enjoy a Palm Pre cellphone sunset photo? I’ll start with something simple that sooths my aching head … a beautiful winter sunset in Cincinnati Ohio (photo above) … and conclude with a very short comment regarding our Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter (EAA284) meeting on Sunday – one that had a subject over my […]

Moving back to school and a disappointing end for the Bengals

| January 10, 2010

No comment is necessary after watching the Cincinnati Bengals once again disappoint their fans in a tough post season loss to the New York Jets. About the only thing to say is that the better team won … at least on this particular Saturday evening. As for more positive thoughts, Brenda and I enjoyed moving […]

Winter weather has just arrived, but I’m ready for spring

| January 9, 2010

It is good to be in a warm home after a challenging week. The weather has been less than perfect for driving and most of Ohio has received a little snow. Click image for larger In our house, the family Christmas cheer has given way to winter doldrums; one of my two children is back […]

Obituary: Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Finnegan Biden

| January 8, 2010

Condolences to Vice President Biden and his family. January 8, 2010 Statement from Vice President Joe Biden “My mother, Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Finnegan Biden, passed away peacefully today at our home in Wilmington, Delaware, surrounded by her children, her grandchildren, her great-grandchildren and many loved ones. At 92, she was the center of our family […]

Flight 1549 Documentary Airs on TLC Sunday Night

| January 8, 2010

Added to Tivo recording schedule. January 7, 2010 — Former EAA Young Eagles Chairman, actor Harrison Ford, provides the narration for a new documentary that features one of the new co-chairmen who succeeded him. Brace for Impact, scheduled to premiere January 10 at 9 p.m. EDT (8 p.m. Central) on The Learning Channel (TLC), examines […]

Will President Obama be held accountable for his promises?

| January 8, 2010

President Obama, for all the “hope and change” that was promised, seems to have no problem with the lack of openness and transparency being demostrated under his tenure. Obama’s promises of “openness” are empty … or perhaps only apply when concerning Republican leaders? For many, President Obama is a bigger disappointment than his predecessors  because […]

Video interview with rescued sailor Dennis Clements

| January 8, 2010 test post with video, but also a harrowing story from a sailor who was miraculously rescued from his boat of the coast of North Carolina. Posted via web from richc’s posterous

Walmart, others make money on Oregon’s energy tax credits

| January 7, 2010

Playing the green energy tax credit game — the pitfalls of big government, powerful lobbyist and wealthy shrewd companies. Walmart, others make money on Oregon’s energy tax credits By Harry Esteve, The Oregonian December 29, 2009, 7:00PM When Oregon started handing out jumbo tax subsidies for renewable energy projects two years ago, one of the […]

A crack is appearing on my webOS Palm Pre smartphone

| January 7, 2010

A few weeks ago, I noticed what I thought was a ‘scratch’ on the side of my Palm Pre next to the USB door. The ‘scratch’ has since revealed itself as a ‘crack’ which is slowly working its way to the screen. So far, besides the cosmetic issue, the touch display works fine. Unfortunately I […]

Effectiveness of Antidepressants

| January 6, 2010

Are antidepressants being over prescribed for patients with less severe depression AND are they ineffective? See JAMA Vol. 303 No. 1, January 6, 2010. EDIT: Adding PDF of article (removed 1/16/2010) from JAMA Analysis of Antidepressants Suggests Effectiveness Varies Widely Patients with severe depression benefit most from antidepressant medications while those with less-severe symptoms […]

Dreaming Up Textbooks on an Apple Tablet

| January 5, 2010

While I enjoyed reading on my daughter’s new “Nook” last week, it still leaves much to be desired. A well designed “tablet” might eventually be the best option. It will be interesting to see how Apple sees there up and coming device fitting in to the niche. By Geoffrey A. Fowler With Apple’s much-hyped tablet […]

One step closer to Apple mania … again

| January 4, 2010

News for tomorrow’s WSJ: Apple to Ship Tablet Device in March — Sent from my Palm Pre Posted via email from richc’s posterous EDIT:

The well worn Gateway notebook computer is finally fixed

| January 4, 2010

Success … finally! I been all thumbs in an ongoing struggle (post one and two) to fix my notebook computer during the Christmas and the New Year holiday.  I ordered the suspect part, ‘an inverter,’ for my Gateway notebook computer and after hassles with pre-Christmas shipping, finally received it only to find out it was […]

Spending the day with Mom and Dad

| January 3, 2010

Mom and Dad 01/02/10 — Palm Pre We’ve had a couple of nice family gatherings over Christmas and New Years this holiday season, so why not include two of the most important people in my life … Mom and Dad. It was a great to be together with them and enjoying time reminiscing — I […]

A full day of college football bowl games today

| January 2, 2010

Like many men (and women) in America, I spent New Year’s day 2010 watching way too much college football. It was really the first test of our updated HDTV home theater – totally pleased (photo).For the most part we enjoyed the games, particularly the Ohio State Buckeyes Rose Bowl victory. That said, we’re finishing the […]

Handling small parts – a “How to” suggestion

| January 1, 2010

There come a time when having even small fingers and thumbs isn’t good enough, let alone bigger finger like me, isn’t to repair. Here’s a time tested technique that might just keep your frustration level down. When you’re tinkering with small parts like electronic devices screws, try a dot of silicone sealant on the end […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog