Advice: Interest on iBonds has weaned. Sell early in the month.

Posted By on August 11, 2024

Recent History iBonds

Investors who bought US Treasury iBonds when inflation was raging may see the lower May 2024 rate reduction as no longer attractive; the rate is currently 4.28% (it adjusts every Treasury Direct6 months).

The interest rate has steadily fallen as month to month inflation has eased from its high and investors may be able to find a better use for their dollars (inflation may have “eased from its high,” but property taxes, insurance and nearly all household expenditures have NOT eased). 

iBonds adjusted

Beware though, selling iBonds before the 5 year holding period does come with a penalty, that is losing the 3 last months of interest and facing Federal taxes on the gains in the year they are sold.

Also for those making them a part of your long term saving, there are limits to what you can invest each year. 

iBond Max Per Year

A point to keep in mind is also when to sell, whether you have held iBonds for 5 years (no loss of interest) or are planning to sell them before 5 years (give up the last 3 months of interest) … would be to do it early in the month (see below).


Starting an Annie Jacobsen book, “Nuclear War: A Senario,” and adding a couple others to my “want to” read list

Posted By on August 10, 2024

Annie Jacabsen header

Not that I’m contemplating “doomsday” or ultra-paranoid, but the new book by Annie Jacobsen called “Nuclear War: A Scenario” is indeed frightening and does make me realize Nuclear War Book by Annie Jacobsenjust how quickly the President of the United States must make nuclear decisions — 6 minutes.

Our military interactions over the past 100+ years have all been quick-strike or longer term slugfests using conventional weapons, but if the ICBM war would ever start, the nightmare would be unfathomable. If there was one thing that would prevent me from “even wanting” to be president, it would be the weight of making that kind of decision. 

Check out this “long” interview with Lex Fridman on his YouTube channel…  or get a copy of the 2024 book.

Proud Prophet: “No matter how nuclear war starts, it ends with everyone dead.”

What does a “1913 tire ad” have to do with a political post?

Posted By on August 9, 2024

1913 Ad from Piqua OhioWhile looking on Wikipedia for  for the history of old the adage “A picture is worth a thousand words,” I came across an interesting 1913 newspaper clipping from the town just south of my adopted hometown of Sidney, Ohiothat of Piqua, Ohio

It is always interesting to stumble across tidbits from the past that trigger memories … this one of a high school rival … and at the time, the nearest mall (I actually worked evening at the Sear store there in the spring of 1981 while also substitute teaching at my old high school in Sidney and then again at Sears in Cleveland in my first year of marriage— a long story).

I almost forgot where I was going with this:
I retweeted a politically charged tweet or “X” regarding the choice 2024 presidential Democrat nominee Kamala Harris picked for her running mate — Minnesota’s governor Tim Walz. It is disturbing to see how much control the socialist leaning far left has crying emojitaken the Democratic Party.

Where are the common sense, patriotic American citizens who love our country, our founding principles and traditional values? Those who prefer respected borders, safety, law and order and an economy that lifts up all who work hard while keeping our military respected and feared so as prevent war? There’s no way they could possibly support and vote for this: 

A 1973 Cadillac Coupe Deville photo from the summer of 1980

Posted By on August 8, 2024

After noticing a ThrowBack Thursday #TBT post in the “Year(s) Ago On This Date” blog column and recently stumbling across a old automotive photo that I didn’t remember of me with the 1973 Cadillac Coupe Deville the one that was hit by a train, well pushed off the tracks by a slow moving train.

RichC - 1973 Cadillac Coupe Devile

This was the vehicle I purchased after selling my 1974 Capri in the summer of 1980 and before my 1977 Honda Civic in 1981. It was also the car my college roommates and I used when living in an Ada, Ohio apartment on Turner Avenue to haul a wooden coffin to a Halloween party … and the autumn when I met and dated Brenda. I sold this fuel hungry beast in the spring of 1981, bought the much smaller and economical Honda Civic (a rebuildable). At that same time, I needed somthing to drive, so I also bought a 1967 Camaro that I sold in a few months to my brother in order to buy an engagement ring for Brenda — see last paragraph of this post

The older I get, the more I enjoy those old photos that trigger memories

Predicting 2024 Fall Temperatures – The Farmer’s Almanac

Posted By on August 7, 2024

Almanac 2024 Fall Forecast

It is nice to interupt the depressing “beat of war drums” in the MiddleEast, the economic and investing news … and ugly election campaign season with a little Farmers Almanac extended long range forecasting. 😊 

Looking at September as a whole, we foresee near- to above-average temperatures across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Below-average temperatures are expected from the Great Lakes and Appalachians southward to the Southeast. Much of the Plains and Midwest will be on the warmer side, while Texas and Oklahoma will see a few shots of cooler, less humid air. The western United States will experience above-average temperatures for the most part, including Alaska and Hawaii. In Canada, temperatures will be near average across southern Quebec and the Maritimes, with above-average temperatures across most of the rest of the country.

Much of the eastern third of the United States will see near- to above-average rainfall this month. Drier-than-average conditions are forecast from the Midwest and the Plains through a good part of the West. Near- to below-average precipitation is expected across Alaska and Hawaii. In Canada, rainfall will be near to above average from southern Ontario eastward to the Maritimes. The Prairies and southwestern British Columbia will be on the drier side, while parts of the Yukon and the Northwest Territories will see above-average precipitation.

As an active financial markets watcher, August 2024 is volatile!

Posted By on August 6, 2024

Dow Selloff 240805pm

As an amateur market follower, I have watched economic indicators that signal boom and bust cycles for years. One of the more insightful signals is the Treasuries 8/4/2024spread between treasury yields (inverted yield curve)  … especially the 10 and 2 year treasuries.

Inverted Yield Curves

Dow 240805 pmAn inversion has been a good indicator of a recession … as posted a few times before. The signal has been pointing to a pending recession for some time now, but inflation, consumer spending and decent jobs numbers have been fending it off … until recently.

The last couple of market sessions are looking as if they might be finally agreeing that the predicted and hoped-for soft-landing might not be all that certain … although the longer the economy remained strong, we became increasingly confident that it might happen this time (it could still be correct, but the odds just have shifted against the dream of a soft landing). 

Nasdaq 240805 SP500 240805pm


Music Monday: “Tin Cup Chalice” by Jimmy Buffett and memories

Posted By on August 5, 2024

Jimmy Buffett in 2022 with Delaney

It would be nice “to go back to the islands” …  well maybe going back in time to when we took a trip down A1A (Florida highway and Jimmy Buffett’s 1974 album title) and drove down Jiggling Music Notsto Key West. A1A - Jimmy Buffett AlbumI sort of want to do it again, although I suspect Key West is no longer the same as remembered. 😔

Brenda and I do still have a great memory when taking a 15th years anniversary trip to Key West. Listening to the late Jimmy Buffett reminisce (below) about driving with Jerry Jeff Walker down the bridges of A1A in an old Packard does take me back a bit.

Charlie (Kamikaze) Matthews and I took a trip to Florida over Christmas break in 1977 and then Brenda and I went in 1997. Back then, we were working in different cities during the week. She was in Cincinnati for her new job and I was in NE Ohio still running my business … so we flew from different cities and met in Key West.

Musicians on Mallory Square

We still have paintings to show for it (I need to take or look for more photos). I also noticed a photo of the musicians on Mallory Square in the YouTube video and the exact place where we watched for the green flash… and I could see our hotel in the background (photo above).

Jimmy Buffett at home in 2022 Jimmy Buffett - Key West 1972

“Tin Cup Chalice” by Jimmy Buffett


What would you do if you caught this while fishing?

Posted By on August 4, 2024

Deep Sea Wolf Eel

If you spend any time on social networks, it is likely that you’ll occasionally see things that are shocking. Here’s a fisherman “posing” with a Deep Sea Wolf Eel that would be shocking … and while I’m at it, a frightening Mediterranean Sea sailing story about increasingly aggressive Orcas (Killer Whales).  

Disappointed with Wyze as a company lately. Could be a fluke?

Posted By on August 3, 2024

As a provider of fair priced gadgets for the last decade, the company Wyze  has impressed me … that is until recently. As their product mix expanded, WyzeCamV3Boxtheir quality control and Wyze Cam Fronthodgepodge marketing has started to slip a bit.

After the “socket cam” on a garage lamp failed in June, I called to check on a replacement … at first under warranty (it was out of warranty) … and then just to replace the failed socket component. They did not make this easy. But since their products aren’t overpriced, I decided to just order a new combo and be done with the problem.

Wyze Cam Sensor problemThe new camera arrived in a week but I waiting until the weekend before climbing the ladder and replacing the cam. Wouldn’t you know, a bad sensor that would only work in black and white and in “night mode” without a “pink hue.” After trying to use their chat to just more confusion, I opted to call and wait the 20 minutes before getting a person. Very friendly and doing the required 30 minutes of restarting, etc … she also agreed that the sensor was faulty.

Next step, forward this to the person who handles the returns and warranty service and therefore “wait” for an email, UGH! An email came, but they require proof of purchase, a bunch of ID information (3 email exchanges) and then assured me a new cam would be mailed to me “free of charge.” 

Bad cameraA week later the new Wyze V3 Cam arrived and I set out to install and initialize it again. Wouldn’t you know, this Cam would not turn on or even power up. I tested the USB power supply, tried another one and set out to call customer service again. Once again, I waiting the 20+ minutes to get a live person, who politely tendered my compliant. After another waste of time it was indeed a faulty device. 

So … once again a request to replace was sent to “the-powers-that-be” and I’m awaiting yet another email to see this one will be replaced. After several emails back and some confusion as to the original order number and replacement order number … I was assured that it would be taken care of. 

So … while talking to the customer service person, I also decided to comment that Wyze sent me a 24-hr promo that would be good for $10 off if I were to sign up for Cam Unlimited didn’t work — I was already paying full price (an earlier complaint). 


Tech Friday: Apple Podcast app with transcription feature

Posted By on August 2, 2024

CarStuffPodcast - transcriptionHave you ever been listening to a podcast that is getting a little long-winded? Oh, there are a few of them resembling those at a Donald Trump for President rally  … or more recently, his speech at the Republican Convention. 😉 

According to various reports, Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention lasted 92 minutes, making it the longest acceptance speech since 1972.

Anyway, my point is that the Apple Podcast appand I assume others … has a feature that transcripts the audio. I ran out of time last week in listening to the weekly Car Stuff Podcast and scanned forward to the end by speed-reading or quickly scanning the quiz and closing chit-chat. Nice!

Podcast apps

I hope you find this helpful if you’re short on time when listening on Apple Podcasts

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog