New “no wire” Wybot S2 rechargeable pool cleaning robot

Posted By on July 14, 2024

Wybot S2 cleaning wall / cornerOur now 20 year old “corded” iRobot Verro pool vacuum has been outstanding and I’m hard pressed to give up on it by buying expensive bags and replacing more parts. Improvements have been made over the years to pool robots and I decided 2024 was the summer to replace it with one of the cordless pool sweeper/cleaner gadgets (although made the purchase before drowning my iPhone — more tomorrow)

With a fair price and good reviews for a Wybot S2 on Amazon (paid $799) … the longer life battery, brushless motors and secondary water filtration sold me. Two charges and cleanings in now, I can say that I’ll give it a “B” grade. It has done a great job of sweeping for 2 hours on a charge, picking up debris on the bottom (some seen and some unseen), but fail to navigate all that well. Struggles around corners, the walls and around the two seating areas of our pool and stairs. To the Wybot’s credit, it never got stuck for more than a couple minutes, but it did fail to clean those areas. 

Wybot S2 Charging Wybot S2 Cleaning Basket

So far, cleaning the basket out has been a pleasure compared to the filter bags in the iRobot Verro and the secondary filter has yet to get dirty (haven’t put in the ultrafine foam yet). Perhaps an update after a few more adjustments and setting tries will be needed?

Amazon price for Wybot S2 - July 13, 2024

Weather thoughts after leftovers from Hurricane Beryl hit us

Posted By on July 13, 2024

BarometerThe stormy weather we had earlier this week due to the remnants of Hurricane Beryl, started me thinking about meteorology and just how scientists can predict weather.

There is far more to it than the graphic below, but do remember enough from my sailing books and studying weather my entire life, that it all starts with watching and recording the rising and falling pressures on the simple barometer. 

Why Does The Wind Blow - part 1

Noticing that the front arrived in SW Ohio on Tuesday evening, but the following day left use with gusty winds. Here’s an helpful graphic from NOAA SciJinks.

Why Does The Wind Blow - Part 2

Tech Friday: OS woes and a Mars Edit software update

Posted By on July 12, 2024

Although the Late 2012 Intel-based iMac is aging better than President Biden, my desktop iMac is struggling and is no longer being used as my primary computer. Still … it does work as a larger twin 27” screens desktop computer along side my MacBook Air M2 these days.

iPhone 7 plus aging Mouse and iMac keyboard Recently I cross my fingers when updating the blogging software I use from Red Sweater called Mars Edit. The update isn’t a question on the newer Apple Silicon MacBook Air M2, but since a lot of software is no longer supporting older MacOS machines, one never knows on older devices. Google Drive is gone at the end of the month and Parallels will soon be next.

My iPhone 7 Plus is was on its last leg too as a few apps will no longer work (it is dead now) … and don’t even get me start on my slower than molasses iPad. Way too many devices are facing their final useful days — don’t even get me thinking about our 2010 Acura and 2010 BMW X5 35d; they are our primary drivers and nearing or over the 200,000 mile mark … and are 15 year old! Yikes!

Impressive US stock market rally yesterday and political winds

Posted By on July 11, 2024

Those of us following the stock market and managing investments can’t help but smile at the strong U.S. financial markets on Wednesday and so far this summer. Stock Market close - 7/10/2024For some who sell in May and go away (as the idiom goes) … they are are not smiling quite as much.

As a long term value investor, I’ve been surprised at the continuing strength in the stock market, although employment is still reasonable strong, company earning have not disappointed and all signs point to the Federal Reserve easing rates later this year. 

There isn’t any certainly to the political winds, but conditions are improving for the Republicans after the poor debate performance of President Biden and concern Biden - dementia lookover his aging. Conservatives are hoping for a less restrictive and business friendly Federal government if Maga Rallythey can make gains in Washington DC. Donald Trump remains a bit more of a quandary, even though we know what he has been like from 2016-2020.  He’ll likely be a little more protectionist (tariffs and sanctions) and likely focus on tighter immigration policies (enforce them). This should in turn should be good for American workers (higher wages), but could in turn push up prices for goods and services (inflationary). Hm … and we all know what that has been like these past few years

For now, if you are invested for retirement, etc … the strong move in U.S. stocks and easing inflation should be helpful for your college savings plans, 401-Ks and IRAs. 

A couple interesting maps: Liberty Township development and severe weather map in Iowa looks like SW Ohio

Posted By on July 10, 2024

Liberty Township, Ohio development map

For those of us living in the Liberty Township, Ohio area for nearly 30 years now, the development map above  probably doesn’t come as a surprise. This once rural township is far more densely populated that it once was. With that growth comes challenges of keeping the heavy traffic and commercial growth from changing what attracted some of us and what we’ve enjoyed. 

Barn pile of lumber Taylor's photo of property

I’ve shared the removal of an older farmhouse and barn to the rear of our 4+ acre property earlier this year (above) and suspect this 2+ acre parcel is not going to be “just another house.” It doesn’t come as a surprise, but I suspect a medical/therapy office building and parking lot is being planned (watching for my township notice). This is commercial use space one step closer to us. That said, a “light use” office would be better than retail or restaurant … and far better than a 24/7 kind of business like a gas station or convenience store! Nevertheless, I’m keeping an eye on it.


Filler: Router Table storage was a weekend workshop update

Posted By on July 9, 2024

Router Table storage
Usually workshop tinkering is saved for rainy days and shorter days, but I decided that there were too many jigs and router table components just laying around. When I had fewer items, I could stick them under the table, but now I’m accumulating a few too many jigs, hold-downs and push stick type items that I needed them up and out of the way.

So … I added the shelf we once had in the laundry room and hung up a few of the jigs on the back wall so that they are accessible but out of the way. I’m sure they’ll get plenty dusty, but then that’s what my cordless Ridged Job Site Blower is for. 😊 

Ridgid Job Site Blower

Music Monday: Replaying the song “Kodachrome” by Paul Simon and the drowning of my Apple iPhone 7 Plus

Posted By on July 8, 2024

Today’s Music Monday is a redux of a previous post regarding the popular 1973 song “Kodachrome” by Paul Simon song (of Simon and Garfunkel and solo fame). The song came up in a conversation Kodachromeon Sunday afternoon with Megan and Taylor as they were showing a “slides” wall display of hundreds of old transparencies all mounted in the original 35mm processed slides. I pulled out a box of my dad’s slides and they were both impressed as the wheels started spinning — a possible use for them in some kind of artistic decor???

Anyway the conversation lead to Kodak’s Kodachrome film as the the 35mm film of choice for most color photographers “back in the day” … my dad included.

 Paul Simon – “Kodachrome”  |  1973

Unfortunately the day was not without a disaster. I foolishly slipped into the swimming pool to cool off and relax with the kids only to realized I had my iPhone in my pocket. Ugh! So much for holding off until September’s iPhone 16 announcement to replace my aging 2017 phone

Last photo with iPhone 7 Plus - 240707 iPhone 7 Plus demise

The above selfie was the last photo with the “free” iPhone 7 Plus (relaxing and reading in the pool). After slowly drying and late evening attempts to dry in out …  including opening it up and drying it with my shrink wrap gun … the damage had already been done. Time to shop for a new smartphone! ☹️ 

A favorite breakfast: Scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns

Posted By on July 7, 2024

Making Eggs and Bacon

Although we don’t eat out very much these days, having a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns is still a favorite of mine — OJ is an extra treat. BreakfastBack when I would make more appointments with customers, meeting at Bob Evans or even picking up a “foam box breakfast” at the Silver Swan next door to my office was a real treat.

SilverSwan and CPP Map - 2024

Taylor and I did it when studying his spelling words and dropping off and waiting to pick up Katelyn practice at the skating rink. Father's Day card and balloonWhen I was taking my dad out after mom passed away, we would almost always go to the Bob Evans in Sidney, Ohiohe’d order the senior breakfast and me the “Mini Sampler” … and I still do it to this day.  I still occasionally meet my buddy Jeff there, although less frequent these days. When exchanging granddaughters, Bob Evans is a favorite stop … just as we did last month with Katelyn and Drew (BTW, thanks guys for the Father’s Day meal, balloon and card … it’s still floating).😊 

But these days I’ve turned to fixing breakfast at home once in a while. It’s probably not the healthiest Saturday morning breakfast … but it sure tastes great. 

How old is too old to be POTUS … or is it a cognitive thing?

Posted By on July 6, 2024

Biden DebateReading “view from the right” on this week has me wondering if our presidential candidates are getting too old … or if age is not the factor, perhaps having candidates pass the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) would be helpful? 

Retirement Agesby Stephen Macaulay

Here’s something for your July 4th distraction, a list of the presidents of the United States and their ages when they left office:

1. George Washington (65 years, 10 days)

2. John Adams (65 years, 125 days)

3. Thomas Jefferson (65 years, 325 days)

4. James Madison (65 years, 353 days)

5. James Monroe (66 years, 310 days)

6. John Quincy Adams (61 years, 236 days)

7. Andrew Jackson (69 years, 354 days)

8. Martin Van Buren (58 years, 89 days)

9. William Henry Harrison (68 years, 23 days)

10. John Tyler (53 years, 291 days)

11. James K. Polk (53 years, 225 days)

12. Zachary Taylor (65 years, 227 days)

13. Millard Fillmore (53 years, 56 days)

14. Franklin Pierce (52 years, 101 days)

15. James Buchanan (69 years, 315 days)

16. Abraham Lincoln (56 years, 62 days)

17. Andrew Johnson (66 years, 212 days)

18. Ulysses S. Grant (58 years, 311 days)

19. Rutherford B. Hayes (57 years, 292 days)

20. James A. Garfield (49 years, 105 days

21. Chester A. Arthur (56 years, 159 days)

22. Grover Cleveland (51 years, 351 days)

23. Benjamin Harrison (60 years, 128 days)

24. Grover Cleveland (60 years, 185 days)

25. William McKinley (58 years, 228 days)

26. Theodore Roosevelt (50 years, 128 days)

27. William Howard Taft (55 years, 170 days)

28. Woodrow Wilson (67 years, 37 days)

29. Warren G. Harding (57 years, 273 days)

30. Calvin Coolidge (54 years, 206 days)

31. Herbert Hoover (58 years, 86 days)

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt (63 years, 72 days)

33. Harry S. Truman (68 years, 37 days)

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower (70 years, 98 days)

35. John F. Kennedy (46 years, 177 days)

36. Lyndon B. Johnson (60 years, 146 days) 

37. Richard M. Nixon (61 years, 198 days) 

38. Gerald R. Ford (63 years, 165 days)

39. Jimmy Carter (56 years, 111 days)

40. Ronald Reagan (77 years, 349 days)

41. George H. W. Bush (68 years, 222 days)

42. Bill Clinton (54 years, 154 days)

43. George W. Bush (62 years, 198 days) 

44. Barack Obama (55 years, 355 days) 

45. Donald J. Trump (74 years, 220 days

And as a bonus:
46. Joe Biden when he was inaugurated: 78 years, 61 days

A new Schraiber Grinder Pump as a replacement for a Zoeller

Posted By on July 5, 2024

Schraiber Grinder Pump After repeated malfunctions with a Zoeller sewage pump in the pool house, I’ve started the process of evaluating what might be wrong. I did have a couple plumbers come out under the Angi “free estimate” home repair.

Zoeller WD820-D Tag

They were both expensive and wanted to replace the current “still running” 230VAC pump with a new one (WD 820-D pump replacement cost alone was over $4000). 

I suspect it might be the switch, so decided to find and replace that part first. By the time I dug into the pit and starting the cleaning process (I’m not messing with sewage sludge again — deathly sick replacing a condo toilet one year), I thought I might opt to cut the cover, de-rust and paint … then plan for a hinge to access in the future (image at bottom).

SchraiberLogoAfter looking around online for options to the $4000 pump, thought perhaps a lesser branded grinder pump from Schraider might solve the problem (image above). It was clearance priced so I’m taking a chance. Perhaps the older Zoeller can be cleaned up and salvaged as a backup pump?

Schraider Pump Clearance priced  


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog