RichC | December 10, 2023
It has been a few years since we entertained the idea of “cutting the cord” when it comes to cable TV. I’m once again inching closer as Altafiber (acquired Cincinnati Bell and Fioptics) has bumped up prices and forced an equipment update on us. It is both good and bad … since I’m not really […]
Category: Financial, Streaming, Technology |
Tags: altafiber, cable, cord cutting, streaming, television, tivo, tv
RichC | April 8, 2022
After updating my iOS devices to 15.4 last week, I noticed a few annoying changes (normal when an operating system changes), and a few improvements. I suspected that older devices such as my iPhone 7 and older iPad would start to show signs of reduced battery life and sluggishness, yet how long nowadays do we […]
Category: Business, Computer, Entertainment, Financial, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: cable, cincinnatibell, fioptics, idiom, idioms, ios, ios15.4, tech friday, techfriday, update
RichC | December 11, 2021
It is a sneaky way to increase what I thought was a customer to Cincinnati Bell “contracted-each-year” cable TV and Internet monthly bill? Nope, according to @CincyBell … after being mislead by customer service that the below increases were “government related fees” and “out of their control” … the increases are negotiated contracts with content […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial, Personal, Social Media |
Tags: cable, cincinnatibell, content, customer service, fees, fioptics, internet, isp, social, surcharge, television, tv, twitter, utility
RichC | October 26, 2021
Let’s start with "we had a great time in Florida" this past week" (more to come) … but the cleanup weekend ended with a couple gremlins. I blame it on the "uncarved" pumpkins left by the granddaughters. HA! Actually there were no unexpected problem while they were in Delray Beach with us, but after they […]
Category: Automotive, Personal, Photos, Technology, Travel |
Tags: cable, condo1718, flat, florida, granddaughters, gremlins, halloween, honda, odyssey, pumpkin, television, tires, vacation, van, xfinity
RichC | September 16, 2021
Here are a few leftover project photos from the weekend for Throwback Thursday #TBT to add to the personal archive. Normally we make banana bread in the full-size Bosch oven when our bananas go soft and brown, but I keep trying to get the convection baking setting correct on our toaster oven – not bad […]
Category: Archive, Computer, Memories, Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT, Technology |
Tags: boxes, cable, ceiling, cracks, drywall, fiber, fioptics, home, house, internet, isdn, office, oven, paint, painting, patching, project, repair, satellite, starband, TBT, toaster, water putty, wiring
RichC | March 29, 2019
It has been a year since I’ve checked my Internet speed since we have not had any problems, but I doubted we were getting the advertised 500Mbps speeds , but then that my internal network problem. Speed aside, there hasn’t been any reason to question Cincinnati Bell’s service (our TV and internet service provider). They […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial, Innovation, Productivity, Technology |
Tags: billing, Business, cable, cincinnatibell, haggling, internet, isp, negotiation, practices, promotion, speedtest
RichC | March 14, 2018
After switching from TWC/Spectrum one year ago, Cincinnati Bell’s Fioptics (Fiber) delivered television video and Internet to our house as been excellent. Their Internet speed continues to rise (currently checking with DSLReports/speedtest). Last year I was happy to have my speed increase to 100Mbps down when switching to CincinnatiBell, but then after losing promotional perks […]
Category: Computer, Entertainment, Innovation, Productivity, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: cable, cincinnatibell, fiber, fioptics, internet, spectrum, speedtest, television, twc
RichC | January 12, 2018
Last spring I was so disgusted with the Time Warner to Spectrum change for cable and Internet along with their price increase that I switched to Cincinnati Bell Fioptics. The painful rewiring and equipment switch worked to my favor and lower the bill with the help of a representative that handled everything as if he […]
Category: Business, Misc, Technology |
Tags: billing, cable, cincinnatibell, customer service, fail, hassles, internet, rant, spectrum, twc
RichC | September 8, 2017
Accessing the Internet with broadband speeds has definitely improved this past year or so in our area. I remember connecting via modem at 300 baud, improving to 1200, then 56K and making the expensive big move to a twin pair of 128K ISDN lines giving me 256K of bandwidth in the 1990s. Eventually I jumped […]
Category: Computer, History, Technology |
Tags: cable, cincinnatibell, dslreports, fiber, fioptics, internet, speeds, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | March 4, 2017
Well … so much for cutting the cord as I mentioned in February and contemplating using the Sony Playstation Vue streaming service for the few channels ($30/mo) we wanted to receive that are unavailable over-the-air. We never really got to that point since the local antenna channels seemed way too slow in changing and somewhat […]
Category: Computer, Entertainment, Misc, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: cable, cut the cord, internet, speed, speedtest, television
RichC | February 28, 2017
Television habits, elimination of a landlines and much faster Internet speeds have changed the way most of us use and think about connectivity nowadays … and I’m not the first to once again contemplate "cutting the cable cord." The first step is likely knowing what is available over the air and IF an affordable high […]
Category: Entertainment, Misc, Productivity, Technology |
Tags: cable, cutting, fiber, internet, ota, playstation vue, speedtest, television
RichC | June 6, 2015
In a 2015 look at cable companies, very few customers are happy with their providers, in fact the report indicates a couple of the biggest have lost ground (chart below). Barely half of Mediacom Communications, Time Warner Cable and Comcast customers indicate that they are satisfied with service … and the latter two above have […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial |
Tags: cable, cnbc, internet, isp, media, survey, television
RichC | July 31, 2014
A couple of days ago I whined about my failed or failing charging/sync cables used on phones, tablets and electronic devices. I then started searching for the replacements but was discouraged with the delayed shipping for non-branded cables from China. Then after reading about the cheap quality, I revisited Amazon decide to find out if […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Computer, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: cable, charging, electronics, gadget, micro, usb
RichC | July 29, 2014
FAILED … is a common complaint with the charging and synchronization cables used on portable electronics. First (above), my premium Griffin branded power blocks cord that I use at my desk (not rolled and unrolled) for charging my iPad failed. I suspect it is the connector, but maybe the cable? The second is only […]
Category: Shopping, Technology |
Tags: cable, charger, griffin, ipad, jambox, jawbone, wire
RichC | February 1, 2014
The Wall Street Journal reported that customers are fleeing Time Warner Cable to the tune of 825,000 TV users in 2013. There is an increase in competition and a change in viewing habits as younger subscribers cut the cord choosing to watch over the air digital (free) TV or just Internet TV on-demand. What’s TWC’s […]
Category: Entertainment, Financial, Marketing, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: cable, internet, television, tv, twc, voip
RichC | October 29, 2013
Between being locked out of my WordPress site and having my admin password compromised and dealing with Time Warner cable and Internet issues at home, I’m ready to cut the cord and do away with technology today. Since I was talking with TW customer service about a billing issue and complaining about my home Internet […]
Category: Computer, Technology |
Tags: cable, internet, speedtest, time warner
RichC | November 10, 2010
I wouldn’t be throwing rocks if I lived in your “house” Ms. Maddow … MSNBC TV cable news network is far from innocent when it comes to having political bias. We’re not a political operation, Fox is. We are a news operation. ~ Rachel Maddow
Category: Politics, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: cable, foxnews, maddow, msnbc
RichC | April 1, 2010
Time Warner notified me that they needed to upgrade the existing cable cards in my Series 3 Tivo box with a multi-stream card AND install another piece of hardware in order to continue receiving their content (some sort of 2-way frequency sharing box or something). After they added some new wires and stacked the odd […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Technology |
Tags: cable, internet, phone, time warner