RichC | February 16, 2023
Nothing like a big game, a bag of frozen Costco chicken wings and a desire to make them crispier than in a normal oven to talk us into a splurge buy! At home in Cincinnati, we enjoy our Breville convection toaster oven at home so much that really wanted one down at the Delray Beach […]
Category: Food, Gadget, Misc, Shopping |
Tags: airfryer, condo1718, cooking, cosori, delray beach, florida, kitchen, oven, toaster
RichC | February 8, 2023
From experience, I do know that younggist children in the U.S. (often farm kids — or commercial fisherman kids) were responsible for home chores, pitched in with caring for their siblings … and over a century ago (thankfully) would be sent to work outside the home. But in many parts of the world, children learn […]
Category: Human Interest, Social Media, Video |
Tags: children, cooking, mp4, third world
RichC | December 10, 2022
With inflation pushing grocery prices up, Brenda refuses to purchase store-bought croutons unless they are “on sale.” So since we had a quarter loaf of stale bread after our recent week away, I decided to cube and turn it into Rosemary, Italian seasoning, Garlic and Olive Oil croutons. After making them (bake 10 minutes at […]
Category: Financial, Food, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: bluhm, bread, brenda, cooking, croutons, dadc, fishing, food, grandfather, inflation, lake erie, momc, uncle
RichC | April 5, 2022
When it comes to FRESH meals in a box, we’re relative newcomers to any of the meal plans … including the one we’re trying from HelloFresh. We have been pretty happy with ordering from Omaha Steaks over the years, but that’s not a “fresh” meal … just thaw and toss on the grill (my wheelhouse). […]
Category: Advice, Food, Idioms, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: cooking, dinner,, idiom, idioms, meal plan, meals, subscription
RichC | March 9, 2022
Something I’ve notice over the years is that today’s men have lost interest in what traditionally were seen as male hobbies and interests. My thought is that recent generation of men have abandoned working on cars in their garages and spending weekends with tools in their workshop (probably non-existent nowadays). They don’t fish and hunt […]
Category: Education, Hobby, Misc, Productivity, Recreation, Shopping |
Tags: amazon, change, cooking, interests, men, online, rant, Shopping, thoughts, tracking, trend, usps, walmart, women
RichC | February 2, 2022
We were late to trying the fresh meal kit plans and put off cooking the first two fresh meals a week. When we finally did get around to fixing them, they were still reasonable fresh and the excellent recipes and produce shocked us at just how tasty the first meal was. I had already […]
Category: Food, Misc, Recipe, Shopping |
Tags: cooking, dinner, eating, food,, meal kit, meal plan, recipes, subscription
RichC | April 18, 2021
Is there a better way to “dice” and onion? The Lifehacker “Hack or Wack” crew gave the UK tipster’s method a try … and I’ll probably do the same even though they concluded it was “wack.” Still, there might be a couple modifications that could keep the onion flat on the cutting board and still […]
Category: Tidbits, Video |
Tags: cooking, cutting, dice, food, hack, kitchen, lifehacker, mp4, onion, video, wack
RichC | June 23, 2020
We replaced our rusting “hand-me-down” rebuilt grill from 2016 (thanks Jeff) this year with a new natural gas Weber Spirit S-315 stainless steel grill set up. So far it is a great grill and perfectly sized for our family. For those looking at it, be sure you know that there is some assembly involved if […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Misc, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: amazon, assembly, brush, charbroil, cooking, cover, fathers day, grill, grilling, weber
RichC | June 19, 2019
My son Taylor has a friend who runs a farm in the UK that he visited with back in 2015. Besides the bachelor pad in a barn with collectable British and Italian sports cars, he also grows and processes rapeseed oil for cooks and unique restaurants. The Duchess Oil brand is not available in the […]
Category: Food, Friends, Misc, Photos, Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: britain, cooking, duchess, england, farming, friends, oil, rapeseed, taylor, uk
RichC | June 2, 2019
If you grew up watching Get Smart, then you know about the “cone of silence” … but do you know about the “bottle of protection?” A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across a guy work over a stove and frying pan of hot oil. If you’ve done this before, no doubt the spatter occasionally […]
Category: Entertainment, Humor, Innovation |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, bottle, cone of silence, cooking, creative, frying, funny, get smart, Humor, oil, protection, stove
RichC | May 11, 2019
Although I regularly sharpen our "home" kitchen knives in my workshop and maintain the edge with a "steel" (love to try ceramic rod) … but that was not possible last week in Florida. I noticed when cleaning up the condo and starting the master bathroom update after the winter lease ended, that the new kitchen […]
Category: Advice, Shopping, Tools |
Tags: amazon, condo1718, cooking, kitchen, knife, knives, review, sharpen, sharpening, sunrisepro
RichC | December 27, 2018
When Brenda and I were first married, we started off cooking with a cast iron skillet. It was “old school” even 36 years ago to be using our old Wagner cast iron (were made in Sidney, Ohio), but there was something great about using those big heavy “somewhat” greasy skillets in our little two bedroom […]
Category: Memories, Tidbits, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: cast iron, cooking, jon peters, kitchen, skillet, taylor, video, youtube
RichC | August 1, 2018
Brenda and I had a good time talking to our millennial son Taylor and his girlfriend Megan last weekend. In contrast to our usually politically deteriorating topics of conversation (like his dad, Taylor loves to debate), it was a very enjoyable time. He picked up some shrimp and brought over the ingredients to make us […]
Category: Personal, Technology |
Tags: bird, cincinnati, cooking, family, homes, houses, megan, property, real estate, scooter, side-hustle, taylor
RichC | November 21, 2016
Last weekend my friend Jeff told me his old grill was mine for the taking, but that it was in need of some cleaning, some repair and new burners (besides the fire department tag it as unsafe for his apartment patio). I ordered new parts and a cover for under $50, repaired the rust holes […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: barbeque, cooking, grill, jeffp, outdoor, patio, porch
RichC | May 28, 2015
Shortly after Brenda and I were married, I commented that I was going to write an advice book for new couples that included the good and bad decisions we made when buying things for our home, yard, kids and our life. After all this time I’ve yet to write the advice book, but continue to […]
Category: Advice, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: calphalon, cooking, house, kitchen, knife, knives, tools
RichC | December 28, 2014
On a previous sailboat and in my backpacking gear I use an alcohol stove for cooking, but the other day I saw a video clip expanding an idea for emergency or “bugout bag” use. (video below) The concept is pretty simple: Use a roll or partial roll of toilet paper as a wick to absorb […]
Category: How-To, Misc, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: cooking, doomsday, emergency, prepper, stove
RichC | August 14, 2014
The things I’m learning later in life. Huh, might have to give this a try?
Category: Misc, Video |
Tags: cooking, freezing, steaks, thawing, youtube
RichC | April 30, 2013
I appreciated a video from America’s Test Kitchen on Lifehacker and thought it was worth archiving and sharing … not that I fix lobster everyday. Twist off the tail, split the shell on the back, pull legs apart, push meat out with small tools, use a rolling pin to squeeze meat from legs. […]
Category: Advice, Archive, Blogs, Misc, Video |
Tags: cooking, food, lobster
RichC | March 19, 2011
I worked on one of the many items I brought home from the boat this past week – the Magma stern rail grill. I took the layer of greasy grime off both the inside and outside, cleaned up the burner and gave it a good warm up … so much that the wooden lid handle […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: boat, cooking, encore, grill, sailing
RichC | February 15, 2009
I’ve been know to heat up some leftovers under the hood before and enjoyed reading the occasional article detailing the process … and talking to the odd-ball few who enjoy motorhead cuisine. In perusing a ‘magazine’ topic at an excellent time-killing site,, I stumbled on a How Stuff Works article on cooking/reheating food under […]
Category: Automotive |
1 Comment
Tags: alltop, cooking, howstuffworks, instructables, recipe, wiki
RichC | January 25, 2008
How about an Exhaust Burger? I’ve cooked a meal under the hood before, but never heard of cooking with a grilling device like this using exhaust gas! Well the exhaust gas never hits the meat, but its probably hot enough to barbecue a hamburger — I wonder if I could fix a meal for two […]
Category: Automotive, Misc |
Tags: burgers, car, cooking, exhaust