RichC | December 11, 2011
The big news from HP’s CEO Meg Whitman this past week is that the operating system they acquired when purchasing Palm last year will remain alive … just in a different form than originally intended. WebOS will soon be “open source to its Linux core.” Some see that as a good thing in hopes that […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: hp, open source, palm, webos
RichC | October 31, 2011
Since HP’s new CEO, Meg Whitman, reversed course on spinning off their PC division (link), many who use and appreciate Touchpads and Pre smartphones have been hoping the same thing might happen for the webOS division. Some believe (or believed) that there was new hope for webOS devices like the Touchpad and Palm Pre smartphones […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Financial, Technology |
Tags: hp, palm, touchpad, webos
RichC | August 30, 2011
If I can pick up a Touchpad for $99 … I think I will. If any readers find out when and where, tweet me! (@richc) I finally have some solid news to share about TouchPad availability. Before I share, let me first say thank you for enthusiasm for this product. Since we announced the price […]
Category: Misc, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: hp, tablet, touchpad, webos
RichC | August 17, 2011
From the start, it wasn’t that hard to predict a slow go for HP in releasing their Touchpad. As a Palm Pre webOS user and sometimes enthusiast, the slow-motion releases in handset, webOS and tablet products have left existing users wanting and contemplating buyers asking “Why?” Couple that with the largest users base (Sprint) feeling […]
Category: Cellphone, Financial, Technology |
Tags: hp, hpq, palm, pre3, touchpad, webos
RichC | June 30, 2011
Although Mr. Mossberg is rightly critical about some of the shortcomings regarding HP’s late entry into the tablet computing market with the webOS Touchpad, he had a few complements too (LINK). Clever Interface I like the interface a lot. Instead of a screen full of app icons, the main screen of the TouchPad’s operating system, […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: hp, ipad, mossberg, touchpad, webos, wsj
RichC | June 30, 2011
While I continue to put of buying new technology including a phone, computer, a low cost e-reader (yesterday’s post), I continue to ogle the HP Touchpad and Apple iPad. Wouldn’t you know that HP is tempting me … June 28, 2011 Early adopters: your new TouchPad just got $50 closer When the first webOS phone […]
Category: Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: hp, ipad, palm, tablet, touchpad, webos
RichC | June 20, 2011
This content is restricted.
Category: Computer, Music, Technology |
Tags: hp, ipad, mp3, palm, preorder, tablet, touchpad, webos
RichC | February 15, 2011
The demo model of the newly announced HP-Palm webOS TouchPad (links 1, 2 and 3) seems to me to be a bit sluggish during a first look video over at PreCentral. I’m liking the Pre like features, but concerned if the device doesn’t get full performance from the 1.2 Ghz dual core processor. Perhaps by […]
Category: Cellphone, Video |
Tags: hp, palm, touchpad, webos
RichC | February 1, 2011
It is nice when websites run and link to webOS friendly media content. One of the better sites is remembering President Ronald Reagan’s legacy and his upcoming February 6th birthday – he would be 100. In browsing with my Palm Pre yesterday I found it to be one of the few utilizing content and […]
Category: Cellphone, Politics, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: browser, design, gop, palm, reagan, webos, website
RichC | January 29, 2011
While I’ve been anxious for the new tablet computer device from HP-Palm, expected to be announce at a California press event on February 9th, I wasn’t holding my breath as to when the devices would actually make it to market. Most industry watchers either have been told or expected them sometime this summer, although a […]
Category: Cellphone, News, Technology |
Tags: davos, hp, palm, touchpad, webos
RichC | January 25, 2011
So the HP-Palm gadget many though might be the “PalmPad” is not going to receive the blessing of the United States Patent and Trademark Office; they sees the too close to other trademarks? (Palm, Palm Pre, etc) It sort of looks to me as if HP needs to go back to the ‘slate’ devices – […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: hp, ipad, palm, slate, webos
RichC | January 25, 2011
After switching to Verizon’s webOS Mobile Hotspot on my Sprint connected Palm Pre in order to be able to tether my phone, I had all but given up on MyTether. Although I’m not an everyday “tether-er” … having the ability to connect my notebook computer to the Internet in a pinch is important. Thankfully Raja […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Software |
1 Comment
Tags: hp, mytether, palm, webos
RichC | January 10, 2011
Well I’m not giving up on the HP/Palm and their WebOS entirely just yet as it does look as if there might be a few improvements in the new 2.01 operating system to keep me happy with my current Palm Pre for a little bit longer … if it is made available? Thanks to a […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: hp, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | December 31, 2010
Either I was way too early in adopting Palm’s webOS and the Palm Pre smartphone, or the powers that be are dropping the ball in moving ahead quick enough to satisfy me with their OS and product line. It is too bad that Palm, then HP, did not develop the alliances with partners and market […]
Category: Computer, Technology |
Tags: hp, smartphone, webos
RichC | December 20, 2010
Unless HP gets their act together soon, webOS is going to distance themselves from more and more users. With the elimination of Epocrates support, those in or going into the medical profession will pretty much write off webOS phones and their eventual tablet device. Even I, someone who likes his Palm Pre, am becoming increasingly […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: apps, epocrates, hp, medical, palm, webos
RichC | December 1, 2010
While closing in on 2 years with my webOS Palm Pre, I’ve opted to replace my original Pre smartphone with one of the last of the original Sprint Palm Pre phones before they are gone. (I’m crossing my fingers that Sprint will eventually get the Pre 2) Thankfully my insurance plan replaced the defective (but […]
Category: Cellphone, Photos |
Tags: cracked, palm, pre, replace, smartphone, webos
RichC | November 6, 2010
Although the new HP Palm Pre 2 has shown up in France, and according to rumors (an accidental web posting) will be available on Verizon in a couple days, I’m having a hard time getting too excited. That’s probably a good thing since my carrier Sprint may not have it for a while. The added […]
Category: Cellphone, Video |
Tags: hp, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | November 5, 2010
For those of us who enjoy TED Talks, there’s a new app on its way for the HP webOS devices like the Palm Pre that should make content available on the go. According to a post on the Toondoctor, the app will be free as well as ad free. Features Browse, search and view video […]
Category: Cellphone, Education, Technology, Video |
Tags: hp, palm, tedtalks, webos
RichC | October 12, 2010
While struggling to stay productive during my out of town trip last week, I found it necessary to tether my computer to my Palm Pre a couple of times. On previous trips I bragged about MyTether as a way to do this, but after a summer webOS update it no longer works … so I […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: app, tether, webos
RichC | September 4, 2010
As the Labor Day holiday weekend kicks off, I did some light technology housekeeping chores on my Palm Pre smartphone. Besides finally getting around to smoothing out my app card screen order, I updated my UberKernel and the Govnah app to include a 1gHz screen-on mode. The doubling of clock speed may be pushing things […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: app, mytether, tweaks, twitter, webos
RichC | August 30, 2010
Every once in a while, the point of sale technique works on me … and today was the day. I coughed up $1.43 for a Palm Pre app called Neato! It’s a simple little application that runs on the webOS smartphone and receives webpage links, copied text and maps from a computer browser using a […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: app, smartphone, webos
RichC | August 25, 2010
A couple day’s before our vacation, Sprint pushed out the webOS 1.4.5 update to Palm webOS phones. I resisted the urge to update prior to leaving (thankfully), as I had some concern that the Pre Backup Utility wouldn’t be sufficient to restore the ‘homebrew’ apps, patches and tweaks I installed over the past year, an […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: smartphone, sprint, webos
RichC | June 28, 2010
Thanks for the tip Dieter Bohn – … Google Docs is much improved on the Palm Pre; it is actually usable now! Fire up Google Docs on your webOS browser and you’ll find a nicer interface, courtesy of Google finally up and getting Document viewing working for Android browsers. The Google Mobile Blog […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: docs, google, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | June 3, 2010
After HP purchased Palm, most developing and carrying around webOS mobile devices had a sigh of relief believed that having a bigger company behind Palm would give them a chance to compete in the crowded handset device market. Unfortunately HP CEO Mark Hurd isn’t seeing things the way Palm advocates did? Thanks for the link […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: hp, palm, pixi, webos
RichC | May 5, 2010
The app failed to post a photo from my Palm Pre to the blog last night … so I’ll ‘tweak it’ and manually add it today. It could have been my fault, but with so many posting options I’m not sure I’ll spend all that much time using it. It was a beautiful evening.
Category: Cellphone, Photos |
Tags: palm,, sunset, webos
RichC | April 28, 2010
Good news for Palm … I think? Hopefully HP shareholders feel the same way. Hewlett-Packard Inc. agreed to acquire Palm Inc. for nearly $1 billion in cash, ending months of speculation about the fate of the troubled wireless handset maker. H-P said it will pay $5.70 per share in cash for Palm, representing a premium […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Financial, News |
1 Comment
Tags: Cellphone, hp, palm, pixi, smartphone, webos
RichC | April 11, 2010
After the stock bouncing on Friday, Palm Inc shareholders and smartphone users continue to speculate just was will happen to their financially troubled company. Rumors continue to be battered around (article below) as having interest in Palm – the latest being HTC Corp. On a personal note, I am beginning to embrace my Palm Pre […]
Category: Cellphone, Financial |
Tags: htc, palm, smarphone, synergy, webos
RichC | April 1, 2010
A new webOS 1.4.1 update is available for the Palm Pre and Pixi … at least for Sprint users here in the U.S. The feature improvements (listed below) are welcomed fixes to the 1.4 release, but what I’m really looking forward to is tethering with the the new 4G access that is now available to […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: palm, pixi, smartphone, webos
RichC | March 6, 2010
I’m a couple days late in commenting on the newly released Facebook application for the Palm webOS smartphones, but wanted to mention that it has been significantly improved. If you are a Facebook user, or even a newbie, the enhancements available for the Pre and Pixi make the popular social networking site almost worth using. […]
Category: Cellphone, How-To, Productivity, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: facebook, palm, pixi, Social Networking, webos
RichC | March 2, 2010
Curiosity had me pondering just how well the Palm Pre could capture video directly off of an HD Plasma television broadcast? Not too bad it turns out, considering up until webOS 1.4 update was implemented this past weekend that the diminutive smartphone couldn’t even shoot video. When the update was first installed on my phone, […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: camcorder, palm, webos
RichC | March 1, 2010
After a brief lost of tethering my notebook computer with my Sprint Palm Pre after the webOS 1.4 update this past weekend, all is good again … although speed seems to be slower than last year? I uninstalled MyTether 2.1 as instructed on the donor forum and after a reboot, put the phone in […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: mytether, palm, sprint, webos
RichC | February 25, 2010
While waiting for the expected Palm webOS 1.4 anticipated update, I’ve been thankful not to have invested in PALM stock after last years new products. As more and more competitors jump into the smartphone market and take the limelight off the Pre and Pixi phones, the concern is over the profitability (and survival) of the […]
Category: Cellphone, Financial |
Tags: palm, pixi, stock, webos
RichC | February 24, 2010
Palm Pre and Pixi users have known about and seen many of the new feature in webOS 1.4 demos (flash, video recording) for some time; most of us have been waiting patiently for the announced February 2010 rollout. According to most blogs and newsy Internet sites, the webOS devices on both Sprint and Verizon networks […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: palm, pixi, update, webos
RichC | January 29, 2010
The MyTether “no patch” beta fix was release while I was traveling this week. I didn’t have the nerve to install on my Palm Pre in fear of ‘bricking’ it so waited until this afternoon to reinstall. So far so good, although the speeds aren’t what I would like, most likely due to 5PM Sprint […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Software |
1 Comment
Tags: mytether, palm, pixi, webos
RichC | December 30, 2009
Another phone to blog test this one with a photo from the Palm Pre ‘Update’ screen (via Posterous but edited): Palm updated their webOS to version 1.3.5 during the last few days of 2009, and from my preliminary testing has improved the speed on my Pre. I’m hoping for battery improvement that has been promised, […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: palm, palm pre, palmos, smartphone, webos
RichC | December 28, 2009
Today should be the rollout of the newest Palm webOS, version 1.3.5. Check your updates later in the day. CEO Jon Rubinstein just confirmed that webOS 1.3.5 is coming soon and will have a bevy of improvements, including: Allowing for installation of more apps Enhances WiFi and app performance Improved battery life Increased speed and […]
Category: Cellphone, Misc |
Tags: palm, pixi, webos
RichC | November 16, 2009
There were quite a few improvements made in the Palm webOS 1.3.1 update, but not all are going to be helpful on my Palm Pre smartphone. One benefit is that Yahoo users will see synergy improvements, including the calendar. Another feature being waited for is improved SMS messaging … particularly forwarding and copying of messaging. […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: webos
RichC | October 5, 2009
Unfortunately Adobe Flash is not available ‘just yet,’ bu t one can see from the demo that it is getting closer and looks to be yet another reason to patiently wait for the webOS upgrades. As I’ve mentioned previously, the webOS 1.2 upgrade has been a great improvement on my Palm Pre and as a […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: adobe, flash, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | September 29, 2009
I waited until I arrived home today before risking the update to webOS 1.2 on my Palm Pre. It’s not that I’m overly paranoid, but I’m no longer comfortable taking that chance, having to swap phones last week — thank you Sprint. The download took about 5 minutes though the broadband connection and installation another […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: Cellphone, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | September 14, 2009
I have found that the Palm Pre works well for email and both MMS and SMS messaging on Sprint, but I’ve run into a glitch where my incoming messages will not show up in the messaging app unless I search for them, see screen capture (usually the conversations list unless I delete them). So here’s […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: Cellphone, palm, smartphone, webos