RichC | October 31, 2010
The final day of our mini-vacation was spent in the sun and ocean. We relaxed on the beach and enjoyed the sunshine and warm wind. The waves were large enough to make the body surfing fun as Brenda and I soaked up the last few hours before getting ready to head for home. While I […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Photos |
Tags: aviation, b-17, ocean, surfing, vacation, wwii
RichC | October 29, 2010
This is not the first time Al Gore has left fellow environmentalist wondering if the so called ‘Global Warming’ spokesman walks the talk. Hypocrite? Green-minded campaigner Al Gore has been left red-faced after being accused of leaving his car running for almost an hour while he gave a lecture on sustainable development. It is alleged […]
Category: Environment, Politics |
RichC | October 29, 2010
Checking on a couple more sailboats this October and nearly convinced that we’ve found one that have me reaching for my wallet and counting pennies. I wish I could say that the timing for a boat was right, although I don’t really know when that time is. Too soon and we don’t have the time […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: sailboat
RichC | October 28, 2010
Brenda and I are spending just a few days away from Ohio and work as we’ve often done in October and are enjoying time together in Florida. Besides relaxing on the beach, Brenda has succumbed my desire to look at a couple sailboats (we missed our annual trip to the Annapolis boatshow). The weather has […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: delray beach, florida
RichC | October 27, 2010
Federal stimulus funds are political hot potato as the Novemeber 2010 election draws near, but it is still good to know where the money is being spent. According to Biodiesel Magazine, the Ohio Department of Development will be using "$8 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, to help biodiesel and ethanol […]
Category: Biodiesel, Environment, Financial, Politics |
Tags: biodiesel, biofuels, government, ohio
RichC | October 26, 2010
As the strong front approaches from the Indiana area there is a tornado watch in for the entire Cincinnati area, but warning have been issued everywhere by the National Weather service in anticipation of tornados (odd, thought the “warning” label was maintained for actual tornados?). Radar images show a heavy band and local reports from […]
Category: Weather |
Tags: severe weather, tornado
RichC | October 26, 2010
In the hyper-sensitive political environment and deeper ‘left’ verses ‘right’ split in America, there are some subjects which some in the media see as off limits to open discussion. The fallout for even broaching certain subjects is that the self-proclaimed “speech police” have little problem threaten ones job or flat out firing perceived offenders — […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: juan williams, muslim, npr, opinion
RichC | October 25, 2010
Since I ran out of time for blogging today, here’s a great photo from a photo contest by the Herald Sun in Australia with the subject being “Reefs.”
Category: Photos |
RichC | October 24, 2010
Five years? Has it been that long? Every once in a while I check in with my blog’s Way Back Machine (links to the right) and noticed that “Years ago on this day” 5 years ago hurricane Wilma crossed the southern part of Florida. Hurricane Wilma on October 24, 2005
Category: Archive, History, Personal, Weather |
Tags: blog, History, my desutory blog, myarchive
RichC | October 24, 2010
My daughter recently started tracking her 2001 Volkswagen Jetta TDI fuel economy numbers on and we have both been impress at the significant improvement since replacing her tires. Although she doesn’t have a lifetime of postings for her car, the regular private calculations haven’t been near the 50 mpg mark. She (we) couldn’t be […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Diesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: diesel, fuel efficiency, fuelly, mpg, tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | October 23, 2010
My friend Jeff and I use a shared folder on Dropbox to send files to each other and this morning he send me a short ‘portrait’ oriented video clip while on his trip to North Carolina. I chuckled when opening the file because by default it is in a “landscape” format (sideways), then wondered how […]
Category: Misc, Photography, Video |
Tags: canon 5d, encoding, jeff, mp4, photography
RichC | October 23, 2010
DiscoveryNews had an article in MSNBC highlighting an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) call the DEMON which has fewer moving parts and uses “bursts of air” rather than traditional hinged control surfaces in order to control the aircraft. According to engineers and those working on the project, fewer moving parts will make it easier to maintain […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: aircraft, airplane, aviation, uav
RichC | October 22, 2010
I enjoyed the review from north of our border and liked what this Canadian Driver reporter had to say after driving the both the gasoline powered 2011 Volkswagen Jetta and then the TDI diesel: “Things come alive in the Jetta TDI. This engine has much more power than the Jetta 2.0L, and the throttle is […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Volkswagen |
RichC | October 22, 2010
After spending most of the week traveling from dawn to dusk each day, I’ve been either too tired or just busy to add a few things that have been on my mind … one of which was my opinions on the firing of Juan Williams by NPR. As a FoxNews viewer and lifetime NPR listener […]
Category: Automotive, Personal, Politics |
Tags: sunglasses
RichC | October 20, 2010
I got sidetracked yesterday while talking on the phone to a fellow aviation enthusiast as he shared with me his impressions of the Pima Air and Space Museum. He knew that the National Museum of the Air Force was in my backyard and remembering me talk about the Martin B-26 Marauder on display that had […]
Category: Aviation, History |
Tags: aircraft, b26, earth, google, museum, pima
RichC | October 19, 2010
While eating lunch at Miami University’s student union, my son sent me a fuzzy cellphone photo without any text. I sent back a “huh” comment and wondered why he sent me the photo of a bald guys head … suspecting he jokingly thought the lack of hair reminded him of his father? He then mention […]
Category: Faith, Misc, News |
RichC | October 19, 2010
I’ve often wondered what is and isn’t permitted at local polling locations since many are private properties except for opening their doors on election day. In our suburban township we use schools, churches and building such as union halls, the later generating a lawsuit from a local community group of the Cincinnati Tea Party. Some […]
Category: Local, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: butler county, elections, liberty township, pulse journal, tea party
RichC | October 18, 2010
My friend Jeff is a very fortunate amateur photographer since he is one of the few who own a fantastic Canon 5d Mark II. Although I only had a few minutes to play with it over lunch the other day, I enjoyed tinkering with the buttons and menus (there’s a big learning curve). He has […]
Category: Photography, Photos, Video |
Tags: Canon, jeffp, photography
RichC | October 17, 2010
Farm “art” in Trenton Ohio Brenda and I spent the weekend around home doing fall chores, watching a little football and driving over to Oxford, Ohio to visit Taylor at Miami. Our “to-do” list included shuffling a few of our pieces of art in order to make room for a couple new prints that have […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: chores, miami, taylor
RichC | October 16, 2010
Not that I’ve been all that regular at posting a “tech tip” on Fridays, but I did try out a new video recording program this week. It is called At-Large Recorder 2 (Windows only) by Applian Technologies and is a DVR of sorts for the Slingbox … which is a piece of hardware that broadcast […]
Category: Computer, Software, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: dvr, recorder, slingbox, Software, tv
RichC | October 15, 2010
Last year about this time I reposted a series of photos highlighting what a fantastic engineering project was underway in the United States. A bridge to bypass the Hoover Dam looks to be one of the civil engineering marvels of this decade. The 1900 foot span crosses the Colorado River and connects Arizona and Nevada […]
Category: Automotive, News, Photos, Travel |
RichC | October 14, 2010
When it comes to using artistic gifts and talents for others, Kaziah Hancock is, as Bill O’Reilly would say, a patriot. She is an artist from Utah who tireless donates her artistic endeavors to those who have given their life for their country. According to this video, she lives humbly on a goat farm and […]
Category: Millitary, Video |
Tags: Art
RichC | October 13, 2010
As a lifelong advocate for a citizen’s right to own firearms, even I, a John Kasich supporter, was taken back by the recent political ads from the Ted Strickland (D) reelection campaign which targeted challenger John Kasich (R) and painted him as anti-gun. I thought, “and I’m supporting Kasich?” As is the case with many […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: elections, governor, kasich, ohio, strickland
RichC | October 12, 2010
The 33 miners trapped in the San Jose mine in Copiapo, Chile are expected to be pulled the 2000+ feet to the surface tonight. The rescue attempt uses a ‘capsule’ lower through a 24 inch pipe & shaft recently bored into the mine. This amazing story of human ingenuity and spirit reminds me of Apollo […]
Category: News, Photos |
RichC | October 12, 2010
While struggling to stay productive during my out of town trip last week, I found it necessary to tether my computer to my Palm Pre a couple of times. On previous trips I bragged about MyTether as a way to do this, but after a summer webOS update it no longer works … so I […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: app, tether, webos
RichC | October 12, 2010
What automotive enthusiast hasn’t chuckled at a few of Jeremy Clarkson remarks on the UK automotive program Top Gear … I’m guessing most of us? In a recent movie trailer for The Italian Job, Clarkson offers up a few more humorous moments; check out the YouTube trailer of at least the “spinnaker face” clip below. […]
Category: Automotive, Video |
Tags: jeremy clarkson, top gear
RichC | October 11, 2010
I’ve always been impressed with the durable Subaru boxer engine and look forward to someday seeing the diesel version here in North America. For now, a new, more fuel efficient gasoline model is on it’s way in the 2011 Forester. Subaru details all-new boxer engine family The horizontally opposed engine has been a signature mainstay […]
Category: Automotive |
1 Comment
RichC | October 11, 2010
Every once in a while a typo can slip through the cracks, but usually not as a front page headline! (here’s one from the Jamestown Post-Journal while in western New York last week)
Category: Humor |
Tags: correction, typo
RichC | October 11, 2010
My “greatest generation” father-in-law (Brenda’s dad) has been struggling medically for the past month and a half suffering with pain from his back and a fractured hip. After a valiant attempt at rehab and without significant success using drug and therapy, he opted for back surgery in hope to eliminating pain and to regaining functional […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: family, surgery
RichC | October 10, 2010
While driving home from New York I listened with frustration as the Bengals suffered another loss with a performance that was full of mistakes. Although they had the game wrapped up with a 7 point lead with only 2 minutes left in the game, their veteran players ‘bungled’ the lead and gave way for a […]
Category: Sports |
1 Comment
Tags: baseball, bengals, cincinnati, football, reds
RichC | October 9, 2010
Even with stable gasoline prices and minimal incentives, the sluggish new car buying public are still buying new diesel cars. Sales continue to increase in North America amongst the handful of European brands. Could it be that those who test drive this new breed of ‘clean diesel’ are surprised with how quiet and clean diesel […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Misc |
RichC | October 8, 2010
Just before the “flash crash” computerized enhanced market tumble in early May, the DOW had crossed 11,000 … which was the last high water mark until today. The psychological hurdle was crossed most likely due to optimistic news that the November elections could help reel in some of the out of control spending and growth […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia
RichC | October 7, 2010
I don’t recall recall if the Apple iPhone advertisement appeared during the Philly’s no-hitter 4-0 win against the Reds or not, but the ad was intriguing in that the Twitter and Twitpic information had me checking the links. The marketing establish @gagebock account (currently 60-some friends) and Twitpic photo (700+ views) that was used in […]
Category: Cellphone, Photos, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: Cellphone, iphone, twitpic, twitter
RichC | October 6, 2010
While celebrating our dog Tootsie’s 13th birthday on Tuesday – she’s a teenager (born: 10/5/1997) – I caught the last few minutes of an Animal Planet program “Weird, True and Freaky – Lost and Found.” I remember mentioning the story on my blog about a cattledog that fell off of a sailboat and survived on a […]
Category: Environment, Personal, Sailing, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: australian, blue heeler, cattledog, dog
RichC | October 5, 2010
I’m generally not surprised how casual some people are when it comes to abortion (some even late term abortion)… but I was shocked to hear British television pundit Virginia Ironside on a BBC Sunday talk program saying she would suffocate a child with a pillow to end its suffering. Ms. Ironside was equally as “loving” […]
Category: Faith, News, Video-TV |
Tags: abortion, bbc
RichC | October 4, 2010
I’ve tracked nearly 200 fuel fill-ups while driving a 2006 Honda Pilot 4WD and have been wondering if the new tires have impacted my efficiency. I do know that the new Michelins have significantly better wet traction than the long lasting Goodyear Integrity tires that came on the SUV. In creating a quick chart, after […]
Category: Automotive, Personal |
Tags: fuel efficiency, fuelly, goodyear, michelin, mpg, tires
RichC | October 3, 2010
Major League Baseball has announced its schedule for the first four days of division series. The Reds will play the Phillies for game one late on October 6th (5:07 PM EST) – it’s going to be a challenging match-up. Game two will be early on Friday evening – 6:07 PM EST. Sunday afternoon for me […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Sports |
Tags: cincinnati, mlb, reds
RichC | October 2, 2010
Brenda and I enjoyed visiting our son on Saturday for Family Weekend at Miami University. Although we didn’t spend the entire day with all the planned activities, we did enjoy a brunch with his professors and department head. It was nice to be in a small group talking with them about internships and future options […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: christmas, lowes, miami, university
RichC | October 1, 2010
It’s been on the list of things to do, but since my personal blog isn’t necessarily a ‘must read’ for people, I’ve been slow to adopt a better commenting methods or in this case “discussion” method — Disqus = dis·cuss • d?-sk?s’. After reviewing and listening to the opinions of tech savvy friends, I’ve opted […]
Category: Computer, Poll, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: blog, comment