RichC | July 31, 2012
This morning on CNBC there was a discussion about the long term changes that investors and savers are looking at without the growth potential of the past. We are in a new high debt world and the workforce is growing far slower than in the past. Robert Arnott discussed the expected returns we’ve all been […]
Category: Audio, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: investing
RichC | July 31, 2012
Unmanned, but then who’s looking out the “faux” window? Remember the ‘UFO’ that motorists spotted along D.C. highways back in June? The saucer-shaped object caused a stir in the area prompting many to call 911 and to post photos on Twitter. We later learned the mysterious object was an experimental, unmanned aircraft called an X-47B. […]
Category: Aviation, Millitary |
Tags: air force, aircraft, military, X-47B
RichC | July 31, 2012
With the slow economy and the associated weak income/high expenses related issues … combined with my lack of aviation motivation in recent years, it only makes sense to show my Sonex project to interested builders. After cleaning up the shop a little bit, I picked up a potential buyer, Dennis, and his friend Tom […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Photos |
Tags: aerovee, shop, sonex
RichC | July 30, 2012
With a recent 2012 report that we have a case of West Nile Virus close to home here in Ohio, this “how-to make insect repellant” post from The Boat Galley is timely. Check out the full article here or some of the article below. Store the mix in a dark plastic bottle so it won’t […]
Category: Advice, How-To, News, Sailing |
Tags: advice, bug, How-To, repellant, spray, virus
RichC | July 29, 2012
When did Americans become so critical of free enterprise and capitalism? Either they have been blinded by those who have socialist philosophical views or they have seen “free market capitalism” turn to “crony capitalism” in recent years. … capitalism is the best thing that has ever happened to the material condition of the human race. […]
Category: Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: capitalism, election, government, Politics, socialism
RichC | July 28, 2012
Remind me again why a trained law abiding citizens shouldn’t have the right to have a concealed carry weapon and defend themselves? SEFFNER, Florida — The beating was brutal; 71-year-old Hasimbhai Indawala was punched over and over again in the face and head, but that isn’t the way the robbery ended. It all started at […]
Category: Misc, Video |
RichC | July 27, 2012
I spend a few hours each day focused on trading and inventing and have been regularly asked about my opinion on buying Facebook stock. My reply has often been that it is a great company and is one of the leaders (if not “thee” leader) in social networking, but Mr. Zuckerberg and Company hasn’t figured […]
Category: Financial, Social Media, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: cnbc, dan niles, facebook, investing
RichC | July 27, 2012
Peter Fisher, the head of Blackrock Global‘s fixed income, made a few observations this morning regarding economic slowness worldwide. One of the important conclusions that I’ve been hearing from experienced voices is that the U.S. is the safest bet when securing capital and inching out returns. In other words, investors globally move to the security […]
Category: Audio, Financial |
Tags: audio, blackrock, cnbc, investing
RichC | July 26, 2012
I’ve been slow adjust to monitor the plastic containers, cookware and dishware and in particular the polycarbonate #7 plastics, but am a bit more conscious to put my water in a stainless steel thermos … but I do pour from a “plastic” Brita pitcher. Hmm? On that note, it is tough to know when to […]
Category: Health |
Tags: bpa, plastics
RichC | July 25, 2012
No more dumpster diving for the baby bears …
Category: Nature, Video |
Tags: bears, dumpster
RichC | July 25, 2012
I’m getting hungry just looking at him … pass the butter please! New England Aquarium, Emily Bauernfeind/Associated Press – This photo released by the New England Aquarium, in Boston Tuesday, July 24, 2012, shows a 21-pound lobster caught July 14 off Cape Cod, and donated to the aquarium where it will be displayed after a […]
Category: Misc |
Tags: cape cod, lobster
RichC | July 24, 2012
If laughing helps a person live a long and healthy life, my friend Jeff will easily make it to a healthy 100 years! Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress […]
Category: Advice, Health |
Tags: advice, Health, Humor, laugh
RichC | July 23, 2012
I’ve noticed that Americans have been buying a few more new cars this year and that after a few lean years car manufacturers “were” starting to feel the recession ending. Now that sounds like good news, eh? (below: first half 2012 sales increase or decrease based on a new car sales price … all up […]
Category: Automotive, Financial |
Tags: automakers, economy, investing, recession
RichC | July 22, 2012
It was nice to spend Saturday at home after traveling this past week although I did enjoy Thursday evening with Brenda’s mom and dad and then Friday evening with my mom at the rehab/nursing facility. Mom is improving a little bit … emphasis on “little.” Hopefully we are turning the corner? Surprisingly I actually do […]
Category: Automotive, MGB, Personal, Video |
Tags: mgb
RichC | July 21, 2012
As I contemplated the senseless killing early Friday morning at a theatre in Aurora Colorado, I wondered just what I should focus on. I thought maybe the much maligned second amendment right of a citizen to own a firearm or perhaps the possible influence of movies … but neither more restrictive gun control or a […]
Category: Archive, News |
Tags: aurora, colorado, killing
RichC | July 20, 2012
Washington Wire By Dante Chinni Come January, either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will likely be president, but win or lose it looks like both men will be quite familiar with the highways and tarmacs of Ohio. Given their recent travel schedules, it almost seems that the president and presumptive Republican nominee should apply for […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: wsj
RichC | July 19, 2012
When someone who suggests they are a “social liberal” like Barry Sternlicht (Chairman and CEO Starwood Capital Group) mentions that he is concerned regarding the direction the U.S. and Europe are going when it comes to business, capitalism and taxes … it is time to listen. Some excellent commentary comes after the Verizon comments — […]
Category: Financial, Video-TV |
Tags: barry, cnbc
RichC | July 18, 2012
Yikes … another lightning strike and fire too close to home (below is an out the window Palm Pre video on my way home tonight). This make the second house fire due to lightning in the last couple months in an area within walking distance from our home (May 2nd: LINK–amateur video). The surrounding area […]
Category: Local, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: fire, lightning, voa
RichC | July 18, 2012
Do you ever wonder what aircraft of the future will look like? Well according to a CNET post from Edwards Airforce Base and the Dryden Flight Research Center, the X-48 “flying wing” inspired prototype could look something like the next generation aircraft … or are we closing in on spaceplanes? (click images for slightly […]
Category: Aviation, Space |
Tags: aircraft, flying, future
RichC | July 17, 2012
Said tongue in cheek, just to be clear … Without big government, individuals and their businesses couldn’t build anything, according to President Obama. I suspect if he had his way we’d even have more government funded federal programs and bureaucratic agencies to oversee innovative and productivity. (Wake up America … take a look at how […]
Category: Politics, Space |
Tags: agencies, department, government, obama, united states
RichC | July 17, 2012
I enjoyed a little back and forth reminiscing this morning on Twitter with a friend of mine who shared a photo of his dad on his old 1951 Ford 8N. It brought back a few memories of my Ford 800 (searching for an old pre-digital photo) when we lived in Hudson, Ohio … and before […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: bulldozer, dadh, ford 800, jamestown, john deere, new york, woods
RichC | July 17, 2012
Hmm … I kind of like this new Rolly product. I wonder if it will take off? Designed for those times when you’ve just had a meal but can’t sneak away to brush your teeth, the Rolly is a small rubber disc covered in 276 spiky bristles that promises to be as effective at cleaning […]
Category: Health, Marketing, Misc |
Tags: dentistry, product, rolly, teeth, toothbrush
RichC | July 16, 2012
Is this really President Obama’s thinking, or is he just pandering to his base and continuing his campaign to divide the country? At some point, he is going to offend every American who pays income taxes (50%?) … and cause even more businesses to close their doors or move elsewhere (a charge he is attempting […]
Category: Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: Business, campaign, obama
RichC | July 16, 2012
This may not be a current story (April 2012), but this weekend I read about a fisherman hauling home a gigantic 20 foot, 2000 pound Great While Shark. The large fish was a chore to bring in and was found dead tangled in his nets in the Sea of Cortez near Guaymas Mexico. This hefty […]
Category: Environment, Nature, Travel |
Tags: great, mexico, shark, white
RichC | July 16, 2012
WSJ This Morning Podcast (MP3 Snippet) – “outdated notion of two parents” Every once in a while there is a morning when I wake to read, or in this case half-listen to the news and think, “I must have over-slept … by a couple generations!” The WSJ This Morning podcast (MP3) relayed an article […]
Category: Audio, Politics |
Tags: california, issue, parenting, social
RichC | July 15, 2012
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: cornerstone, finance, funds, investing, ponzi, wsj
RichC | July 14, 2012
Rumors have yet to be confirmed, but believe to be factual, that BMW will be adding a single or twin turbo 4-cylinder to their offering in North America next year. The 2.0L most likely will be offered in the 3-series which currently is available with a 6-cylinder diesel … a nice driving car by the […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel |
Tags: BMW, diesel
RichC | July 13, 2012
This comparison is not scientific since it only compares data pulled from Google Analytics and 25,000 MyDesultoryBlog visits, but it did surprise me. I expected to see Chrome a bit faster, but not Internet Explorer. Sadly the one time favored Mozilla Firefox is now a chubby porker and slow to load pages.
Category: Computer |
Tags: analytics, browser, chrome, firefox, internet explorer
RichC | July 12, 2012
Google, an avid supporter of the 1st amendment, has decided they are NOT so supportive of the 2nd amendment … as I figured out after a few days of recent search failures for what Google classifies as “non-family safe” products — in this case, firearms. After using a particular firearm a few months ago, I’ve […]
Category: Misc |
RichC | July 11, 2012
For those wondering about the government’s Constitutional power to tax as it relates to “Obamacare,” here’s an excellent history lesson OpEd. In 1935, Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins was fretting about finding a constitutional basis for the Social Security Act. Supreme Court Justice Harlan Fiske Stone advised her, “The taxing power, my dear, the taxing […]
Category: History, Politics |
Tags: congress
RichC | July 10, 2012
A down day for the markets after slowing earning from big companies like Cummins and Alcoa … but it was the day CNBC announces the top states for business. Of course it is no surprise that Texas was the top state for the 3rd time in 6 years. The other states to make the top […]
Category: Business, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: Business, cnbc, texas
RichC | July 10, 2012
Unless politicians “create an environment” that encourages risking capital and investing in American businesses, it will continue to be a struggle to grow our economy. I’m seeing more cities and counties running out of tax revenue and many more will be forced to declare bankruptcy unless thing change soon. Out of work and financially stressed […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: economy, government, wsj
RichC | July 9, 2012
Shark photos trigger the most reposts on my blog and also the most hits … so with the heat of summer and the recent U.S. based “heat of the summer” beach sitings, it is only appropriate to include a great photo. Erupting out of the sea with its jaws open the monstrous creature can be […]
Category: Misc |
1 Comment
RichC | July 9, 2012
I’ve struggled with the “teachers are underpaid” debate arguing that we are often talking apples and oranges when comparing teachers, school district employees and management level administrators to the private sector. Those working in small businesses, corporations and the self-employed entrepreneurs make up the states private workforce and their taxes pay public sector and school […]
Category: Education, Financial, Video |
Tags: Education, reform, teachers
RichC | July 7, 2012
Oh it has been hot … way too hot to work out in the yard … but with the mid-week July 4th holiday and quirky work schedule, it seemed like a good time to spend some hours on home and yard chores. Taylor and his buddy Michael have been contracted (they need the money) to […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Shopping |
Tags: ebth, furniture, porch, wicker
RichC | July 6, 2012
Hmm … would be interesting to try this on a VW TDI diesel? Diesel engines are the perfect recipients of mild engine modifications. They are considerably robust—generally much more so than gasoline engines. Without going into a diesel history lesson, this is what led to the diesel mod craze in the first decade of the […]
Category: Automotive |
Tags: diesel, trucks, vw
RichC | July 6, 2012
This content is restricted.
Category: Music, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: mp3, mungo jerry, Music, one hit wonder
RichC | July 6, 2012
After reading a little more about finding the dead pilots and Turkish military jet in the Mediterranean Sea that was shot down in Syrian airspace, I was curious where this occurred and started searching on Google Maps, etc. Eventually I ran across a few border towns along the Syrian and Israel line and eventually noticed […]
Category: History, Misc |
Tags: israel, lebanon, syria, turkey
RichC | July 5, 2012
This kind of luxury “tent” camping that would even be the envy of the late Muammar Gaddafi (known to travel with his tent). SmartMoney magazine published a short article detailing how camping would even be attractive to one’s better half. Getting Fancy Now: Camping Resort Prefer to Leave the tent-pitching to the pros? At a […]
Category: Misc |
RichC | July 5, 2012
Volkswagen Beetles have been adapted for many things, but a “Homefront Security” missile launcher like this bug is new to me. This VeeDub half-track isn’t the quietest or speediest of weapon systems (video below), but it is definitely a unique VW … and most likely will attract more than just your neighbor’s attention while patrolling the […]
Category: Automotive, Video, Volkswagen |
Tags: halftrack, volkswagen, vw
RichC | July 4, 2012
I heard a short bit on Tuesday from CNBC’s Rick Santelli, the fellow that may have triggered the political movement known as the Tea Party. I wanted to post the video or audio this morning as a way to think about the Fourth of July but ended up side-tracked with powerwashing the front porch, garage […]
Category: Holiday, Politics |
Tags: audio, cnbc, happiness, pursuit, rick santelli
RichC | July 4, 2012
Yes we are in for another cooker today and tomorrow … Tomorrow 97 °F Chance of T-storms 30% chance of precipitation Thursday 104 °F Chance of T-storms 20% chance of precipitation Posted via email from RichC’s posterous
Category: Misc |
RichC | July 3, 2012
I was sad to hear of the death of Andy Griffith this morning. He will always be the iconic sheriff of Mayberry and for many exemplified what small town America and what the “folks” were suppose to be like … at least before the late 60s and70s. In my opinion, his acting in recent roles […]
Category: Obituary |
RichC | July 3, 2012
Just curious … why would someone lease a small somewhat less than comfortable car for $389/month and only be able to drive it 12,000 miles per year when there are so many better options? Even if it does get 118mpg … it would be hard to make up the $175/month ($6300) in fuel savings during […]
Category: Automotive, Environment |
Tags: ev, fit, honda
RichC | July 2, 2012
The struggling economy around the world is being noticed here in the U.S. as measured manufacturing output is falling again — LINK. (see graphic below) I’ve been hoping for a recovery from the recession, but this news this is not at all promising for jobs or a rebounding economy. Can the U.S. avoid a double-dip […]
Category: Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: economy, investing, wsj
RichC | July 2, 2012
I’ve posted a few times back in 2009 regarding the flying car from the MIT developers called the Terrafugia Transition and after phase one flight testing in New York it is one step closer to being ready for production. As we all know, here in the United States things are not as simple as they […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: car, flying, terrafugia, transition
RichC | July 2, 2012
There are a few "experiments" happening at the state level in our nation which if talked about might open a few eyes to the benefits of less government as well as more freedom for individuals as the model for our country. Florida Governor Rick Scott (and Governor Perry from Texas by phone) did a pretty […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, governor, rick perry, rick scott, squawkbox
RichC | July 1, 2012
Every year my neighbor goes all out on the fourth of July and buys hundreds, no thousands of dollars of fireworks. This year he warned me that it will be both on the weekend and the fourth! Let the show begin (also retesting my HTML5/FLV fallback Hana video plugin for WordPress). 
Category: Video |
Tags: fireworks, flv, hana, player, test