Mitt Romney has an image problem – he looks like a politician

| May 26, 2012

Although the polls have risen for GOP candidate and presumed Republican nominee Mitt Romney, he still suffers an image problem. I’m not sure what it is …maybe he just looks too much like a politician? Some say he seems stiff or scripted; that he is out of touch with regular America. The talking heads paint […]

Can average Americans get their heads around these numbers?

| April 19, 2012

What does it really take to create jobs in America?

| February 4, 2012

Fred Smith, CEO of Fedex, spoke on Thursday this past week and simplified his thoughts on turning around the economy and creating jobs. He supplied a chart which doesn’t necessarily clear up the “chicken or the egg” discussion associated with which comes first, but his chart does show that capital investment and private sector employment […]

Interesting article: Why innovation is dying in America

| January 24, 2012

…all new inventions in the U.S. are assigned a political party. In the transportation and energy sectors, anything to do with petroleum, natural gas, biofuels, clean diesel, hydrogen and any means of producing electricity other than wind turbines or solar panels is Republican. Hybrids, plug-ins and battery-electric vehicles are Democrat technologies, in addition to anything […]

David Walker is as poignant as anyone

| January 23, 2012

David Walker is an idea man that speaks as clearly as any in stating our country’s issues and would be a great advisor to any administration lucky enough to add him. His ideas, that “I believe” the majority will agree on, could be a reasonable approach for most of America who elect moderate Democrats or […]

How current environment impacts the financial institutions

| January 21, 2012

I’m archiving the comments of guest Doug Dechille (First Principles Capital Management LLC) on CNBC’s Squawkbox this week. It gave me pause as our politicians and media debate the capital system which helped grow our country. Dechille brought light to the problems financial institutions have with government involvement and the heavy hand of the Federal […]

Rick Santelli of CNBC on taxes and Congress

| November 22, 2011

Even if you’re not a CNBC watcher or someone who focuses on the financial markets each day, you may have heard of Rick Santelli and his rant in 2009 during the peak of the U.S. financial bailouts. I included the clip in a post which many believed may have spurred the Tea Party movement (some […]

Crony Capitalism & How do you know a politician is lying

| November 16, 2011

How do you know a politician is lying? Well we’ve all heard the old “lips are moving” answer … it is even more true today than in the past. As someone who really wanted to believe that people – voters – could make a change … I’m becoming more and more disheartened. (Disclosure: I didn’t […]

Who really influences congress and what does it cost?

| November 4, 2011

I had a brief, but friendly, discussion with a client who’s political views are 180 degrees apart from mine. We chatted about the role of government and eventually settled on a discussion around the problem of funding campaigns and lobbyist gaining influence in our government – something we both agreed was a problem. He was […]

Archive: Worth reading as a way to reset your political compass

| October 30, 2011

Every once in awhile a writer captures with clarity what I’m politically thinking — I wish I could communicate this clearly. Peggy Noonan. She is a very talented speech writer and opinion columnist and wrote a superb column for Saturday’s WSJ worth sharing and saving to my archive. The content referenced current politicians, but is […]

Inflation up. Wages and salaries stagnant. (except government)

| October 23, 2011

The new CPI numbers (Consumer Price Index) released by the government verify what most balancing family budgets already know … inflation is taking a bigger bite out of incomes. Most private sector workers feel fortunate just to be employed and have seen their take-home pay and benefits stagnate or retreat. Everyone I know has had […]

Trying to understand the Occupy Wall Street message

| October 17, 2011

By now most in America have at least acknowledged that there are legitimate protests movements in several cities including NYC; some protesting are anarchists and anti-American types looking to hijack any radical movement, but many are legitimately angry with the state of our nation, the partisanship that favors and bails out the Wall Street banks […]

The wipeout of saving and our economy

| October 4, 2011

This content is restricted.

About the only thing “certain” is that tax rates are “uncertain”

| September 23, 2011

Much of the political debate coming from Washington DC is focused on cutting the deficit, reforming the tax code and generating more revenue for the federal government. Hopefully those who currently pay federal income taxes (only 52%) are going to be given the loudest voice, but that may not be the case now that we’re […]

Isarithmic depiction of the U.S. two-party system

| September 19, 2011

This was posted in late 2010, but I found the tracking of our two-party voting pretty interesting sped up over time. While trying to remember my American history, it is interesting to watch the political swings in ideology over the years. The swings between too much centralized government and regulation … and unregulated capitalism has […]

What will the week after a credit downgrade bring?

| August 7, 2011

Panic … it is going to be the big issue for financial markets come Monday morning. It won’t be pretty. Is there really a difference between where we were last week (after the debt ceiling increase) and where we will be on Monday morning?  No, not really, but unfortunately Standard and Poor’s downgrade (PDF) of […]

Has the “safety net” grown into “middle class welfare?”

| August 1, 2011

Yesterday I heard part of an interview with noted social scientist Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute, which I recorded on my Palm Pre Z-corder app – well at least part of it. He pointed out that our government has moved beyond the point of providing just the necessary “safety net” …   […]

When talking taxes what is a wealthy American “fair share”

| July 18, 2011

Far be it from me to defend the “corporate jet” crowd, but am I the only one who wonders what numbers President Obama is talking about when they advocate that wealthy in America “pay their fair share.” I’ve looked at most of the numbers and no matter how you slice the pie, those earning over […]

Tax “credit” reform might change who pays taxes

| June 27, 2011

Why do only 53% of the citizenry of the United States of America pay federal income taxes? Something’s not quite right when nearly half of the people benefiting from from living in this country are voting for, but not funding, those who are elected to spend others peoples money. This could change if congress eliminates […]

Current/Olbermann and NPR linked on website

| June 21, 2011

It probably doesn’t surprise many conservative readers to see Keith Olbermann’s face on the website, but I WAS surprised to see ads for the new Olbermann show. I would have thought that management at NPR was using a bit more discretion, so as not to so blatantly hightlight the left-leaning bias suspected of public […]

The truth emerges regarding Rep Weiner’s tweeted photos

| June 6, 2011

Over and over again, “men” in powerful positions repeatedly show little self-control or respect for their elected positions (or their families) while serving in congress … or governorships or even as President. Today, the week long scandal involving Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) and his Twitter account and the tweeting of images of himself to a […]

Guns, gold, silver coins and pickup trucks – survivalist mentality?

| April 28, 2011

I heard something similar to my posted title the other day on CNBC, and after hearing that the Federal Reserve will continue to keep interest rates low a bit longer, I’m seeing those concerned about inflation moving even further toward taking off-the-grid survivalist measures. Gold “up” – Silver “up” – Food Commodities “up” – Gun […]

A leading GOP presidential candidate’s resonating sound bite

| March 27, 2011

It does seem a little early, but it is nearing the time we’ll find out who is a viable and electable 2012 Republican candidate for President. As I look at the current field of previous GOP presidential candidates, a couple of them seem to be getting their names out early. One well known political hopeful […]

Interesting statistic, but does it applied to the current recession

| September 1, 2010

Hopefully listening, reading and keeping an open mind to a variety of opinions — Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and even Socialists — will give me informed opinions when I head to the polls to elect a representative. Last night an interesting statistic was toss out by self-professed Libertarian John Stossel – it was a statistic that […]

How should law enforcement handle a loud mouth?

| August 31, 2010

What would you do if you were security or police and asked to escort someone from the Alaska State Fair (private property) who was “loudly” exercising his constitutionally protected right to Freedom of Speech? Some say security used excessive force … others express concern that the “provoked and angry Palmer Alaska resident, Sidney Hill was […]

How low will a political candidate go to attack Sarah Palin?

| August 11, 2010

According to a friend who lives in New Hampshire, at least one political candidate seems willing to go pretty low – link. In a Facebook post (below) which referenced the airplane crash in Alaska which took the life of long time Senator Ted Stevens, New Hampshire Democratic candidate Keith David Halloran posted, "Just wish Sarah […]

Illegals: Continued lax response by government has me frustrated

| May 29, 2010

For those at a distance discussing and “playing politics” with securing our borders and dealing with illegals crossing from Mexico, it might be a good idea to visit and talk with those “legally” living, paying taxes and owning property in Arizona. There was a short interview (below) with a rancher who talks about the situation; […]

Would legalizing drugs improve our illegals and border problem?

| May 19, 2010

Yesterday’s repost concerning illegal immigration triggered a comment from a regular reader concerning his thoughts on drugs. His contention is that the narcotic trade significantly contributes to the more serious criminal activity on the US/Mexican border and throughout the country as it relates to the illegal alien population, and that if we would “legalize the […]

Newt Gingrich on the illegal immigration problem

| May 6, 2010

Here’s Newt Gingrich in a one minute MP3 sound-bite offering clear, concise and commonsense solution for our SW border problem. His short talking points would make a great template for those in Washington DC who are suppose to be securing the borders, addressing illegal immigration and protecting the citizens of this country. The short audio […]

Less inclusive airline travel and fees for additional services

| April 29, 2010

It has become challenging to fly commercial airlines in recent year, especially since 9/11. Not only has the process of going through most airports become time consuming with all the additional security precautions, but the airlines themselves have made changes which most agree have become irritating to down right miserable for passengers, I’m thinking about […]

Humor: “Bring a chicken to the doctor” – funny campaign ad

| April 24, 2010

This campaign ad is juvenile even for a Harry Reid, but it’ had me laughing pretty hard. Sorry Sue Lowden, even though I’d comfortably vote for your over your opponent Senator Harry Reid (if I lived in Nevada), it’s just too funny not to share. Hmm, I wonder if my daughter will be able to […]

Fresh squeezed OJ – the best way to start a tax preparation day

| April 12, 2010

As a morning routine, I’m a coffee and anti-oxidant grape juice drinking kind of guy, but since we had a few extra oranges left over I’ve been fresh squeezing them for a morning citrus treat. Mmm … sunshine and fresh squeezed OJ … breakfast doesn’t get much better than this! Speaking of ‘the day’ – […]

Wikileaks video generates controversy in biased reporting

| April 10, 2010, a news-ish organization organization that publishes anonymous submissions and leaks of sensitive documents operating under the moniker of the “Sunshine Press",” is in the hot seat again with recent Internet based journalism (info from Wikipedia). Their story selection or submission (depending on point of view) shows little attention toward responsible journalism or concern as […]

Listening, reading and pondering the Health Care Reform law

| March 25, 2010

I’ve been spending a bit of time on the road this week (who parks like this? – image right) which finds me listening to the non-stop news and talk radio programs discussing health care reform; the Senate bill was passed by the House and signed by President Obama earlier this week.  Even after a year […]

Blind to the lack of cost control in current health care legislation

| March 19, 2010

Personal Opinion post: I’m attempting to be understanding of those with different political philosophies than myself as they relate to reforming health care. That said, I can’t imagine those who support progressive social and economic re-engineering of our nation even stomaching the shenanigans currently going on in Washington DC? At times like these, it may […]

Book: Going Rogue by Sarah Palin

| March 13, 2010

Since we’ve had rain for a couple of days while on vacation, I picked up a book off the coffee table and started reading it here at the condo … before finishing the other ones I brought along I might as well add. It’s a book I’ve been curious about, but not willing to buy […]

Second push for near trillion dollar Health Care proposal

| February 23, 2010

After American citizens were heard ‘loud and clear’ during the Obama administration’s attempt last year to ram though health care reform, the President and a ‘agenda-driven’ liberal congress are planning to give it another go. In a feeble attempt  to cloak the “retooled $950 billion health care plan” and continual expansion of government as “bi-partisan,” […]

Book: Comeback American by David M. Walker

| February 5, 2010

Books about fixing America’s dysfunctional economy are trendy again and partisan finger pointing is probably the most notable component in most books. The book by David M. Walker called Comeback America is no exception when it comes to the frustration and anger he shares when in particular chastising President George W. Bush. Irritation aside, Walker […]

Our federal government and health care

| January 14, 2010

Although I rarely forward emails since I dislike the spam filling up my box, I do once in a while get the urge to share.  Here’s a snippet worthy of  thought as the our elected representatives continue in a direction to take over reform  health care. Will they break their streak and run it efficiently […]

Senate approves unpopular healthcare legislation

| December 24, 2009

The year 2009 is closing with our federal government’s Christmas present making big changes in America’s healthcare system. Today, the senate passed legislation moving a massive 2000+ page healthcare bill one step closer to law and will in essence give significant control of over one-sixth of our nation’s economy to bureaucrats. Although supposedly promising needed […]

Government, “it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it”

| December 6, 2009

We’re not all going to agree on how much involvement we want from our federal government, but I’m sensing that most Americans are concerned that their voices over an invasive government are being ignored. This concern isn’t just about the current administration, but includes the excessive spending and Wall Street rescue started by the previous […]

The new transparency in Washington DC – Where is it?

| October 29, 2009

For those citizens trying to follow the political goings on in Washington DC, it is irritating  to trying to figure out just what is being debated and discussed by those we elect to “do the people’s business.” The current health care debate and varies bills being proposed in the House and Senate are prime example […]

The comments of David William Hedrick need to be heard

| August 23, 2009

As the August recess for our congressional representatives draws to a close, the concerns of many Americans have been clearly and forcefully expressed in townhall meeting across the country. One such American expressed the growing opinion of many citizens regarding the change in government happening in our country.  David William Hedrick, a USMC veteran, expressed […]

Conservatives are seeing some young leadership emerge

| April 4, 2009

Who knows who will begin to bring the conservative movement and the Republican party back to life and attract new American voters? If  big government and the  spending of the current Democrats joining the honeymooning President Obama isn’t enough to help unite conservatives, then perhaps it is time for some new blood. Take a look […]

President Obama to announce Iraq troop withdrawal plan

| February 27, 2009

It is looking more and more like President Obama is more in tune with a 19 month troop withdrawal plan favored by the Pentagon which keeps a significant ‘support’ presence in Iraq. I listened to my Representative John Boehner this morning (also enjoyed his speech at CPAC) and it sounds like the President’s position is […]

The inauguration of President Barack Obama

| January 20, 2009

On January 20, 2009,  Americans saw the power of peaceful change as President George Walker Bush stepped aside and heard the crowds cheered as President Barack Hussein Obama took office. Throngs of well-wishers filled Washington DC preceding today’s inauguration and many others gathered around televisions to watch this historic moment. It is a great testament […]

Meghan McCain talks with Neil Cavuto

| October 15, 2008

I monitor the RSS feed for Meghan McCain’s blog ( and have been looking forward to reviewing her new children’s book about her father since it was published a few weeks ago. Although I haven’t picked the book up yet, I have read a few reviews on it. Below I’ll include an interview Meghan had […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog