President Biden stands down and endorses VP Kamala Harris

Posted By on July 23, 2024

Biden Steps Down 240721The political news this past weekend, after a successful Republican Convention in Milwaukee WI, was that President Joe Biden finally succumbing to pressure and bowed out of his 2024 re-election campaign. For most paying attention, it has been clear for sometime that age was catching up to him. Most in the know, saw the obvious symptoms of dementia, despite so many Democrats … and sadly MSM … defending what they were seeing with their own eyes and ears. President Biden’s lack of mental acuity is noticeable. It is not something anyone wants to see happening to those getting older, but in this case, it is especially disturbing noting that his family didn’t or couldn’t step in. As was noted with President Reagan at the end of his second term, it becomes increasingly dangerous for our country and world for those who struggle to carry out the already challenging job of President of the United States

The immediate concern for most of us is, “can he continue to serve as POTUS until January 2025?” His decline has been noticeable over the past 4 years, VP Kamala Harrisbut seems to be accelerating since spring. Perhaps it is more obvious due to running a re-election campaign? I hope … but am not confident … that his cabinet, advisors, doctors, family and vice president are keeping a close eye on him. That said, VP Kamala Harris hasn’t necessarily inspired confidence in Thinking emojihandling the few tasks she has been assigned.

I suspect that the Democratic Convention at the end of August in Chicago could be a riotous one as not every Democrat is fully behind Kamala Harris for President. Personally I think the unpopularity of a Harris/??? ticket would make for the best case scenario opponent for the Trump/Vance GOP ticket … but then that’s just me.

Music Monday: Heart and their hit “Dreamboat Annie” from 1977

Posted By on July 22, 2024

Dreamboat Annie - The BridgeThe music from the 1970s never fails to catch my ear when I’m listening to the segment music to the Fox Business programming that I listen to during the weekdays.

A song by Heart was used on Varney & Co segment change and then again played on SiriusXM’s The Bridge over the weekend. So for this Music Monday I’ll dig up a “Nostalgic Rock” video from 1977 of their hit “Dreamboat Annie” … from the album of that same name released in 1975.

Through the years of from 1975 to 2016, the band Heart has produced 16 albums … but my favorite music comes from their early albums. According to a Wikipedia entry, they still would like to tour as a band, but as with all from that era, getting older isn’t making it easy. 😉 

On January 29, 2024, Heart announced their 2024 Royal Flush World Tour, where they would be playing several dates with Cheap Trick, Def Leppard, Journey, and Squeeze. The summer 2024 UK and Europe dates were cancelled due to Ann Wilson undergoing a medical procedure in late May, which was later confirmed to be for removing a cancerous growth.

Book: D-Day Through German Eyes by Holger Eckhertz

Posted By on July 21, 2024

D-Day Through German Eyes - Kindle BookHave you ever started to read one of those book that you don’t want to put down? Here’s one:

Holger Eckhertz published a two volume set from the viewpoint of German soldiers in “D-Day Through German Eyes” in 2016. It is a different perspective than most of us learn and view the events of June 6, 1944 when it comes to studying World War II history.

The author transcribed and wrote the books based on interviews conducted by his grandfather, Dieter Eckhertz, a German military journalist during World War II. He wrote a series of interview with German soldiers manning the “Atlantic Wall” prior to “the invasion” and follow-up interviews with those who survived after the war. Most of these men were ordinary German soldiers assigned to defend the Normandy coast.

One can’t help but come away with just how terrible war is and why mankind repeatedly ends up slaughtering each other time and time again throughout history? My bewilderment aside, the recorded history from a point of view most readers of military history do not see.

D-Day Through German Eyes” offers a perspective …

…  in which ordinary German troops struggled to make sense of what was facing them, and emerged stunned at the weaponry and sheer determination of the Allied troops. Above all, we now have the unheard human voices of the individual German soldiers – the men who are so often portrayed as a faceless mass.

Unfortunately the interviews and translation comes with skepticism as to the authenticity. While reading, it seems to be brutal and filled with details that only those “in the trenches” could recall … but nevertheless, some say that they were unable to corroboration the interviews, etc … and that is it a hoax. Hm?

The book is not without its controversy. Giles Milton, a prominent WW2 historian, calls it an elaborate fabrication, with compelling evidence to support his claim. There are no details to be found of the German publishing house DTZ History Publications, nor of the translation service Sprech Media. Of the soldiers interviewed by Eckhertz, there is no trace, not even in the Bundesarchiv (the German National archives). This could have been attributed to the author changing names to protect identities, but nowhere in the book is this mentioned. While information regarding publications and even magazine covers of Die Wehrmacht have survived to date, nothing can be found about Dieter Eckhertz; the closest search result was of Dietrich Eckart, the man who purportedly was Hitler’s mentor but who died in 1923. For someone claiming to be such a prolific writer of a German propaganda magazine, he is awfully secretive.

This claim is countered by Robert Kershaw, another historian who says that the detailed description of the events and the intimate knowledge of the happenings could only have been known by someone present at the scene. It may be that Dieter Eckhertz was the name adopted by the author after the War for reasons known only to him, and his grandson continued the charade. Whatever may be the case, no matter which side you choose to believe, the fact is that as a book that provides a rare inverted look into one of the most impactful historical events of the War.


Republicans at unparalleled unity after their 2024 Convention

Posted By on July 20, 2024

Every once in a while when reading a favorite 3-column news website for “political animals,” TheHustings.News, I will reply with a comment — especially when I receive an email from the editor Trump / Vance 2024who ask me to add a “right column” post or comment. 😉 

So this week as a non-writer, I responded while watching the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, WI and after the VP pick by Donald Trump. I have been impressed by the unity in the GOP and the choice of Ohio Senator JD Vance

TheHustings.News - Front page 240718

And without further ado, here was my comment:

I always enjoy the “column views” .. especially when they trigger me into leaving a response. Since today’s center column includes Trump’s pick for VP running mate, JD Vance, it has rejuvenated my hope in pulling America back from the leftist puppeteers steering the Biden presidency’s agenda. I refuse to believe that moderate Democrats and Independents, those who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 in order to return America to “normalcy,” are going to choose this failed administration again (at least Jimmy Carter tried to serve all of America).

The Trump/Vance ticket will still be painted poorly by most in the MSM (journalism is skewed more than ever “actively” to the left) .. BUT the Biden/Harris failures in nearly everything they touched will have far more Americans feeling bamboozled by “moderate” Joe and DEI Harris. From Biden administration’s failed and costly foreign policy, giving us world instability everywhere, to their excessive spending and attempts to buy votes (student loan forgiveness, green energy, etc) … to their war on domestic energy, which helped to give us the highest inflation in recent memory. The ridiculous open border policy imported criminals and fentanyl that destroy our communities no matter where you live in America. People are no long safe living in or visiting progressively run Democrat cities, with their soft on criminals DAs and openly anti-law enforcement rhetoric. Progressives leadership from the top have ruined our public schools and churn out students who have been taught more hate of America than to love patriotism — how about “ask what you can do for your country” — JFK? And yet even using obvious heavy-handed lawfare, just as we see in 3rd world banana republics and communist countries, partisans were unable to stop Biden’s leading opponent, Donald Trump. Let’s not even broach the questionable Secret Service protection failure and assassination attempt in Pennsylvania.

So much for the “unity” that was promised when Biden/Harris attracted voters in 2020. Let’s hope voters are not fooled by Democrats and their left-wing propagandists again. It’s an easy call in November 2024 for those who want to save and still love the USA.

Hot days, rain, storm clean up and returned my iPhone 15 Pro

Posted By on July 19, 2024

Storm clouds and windPumping and Sprinkling from Pool

I don’t think I’ve ever recalled a hot summer in July or August that I’ve needed to “remove” water from the pool? I did so with a spare pump leftover from my biodiesel days and a sprinkler. 😊

This year, we’ve had the somewhat normal hot and dry weather … followed by thunderstorms, tornado warning and some extra heavy rain (video). There was enough rain that the pool skimmers could not do their job, so it was time to pump a little out.

The winds were so strong that they blew our wicker furniture off the porch and took down a Mulberry tree from our property onto the neighbor’s yard and driveway. This might be something that Mulberry TreeI would normal clean up on my own with the chainsaw and trailer, but decided to call the same guys I had remove our Blue Spruce and trim some elms back in the spring (they cut another larger hanging branch down too). Unfortunately it cost us the same to cut and clean this up as it did the trees in the front of the house earlier this spring.

Return approved

Now onto my disappointment: The iPhone 15 Pro that I thought was a good deal at $400 off for an unlocked phone, had a defective antenna or receiver chip and would not stay connected to the Verizon towers … and they are close to our house. So the last two photos at the top will be the last “higher quality” that I’ll have for a while. Hopefully my purchase price will be refunded — my return was approved by the reseller. For now, I’m back to using my good friend’s iPhone XS … which is finally working again. After the fiasco, I might just hold off as long as Jeff doesn’t need his “perfectly good” iPhone and OtterBox case back. 

iPhone XS ani gif

Found two photos of my “rebuildable” 1977 Honda Civic #TBT

Posted By on July 18, 2024

There have been several times that I wish I had photos of the cars I’ve owned and now realize that very few actually exist or have been lost. I commented to my car friends about rebuilding1977 Honda Civic the 289 cubic inch V-8 engine, derusting and repainting the 4-door family car that I learned to drive on (mom’s car). It was a 1967 Ford Custom 500, but I really haven’t found any photos of it during the time I was working on it (maybe my brother has one in addition to this one when we wer kids?)

I’ve also blogged a couple time previously about my “real” first car before (steering wheel inserts), it was a 1974 “junkyard rebuildable” Capri for $600, which included a second front clip needed to rebuild. This turned out to be a great college car and way for me to make money (sold for $2400 after driving a year or so).

1974 Capri Friend Dallas working on my 1974 Capri - a rebuildable

The next couple of cars were project vehicles … a 1973 Cadillac Coupe De Ville (purchased after it was slid off the road by a train) and a body filler project car — a 1967 first generation Camaro, like 1967 Camaro Whitethe one on the right (not my car); I sold it to my brother to buy Brenda’s engagement ring. 

About this time, I also purchased a wrecked 1977 Honda Civic that stickered for about $2800 when new. It was an inexpensive and underpowered Japanese import (with a 1200cc engine and 12-inch wheels). The car was amazingly durable and an economical car during the years I was teaching and in graduate school at Miami University. At that time, I was  also driving almost every weekend to Northeastern Ohio to visit my fiancé … Brenda … as we were planning our wedding and looking for a place to Cape San Blaslive (she rented a room from a family in University Heights for that years). When my college roommate was visiting last month, we talked about those days and taking this tiny car camping in Florida after our college graduation. We drove nearly the entire length of the Cape San Blas peninsula“on the beach” … back when it was semi-legal (I need to find those photos).

This little early Honda econobox carried Brenda and me into our first year of marriage and even on a variety of trips — a memorable one to a wedding in New Jersey, where Brenda made me park it around the corner — she was rightfully embarrassed (it suffered damage from hitting a deer and wasn’t really fully restored or painted yet)

Front of 1977 Honda Civic Rear of 1977 Honda Civic pre-rebuilding

For the life of me I could really prove that I even own the car, except for a couple garage photos (above) and NOW a couple photos I found in my desk draw (below). They are from after our wedding in 1982 and behind our Aurora, Ohio farm house … after I hit the deer on I-71 (note the brown parts) and I might as well make it a ThrowBack Thursday #TBT post? 

Behind Aurora, Ohio house - 1977 Honda Civic Behind Aurora House - 1977 Honda Civic Rear

1977 Honda Civic

Here are some key features and specifications of the 1977 Honda Civic:


  • 1.2-liter inline-four cylinder engine (EB1)


  • 4-speed manual transmission


  • Wheelbase: 86.6 inches (2,200 mm) or 89.8 inches (2,280 mm)
  • Length: 134.1 inches (3,405 mm) to 147.8 inches (3,754 mm)
  • Width: 59.3 inches (1,505 mm)
  • Height: 52.2 inches (1,325 mm) to 53.5 inches (1,360 mm)
  • Weight: Curb weight: 1,323 pounds (600 kg) to 1,742 pounds (790 kg)

Fuel Economy:

  • EPA rating: up to 54 mpg (4.3 L/100 km) highway


  • Front-wheel drive
  • Transverse-mounted engine
  • Fuel-efficient design


  • Original price: approximately $2,730 to $2,940 (USD)

The 1977 Honda Civic was known for its fuel efficiency, reliability, and affordability, making it a popular choice for many car buyers. It was also praised for its innovative design, which included a transverse-mounted engine and front-wheel drive.

Table Saw extension idea for wider sheet support

Posted By on July 17, 2024

Table Saw Extension
Just a clipped “Pick of the Tricks” from Woodworker’s Journal
(publishing will end with October 2024 issue) ☹️


Nice to have a young LOCAL conservative running with Trump

Posted By on July 16, 2024

GOP Winning TeamSemi-surprised at the VP pick by the almost GOP nominee, Donald Trump (later this week), but for those who would like to see someone younger, JD Vance from our area of SW Ohio is not a bad choice.

I enjoyed learning about his background from both his book, Hillbilly Elegy  … and movie by Ron Howard …and was more than happy to vote for him to be one of our Ohio senators.

Here’s hoping the next few months of campaigning go well and that he will be a great asset in 2025 for the next president. 😉 

My first impression wth the iPhone 15 Pro and a Classic Rewind

Posted By on July 15, 2024

RichC and new iPhone 15 Pro - 240711

iPhone 15 Pro playing SiriusXMIt may not be the latest and greatest new iPhone (just like Classic Rewind music), but due to leaving my old iPhone 7 Plus in my pocket while going into the pool, I was forced to make a quick decision … even though my buddy Jeff loaned me his iPhone XS for a few days (activation, updating and transferring data was a pain). I definitely appreciated the loaner … thanks!

Now, I could have continued to use it until the new iPhone 16s hit the market in the fall, Battery Healthbut instead opted to buy a discounted “refurbished” iPhone 15 Pro ($400 off Apple’s price). According to the battery health indicator, it is still 100% with a “Cycle Count of 93” and a “First Use of October 2023.” It would have been nice to be “newer” … but the dark “titanium blue” is flawless. There isn’t anything noticeable that would indicate it is not new, so I’m happy about that. I semi-justify that if I were to have waited and bought an iPhone 16 Pro (or other) when Black Crowes in Cincinnati posterthey become available to order, that I would have to spend at least $500 more than this 9 month old phone. So far so good … but I’m still getting familiar with the new iOS 17.5.1 and am missing the “home” button. 😊

  Black Crowes
    “She Talks To Angels”
| 1991

So much for technology … how about Music Monday? Since I was updating the SiriusXM app and playing the Classic Rewind channel while on the MagFast “wireless” desktop charger (a new feature to me) … I’ll share Black Crowes and “She Talks To Angels” from You Tube and lyrics below the break. 


An assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump

Posted By on July 14, 2024

Yesterday’s failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler Pennsylvania will forever be burned in our memories and another dark stain in our divisive politics (unfortunately it has happened throughout history … no matter the country).

Trump Fist Flag in Butler PA - June 13, 2024

The soon to be Republican nominee for POTUS (the GOP convention is this week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin), was targeted by what currently seems to be a lone gunman from outside the perimeter at a Trump mapRally in western Pennsylvania (but within an easy rifle shot). From all early observations and news coverage, 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks climbed a 2-story building that wasn’t being covered properly by Secret Service or law enforcement (major failure). He fired a group of shots from a semi-automatic AR styled rifle at the former president … and into the crowd behind him. Trump was hit in the ear by the bullet, grabbed the side of his head and crouched to the ground avoiding additional shots. To their credit, Secret Service agents immediately covered former President Trump and proceeded to moving him to a vehicle as the response team snipers zeroed in and quickly killed the shooter. Trump was observed and photographed thrusting up his fist as he was being wisked away saying, “fight, fight, fight” to the crowd … who yelled back“USA, USA, USA.”

We saw the former president as strong, resolute and defiant once again, as partisan impeachments, legal lawfare and the political opposition comparing Trump to Hitler have now triggered lethal attacks (fundraiser for rally supporters and families who were injured or killed).  This must stop.

Trump covered by Secret Service

After watching the coverage on television most of Saturday night, atheists, agnostics and humanists could assume it was “fate or chance” that Donald Trump turn his head the exact moment that he did … or the Faithful who pray “prayers of protection” for our nations’ leaders, including Donald Trump, are heard? I personally believe it was the divine will of God and that a “hedge of protection was around candidate Trump. Satan failed this time … and so we continue to pray that evil will not prevail (Psalm 91).

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

1 Peter 5:8)

EDIT add on July 15, 2024: A reader and friend forwarded a graphic of the Butler Pensylvania grounds that came from the NYPost. He thought I might want to include it in my post … so I will. Thanks Jack.


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog