RichC | January 5, 2025
Before I add the humor (video below), I wanted to include a photo of the girls ice skating on their last day of Christmas break. It was so nice to have the extra time with “Mommy Katelyn“ on Friday and doing something special (great smile and photo)! Spotted this on and it made me […]
Category: Humor, Personal, Photos, Social Media, Video |
Tags: bbc, comedy, family, granddaughters, iceskating, katelyn, michael mcintyre, mp4, photo, silent letter day,
RichC | December 26, 2024
Sleep has never been a problem for me until this past year or so. I don’t know if it is age or that my mind is filled with too much stuff — my running out of hard drive space theory (a worthless thought for another time). Anyway, I mentioned this to my primary care physician […]
Category: Advice, Entertainment, Health, Humor |
Tags: cleveland clinic, comedy, diet mountain dew, diphenhydramine, doctors, hogans heroes, mayo clinic, melatonin, Nestlé Quik, sleep, television
RichC | February 14, 2024
After subscribing to PeacockTV in order to watch one of the NFL playoff games this year, Brenda and I found a new but older television series call “The Office.” We are not so disconnected from popular TV entertainment to not have known about it, but just never spent time watching television when it was in […]
Category: Entertainment, Holiday |
Tags: comedy, meme, movie, oppenheimer, television, the office, valentine's day
RichC | July 20, 2023
An automotive journalist friend of mine regularly promotes his radio appearances on Chicago’s talk radio, which often leads to discussions regarding radio in general. Often the thoughts are to broadcast radio, both AM and FM, verses streaming via an Internet signal (or perhaps satellite)? One thing lead to another and I reflect on my amateur […]
Category: Automotive, Friends, Humor, Radio, Social Media, TBT, Video |
Tags: cars, chicago, comedy, gas, john pinette, mp4, radio, shortwave, TBT, transoceanic, video, zenith
RichC | December 24, 2022
Jane Wells has been a reporter for CNBC (“Janie” as the late Mark Haines called her) that I’ve followed for years while watching business news channels (or should I have said, “is a ‘has-been’ reporter?” – hopefully a little humor that she would appreciate!). Anyway, I always smiled when watching her “quirky” stories and reporting […]
Category: Audio, Faith, Holiday, Human Interest, Humor, Social Media |
Tags: birth, christianity, christmas, cnbc, comedy, eve, jane wells, jesus, kickstarter, podcast, quirky, story
RichC | August 6, 2022
Well if one has to stay at home … looking at our backyard “storm is coming” pool photo … and we aren’t to be out and about, there could be worse places to be isolating? The summer storms continued rolling thru this past week and and after testing positive the previous week, I thought a […]
Category: Entertainment, Health, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: backyard, brenda, comedy, coronavirus, covid, earworm, gilligan's island, isolate, paxlovid, pool, richc, storms, summer, theme song, youtube
RichC | January 9, 2022
It might not be a current movie (it’s 2011), but it was one neither Brenda or I watched over this past decade, but it was an excellent comedy. “The Big Year,” with Steve Martin, Owen Wilson and Jack Black (several others), was exactly what the “doctors” (Katelyn and Drew) ordered over our family Christmas. They […]
Category: Art, Entertainment, Humor, Personal, Photos |
Tags: artwork, audubon, comedy, disney, drew, granddaughers, jack black, katelyn, movie, owen wilson, recommended, spin art, steve martin, streaming, the big year
RichC | January 6, 2021
Now that the final season of Last Man Standing has started (Jan 3, 2021), Brenda and I are finally catching up on the previous season that I recorded on the DVR. We had forgotten just how much we enjoyed this sitcom. It is hard to remember the last time both of us laughed at the […]
Category: Entertainment, Human Interest, Humor |
Tags: brenda, comedy, last man standing, marriage, richc, sitcom, television, tim allen, together
RichC | October 9, 2019
An Ellen DeGeneres video clip (shared on EllenTube) has been circulating this week after she attended a Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers NFL football game last weekend. With inflamed politics and our divided country it was both good to see and good to hear celebrities getting along. We all need to take her advice […]
Category: Advice, Human Interest, Humor, News, Politics, Social Media, Video |
Tags: advice, comedy, dallas cowboys, ellen degeneres, george bush, green bay packers, kindness, mp4, president, social media, twitter, video
RichC | December 4, 2018
Now that my favorite TV comedy with Tim Allen is back on the air … I read a bit about Last Man Standing’s cancelation by ABC and how the show eventually made it’s way to FOX. I never did buy the "it wasn’t for political reasons" comment from ABC … as who cancels their #2 […]
Category: Entertainment |
Tags: abc, comedy, fox, home improvement, last man standing, political, television, tim allen
RichC | January 27, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Entertainment, Humor, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: annalyn, brenda, comedy, drew, dunham, family, katelyn, richc, show, toledo, ventriloquist
RichC | April 23, 2016
The other day after seeing Bill Engvall on the ABC sitcom Last Man Standing, I tried to remember his comedy bit where he used the line, "Bob, he’s a smoker." I could remember much more so I mentioned it casually to a friend — a few days later he text me the segment from his […]
Category: Audio, Entertainment, Humor |
Tags: bill envall, comedy, dorkfish, last man standing, smoker
RichC | February 19, 2016
It is fun finding out about cameo appearances in movies and TV programs … as I mentioned the other day with singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett. Another cameo tidbit popped up after this week’s popular The Big Bang Theory sitcom. According to the commentary on FoxBusiness, the previous Fed chair Ben Bernanke and his wife are big enough […]
Category: Books, Entertainment, Tidbits, Video-TV |
Tags: bernanke, cameo, comedy, reagan, sitcom, TBBT, television
RichC | October 22, 2014
Youtube VIDEO was Removed It is probably in bad taste to be chuckling at anything related to Ebola … but neither my wife or I have been able to get the Imus show’s Comedian Rob Bartlett‘s ‘The Ebola Song’ (audio mp3) out of our heads. I’m hoping you’ll don’t have the same problem every time […]
Category: Audio, Health, Humor, Video |
Tags: comedy, ebola, imus, mp3, pigs feet dupree, song, youtube
RichC | August 31, 2012
Do you ever say to yourself, “why didn’t I know this before now?” Well that what I though when a friend of mine ask if I’ve seen Jeff Dunham videos about him building and flying helicopters. “Helicopters?“(old posts 1 & 2) Come to find out, he has built four of them and has been flying […]
Category: Aviation, Entertainment, Humor |
Tags: aviation, comedy, dunham, experimental, helicopter, ventriloquist
RichC | July 23, 2011
I enjoy political humor as much as the next guy … and have a pretty good tolerance for the lambasting of politicians whether it is by rightwing talk radio or leftwing comedians (most deserve it). In fact, I enjoy listening to a few of the well known loudmouths as a way to hear left and […]
Category: Audio, Humor, Politics |
Tags: bill maher, comedy, hbo
RichC | September 24, 2010
I was somewhat irritated to hear that comedian Steven Colbert was invited to speak to a congressional subcommittee… in character… about illegal aliens living, working, committing crimes and and basically leeching off US citizens. It did sound like a ridiculous way to spend taxpayer dollars (estimated at $125,000/hr), but in retrospect might be an effective […]
Category: Humor, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: colbert, comedy, congress, illegal, immigration, Washington DC
RichC | June 11, 2010
When there doesn’t seem to be answer and the anger for many nears the boiling point, comedians react to BP’s (and the government’s) bumbling giving us a chuckle … Posted via email from richc’s posterous
Category: Humor, Politics, Video |
Tags: bp, comedy, energy, oil, spill
RichC | February 14, 2010
Men … how about a little humor from Tim Hawkins as we remember to wish those we love a Happy Valentine’s Day. Just to be clear — my advice is to avoid ‘all’ the pitfalls he sings about! 
Category: Holiday, Humor, Video |
Tags: comedy, valentine
RichC | November 6, 2009
With the tragic news coming from Fort Hood (yesterday) and Orlando (today), and the unemployment numbers shocking economist nationally — now at 10.2% — I was in the mood for a bit of comedy. Jon Stewart to the rescue with a parody on the popular FoxNews celebrity Glenn Beck who is recovering from appendicitis. Enjoy! […]
Category: Humor, News, Video-TV |
Tags: comedy, glenn beck, jon stewart
RichC | December 18, 2008
A few months ago my daughter and I enjoyed listening to comedian Brian Regan together. Since then, I’ve mentioned his reasonable clean comedy act (at least everything I have heard) to several friends who continue to point me to the audio and video segments that tickle their funny bone. I noticed a slew of Brian […]
Category: Humor, Video |
Tags: brian regan, comedy, ironing board, youtube
RichC | July 27, 2007
Five of us went to the Jeff Dunham comedy show last night and it was terrific. I highly recommend it if you enjoy laughing. The place was packed which surprised me for a Thursday night in Newport Kentucky — the Funnybone on the levee. Jeff Dunham, Achmed the Suicide Bomber, Peanut, the Jose Jalapeňo (’on […]
Category: Entertainment, Humor |
Tags: comedy, dunham, ventriloquist
RichC | July 20, 2007
I purchased four tickets last night to the Cincinnati Funnybone comedy club to see my favorite ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham. Dunham and his cast of puppets are in town attending a puppeteer convention this week and will be performing next week and weekend in Newport, Kentucky (just over the Ohio River). For those never seeing Mr. […]
Category: Entertainment, Humor |
Tags: comedy, dunham, ventriloquist