RichC | March 27, 2024
Amazing day for the stock market again. It looks like more high inflation and that this kind of strong market confidence may push off Fed rate cuts until inflation drops closer to 2%, unemployment begins to rise or the entire economy hits the skids. On the other hand, this irrational exuberance looking excitement (Crypto, $RDDT, […]
Category: Financial, Human Interest, Politics |
Tags: $DJT, $RDDT, anigif, crypto, djia, economy, inflation, rfkjr, robert kennedy, shannahan
RichC | March 11, 2020
Although I suspect all the selling on Wall Street has to do with needed cash or the “sell and re-assess later” attitude, I’ve been puzzled that gold (usual safe haven) and utilities have been hit as well. Personally I thought these areas might balance exposure to industrials, tech and energy. Obviously not as Wednesday’s market […]
Category: Business, Financial, Health, News |
Tags: bear, coronavirus, covid19, djia, energy, gold, nasdaq, recession, schwab, stock market, utilities, wall street
RichC | January 18, 2020
While working on post highlighting the DJIA crossing 29,000, I realized that the stock market has blown through that milestone and is rocketing towards 30,000 and that I’ll have to start over (probably a “worry-wart” post is coming). One of the big contributors to this Dow Jones Industrial Average is Apple ($AAPL). It just continues […]
Category: Advice, Apple, Computer, Financial, Humor, News |
Tags: aapl, advice, apple, charts, china, deal, djia, economy, financial markets, Humor, investing, News, notes, post-it, quote, stocks, trade, trading, usmca
RichC | January 14, 2020
The stock market continues to rally on positive news: low inflation, cheap money, increasing wages, low unemployment and even good news on trade with China. If there was ever a time to use the “hitting on all cylinders” idiom, this would be it … but when things are looking this good … everybody gets a […]
Category: Financial, Idioms, News |
Tags: djia, finances, ge, idiom, idioms, index, investing, nasdaq, s&p500, saving, stock market, trading
RichC | January 11, 2020
Forgive me for being a bit redundant in worrying (again) about the hot tech stocks like Apple (AAPL), Google (GOOG), Facebook (FB), Amazon (AMZN), Tesla (TSLA) and Netflix (NFLX) among others as the Dow Jones Industrial Average flirts with 29,000 in mid-January 2020 (even a broken clock is right twice a day! ― Marie von […]
Category: Financial, Technology |
Tags: aapl, apple, barrons, djia, election, etf, finance, investing, mutual fund, retirement, savings, stocks, trade, wall street
RichC | October 11, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Business, Financial, Personal, Photography, Photos, Space, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: annalyn, djia, facetime, family, Financial, hurricane, investing, iphone7, markets, michael, photography, space, stocks
RichC | September 20, 2018
If the stock market is worried about another round of China tariffs, it sure doesn’t show it. Thursday saw the DJIA back to its record high from earlier this year. The S&P 500 did the same and even the Nasdaq was positive although off the higher record area earlier this year … but not by […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
Tags: china, djia, economy, election, nasdaq, opinion, Politics, s&p500
RichC | June 21, 2018
After 8 down days for the Dow, the beginning of summer has not been kind to investors hoping 2018 would be a bit more positive. With unemployment at near all time lows, corporate tax cuts, the economy rebounding and promising better wages … and even talks with North Korea going well, one would think optimism […]
Category: Financial, News |
Tags: barrons, djia, finances, investing, slump, stock market, tariffs, trading, wall street
RichC | March 5, 2018
After President Trump’s bombshell about placing tariffs on US imported steel and aluminum last week (although he did suggest it during his campaign for president), comments made later made it sound like cooler heads may prevail — that … and the fact that many of President Trump’s advisors remained quiet or gingerly disagree. Speaker Paul […]
Category: Financial, News |
Tags: djia, economics, indices, investing, nasdaq, stocks, trading, wall street
RichC | February 8, 2018
So much for the "good news" that tax cuts will eventually providing revenue by helping the economy grow. The "hope" is that over time the economy growing will put more people to work (it is) and that the snowball would eventually grow paychecks (it is) AND that we could begin to reduce our country’s yearly […]
Category: Financial, News |
Tags: chart, debt, deficit, djia, government, investing, markets, stocks, wall street
RichC | October 17, 2017
It’s just a number, but one that is reminiscent of the Greenspan “irrational exuberance” days back in the late 1990s during the dot-com bubble … but the business news media types cheered the mid-day number (yet to see where the market will close). One has to chuckle at as to just how wrong a Nobel […]
Category: Financial, News |
Tags: djia, Financial, indices, investing, market, milestone, stock, wall street
RichC | August 2, 2017
The Dow broke above the 22,000 threshold for the first time on Wednesday rising for the seventh straight day. The boost over the "nice round number" happened after Apple posted stronger-than-expected quarterly earnings and iPhone sales met expectations. $AAPL stock rose 5.5% and made its largest single day percentage rise since February. (Story
Category: Apple, Financial, News |
Tags: aapl, apple, djia, dow, stock market, wall street charts, wsj
RichC | January 6, 2017
U.S. employment increased less than expected in December, but wages are rising, ever so slightly after a long stagnancy. Most economists are positive since they say we only need to create 56,000 jobs per month to keep up with current levels of new entrants in the job market. Others will point out that our job […]
Category: Financial, Misc, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: djia, dow, economy, microphone, rode, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | December 23, 2016
We still have a week of trading before closing the books on 2016, but those last few DJIA psychological points to 20,000 have proven evasive. Thursday’s 23 point decline, after the steady climb since the election, has a few gurus thinking the Trump Rally may be ahead of itself? Some are looking at current corporate […]
Category: Business, Financial |
Tags: Business, djia, economy, investing, obama, regulation, taxes, trump
RichC | December 7, 2016
U.S. stocks charged to fresh highs, with major indexes logging their biggest one-day rally since the election. See WSJ story.
Category: Financial, News |
Tags: djia, investing, markets, stocks, wsj
RichC | January 8, 2016
January 2016 has not given investors an optimistic start as stocks sold off for another day on Thursday. The slide gives the Dow its worst start to begin a year since the 30-stock index was created in 1928. Fingers are pointing to economic woes and government financial manipulation in China as well as world oil […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia, dow, investing, trading, wall street
RichC | August 24, 2015
The trading day is not over yet, but the moves on Wall Street and with individual stocks or indices have been unprecedented today. We are currently down 600 points on the Dow Jones Industrial average with an hour left in the day, but that almost seems mild compared to the onslaught of sell ordering in […]
Category: Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: djia, Financial, investing, markets, stocks
RichC | August 21, 2015
Even though I’ve already posted on the recent plummet in the financial markets , the heavy volume and substantial daily moves like we’ve seen the past couple of days deserves a second post. Dow Jones Industrials on Friday afternoon August 21, 2015 Friday (August 21, 2015) was another sour day for investors who are holding […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: aapl, commoditiies, djia, energy, investing, oil, stocks
RichC | May 31, 2015
If you’ve been watching the “easy money” policies from central banks around the world (following the U.S. Fed’s lead), you may being wondering just how much money can be infused by government without suffering an economic calamity? So far, those investors “borrowing” at low interest rates in order to participate heavily in the stock market […]
Category: Financial, History |
Tags: bear, bull, charts, crash, djia, graph, investing, markets
RichC | January 13, 2015
When looking at the U.S. financial indices for the first half of January 2015, one would be hard pressed to believe the optimistic opinions from most financial analysts and those talking about the domestic economy. Most cite the low interest environment and low energy prices as a reason to be optimistic, but day to day […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia, economy. wall street, index, investing, trading
RichC | October 9, 2014
Volatile financial markets seesaw so far this week. From 2% down on Tuesday, to 2% up on Wednesday and now back down 2% on Thursday … Friday should be an interesting day and right in keeping with October trading. Here are a few thoughts from Jeff Macke (Yahoo Finance) concluding that the “stock market has […]
Category: Business, Financial |
Tags: djia, financial markets, investing, nasdaq, stocks, trading
RichC | June 6, 2014
While closing the first full week of June on a rather high note (all time high!), the financial markets and Dow Jones Industrial Average pushed ever closer to 17K — DJIA closed at 16,923.77 up 87.66 (0.52%). I’m probably not the only one wondering how companies can keep performing when consumers have fewer dollars leftover […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: djia, economy, Financial, markets, stocks, taxes
RichC | January 24, 2014
Investors and Wall Street traders are growing nervous that 2013 gains were too much, too fast as selling dominated the last two trading days. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is having its worst day since April 15th of last year and looks like it will close at the low of the day. (DJIA at 15,935 […]
Category: Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: djia, equities, finance, stocks
RichC | November 26, 2011
I not the only one with indigestion … and it isn’t from the Thanksgiving day eating or the leftovers (or even the Black Friday frenzy) … but the crushing financial markets that have haunted investors since Halloween. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has turned in its “worst Thanksgiving week performance since markets began observing the […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
Tags: djia, finance, investing, markets, stocks
RichC | December 31, 2010
It has been a positive year for those brave enough to stomach the stock market and remain bullish as the DJIA closed the year at 11,578 (up $7.80 today). The year was far from a gentle, but still up except for the sudden and steep downturn prior to summer. In fact, hindsight says you would […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: 2010, djia, investing
RichC | October 8, 2010
Just before the “flash crash” computerized enhanced market tumble in early May, the DOW had crossed 11,000 … which was the last high water mark until today. The psychological hurdle was crossed most likely due to optimistic news that the November elections could help reel in some of the out of control spending and growth […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia
RichC | June 15, 2010
After dipping below the 10,000 mark for early June, the Dow Jones Industrial Average soared 213.88 points, or 2.10%, to 10404.77 today breaking out of the closely watched 200-day moving average. The S&P 500 was also up 2.35% seeing every sector moving in the up direction. The biggest gains 2.76% were over at the Nasdaq, […]
Category: Financial, Poll |
Tags: djia, finance, Poll, stock market, twitter, twtpoll
RichC | March 3, 2009
I’ll keep this post short since my mood is the same; the markets tried to find a reason to bounce after loosing 299 point on the DJIA yesterday, but traders and investors would have none of it. The averages did cross yesterday’s ‘ugly’ close a couple time throughout trading on Tuesday, but in the end […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia, economy, investing, trading, wall street
RichC | March 2, 2009
WSJ Online Here’s a bright thought: if, scratch that, when … the economy rebounds, it most likely will rise quickly from the shocking lows we are currently seeing. The dark side is that this selloff doesn’t seem to be finding a bottom and there aren’t many confident traders ready buy stocks again. Today’s news from […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia, Financial, markets, wallstreet
RichC | February 19, 2009
Traders saw most stocks fall on Thursday, putting the Dow Jones Industrial Average back on a bear-market closing low track. The financial sector continued to decline and there was little desire by investors to buy equities with the gloomy economic data. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 89.68 points, or 1.2%, to close at 7465.95 […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia, investing, market, stocks
RichC | October 13, 2008
The traders on Wall Street had a busy day today as they put a few dollars back to work after the huge selling last week. The record day was the biggest single day more for the stock market in history, or at least since the Great Depression. The Dow Jones Industrials (3 day chart above) […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia
RichC | October 6, 2008
The financial crisis is rippling around the world and that fear is being reflected on Wall Street as the DJIA dropped a full 800 points during trading on Monday, although recovered somewhat to close off only 370 points at 9955.50. Almost all stocks took a beating again today shrinking all who invest for college or […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: djia, finance, market, stock