RichC | August 10, 2021
It is always interesting to see the handful of other 1958 Packard Hawks changing hands considering the one passed down to me was originally my father’s Uncle Ed’s car (bought new in Toledo), then DadC’s from 1973 until he passed away and became mine (Dad loved taking it to car shows). I’m still dragging my […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Packard |
1 Comment
Tags: 1958, ebay, for sale, packard hawk, studebaker
RichC | May 6, 2021
Whoops … an interesting Throwback Thursday #TBT flashback and mistake on my part … I received an order for MayFly Lures that I posted back in 2018 and sold a few and then sold my entire inventory in one lump in 2019. Unfortunately I forgot to remove the original blog post and so received a […]
Category: Business, Marketing, Misc, Recreation, Shopping, TBT |
Tags: ebay, fishing, inventory, lures, mayfly, paypal, selling, TBT
RichC | November 21, 2020
Personally I don’t want my tools looking like this, but I do admire the effort and creative talent it takes to do this. It does remind me of my grandfather who always painted the handles of his tools bright red .. I still have a couple of them. Also the new relay arrived for the […]
Category: Art, Automotive, Packard, Tools, Video |
Tags: 1958, Art, artistic, ebay, electrical, hawk, mp4, packard, painting, relay, testing, tools, vice-grips
RichC | November 5, 2020
I’m officially “slipping” upstairs. For the first time in my life I forgot to put the fuel cap back on and lost it (don’t want to admit it to Brenda). I could try and blame it on distraction since I was also filling up the diesel jugs for the John Deere and Kubota mower, but […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Shopping |
Tags: aftermarket, amazon, BMW, diesel, ebay, fuel cap, lost, oem, x5 35d
RichC | July 12, 2020
The Keyless Remote on my 2002 Honda Odyssey stopped working this past year and figured it was just a dead battery. Unfortunately after replacing the battery … twice …and confirming that my other remote still worked, I gave up and ordered one. After searching the Internet for fixes and replacements, I opted for one on […]
Category: Automotive, How-To, Shopping |
Tags: ebay, honda, keyless, minivan, ody, odyssey, programming, remote, van,
RichC | April 12, 2019
The “customer experience” (a marketing buzz-term nowadays) can make or break companies. Some do it right, others fall on their face early in their start-up cycle … and others like Ebay ($EBAY) and Paypal ($PYPL) have employees, customer service departments and management issues dragging their company down … yes, this is going to be a […]
Category: Business, Financial, Marketing, Personal, Technology |
Tags: coupon, customer service, ebay, gripe, issue, paypal, problem, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | October 22, 2018
In 2016 my friend Jeff gave me his old grill as I finally gave up on our well loved and well used old aluminum shell grill. His was a 4 burner Charbroil propane model that I was able to cleaned up, converted to natural gas and add some new internal parts. It has worked great […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Shopping |
1 Comment
Tags: burners, charbroil, corrosion, ebay, grill, jeffp, parts, repair, stainless, steel
RichC | March 27, 2018
While cleaning out old Consolidated Printing and Publishing files and boxes stored in our basement, I ran across about 50 May Fly Lures made by a charter fishing company. We printed and packaged these in batches on demand for Darrel Rowh’s side company Misty Blue Tackle and a note on the box indicated these were […]
Category: Business, For Sale, Misc, Shopping |
Tags: cpp,, ebay, fishing, lake erie, lures, may fly, printing, walleye
RichC | January 10, 2018
Bits and pieces are still arriving from my Christmas shopping. Sometimes I forget that not every company/individual doing business online is shipping with the efficiency we become accustom to with Amazon and other big online retail sites. In any case, one of the gifts I assembled was an emergency kit that included survival items we […]
Category: Archive, Health, Misc, Shopping, Video |
Tags: amazon, ebay, filter, hack, prepper, shipping, smartwater, video, water, youtube
RichC | August 13, 2017
The older I get the more often I stumble on items to include in my book, "Things To Buy When You Are Young" … or at least one that I’m slowly putting together and working on. I’ve fumbled with woodworking most of my life and to be fair, have purchased or been giving my share […]
Category: Advice, Shopping, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: bits, carbide, ebay, router, tools, woodworking
RichC | January 27, 2017
After a previous simple $20 relay component test, my friend Jeff and I realized that there were a few shortcomings in using it for a future project — enter the cheaper eBay $3.99 higher powered solid state relay module. This smallish sized relay component can be wired into a 40 amp circuit and switched with […]
Category: Computer, Misc, Technology |
Tags: Computer, ebay, gadget, pine64, raspberry pi, relay, switch, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | December 10, 2016
In continuing the quest to be able to bring along our fully inflated Zodiac dinghy when gunkholing aboard Encore, I am still pondering an inexpensive davit option. The dilemma has been trying to keep the Capehorn Steering gear (hopefully functional) while still "safely" toting along a dinghy. The foredeck space is limited since the baby […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Sailing |
Tags: davits, ebay, encore, pardey, project, sailboat, st croix, zodiac
RichC | November 29, 2016
It is a little disappointing to not get the number of hours out of LED bulbs as they advertise … something in the neighborhood of 50,000 hours. I’m not sure there is any warranty on Chinese Ebay bulbs, but I do know that I really liked these smaller "very low wattage" bulbs as outdoor end […]
Category: Energy, Misc, Shopping |
Tags: bulbs, cfl, ebay, efficiency, electric, led, lightbulb, lights
RichC | July 12, 2016
A week or so ago I posted a "to do" list item that I really should helped my dad with when he asked. He loved all old cars and in particular showing his off. I remember him asking if the Internet could be used to help search for a missing a trunk emblem for his […]
Category: Automotive, Packard, Shopping |
Tags: 1958, antique, cars, ebay, emblem, hawk, packard
RichC | May 15, 2016
After having success in replacing a couple less expensive warm white 2 foot florescent light tubes with LED tubes the other day, I opted to order a couple 4 foot LED tubes to replace my failing "cheap" shoplights over my garage workbench (eBay $22 w/shipping). I often leave this light on 24 hours a […]
Category: Energy, Misc, Shopping |
Tags: ebay, florescent, led, lights, replacement, workbench, workshop
RichC | April 25, 2016
Since I have a bunch of florescent lights in my shops (most are 8 footers) it is getting to be a challenge to keep up with replacing both tubes and ballasts, I’ve decided it was time to experiment a small 2 foot 2 bulb fixture and replace with a couple cheapy “warm white” (2700 degree) LEDs […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags: bulbs, ebay, florescent, led, light, rewire
RichC | March 8, 2016
Previously I’ve posted before about my Dad’s 1958 Packard Hawk, but now that it has been passed down to me, there is more of an incentive to pay attention to articles, stories, car shows, etc. Thanks to my high school friend, Greg Fogelsong (a automotive guru), he noticed a photo similar to my dad’s Packard […]
Category: Automotive, Memories, Packard, Personal, Shopping |
Tags: 1958, dadc, ebay, family, hawk, hemmings, packard, studebaker
RichC | November 27, 2015
There is something about mirrors, garage doors and Brenda that do not get along. This time it was pulling into the garage, not backing out – I’m suspecting her weak left arm??? Unfortunately the flexing or snapping was so hard that it also broke the driver’s window. Wow! Thankfully, Rich at Kiss Autoglass was able […]
Category: Automotive, Personal, Shopping |
Tags: broken, ebay, honda, parts, pilot, repair, window
RichC | April 12, 2015
Selling coupons on ebay is very entrepreneurial. While I’m not a regular ebay seller, I often check prices and buy parts for cars and the boat. When my search screen stated to display pages of ads “selling discount coupons,” it sounded crazy. But people must be finding a market for clipping and selling those unique […]
Category: Business, Shopping |
Tags: coupons, ebay, selling
RichC | December 16, 2014
When my wife sets her mind to something, she goes “full in.” I’m so glad she is not a gambler. It started as a simple project; she wanted an antique frame. So began the process of shopping estate sales, and bidding on online auction sites like our local EBTH and eBay. Eventually the looking turned […]
Category: Art, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: auction, brenda, ebay, ebth, frames, sales, shopping artwork
RichC | January 4, 2010
Success … finally! I been all thumbs in an ongoing struggle (post one and two) to fix my notebook computer during the Christmas and the New Year holiday. I ordered the suspect part, ‘an inverter,’ for my Gateway notebook computer and after hassles with pre-Christmas shipping, finally received it only to find out it was […]
Category: Computer, How-To |
Tags: ebay, gateway