Republicans at unparalleled unity after their 2024 Convention

| July 20, 2024

Every once in a while when reading a favorite 3-column news website for “political animals,” TheHustings.News, I will reply with a comment — especially when I receive an email from the editor who ask me to add a “right column” post or comment. 😉  So this week as a non-writer, I responded while watching the […]

Nice to have a young LOCAL conservative running with Trump

| July 16, 2024

Semi-surprised at the VP pick by the almost GOP nominee, Donald Trump (later this week), but for those who would like to see someone younger, JD Vance from our area of SW Ohio is not a bad choice. I enjoyed learning about his background from both his book, Hillbilly Elegy  … and movie by Ron […]

Election Day: Protect your freedom and liberty, vote GOP

| November 3, 2020

Today is election day and A LOT is on the line when it comes to the governing and political philosophy of the United States. Back in 2016, the promises then candidate Donald Trump, made when running as a new breed of Republican, had to be taken on face value and his words… something I personally […]

Information on the collusion-Russia-Trump investigation

| March 7, 2018

The long time investigative correspondent for CBS, Sharyl Attkisson did an excellent job of “fairly” building a timeline in the “Collusion against Trump” details on her website. If you really want to understand what we know so far regarding the Russian connections, it is worth at least skimming the points below. On a separate note, […]

What is this GOP Memo thing all about in 4 minutes

| February 10, 2018

Here is the short take from the guys who wrote #thememo. No matter which political party is using the FBI, Department of Justice … or for that matter IRS or other agency … in order to stack the deck to achieve their favored political outcome, it has to stop. Those abusing power need to be […]

Closing in on a GOP Tax Plan vote – all signs point to Tuesday

| December 18, 2017

While waiting for the predicted Tuesday vote on the GOP Tax Plan that has been anticipated ALL year, it is looking like it might actually get done in 2017. It has not been easy or as simple as many of us wanted “Tax Reform,” but the corporate tax cut will make the U.S. more competitive […]

Financial Friday: Income tax simplification #taxcuts #taxreform

| November 3, 2017

On Thursday, the long awaited Republican tax reform plan finally saw the light of day after most political and financial watchers haggled over the unknown details most of this year. President Trump has made tax reform and cuts as his centerpiece agenda as essential to growing the economy and stimulating job and wage growth for […]

The Trump phenomena has now turned to full fledge panic

| October 11, 2016

The Republican establishment has moved a bit closer to full fledged panic after a video of their candidate for president was dug up from a "hot-mic" Donald Trump celebrity appearance 11 years ago. It offered an audio picture of what most knew about the man who swaggered his way through the Republican primaries. His vulgarity […]

As former speaker Tip O’Neill once said, All politics is local

| March 9, 2016

As we continue to drill down to select the best candidates to represent both the Republicans and Democrats in November’s presidential election, the process has been pretty disgusting … perhaps not the process, but the candidates ugliness. Here’s how I am coming to a conclusion before voting next Tuesday. As a long time Republican, I […]

Saturday GOP voting and Cincinnati ties for Trump

| March 6, 2016

The Republican party continues to narrow after a Donald Trump and Ted Cruz split the four states and their deligates up for grab on Saturday. Cruz won in Kansas and Maine, while Trump picked up wins in Louisiana and Kentucky. The big “winner take all” states are yet to come. Interestingly during the Donald Trump […]

And then there were five: Yup, another GOP Debate

| February 26, 2016

The Republicans are going through a slugfest this year in part due to having such a large field of candidates to whittle down. Just a few months ago, the debates had 16 GOP hopefully, and yet according to pundits, five is still three too many (probably true if you are supporting any other candidate but […]

One of the strangest presidential primary contests ever

| February 11, 2016

As a frustrated political watcher, I'm starting to think I may have hitched my wagon behind the wrong GOP horse, although it is still a bit early. I haven't jumped in with both feet or anything, but I thought I was supporting a Republican with “acceptable” values and ability to grow the party … and […]

The #GOPDebate hosted by FoxBusiness and the WSJ

| November 10, 2015

As a big fan of the Wall Street Journal and the FoxBusiness network, I’m looking forward to the next GOP debate tonight (9PM Tuesday 11/10/2015) and am hoping the moderators do a better job than last months CNBC hosted debate. I suspect Maria Bartiromo, Neil Cavuto and Gerard Baker will work particularly hard to avoid […]

Archive: An email response on the GOP and Dem debates

| October 16, 2015

I wrote and email the other day explaining my thoughts to someone commenting that they were impressed with the Democrats and and not so impressed with the Republicans after watching three recent debates by 20+ different candidates. Since I put a little time and thought into my reply, I figured it might be blog-worthy … […]

Getting to know the candidates: Marco Rubio in @theskimm

| October 1, 2015

Marco Rubio and his family in from September 2013 Getting to know those running for office is always interesting …  but most likely knowing his coffee preference and reasoning isn’t most important factor in supporting a candidate. Early on, we only hear the debate snippets and talking head conversation, but it is also helpful […]

Americans often formulate opinions from media sound bites

| September 22, 2015

It may not be politically correct for Ben Carson or any other American candidate running for political office to say “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation” … yet the reasons are more rational than most Americans who are NOT religiously or ethnically prejudicial think. After hearing Dr. […]

Second GOP debate: Fiorina and Rubio stood out

| September 17, 2015

Last night’s second GOP debate on CNN at the Reagan Library wasn’t bad as debates go. The current frontrunner, the attention grabbing Donald Trump did one thing for the Republican brand … he got generated attention. His grade school behavior buffoonery brought far viewers to  the stodgy GOP and that alone could help Republicans ideas […]

Gov Scott Walker is appealing as a national GOP candidate

| February 21, 2015

CNBC interviewed Gov. Scott Walker on Thursday morning (video below) as America is beginning to talk and take note of him as he makes the media rounds. It is early, but for Walker getting a little better better name recognition is a way to keep dollars growing for a potential (and likely) campaign run to […]

Is the GOP just venting its loss or in serious disarray?

| November 16, 2012

I have purposely not entered an “excuses” comment or worse since everyone in the conservative political realm has an opinion and I’m tired of hearing the internal bickering. I personally prefer the conclusion that neither party had a decisive mandate – the country is indeed split – but know that the Republicans will have to […]

The GOP wrapped up the 2012 Republican National Convention

| September 1, 2012

The Republican National Convention was held this past week in Tampa, Florida and besides being shortened due to Hurricane Isaac, it was … in my opinion … a big success for Gov Mitt Romney and the Republicans. I watch many of the speeches during each of the three evenings and caught a few of the […]

One step closer to a no holds barred Romney vs. Obama fight

| April 10, 2012

It looks like the contest is about over for the GOP candidates … although the smart money has been on Governor Romney for a few months now … but it has been difficult for Mitt Romney to land a knockout blow, as challengers seemed to tag-team against him for the last year. Yet in the […]

Mitt Romney is one step closer to challenging President Obama

| January 11, 2012

Governor Mitt Romney soundly defeated Republican challengers in New Hampshire last night and most talking heads have noted desperation from a couple GOP candidates. Both Gingrich and Perry have taken what I would call “cheap shots” at Romney’s “real world” business experience at Bain Capital as well as U.S. based capitalism — a core Republican […]

Eight votes separate the top two in GOP Iowa Caucuses

| January 4, 2012

Not that it matters much, but Gov Mitt Romney and Rep Rick Santorum were the two top vote getters in Iowa on Tuesday night as it took until the wee hours of the morning before a winner could be declared – Romney by 8 votes. The 24.55% vs 24.54% split barely made up the majority […]

Another GOP debate and a feisty one at that

| October 19, 2011

I spent the 8 to 10PM hours Tuesday night watching yet another GOP debate, this one hosted on CNN. This time the top tier of the Republican field came out fired up and directed jabs at each other. I suspect viewers who prefer to see Obama as the target were somewhat uncomfortable with the body […]

Feisty Republican debate in Iowa Thursday night – 8/11/2011

| August 12, 2011

Without too much expectation we watched the presidential hopefuls in the Republican debate last night and came away surprised. Several of the candidates in Iowa avoided the canned talking points and went out on a limb in presenting fresh and thoughtful ideas; almost all candidates convinced me that the field is far more qualified than […]

I do wish Governor Mitch Daniels was running for President

| July 13, 2011

Although Indiana’s Gov. Mitch Daniels is not running in the the primaries against other GOP candidates, I certainly hope that whoever is nominated looks to Daniels for advice and executive experience. With an economy stifled by excessive bureaucracy and adversarial to business, we need someone with his experience when it comes to putting America back […] website browses nice on a webOS Palm Pre

| February 1, 2011

It is nice when websites run and link to webOS friendly media content. One of the better sites is remembering President Ronald Reagan’s legacy and his upcoming February 6th birthday – he would be 100. In browsing with my Palm Pre yesterday I found it to be one of the few utilizing content and […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog