RichC | August 31, 2014
Archiving a great sailing tip from the website starting with a tip on how to adjust the jib sheet car when using a roller furling genoa: Deck-sweeping genoas are not wonderful on a cruising boat if you’re at all interested in what’s going on ahead; nor do they work well with furling gear unless […]
Category: Archive, How-To, Sailing |
Tags: cruising, encore, headsail, roller furling, sailboat, tips
RichC | August 30, 2014
The past week had me on an enjoyable but quick trip to take care of a few sailboat maintenance items in Florida. The sails were re-stitched and needed to be picked up from South Sails as well as new halyards spliced and hoisted. Unfortunately the summer sun has been hard on every exposed part … […]
Category: Archive, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: encore, florida, harbortown, list, marina, projects, sailboat, sunrise
RichC | August 29, 2014
Mercedes-Benz leads the pack in having the most satisfied customers, with only the American brand Buick making the “most satisfied” WSJ screen shot. I can’t say that “satisfied” list was a big surprise, but I was shocked that the “least satisfied” brand was Acura … according to the survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index.
Category: Automotive, Video |
Tags: cars, models, wsj
RichC | August 28, 2014
I picked up the repaired sails from South Sails this week and had initial success after stitching in a nylon thimble multiple times (I’m learning) into Encore’s new jib halyard. I still have the main sail halyard to go, but hopefully it will go smoother after the practice? I noticed the old halyards were oversized […]
Category: Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: encore, florida, halyard, repair, replace, rigging, running, sailboat
RichC | August 27, 2014
A pass-a-long link for pre-owned used car auto shoppers from my friend Tim Hunter that could be helpful: NHTSA created a new search tool to search vehicles (newer then 15 years old) by VIN to see if they are up to date with all the recalls on the vehicle.
Category: Archive, Automotive |
Tags: cars, nhtsa, notice, recall, used
RichC | August 25, 2014
Uncommon brilliance from a voice “for” the common man … that would be Mike Rowe. His answer to a reader Facebook post from earlier this month is worth reading. Off The Wall Interesting conversation over on the wall. It was started by a guy called Jayson LaVictorie, who has posted a few thousand words about […]
Category: Education, Financial, Innovation, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: blue collar, debate, facebook, mike rowe, pledge, sweat, work
RichC | August 24, 2014
It looks like all the weather models are keeping tropical storm Cristobal offshore which is both good for Encore as well as my travel plans … although those in, or going to, Bermuda may want to be prepared for some wind and rain. Testing the updated WordPress iPhone app for this post.
Category: Sailing, Weather |
Tags: cristobal, hurricane, storms
RichC | August 24, 2014
The stock market roars to new highs as the summer comes to an end, but investors continue pouring money into higher risk equities as if they have forgot what can happen. This is in part due to the low yield in fixed income assets and the new indice highs have more than a few economy […]
Category: Books, Financial, Politics |
Tags: Books, debt, economy, federal reserve, markets, paul ryan
RichC | August 23, 2014
The convenient way to replace running rigging on sailboats are to purchase lines pre-made for a particular boat at places like Of course that would be the “easy” way, but it does discourage upgrading shackles and thimbles or whipping and splicing your own lines. Since our Encore is strictly a cruising sailboat, the premium […]
Category: Advice, Personal, Sailing, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: encore, halyard, line, rope, sailing, samson, shackle, wichard
RichC | August 22, 2014
A second Tech Friday post: I’ve been looking for an excuse to try … so here it goes with a Fox Business News Elio story … and a good PR one at that.
Category: Automotive, Blogs, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: blogging, elio, embed, foxbusiness, techfriday
RichC | August 22, 2014
After almost two year of using several different wraps and “powered cases” for my iPhones, I whittled my picks down to three … or 4 if you consider “no-case” as an option. In fact, using the iPhone without a case makes it very small and lightweight; slipping the tiny iPhone 5 and 5s in a […]
Category: Advice, Apple, Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: apple, case, iphone, lenmar, mophie, otterbox, smartphone, techfriday
RichC | August 20, 2014
There were a few articles on VJ day this past weekend marking the anniversary of Victory over Japan and focused on the relief we felt ending World War II. While glancing at the front pages, it made me realize how the dollar has lost value … or if you’re dollar biased, how much goods and […]
Category: Financial, History, News |
Tags: commodities, dollar, inflation, prices, victory, ww2
RichC | August 19, 2014
Don’t you wonder what it must have been like to be picking up a few hardware items in Portsmouth Ohio and hear this coming from a young man and an unfinished piano? Impressive. (after being told the FB was no longer working for someone, I’ll archive the video below the embed) Post by Steve Hayes.
Category: Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: facebook, jacob tolliver, piano, talent
RichC | August 19, 2014
Last week my brother asked me to take a look at my dad’s 2001 Honda Odyssey because the power sliding rear doors had both failed. The dealer quoted $200 EACH to fix the door and since both had failed we figured it might not hurt to rule out a fuse or relay. I stopped and […]
Category: Advice, Automotive, How-To |
Tags: doors, honda, minivan, odyssey, power, repair, sliding
RichC | August 17, 2014
Author and writer Elmore Leonard is known for his crime fiction, but he started out writing westerns. Leonard has written nearly two dozen novels and most of them are bestsellers (Glitz, Get Shorty, Maximum Bob and Rum Punch). Ten of his advice tips when it comes to being both a popular and respectable writer are: […]
Category: Advice, Archive, Books |
Tags: publishing, tips, writing
RichC | August 16, 2014
While we wait for our Elio, it is interesting to watch the social networking buzz and behind the scenes engineering testing that goes into developing a new vehicle … like thinking about “hitting a moose.” Let’s face it, hitting a moose is not good for any vehicle (or the moose). So, over the years, car […]
Category: Automotive, Technology |
Tags: elio, moose, motors, safety, testing
RichC | August 15, 2014
Have you been wondering when the notoriously secretive Apple, known for innovative and culture shaping products, will have the next “one more thing?” We all suspect that TV is ripe for Apple-izing and that trendy wearables are ready for the iWatch, but besides those known in-the-works items, what else is up their sleeves? Will the […]
Category: Apple, Financial, History, Technology, Video |
Tags: aapl, apple, one more thing, steve jobs
RichC | August 14, 2014
The things I’m learning later in life. Huh, might have to give this a try?
Category: Misc, Video |
Tags: cooking, freezing, steaks, thawing, youtube
RichC | August 13, 2014
Unbelievable rainfall causing flooding this morning in Long Island NY (photo above – Southern State Parkway near Exit 37 – Belmont Ave) this morning a day after watching the same thing happen in southeastern Michigan yesterday (photos below). It is shocking to see these kinds of “highway” photos, but one can only imagine how […]
Category: Automotive, Weather |
Tags: detroit, flooding, long island, michigan, new york, rain, storms
RichC | August 13, 2014
As both an automotive enthusiast and budget minded “frugalist,” I regularly grumble and complain about the cost of owning a car cars. From insurance and registration each year to the ever rising price of a new car and the fuel pumped into it, there seems to be no end to forking over dollars. Recently both […]
Category: Automotive, Financial |
Tags: bureaucracy, cnbc, frugalist, iowa, ohio, registration
RichC | August 12, 2014
A long time client and now retired friend, Clyde Witt, is publishing his first novel. He has always written stories in a style appeals to me … although his politics still needs some work (a personal joke). I’m anxious to pre-ordered a copy of his book to read and review. One of the advantages of […]
Category: Blogs, Books |
Tags: blog, Books, friends, novel, reading
RichC | August 12, 2014
For those of you wondering, I AM talking about my wife Brenda. Happy Birthday. We don’t generally make a fuss over birthdays like some couples, but we do try to do something thoughtful or go out to a nice restaurant. Don’t tell her, but this year I found the first three seasons of one of […]
Category: Entertainment, Personal |
Tags: birthday, blue bloods, brenda, dvd, family, television
RichC | August 11, 2014
A plane flies in front of a supermoon above Westminster in central London en route to Heathrow airport on August 10, 2014. The full moon is positioned closest to the earth on its orbit in over 20 years. It is 50,000 kilometers closer than normal and 14% bigger and 30% brighter than usual. The scientific […]
Category: Environment, Photos, Space |
Tags: astronomy, photography, supermoon
RichC | August 11, 2014
One of the small projects this past weekend was to replace the plastic disposable fuel filter on my John Deere 330 a new inexpensive diesel fuel filter (less than $10). The new filter has a glass site tube and fits my modified fuel lines. The element inside this small filter is replaceable (3 for […]
Category: Diesel, Misc, Photos |
Tags: diesel, home, john deere, mower, snowblower, tractor, yard
RichC | August 10, 2014
A well done short video in The Atlantic about David Welsford living the vagabond lifestyle (“dirtbag” – his comment) on a 50 year old wooden sailboat in the Caribbean. A dream for many … a nightmare thought for others.
Category: Sailing, Video |
Tags: atlantic, documentary, film, lifestyle, living, sailboat
RichC | August 9, 2014
Ok … scratch this week’s Tech Friday post on setting up the iPhone to receive Gmail as if it were “push” rather than “fetch” (the only way Apple’s email client can receive free Gmail nowadays). Unfortunately my iCloud workaround was a convoluted experiment that wasn’t elegant or simple. I’ve toyed with the idea of switching […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, How-To, Technology, Video |
Tags: email, exchange, gmail, iphone, problems, Productivity, techfriday
RichC | August 8, 2014
Even after the Sandra Fluke plea to congress over free birth control, is hard to believe the 2700 pages of Obamacare overlooked including feminine sanitary products? [/sarcasm] Tweet from noted feminist Jessica Valenti: Twitter friends: Anyone know a country where tampons are free or somehow subsidized? — Jessica ValentiJessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) August 8, 2014
Category: Politics, Social Media |
Tags: congress, feminism, obamacare, twitter
RichC | August 8, 2014
I am late to the game in addressing a workaround for a newer Apple iOS devices (recently updated my iPhone 5 to a “secondhand” 5s) and the changed Google Sync services. The changes happened in 2013, but since my old devices were still working it wasn’t a big deal … now it is! Initially, iOS […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, How-To, Tablet |
Tags: apple, email, exchange, google, ipad, iphone, sync, techfriday
RichC | August 7, 2014
Another year with the Sof Sole inserts in a couple pairs of my well worn Sperry Top-siders. Too bad I’m not making a commission on either the insoles or the shoes, but that doesn’t prevent me from recommending them. If you’ve “smelled up” your original Sperry insoles, or just need a little more cushion, consider […]
Category: Advice, Misc, Sailing |
Tags: boat, boatshoe, boatshoes, insole, sailing, shoes, sofsole, sperry, topsider, topsiders
RichC | August 6, 2014
I recently chimed on a forum question regarding dogs for sailboats and a member wanting input on an Australian Cattle Dog. Since we’ve had Tootsie for 16 years now (below), I felt qualified to offer an opinion … besides I wanted an excuse to archive her recent photo. Our “beast” has been a wonderful addition […]
Category: Advice, Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: cruising, dogs, liveaboard, pets, sailing, tootsie
RichC | August 5, 2014
Learning from wise parents and grandparents is a generational gift that isn’t given enough credit, especially since we ask: “What’s happening to America?” A: Families are changing. I grew up watching teenagers a decade (or less) older than me heading to Vietnam or getting lost in angry 60’s. They (we) followed those dark years of […]
Category: Education, Financial, Personal |
Tags: brenda, family, grandparents, legacy, momh, parents
RichC | August 4, 2014
Net fishing can indiscriminately harvest the wrong kind of fish as 48 year old Cai Chengzhu found out in Xianghzhi, China. Although whale sharks are a protected species, the fisherman says it accidently got caught in his fishing net. He then loaded it up on his truck and drove 10 miles to Shishi to […]
Category: Environment, Misc, Nature, Photos |
Tags: china, fisherman, shark, sharkshares, truck, whale
RichC | August 4, 2014
While reading President Obama’s comments in The Economist, the same class-warfare ire continues to be flamed for those who believe those living in the United States are against each other: Poor vs. wealthy, CEO vs. employee, ambitious vs. entitled, black vs. white, Democrat vs. Republican, etc. Isn’t it possible that those CEOs and corporations being […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: class-warfare, congress, economy, investing, media, obama, wiedermer
RichC | August 3, 2014
What a beautiful weekend to work out in the garage and yard. There are plenty of chores that “should” be done and a few that I “want” to do … so Saturday I focused on the “want.” Before mowing, I pulled the blades off the Kubota and put an edge back on them (try […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: brenda, grill, kubota, momh, ribs, yard
RichC | August 2, 2014
There aren’t many things that makes parents happier than to “see” their children with big smiles enjoying life (thanks for the photos). Katelyn and Drew sent me this summer photo from Lake Minnetonka this past week and the two of them look pretty relaxed in their new surroundings. They found an ice cream shop in […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: drew, katelyn, minneapolis, minnisota, wayzata
RichC | August 1, 2014
Ever since I picked up a secondhand iPad2 a couple years ago, it has been my go-to device for traveling, reading and quick notes. I do miss the full computer experience, but it is hard to beat for day to day mobile computing. Truth be told though, I’m starting to have speed envy and wondering […]
Category: Apple, Tablet, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: apple, ipad, tablet, upgrade