RichC | April 30, 2020
Rather than close out the month of April 2020 with some depressing topic related to COVID19, I’ll post a photo for book lovers (right) and collectors along with a saved newspaper article clipped with a photo to highlight a future project (steps/ladder for the bookshelves) and the latest in the seemingly SLOW progress of putting […]
Category: Alexa, Archive, Audio, Books, Personal, Photos, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: Books, bookshelves, collections, home, house, library, musicroom, painting, project, reading
RichC | April 29, 2020
As one commenter on the Bluewater Sailing and Cruising FB social group stated, “People are disgusting.” Its also what we are all seeing in the parking lots of our communities during the coronavirus pandemic. All kinds of PPE is being lazily discarded. Without thinking, people toss their used rubber gloves, wipes and masks after they […]
Category: Environment, Health, Human Interest, Nature, Sailing, Social Media |
Tags: careless, coronavirus, covid19, disgusting, facebook, gloves, grocery stores, humans, litter, oceans, polution, society, wipes
RichC | April 28, 2020
My wife and kids think I should be working for Ridgid Tools as I have been extremely happy with their cordless tools of late. I have updated my old NiCad driver and drills with newer Lithium based brushless tools and they are so much better. A big thank you continues to go out to Katelyn […]
Category: Advice, Hobby, Misc, Personal, Tools |
Tags: battery, cordless, home depot, lithium, powertools, ridgid, shop vac, subcompact, tools, warranty, workshop
RichC | April 26, 2020
Some of us are fortunate in life to have had a few teachers take enough interest to make a difference. I suspect they inherently knew the positive influence a good teacher can make long after a student leaves their classroom. One such teacher, really an extra curricular advisor for me, was Doris Eggleston. Last week […]
Category: Archive, Education, Friends, Human Interest, Memories, Obituary, Personal, Photography |
Tags: archive, brenda, college, curtice, dadc, doris eggleston, funeral, journalism, karen gagermeier, memories, momc, newspaper, obit, Obituary, ohio, onu, oregon, photography, printing, richc, sidney, teacher, toledo, yearbook
RichC | April 25, 2020
Once upon a time, I worked at Sea World in Aurora, Ohio. I did not work with the Killer Whales (Orcas), but was fortunate enough to have been able to “hang out” with them when the park was closed. I would often enjoy sitting on lunch breaks watching them “watching me” while exercising in the […]
Category: Environment, Nature, Social Media, Video |
Tags: kayak, killer whale, ocean, orca, sea world, twitter, wild
RichC | April 25, 2020
If you’ve watched, read or remembered any of the Public Service Announcements (PSA) since the Coronavirus pandemic started, you will probably smile when watching this.
Category: Health, Humor, Video |
Tags: breifing, coronavirus, covid19, Humor, mp4, psa, video
RichC | April 24, 2020
A couple weeks ago I mentioned that our brightly color cardinal enjoyed “looking at himself” in our window’s Canary cam – he was probably looking for a mate. Now that he’s found one … he seems to be avoid her; she is likely checking his usual haunts and asking “where is he?” I suspect there […]
Category: Environment, Humor, Nature, Personal, Photos, Technology, Tools, Video |
Tags: ani gif, birds, canary, cardinal, nature, painting, pry bar, tools, workshop
RichC | April 23, 2020
After cutting a few miter joints earlier this month with a 45 degree jig on my table saw crosscut sled, I started to contemplate the best way to cut clean tendons and dadoes. In the past I’ve used an added fence to the stock miter gauge, but it really doesn’t do a great job. Of […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: clamps, crosscut, dado, dovetail, fixtures, jigs, microjig, miter, project, sled, tendons, woodworking, workshop
RichC | April 22, 2020
The Coronavirus is doing what environmentalists and anti-fossil fuel advocates have only dreamed of doing … killing the petroleum industry. There is so little demand for crude oil that “Producers must pay buyers $37.63 a barrel” to refine their product. There is no place to store it as companies who explore and drill are dead […]
Category: Archive, Energy, Financial, Health, Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: cincinnati, coronavirus, covid19, family, gasoline, megan, ohio, oil, prices, river, taylor, twitter, wsj
RichC | April 21, 2020
As the United States and the world prepare to open society in phases after well over a month of stay-at-home orders due to the Coronavirus, the debate between those who see the health risk as too high and those who fear a full on economic collapse (world wide depression) continues. Several states are seeing protests […]
Category: Business, Financial, Health, News, Politics, Video |
Tags: congress, coronavirus, covid19, dr david katz, foxnews, herd immunity, icecream, mark levin, mp4, nancy pelosi, small business, stay at home, video, youtube
RichC | April 20, 2020
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Category: Music |
1 Comment
Tags: free, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, the foundation, zac brown
RichC | April 19, 2020
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Category: Alexa, Archive, Audio, Personal, Photos, Travel, Weather |
Tags: Alexa, annalyn, baby, coronavirus, covid19, drew, echo, ellerie, family, katelyn, message, mp3, perrysburg, Photos, snow, Travel, visits
RichC | April 18, 2020
The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang is one of the most celebrated Allied fighter planes of WW II. It continues to have wide-spread aviation enthusiasm to this day … and one look (and listen – volume up!) will have you understanding why it is so admired.
Category: Audio, Aviation, History, Millitary, Video |
Tags: aircraft, airplanes, allied, aviation, military, mustang, p-51, planes, sound, video, war, world war, ww2
RichC | April 18, 2020
Another nail or something in the tire, this time in Brenda’s Acura RDX. Thankfully it was in the tread and small, so an easy plug … but plugging two tires within 30 days? (the animated gif above is just a little soap water sprayed on the tire for leak detection) As for a video that […]
Category: Acura, Automotive, Blogs, Human Interest, Photos, Video |
Tags: acura, ani gif, blogworthy, leak, moose, nail, plug, positive, rdx. brenda, repair, roses, thankful, tire, video, youtube
RichC | April 17, 2020
We all must be looking for things to share or to occupy our thoughts after about a month stuck at home (like the Engine Parts word search post early this week)? Perhaps we are not alone since my brother Ron sent one of those viral images that makes its way around the Internet last year. […]
Category: Entertainment, Human Interest, Misc, Photos, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: discussion, family, grey, left brain, photo, pink, right brain, shoe, teal, white
RichC | April 16, 2020
For those automotive enthusiasts who are spending A LOT more time at home due to the Coronavirus stay-at-home orders and interested in ways to entertain our minds, try the Automotive blog’s Engine Parts word search. Tom Appel and crew always find something interesting for their blog (and car stuff podcast). Click image larger or […]
Category: Automotive, Blogs, Entertainment, Misc |
Tags: automotive, blog, consumerguide, engine, entertainment, game, parts, tom appel, twitter, word search
RichC | April 15, 2020
Instead of spending time this past Easter weekend dressing,going to church and getting together with family, I spent a few more hours sanding … and sanding … and sanding. My goal is to get this old exterior black walnut door (super thick veneer over oak – see above photo) ready to take a traditional oil […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: black walnut, brenda, dadh, decor, dental, dentist, door, easter, family, jamestown, lakeview, new york, office, sanding, veneer, woodworking
RichC | April 14, 2020
Once upon a time, families who only snail-mailed cards and letters would on special occasions, like Easter, dial their corded rotary phones and pay for an expensive long distance call in order to “Reach Out and Touch Someone” as the marketing jingle would advertise (a 1970s commercial below the break). I remembered many phone calls […]
Category: Archive, Cellphone, Gadget, Human Interest, Memories, Personal, Photos, Tablet, Technology, Video |
Tags: advertising, Cellphone, corded, easter, facetime, family, group, jingle, long distance, mp4, phones, roaming, wats, wireless
RichC | April 13, 2020
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Category: Alexa, Apple, Computer, Friends, Music, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: ads, advertising, Alexa, brave, browser, commecials, covid19, echo, gregg allman, imac, input, jackson browne, jeffp, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, pandora, premium, streaming, subscription, these days
RichC | April 12, 2020
Although Brenda and I have been regularly listening to pastors share audio messages on their podcasts or watching church services online during these trying Coronavirus days, we like many Christians, are finding it challenging to be thinking and planning for Easter? Nevertheless, the calendar indicates it is Easter Sunday 2020, so a proper “He is […]
Category: Archive, Faith, Holiday, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: age, dadc, easter, egg, family, jesus, katelyn, Memory, momc, pet, photo, pumpy umpy, Rabbit, sunday
RichC | April 11, 2020
The bookshelves have been on-again, off-again as the laborious painting and improved spring weather dictates my indoor verses outdoor activities. I did get a chance to finish the “art display area” in the center bookshelf section … and so far, so good. My plan was to create a little depth perception by bring the art […]
Category: Archive, Art, Nature, Personal, Photography, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: artwork, bookshelves, dslr, flowers, lighting, lilac, lumix, phlox, photography, project, spring
RichC | April 10, 2020
Last week my son Taylor and friend Jeff both sent me their “homemade” stand-up or propped up (with books) notebook computers while working from home. I suspect they aren’t the only COVID19 “stay-at-home” workers trying to come up with comfortable ways to do their jobs? I know Jeff once had a stand-up desk at work […]
Category: Computer, Gadget, Ideas, Photos, Productivity, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: aluminum, coronavirus, covid19, desk, idea, mp4, notebook, project, stand-up, tech friday, techfriday, woodworking, work
RichC | April 9, 2020
Last week while continuing to s-l-o-w-l-y work on the bookshelves and painting project, in-between outdoor yard cleanup and cutting the lawn for the first time in 2020, I also used the frame cutting miter jib previously mentioned. It is amazing just how much more accurate this set-up for my table saw crosscut sled is over […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: bookshelves, cabinetmaking, doors, featherboard, frames, hold down, jigs, paintings, panel, rails, stiles, table saw, tablesaw, tools, woodworking, workshop
RichC | April 8, 2020
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: annalyn, drew, ellerie, family, grandchildren, katelyn, oostra, Photos, Travel, trips, vacation
RichC | April 7, 2020
Likely I’m not the only one needing to de-stress or at least fall back on a few techniques to “Keep Calm and Relax.” Here’s a Navy Seal technique to beat stress. With a little practice, you can learn “box breathing” or four-square breathing as a way to reduce anxiety. Here’s how it works: Breathe in […]
Category: Advice, Health, Millitary, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: anxiety, box breathing, breathing, navy, navy seal, seals, stress
RichC | April 6, 2020
Thought I would add a late day animated GIF to the blog … partially because these Canary alerts have become a normal annoyance by sending text message alerts and partially this cardinal is cute. Hopefully he will grow tired of “looking at himself” and find a female cardinal who he can impress! Also while sending […]
Category: Art, Ideas, Misc, Nature, Personal, Photos, Social Media, Technology, Woodworking |
Tags: ani gif, animated, apartment, artwork, Cam, canary, cardinal, gif, idea, ideas, project, security, table
RichC | April 6, 2020
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Category: Entertainment, Memories, Music, Personal, Video |
Tags: chautauqua, cincinnati, classical, cleveland, corbett, elevator, henry mancini, mp3, Music, music monday, muzak, orchestra, pink panther, theme song, youtube
RichC | April 5, 2020
Snipped an idea for the woodworking workshop that I’m planning to add to my table saw crosscut sled .. nothing complicated, but a way to use geometry in order to make the perfect 45 degree jig for cutting frames. It is a way to use perfect squares to accurately cut the 45 degree jig. Check […]
Category: Archive, Art, Personal, Photos, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: Art, artwork, bookshelves, crosscut, jig, library, music room, paintings, project, sled, table saw, woodworking, workshop, youtube
RichC | April 4, 2020
In a business meeting decades ago, Brenda used the term “Catch-22” without giving the etymology much thought. After the meeting, a older senior executive came up to her and commented that he was surprised to hear a 30-year old using the term “Catch-22” … and then asked if she knew it’s history. She did no, […]
Category: Books, Millitary, Misc, Movies, Tidbits |
Tags: brantley foster, brenda, catch-22, etymology, film, idiom, idioms, joseph heller, Movies, novel, terms, words, ww2
RichC | April 3, 2020
Above is a graphic sent by a friend, who knows of my long time Apple addiction … and it had me pondering the Steve Jobs vs Steve Wozniak struggle when trying to grow Apple Computer back in the early days (watch the Danny Boyle movie called Steve Jobs). One of the founders was an advocated […]
Category: Apple, Archive, Computer, History, Memories, Personal, Technology |
Tags: aldus, apple, compaq, Computer, computing, cpp, History, jeffp, macintosh, microsoft, pagemaker, radius, softcard, steve jobs, steve wozniak, tech friday, techfriday, word processor, wordstar, woz
RichC | April 2, 2020
With “stay at home” orders issued for 3/4 of the U.S. population, my good friend Jeff Pitts has been obeying the directive and working from home. It is also giving him time to do those “I’ll get to it someday” chores like cleaning out a spare room and finally throwing stuff away. One of the […]
Category: Archive, Friends, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT, Travel |
Tags: ashville, backpacking, camping, coronavirus, covid19, friends, hiking, jeff pitts, jeffp, lindville falls, nantahala, national forest, north carolina, pisgah, richc, TBT
RichC | April 1, 2020
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Category: Archive, Health, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, april fools day, blessings, bompa, coronavirus, covid19, drew, ellerie, family, gerber, jessica, katelyn, Photos, prayer