VIDEO: How to Make a Soft Shackle >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News

| June 1, 2016

Soft shackles made from Dyneema are lighter and stronger than stainless steel, they are also kinder to your boat and your hands. Yachting Monthly demonstra Source: VIDEO: How to Make a Soft Shackle >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News

Using gunpowder is a creative way to burn art onto wood

| May 18, 2016

Posting this for my good friend Mark who checks my blog once in a while and enjoys working with gunpowder (reloading) … but he also is a creative woodworker. He may not give this a try, but I’m sure he’ll like it … or at least I do. (LINK)

Losing Mozilla Firefox add-on data for FireFTP after upgrade

| December 28, 2015

After making the Microsoft update from Windows 7 to Windows 10, there were a few items lost in the mostly automatic update (BTW, it is as painless an upgrade Microsoft has ever done). One of the add-ons for the Mozilla’s Firefox browser that I find hard to live without is FireFTP (simple FTP client). Much […]

A favorite YouTube channel: Tips from a Shipwright

| July 18, 2015

By far, my favorite woodworking and sailing YouTube channel is Tips from a Shipwright. It is sponsored by Jamestown Distributors in Rhode Island a great source for boat paints, finishes and epoxy materials. I will go there before looking elsewhere because of their sponsorship. The filmmaker Halsey Fulton of Fish Hawk Films brings the impressive […]

How to: Simple gas struts replaced on a lifting rear door

| June 9, 2015

After my son returned from living in “dusty” Williston, North Dakota for a couple of years, the Chevy Trailblazer he was using came back a bit dusty. We noticed after visiting him last year that one of the big differences from Ohio were the lack of paved roads. Thankfully, we did give some thought to […]

Video: The heel lock or lace lock when tying athletic shoes

| May 13, 2015

Hmm … I learned something new today. Q: Have you wondered about those extra lacing holes were for that seem out of place on athletic shoes? A: They are used to prevent blisters on your feet when running by keeping your shoe tightly on your foot. (Illumiseen)

TechFriday: Reject and block annoying phone calls

| April 3, 2015

Ok … so you’ve done your part and registered your phone numbers with the National Do Not Call List and you’ve done your best to keep phone numbers from undesirables … BUT you’re still getting annoying calls (and text messages!) Below is the new (1) iPhone (Settings>Phone>Blocking) method to block phone numbers from your smartphone […]

How to Use Blogsy

| March 1, 2015

Welcome to Blogsy! Let's get started. Set up your blog by going to the Settings Menu → Service Settings. Then choose your blog platform and fill in your information. Tap on the Post Info. button to get to all post information. Tap on the Plus button to start a new post or open a local […]

TechFriday: Magic Mouse Mac users and Google Calendar

| February 13, 2015

Judging from the suggestions complaints to Google from users making an accidental “mouse swipe” through their online Calendar app, it looks like I’m not the only one frustrated. The problem of scrolling to the wrong month has existed for years and is most noticeable when using the Apple OS and their Magic Mouse. The sensitivity […]

How to idea – Cleaning hard water stains from porcelain

| January 31, 2015

The inexpensive miracle cleaner and kitchen staple known as vinegar has hundreds if not thousands of uses … but few of those uses are as helpful as cleaning and dissolving hard water calcium build up. I use a vinegar mix regularly for window washing, as a way to keep the shower and shower head free […]

Rebuilding a brake caliper on the W123 Mercedes Benz 300D

| January 20, 2015

Once I priced a rebuilt brake caliper the 1982 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel, I knew I would be rebuilding the the caliper this past weekend, especially since the seal kit was only $9.00 on eBay. The project was pretty straight forward, but removing the old “baked” on seals was not as easy at one might […]

Gum foil and a battery makes a perfect emergency firestarter

| January 18, 2015

I’m sure this idea has been around for a while since I’ve even tried my hand at welding with a car battery … but did you know you can create fire by cutting gum foil and using a small 1/1/2 volt battery?

Emergency cooking on toilet paper and alcohol can stove

| December 28, 2014

On a previous sailboat and in my backpacking gear I use an alcohol stove for cooking, but the other day I saw a video clip expanding an idea for emergency or “bugout bag” use. (video below) The concept is pretty simple: Use a roll or partial roll of toilet paper as a wick to absorb […]

Video: Posted as much for the accent as the content :-)

| November 9, 2014

Great tip for those who normally take two or three “buckets of ketchup” for their fast food (but really just enjoy hearing the Russian accent).

Battery replacement for my Uninterruptable Power Supply

| October 14, 2014

Most offices (home and commercial) protect their computers and electronics with at least a surge strip and many of us with Uninterruptable Power Supplies … or UPS units. I’ve owned a couple from APC (now Schneider Electric) and over the years have been frustrated with having to replacing the expensive back-up batteries. The replacements are […]

We switched our cell service to this weekend

| October 6, 2014

After a few months of talking, we finally switch two of our phones to Ting. Hopefully the service won’t change and that with only two of us on the account we’ll be able to save a few dollars. As I mentioned before, my daughter made the switch a couple months ago after her move to […]

Roller furling headsail tips from

| August 31, 2014

Archiving a great sailing tip from the website starting with a tip on how to adjust the jib sheet car when using a roller furling genoa: Deck-sweeping genoas are not wonderful on a cruising boat if you’re at all interested in what’s going on ahead; nor do they work well with furling gear unless […]

Try this for a Honda Odyssey with a power sliding door problem

| August 19, 2014

Last week my brother asked me to take a look at my dad’s 2001 Honda Odyssey because the power sliding rear doors had both failed. The dealer quoted $200 EACH to fix the door and since both had failed we figured it might not hurt to rule out a fuse or relay. I stopped and […]

Follow up from my TechFriday First World Email Problem

| August 9, 2014

Ok … scratch this week’s Tech Friday post on setting up the iPhone to receive Gmail as if it were “push” rather than “fetch” (the only way Apple’s email client can receive free Gmail nowadays).  Unfortunately my iCloud workaround was a convoluted experiment that wasn’t elegant or simple. I’ve toyed with the idea of switching […]

TechFriday: Google Sync workaround for the iPhone and iOS

| August 8, 2014

I am late to the game in addressing a workaround for a newer Apple iOS devices (recently updated my iPhone 5 to a “secondhand” 5s) and the changed Google Sync services. The changes happened in 2013, but since my old devices were still working it wasn’t a big deal … now it is! Initially, iOS […]

TechFriday: How-to video for replacing an iPhone5 battery

| June 13, 2014

It will soon be time to replace the battery in my iPhone 5, and rather than drive to the Apple store and pay them the $80 to do it, it might be worth spending a few dollars on a tool kit and a battery in order to replace it myself. Wish me luck.

It is time to test a homemade concoction for killing weeds

| May 22, 2014

Mixing up a batch to test on some fresh new growth and will report back. Have you tried this or any combination of homemade weed or vegetation killers similar to Round-Up or Weed-Be-Gone?

Knots and tying and quicker modified Bowline options

| April 28, 2014

I’ve always been intrigued with ways to improve on knots and look for faster ways to tie them. For example, I’ve used the “Flying Bowline” (not mastered it), as well as the one-handed and around the waist versions before – I might try to demonstrate them in a future post. The Flying or Tugboat Bowline […]

How-to: Which end do you peel a banana from?

| April 23, 2014

Saved a semi-educational filler post about a better way to peel a banana for a day when I didn’t feel up to posting anything else (video below). Pinch the butt end of the banana to split, then pull apart the peel. So easy.

What is the best way to keep a load secure on top of your car?

| March 11, 2014

While I was uploading a short knot tying video for a blog post the last week, it occurred to me that very few people know how to tie a proper Trucker’s Hitch as a way to secure a load to the top of their car or in a trailer (great for securing a tent to […]

What’s the difference between Jury Rig and Jerry Rig?

| March 6, 2014

Earlier this week I used a term in the title of a post, “Jury rigging SeaTalk connections on marine electronics,” and was sent an email questioning me about using the term Jury-Rig instead of Jerry Rig. Jury-Rig is the term used in my nautical books and magazines and I’ve adopted that, but  I like the […]

Tech Friday: Annoying Microsoft Windows Automatic updates

| December 13, 2013

     As the big tech companies look for ways to push the use of their products, some of us are looking for ways to keep them from taking over our computers. I welcome having the option (easy option) to disregard the intrusions, but often spend too much time ignoring, opting out or disabling something […]

Tech Friday: Simple access to the iPhone scientific calculator

| November 29, 2013

Every once in a while we surprise ourselves with a “duh” moment. One where our eyes are opened to something we “should have” known about.  A few weeks ago while doing some electronics calculations in my Amateur Radio studies, I needed to use a scientific calculator. Using the advanced mathematical functions on any calculator is […]

The floor of the Mercedes Benz 300D is wet again!

| July 17, 2013

With the heat in the 90s and humidity high this week I noticed the driver side and rear passenger floor in the Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel soaking wet again. A few weeks ago I thought that it might be due to a leak in the windshield gasket or possibly the drain in front as mentioned […]

Inside rust on the Mercedes 300D including the battery tray

| July 13, 2013

I’m getting creative while addressing a few more rust spots while still keeping the dollar investment to acceptable levels in my 1982 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel. In most areas I’m a proponent of grinding and replacing metal with metal (TIG welding new material) … but I noticed some rust  on the inside of the doors […]

Sharing tips for loosening Rusty Nuts

| April 2, 2013

  Here’s a tip posted by Lee Jennings titled “Rusty Nuts.” Excellent tips although mine is a repost of a repost. I ran across this a while ago in a post from the (Twin City DX Association) The info could prove useful the next time you run across an “impossible to loosen” nut on a […]

They don’t make them like they used to: Electric clothes dryers

| February 18, 2013

When we were first married, we had an old hand-me-down clothes dryer from my in-laws … along with an electric “Maytag ringer washer” that came with our first house. The dryer was about 20 years old when we first started using it and lasted another 15 years or so and could be easily self-repaired. When […]

Use caution with email links and check your anti-virus software

| October 10, 2012

Knowing that email links can be dangerous isn’t always enough to prevent even a relatively experience Internet user from occasionally being suckered into clicking embedded links in emails. It happened to me yesterday morning with a bogus Skype Voicemail notification (below). Emails can seem legitimate and be over looked if you’re not paying close attention […]

A missed high school reunion and scanning old negatives

| October 7, 2012

Vintage Converse All-Stars from 1977 – note the untied shoelace before it became the style! I was a “geek” before there were “geeks” … if being a  photographer for my hometown newspaper and for my high school yearbook counts? Friday nights were spent shooting games and then zipping to the darkroom to “soup” the film […]

Making Your Own Insect Repellant

| July 30, 2012

With a recent 2012 report that we have a case of West Nile Virus close to home here in Ohio, this “how-to make insect repellant” post from The Boat Galley is timely. Check out the full article here or some of the article below. Store the mix in a dark plastic bottle so it won’t […]

Sailboat repairs and How-To questions

| May 13, 2012

In keeping with my sailboat repairs theme, I removed one of the Spinlock line clamps thinking I might be able to order parts and repair at home. Unfortunately getting the bolts out and permanent bonding materials to let go was another issue. I did finally get the cam lock off. I’m also reworking some of […]

Archive: Homemade cleaning concoctions put to the test

| March 24, 2012

We have a few homemade cleaners around our house, but are too quick to buy others at the store without thinking about them. Here are a few greener options that Elizabeth Kwak-Hefferan of Grist that she put to the test. Of course these are organic and earthy for those leaning “hippy,” but nothing wrong with […]

Tech Friday: Look up unicodes with

| January 20, 2012

I saw the Shapecatcher link highlighted on one of the technology media sites and thought it might make for a good a Tech Friday post. Yes, it has been a while since Friday has seen a technology related idea … so here’s any easy way to find the correct Unicode hexidecimal equivalent for a particular […]

Video: Birch bark canoe – C’SAR ET SON CANOT D’CORCE

| January 20, 2012

Could help but sharing this pretty interesting (long) video illustrating traditional Birch bark canoe building … who knew so much went into building these boats.

WordPress and my slow MySQL database issue is solved!

| November 20, 2011

Finally, after about a month of trial and error fiddling with WordPress and MySQL since moving to a new server, I’ve figured out why MyDesultoryBlog has been so slow. Initially I blamed the new server since everything was fine at the old host, and even started to wonder if 6 years or so of daily […]

A guide to creating flying videos

| November 5, 2011

Reposted from EAA284 … thanks Steve. One of our EAA284 members, Steve Dilullo, keeps a personal flying blog and posted a great article for those wanting to create videos of their flights. His  how-to article is a great starting point for those who might want to capture their flights on video and are looking for […]

Archive: Caring and pruning Raspberries

| November 4, 2011

via Excellent tips for growing and maintaining a raspberry patch (row). Posted via email from RichC’s posterous

Fuel cap indicator: Why didn’t I know this before now?

| July 14, 2011

One would have thought that owning and renting cars for 30 years that I would have known that the little indicator arrow on the fuel gauge indicates which side the filler cap is located on. I don’t know how many times I’ve pulled into a gas station with a “new to me car” and guessed […]

Internet privacy and security

| June 26, 2011

Although I’ve not been overly concerned with “my personal” Internet browsing and how my habits are being watched, I am conscious that more and more of online habits are being tracked and marketed to interested parties. It does seem a bit intrusive. After reading a few more articles on the subject the use of https […]

If you enjoy woodworking, you’ll like

| March 22, 2011

With hundreds of great woodworking sites on the web, it is difficult to know which ones are worth viewing whenever there is a new article. Most promote their published product or so overrun with advertising that it reminds me of going to a myspace page (mind you I haven’t gone to one in a few […]

Stripping old varnish, making repairs and re-finishing

| February 14, 2011

I’m had a problem with my speed/log and particularly depth sounding Navman instruments on the boat this last trip and I brought back both the instrument ‘heads’ (transducers are in the hull) and the teak mounting pod from above the companionway. Although I’m not sure what is wrong with the instruments, I’m running them in […]

Tweetdeck’s for longer Twitter messages

| February 9, 2011

The latest install of the Tweetdeck (v0.37.2) Twitter client added a new feature, a shortcut link called, that allows for longer messages. Although the feature enables significantly more text to be included in a tweet, it does take away from the simplicity of Twitter … and the necessity to be concise. Personally I doubt […]

How-to: Shattered — but that is not the point

| January 18, 2011

I dropped one of our juice glasses on the hardwood floors this morning and it really shattered into small shards of glass … hopefully I’ve swept up them all. I was surprised at how small the pieces were, but then that’s really not the point of this post. Really it was just an opportunity to […]

Reviving an older Canon i70 portable inkjet printer

| January 16, 2011

Once upon a time, I packed a small portable printer — Canon i70 — in my car when I traveled, but found it to be a hassle to keep it working. Fast forward to 2011 and I have found a possible use for a small lightweight printer – on the boat. Who knows if it […]

VW TDI Injection Pump Top Seal replacement

| November 21, 2010

I almost forget … but I promised Jacob I would post this video. Here’s the footage that survived a CinciTDI How-To video attempt a year or so ago. Unfortunately the second part of the video (the more difficult part) covered the seal which requires more delicate adjustment and didn’t survive. I’m hoping we get a […]

Speeding up the hands of time with the barrel of a pen

| March 29, 2010

I had trouble finding the little half-notch with the adjusting crown on my son’s new watch (the one that forwards just the date), so I improvised and used a soft rubber barrel of an old pen on my cordless drill to speed up the hands of time. Surprisingly it worked great. So  for the fun […]

New Facebook app for webOS has been updated and improved

| March 6, 2010

I’m a couple days late in commenting on the newly released Facebook application for the Palm webOS smartphones, but wanted to mention that it has been significantly improved. If you are a Facebook user, or even a newbie, the enhancements available for the Pre and Pixi make the popular social networking site almost worth using. […]

Cellphone numbers go public this month

| February 3, 2010

Some reading it hear might want to add their landline phones or cellphones to the National Do Not Call Registry. Thanks Sam for sending the email to remind me. REMINDER…..all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls. YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS To […]

The well worn Gateway notebook computer is finally fixed

| January 4, 2010

Success … finally! I been all thumbs in an ongoing struggle (post one and two) to fix my notebook computer during the Christmas and the New Year holiday.  I ordered the suspect part, ‘an inverter,’ for my Gateway notebook computer and after hassles with pre-Christmas shipping, finally received it only to find out it was […]

Handling small parts – a “How to” suggestion

| January 1, 2010

There come a time when having even small fingers and thumbs isn’t good enough, let alone bigger finger like me, isn’t to repair. Here’s a time tested technique that might just keep your frustration level down. When you’re tinkering with small parts like electronic devices screws, try a dot of silicone sealant on the end […]

Successful Christmas light repair using the Lightkeeper Pro

| December 4, 2009

In a follow up to my post concerning defective Christmas lights, I’ve been working to salvage strings of mini lights before tossing them into the landfill. So far I’ve been pleased the Lightkeeper Pro and have been successful in being able to repair at least a dozens strands of lights. The fixes have not been […]

Defective Christmas lights and the Lightkeeper Pro

| December 1, 2009

I know that I’m not the only one ‘collecting’ tangles of miniature Christmas lights which grows each season as the decorations are packed and unpacked. I’ve vowed a number of times to either fix or dispose of the faulty and half lit strings. This year, knowing my repairman patience is nearing it limit, I’m giving […]

Advice from shipwright and rigger Jerr Dunlap

| November 30, 2009

I’m archiving — and sharing — a good sailing advice blog and video series by shipwright and rigger Jerr Dunlap (@myboatworks) out in Marina del Rey, California — thanks Jerr. He has several great video “how-to” clips …  here are two on how to fit a Norseman Fitting.

Smaller Cincinnati Homearoma for 2009, but enjoyable

| September 19, 2009

We stopped over at the Cincinnati area Homearoma this year in Mason, Ohio even though it was smaller … five homes between $550K to 850K as I recall, compared to the 18 homes mostly over a million or so dollars in  previous years. Brenda and I still had a good time and enjoyed check on […]

Tech Friday:

| September 4, 2009

I used an excellent free conference call product from yesterday. The registration took about 3 minutes and a conference call can be scheduled in about 5 minutes. I set up my first call and had very good results while conferencing with three others … that is, right up until the end —  see comment […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog