RichC | June 30, 2012
I’ve decided I must be old since I can remember the days before the gas powered weedwacker and using a scythe to keep the weeds at bay … although I think my dad was the only one permitted to wield the scythe. Who Needs a WeedWacker When You Can Use a Scythe?
Category: Misc |
RichC | June 30, 2012
Don’t you love going to the beach in the summer … watch out for floaters! Hmm, maybe I’ll just stay home. (Do you think they all use the restroom before arriving?)
Category: Humor, Video |
Tags: beach, china, crowds
RichC | June 29, 2012
Markets were up strong today inching closer to Dow 13,000 on news from Europe … and after sleeping on the Supreme Court Obamacare decision yesterday; I do think that Chief Justice Robert’s position left many on Wall Street stymied (my opinion). For most part, traders and investor were back buying today which help closed the […]
Category: Financial |
RichC | June 29, 2012
Read this review and thought: “I sometimes pay this much for a software update?” Hmm … now give me a phone this nice without a contract and I’m interested. Google’s Nexus 7 tablet is not exactly a surprise. Nor is the fact that I’m able to work on a review of the product just hours […]
Category: Tablet, Technology |
1 Comment
RichC | June 28, 2012
It was a big news day on Thursday and by now all who were interested in hearing the Supreme Court’s conclusion are no doubt tuning-out the overwhelming amount of news and opinion … that is unless you are celebrating this as a victory. I personally was surprised by the court’s ruling and am now wondering where […]
Category: Misc |
1 Comment
Tags: congress
RichC | June 28, 2012
It was great to see a couple Volkswagen friends last night for a couple hours, even if we didn’t actually solve any of their problems. We used the computer and Vagcom software to pull codes on a Passat 2.0 turbo and Passat TDI to hopefully diagnose the reason for the check engine light, but both […]
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
Tags: tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | June 27, 2012
A change in schedules had me flying into CVG (Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Airport) on Tuesday and stuck without a way home. I didn’t park my car this trip and expected that “someone” would be available to pick me up and drive me home – NOPE! Anyway this gave me an excuse to look for another way […]
Category: Advice, Local, Travel |
Tags: airport, Business, cincinnati, ohio, service, taxi
RichC | June 26, 2012
Let’s start with the good news … Encore is safely out of the water, block and safely in the boatyard. Her bottom ablative bottom paint sort of did its job, but was completely used up. A strong power washing took care of the slime and some of the growth and left a few barnacles glued […]
Category: Photos, Sailing |
Tags: antifouling, bottom paint, encore, repair, sailboat
RichC | June 25, 2012
Encore is out of the water, but not necessarily dry at the moment. No doubt I picked a lousy weekend and Monday morning to schedule for our haul-out. It has been a planned move since my failed attempt in May for coming out of the water for the 2012 hurricane season and much needed bottom […]
Category: Sailing, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: encore, hurricane, sailboat, tropical storm
RichC | June 25, 2012
Archiving a few Encore “thinkering” photos so as to begin searching for upgrades. The four smaller reading lights are currently halogen and draw too many amps and create too much heat for the boat. I’m hoping to be able to replace them with warm-white LED bulbs as they improve and come down in price. ( […]
Category: Archive, Sailing |
Tags: alpenglow, encore, generator, honda, led, lights, saiboat
RichC | June 24, 2012
The list of boat related projects continues to grow. Just as I knock a couple off the list, a few more pop up. First the “stop engine” cut-off cable broke and although I can climb to the bilge and manually move the lever to choke of air, it is much more convenient to do it […]
Category: Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: control, encore, morse, saiboat, spinlock, technoflex, teleflex
RichC | June 23, 2012
Since I’m hanging out at the boat this weekend getting Encore prepped for tropical weather/hurricane season, it is rather fitting that the chatter at the marina is about what is brewing in the Gulf of Mexico. A couple neighboring boat have added a couple extra dock lines and removed some canvas. I’ve taken down the […]
Category: Sailing, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: encore, hurricane, sailboat, storms, tropical, weather
RichC | June 23, 2012
WSJ graph showing how unemployment has impacted the nation’s mature workforce. This can’t be good since many are only a few short years away from not even being able to work.
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
RichC | June 23, 2012
Yes, according to a news release from Colombia, Maryland’s New Energy Technologies, Inc. Unfortunately I still think we are faced with the “it is a drop in the bucket” producer of electricity in comparison to what we Americans use … not to mention the cost of windows. Still, it is interesting to explore the advancements […]
Category: Energy, Misc |
Tags: energy, solar
RichC | June 22, 2012
I filled my tank on Tuesday in southwest Ohio for $3.59 which I thought was 10 cents cheaper than other stations, but noticed pricing dropping rapidly this week and even lower while fueling a rental car in Florida (which is usually higher than Ohio). In fact, I just noticed stations at $3.09 and had to […]
Category: Automotive |
RichC | June 22, 2012
I’m probably not the only one who has “excessively” followed people on Twitter over the past few years … so I am trying to clean up my tweetstream with TwitCleaner. So far so good. Twit Cleaner [web] (free) If you follow a large number of people and are looking to clean up your timeline, Twit […]
Category: Advice, Computer, Social Media |
Tags: Social Networking, twitcleaner, twitter
RichC | June 21, 2012
I appreciate high profile Meniere’s Disease sufferers commenting on how debilitating it is to deal with abrupt attacks and ongoing balance/sickness issues, especially when they are as tough as UFC’s Dana White. He commented that he is “not a normal patient” while in an interview about his struggle – although I don’t think he exhibits […]
Category: Entertainment, Health |
Tags: dana white, disease, ear, Health, menieres, ufc
RichC | June 20, 2012
Of course … it is also an election year. Hmm? How much will the market move when Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke speaks this afternoon? Operation Twist, in which the central bank sells short-term securities and buys the same amount of longer-term debt to lengthen the average maturity of its holdings and keep borrowing costs low, […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
1 Comment
RichC | June 20, 2012
I may have started a trend the last couple days in posting the shark and ocean photos … so here are a couple more from a link forwarded by a friend. Hmm, how fast can you swim … or below a meeting between a not so friendly Bull Shark and a diver doing her best […]
Category: Environment, Nature, Photos |
Tags: photo, reshared, shark
RichC | June 19, 2012
There's way too much speculation in the thought the Federal Reserve will again "try" to prime the economy when serious regulation and tax changes are what we need from Washington DC. If Bernanke and crew sit quietly on their hands or even suggest the economy doesn't need additional stimulus, we'll most likely see another stock […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: economy, federal reserve, Financial, stocks
RichC | June 19, 2012
After conversing back and forth with a VW TDI friend of mine in a Google+ thread about the 30-40% increase in new car prices, we sort of concluded in a “maybe we’ll buy a used car?” Of course with the higher priced used cars recently (particularly diesels), I’m not so sure that is a good […]
Category: Automotive, Blogs |
Tags: cars, cnbc, diesel, prices, tdi, used
RichC | June 18, 2012
I’m either too busy or too lazy to add a post for Monday … as both Sunday night and Monday morning have disappeared. Instead, I’ll reshare a couple interesting oceans of the world photos. (Sharks with schools of fish and a large “Batoidea” migration.)
Category: Photos, Travel |
Tags: ocean, photo, rays, shark, sharkshares, world
RichC | June 17, 2012
I was glad be able to stop in to visit with both “dads” in my life this week — took a couple of detours in my weekly travel schedule. The stops doubled as a way to hand deliver Father’s Day cards and a couple printed photos which are becoming rare around our house. Brenda and […]
Category: Personal |
RichC | June 16, 2012
A friend posted this on his Facebook page after the tank collapsed and since today is a busy chore day followed by a graduation party I’ll still to just a photo.
Category: Misc, Photos |
RichC | June 15, 2012
Japan’s hidden tropical island: Aogashima
Category: Misc, Travel |
RichC | June 14, 2012
As a casual flag flier, I often wonder if I’m respectful enough of our stars and stripes? Disclosure: I’ve always had a flag, portable staff or flag pole and initially decided to raise our flag and illuminated it 24/7 after 9/11 out of respect for those serving our country. I committed to keep it flying until […]
Category: History, Holiday, Personal |
Tags: flag, Holiday, musicmonday, patriotism
RichC | June 13, 2012
Although I’ve been pretty successful in dealing with Meniere’s since my surgery in 2001 (same surgery as Astronaut Alan Shepard), I regularly check back in with a few forum, blogs and websites where sufferers post their thoughts, concerns and suggestions. Last year I had to deal with the symptoms once again, hopefully just due to […]
Category: Blogs, Health |
Tags: Art, disease, medical, menieres, von gogh
RichC | June 13, 2012
No wonder the NYC George Washington Bridge toll is so expensive. “With extensive overtime, some toll collectors make more than $100,000, while salaries for several officers to $200,000.” Kudret Topyan saw something out of his 14th floor window last year that so excited him he set up a video camera to capture the action while […]
Category: News |
Tags: bridge, nyc, tolls, wsj
RichC | June 12, 2012
As our five phone Sprint plan nears the anniversary date, I’m continuing to look around at what others have to offer. I’m not anxious to re-up for 2 more years with any particular company, but not sure I’m ready to purchase five new phones just to be free of Sprint either. After a little reading, […]
Category: Cellphone |
RichC | June 11, 2012
How challenging has it really been for families these past few years? Well if you’re in college or just starting out and able to pay the bills, finding work or able to keep borrowing for school … then you might not notice much (can you tell I’m talking with my college age son while he […]
Category: Blogs, Financial |
Tags: blog, finance, wsj
RichC | June 10, 2012
Celebrating Taylor‘s Birthday down in Newport KY on the Ohio River- Happy 23rd Birthday.
Category: Personal, Photos |
RichC | June 10, 2012
Although I’m not an “every week” listener, I’ve heard enough shows and shared several “puzzlers” to become a fan. I’m going to miss their sensible nonsense regarding life and sometimes helpful car advice. I’ve often thought these two guys were able to attract a steady audience of both liberals and conservatives in a way that […]
Category: Automotive, Entertainment |
Tags: cartalk, npr, radio
RichC | June 9, 2012
With the inflated sense of self showered on many American kids throughout their schooling, with the intent of building up their self-esteem, it is interesting to read a bit from Wellesley High School’s commencement address offering a more realistic message. It might bring a few graduates, and parents, back to the reality that exists in […]
Category: Education |
1 Comment
Tags: commencement, Education, high school
RichC | June 8, 2012
Like many long time Internet users, I have signed up and used my share of free client based and online email services over the years. One from back in the 90s that American Express offered was free to small business customers, but ended up spun off and turned fee based a decade ago. Since I’m […]
Category: Cellphone, Cloud, Computer, Productivity, Tablet |
1 Comment
Tags: Cellphone, Computer, email, tablet
RichC | June 7, 2012
One wonders if the new French socialist President Francois Hollande knows what he is doing? Besides lowing the retirement age to 60, taxes will be increase on the rich. I does make the U.S. look like a far better place to do business . PARIS: France’s new Socialist government moved to lower the retirement age […]
Category: Politics |
RichC | June 7, 2012
I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing the growing number of drivers texting and driving distracted (and ‘yes’ I have unfortunately done my share). Of course it is not just messaging, but also looking at dashboard information displays and GPS devices … and even watching movies on video screens … but soon doing it […]
Category: Automotive, Cellphone, Social Media |
Tags: Cellphone, driving, law, ohio, texting
RichC | June 7, 2012
Who can plan for these kinds of increases? “Between 1999 and 2009, tuition at public four-year colleges rose 73 percent on average, and tuition at private nonprofit colleges jumped 34 percent. In the same period, median family income fell by about 7 percent.” Link
Category: Education, Financial |
1 Comment
RichC | June 6, 2012
Don’t know how serious … but changing your password might not be a bad idea. Nearly 6.5 million passwords belonging to users of the professional social networking site LinkedIn have been leaked online, according to reports. Users are being urged to change their login details over fears that, if confirmed, the leak would compromise vast […]
Category: Misc |
1 Comment
RichC | June 6, 2012
No longer available WSJ article
Category: Social Media, Software, Video |
Tags: jotly, wsj
RichC | June 6, 2012
Many families face the inevitable fact that our parents will not be around forever. Unfortunately knowing the end is closer doesn’t make managing a parent’s declining health any easier. I now understand why my daughter’s medical training and rotations in “end of life care” were not attractive to her – pediatrics does sound as if […]
Category: Health, Personal |
1 Comment
Tags: Health, mom, momc, ssri
RichC | June 5, 2012
Although I’m not a big advocate for President Clinton, I do respect his intellect and ability to navigate the politics and the economy more than the current POTUS. Maria Bartiromo on CNBC had an interview which was both political (stumping for the Dems) and reasonably accurate when it comes to the dealing with the stalled […]
Category: Audio, Politics |
Tags: audio, bartiromo, clinton, cnbc, interview, mp3, Politics
RichC | June 5, 2012
I’m “archiving” a few old photos and want to thank my wife Brenda for 30 wonderful years (our 30th anniversary is today June 5); I’m looking forward to another 30 years with her and watching our children build their lives and memories. As many family and friends will agree, 30 years goes by pretty fast […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: 30th, anniversary, archive, brenda, Personal, Photos
RichC | June 4, 2012
A rare astronomical event takes place tomorrow and should be viewable (weather permitting) for those with the correct “sun gazing” equipment or reflective techniques. (I recall the old pinhole in foil and shoebox as a kid) This will be the last time our generation will see Venus pass between the earth and the sun — […]
Category: Misc |
1 Comment
RichC | June 3, 2012
Shared as a “keep alive” social networking accounts post this weekend and figured that I would add my “tombstone” photo (joke) … well at least the hunk of granite was priced like a gravestone. > Really, how many dollars did I just spend on this rock in order to cover a stump?
Category: Misc |
RichC | June 2, 2012
Have we really expanded government to the size that the EPA is flying airplane (and probably drones) to monitor farms? If they have that many resources how about using them on our southern border rather than looking at “manure.” KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) – Cattle farmers complained on Wednesday that a federal agency is “spying” […]
Category: Misc |
RichC | June 1, 2012
The Dow’s gains for the year have been officially wiped away. After thinking 2012 might be the year we work our way out of the long recession, the job numbers tell otherwise. After all the debt-financed stimulus, continued wasteful spending and inefficient use of tax receipts coming from Washington DC … confidence is slipping and […]
Category: Financial, News |
Tags: Business, economy, investing, News, stocks
RichC | June 1, 2012
Numbers being release this Friday morning are making an already bad month of May an even more frightening June beginning. Jobs creation, payroll and now even the unemployment rate has risen. The yield on the 10-yr Treasuries hits an unbelievable low of 1.5% yield. Weak throughout. WASHINGTON—U.S. job growth slowed sharply in May, the latest […]
Category: Financial |
1 Comment