RichC | January 8, 2024
Took a screenshot of my iPhone’s Sirius XM app last month while listening to an old Casey Kasem‘s American Top 40 countdown on the 70’s channel. There’s always something that catches my ear on the weekends when it comes to 1970s songs and thought it was a good choice for Music Monday. The song was […]
Category: Music |
Tags: 1970, kinks, lola, music monday, musicmonday, siriiusxm, wikipedia
RichC | January 1, 2024
When a few of my “other” favorite groups or musicians sing Jimmy Buffett songs, I can’t help but listen and sing along (suspect I’m not the only one who will miss his music)? In December, a social media friend forwarded the YouTube video below, but thought I would include a Zac Brown Band and Jimmy […]
Category: Holiday, Music |
Tags: a pirate looks at forty, dave matthews, jimmy buffett, music monday, musicmonday, new years day, youtube, zac brown
RichC | December 31, 2023
After commenting back in 2022 on a favorite Babylon Bee parody video (added from YouTube below the break), this 2023 year year end New Year’s Eve favorite is another California oriented music video. Both parody clips highlight memorable songs as well as destructive policies from progressive Democrats governing a once idyllic state. It does seems […]
Category: Humor, Music, Politics, Social Media, Video |
Tags: babylon bee, california, california fleein', parody, video, youtube
RichC | December 25, 2023
Pre-posting a Christmas day blog update as I’m expecting to be busy with our family … and for the record … I am finally getting in the spirit and correct mood to celebrate Christ’s birthday. Since this is a Music Monday, it is appropriate to include the most popular Christmas song in America … BUT […]
Category: Holiday, Movies, Music |
Tags: brenda, christmas, donna reed, james stewart, mariah carey, movie, music monday, musicmonday, song, The Christmas Story, wonderful life, youtube
RichC | December 23, 2023
Although I’ve never paid attention to those who perfect the skills of bartending, I’ve always enjoyed listening to Jimmy Buffett Caribbean escapism music … and sipping on a good Margarita. Beth DeCarbo posted a recipe and thought I might want to give it a try “next summer.”
Jimmy Buffett – “Margaritaville” […]
Category: How-To, Ideas, Music, Recipe, Video |
Tags: Beth DeCarbo, jimmy buffett, margarita, margaritaville, recipe, wsj
RichC | December 18, 2023
I’m not really a Taylor Swift fan … nor do I spend much time listening to “Swifties” pop music, it is probably apropos to highlight this BILLIONAIRE entertainer again on MyDesultoryBlog (surprisingly, I also posted a clip in 2015 … who knew)? The most stream women on Spotify also happens to be Time’s 2023 Person […]
Category: Entertainment, Music, Video |
Tags: christmas tree farm, music monday, musicmonday, person of the year, taylor swift, time magazine, travis kelsey
RichC | December 11, 2023
The song “Best Of My Love” by The Emotions was a song that I only listened on the radio to when it was released in 1977 (it was not in my music collection), but over the years I do enjoy how it reminds me of being “back in my younger days.” Hm, perhaps Don Williams […]
Category: Music |
Tags: best of my love, don williams, music monday, musicmonday, the emotions
RichC | December 4, 2023
The music I listened to in the early 1980s was in my opinion still leftover from the 1970s. I was still finishing up college and grad school … but growing up since Brenda and I were married in 1982 (although “grown up” would be a stretch)! So for me, Hall and Oates and their hit […]
Category: Music |
Tags: college, daryl hall, john oates, miami university, music monday, musicmonday, onu, private eyes, youtube
RichC | November 27, 2023
“Come Sail Away” is today’s Music Monday song by Styx. It took me back to hanging out in the dorm room with my roommate and listening to music. Was life less stressful back then … or is it just the rose color glasses perspective of time (probably the later)?
Category: Music |
Tags: 1977, come sail away, music monday, musicmonday, styx, youtube
RichC | November 20, 2023
The Grass Roots was an American rock band that achieved significant success between 1965 and 1975. The band’s origins trace back to the collaboration of songwriter duo P. F. Sloan and Steve Barri, along with the involvement of Lou Adler. For Music Monday, here is their 1971 hit “Sooner of Later” from “Their 16 Greatest […]
Category: Music |
Tags: bing ai, grass roots, m4a, music monday, musicmonday, sooner or later, wikipedia
RichC | November 6, 2023
Although I’m sure I’m not the only one, but today’s Music Monday song (and YouTube served music video) is one of those songs that after hearing it, I can’t get out of my head … in other words, an earworm. The “Best Day of my Life” from 2013 is by pop band American Authors and […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: american authors, earworm, music monday, musicmonday, the best day of my life, youtube
RichC | November 1, 2023
It will not be easy for the Coral Reefer Band to keep traveling and performing without Jimmy Buffett, but all the bandmembers have talent and many of them have been together for years if not decades together … “as a family.” So, it is sounding as if they intent to give the concert tour a […]
Category: Memories, Music |
Tags: concerts, coral reefer band, jimmy buffett, mac mcanally, parrothead, party, rolling stone
RichC | October 30, 2023
For most of my life, hearing the 1971 counterculture era song “One Tin Soldier” automatically triggered the band Coven in my musical memory … until last week. It was only then that I realized that the song was recorded (not surprisingly) a couple years earlier by the Canadian folk group The Original Caste (below).
Category: Music |
Tags: coven, music monday, musicmonday, one tin soldier
RichC | October 26, 2023
Most people enjoy a day or week at the beach, but few who are younger get the opportunity to spend much more time than that enjoying the sand and surf. Thankfully Brenda and I have figured out how to do it … even if it is not on a sailboat as I had planned. While […]
Category: Music, Tidbits |
Tags: clouds, earth, joni mitchell, maps, seasons, sun, visual
RichC | October 25, 2023
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Category: Archive, Music, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, bob dylan, changin', corn maze, cpp, drew, ellerie, family, katelyn, mp3, northeast, ohio, poop house
RichC | October 23, 2023
While laying on the beach and watching the clouds drift over last week, Brenda stuck a granola bar in my mouth and I laughed, commenting that I was like a seagull … a Jonathan Livingston Seagull. She rolled her eyes as I headed down memory lane remembering and played the Richard Bach story (fable) from […]
Category: Books, Memories, Music, Travel |
Tags: jonathan livingston, music monday, musicmonday, neil diamond, seagull, youtube
RichC | October 9, 2023
It is hard for me not to enjoy almost any James Taylor music no matter who sings or plays the songs, but the music is especially enjoyable when it is the Lexington Lab Band (includes my schoolmate from high school, Rob Pottorf). For Music Monday this week, here’s the group’s YouTube video of “Copperline” that […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: band, copperline, cover band, james taylor, lab, lexington, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | October 2, 2023
It is still difficult to believe that Jimmy Buffett in gone and won’t be making new music or touring. I know I still hear his music in my head and wish there was a way to go back a few decades to enjoy a new albums and songs every year all over again. Jimmy […]
Category: Music |
Tags: coconut telegraph, dave loggins, island, jimmy buffett, music monday, musicmonday, song, youtube
RichC | September 18, 2023
When I hear Peter Frampton, I’m transported back to high school and riding with a photographer friend Chris Carr in Sidney, Ohio … and istening to “Frampton Comes Alive!” in his first generation Chevy II Nova with an 8-track player (previous post)! So for today’s Music Monday‘s “flashback memory,” here’s “Baby I Love Your […]
Category: Automotive, Memories, Music |
Tags: concert, heil, live, music monday, musicmonday, peter frampton, sidney ohio, siriiusxm, talk box, the bridge, youtube
RichC | September 11, 2023
“Nope” … I’m not really a Deadhead, but I do enjoy listening to some of the devoted fan’s music. Last month I save the SiriusXM channel clip to my phone thinking to myself that I should add a Grateful Dead song to Music Monday. So here is Uncle John’s Band, a song written by Jerry […]
Category: AI, Music |
Tags: chatgpt, grateful dead, m4a, music monday, musicmonday, siriusxm, uncle john's band, workingman's dead
RichC | September 4, 2023
Depressing for those of us who grew up in the Jimmy Buffett mindset and have enjoyed his music, concerts, ambitious lifestyle and attitude for our college and adult lives, but his passing on September 1, 2023 hit home. Unfortunately it is starting to feel like the norm (but 76 is way, WAY, too young)? I […]
Category: Friends, Memories, Music, Obituary, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: brenda, death, impact, jeffp, jimmy buffett, living, megan, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, richc
RichC | August 28, 2023
While winding down the last of the lazy summer pool weekends (photo from 2016) this August 2023, there aren’t many better songs than those from the singer/songwriter Bertie Higgins. A few years back his “Just Another Day in Paradise” was a Music Monday selection and probably a favorite … but equally enjoyable is “Key Largo.” […]
Category: Memories, Movies, Music, Video |
Tags: bertie higgins, classic movies,, music monday, musicmonday, summer, youtube
RichC | August 21, 2023
William Royce “Boz” Scaggs “recalled: “Lido Shuffle” was a song that I’d been banging around. I … took the idea of the shuffle [from] a song that Fats Domino did called “The Fat Man” that had a kind of driving shuffle beat that I used to play on the piano, and I just started kind […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: boz scaggs, georgia, lido shuffle, music monday, musicmonday, silk degrees, wikipedia, youtube
RichC | August 15, 2023
Having a customer for over 30 years is something that I should be super happy about (and for the most part, I am), but in August like clockwork it is a trigger for me that it is the end of summer and the beginning of a new printing year, at least with the Greater Akron […]
Category: Business, History, Memories, Music, Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: akron audubon, bob dylan, Business, cpp,, customer, printing, publishing
RichC | August 14, 2023
Although the “new wave” music genre isn’t something I generally listen to or know much about, hearing the 1982 song “I Melt With You” as aTV business news segment change did catch my ear. I think I said something like, “I like that. Perhaps a song from the band Modern English would make for a […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: band, british, modern english, music monday, musicmonday, new wave, youtube
RichC | August 7, 2023
The songwriter Mark James wrote the song “Hooked On A Feeling” that became a hit in 1968 for singer and entertainer B.J. Thomas (see Geraldo video below) and then became a hit for Swedish rock band Blue Swede six years later. Both versions are memorable, although the Blue Swede producer Jonathan King’s “ooga-chaka” introduction on […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 8-track, album, ani-gif, anigif, bj thomas, blue swede, cassette, geraldo, hooked on a feeling, jonathan king, mark james, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | July 31, 2023
Today’s Music Monday song by Looking Glass is one nearly every generation that enjoys pop music would find difficult not to like. Brandy (You’re A Fine Girl) is about as popular as a song can get in the early 1970s. It rose to #1 in the charts in 1972. Interesting tidbit: Following the song’s release […]
Category: Music, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: barry manilow, brandy, looking glass, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | July 24, 2023
When it comes to Music Monday, there is something about hearing a one-hit wonder that grabs my attention. Perhaps it is the memory of the song or days gone by … or maybe it is just the fact that we expected the singer or band to have another hit song? In any case, the English […]
Category: Memories, Music |
Tags: 1975, jigsaw, music monday, musicmonday, one hit wonder, sky high
RichC | July 10, 2023
In July I’m usually looking for hot weather music mood, so for summer 2023 I’m tuning SiriusXM to the Florida Keys Xtra channel. James T. Slater‘s “Key West Address” popped on and it does a pretty good job of capturing my summertime state-of-mind, although it would probably be just fine in the middle of winter […]
Category: Music |
Tags: james slater, key west, music monday, musicmonday, song, youtube
RichC | July 3, 2023
Let’s start July 2023’s Music Monday off with an upbeat summer song by Kenny Loggins — at least that’s my interpretation? Kenny Loggins – “Keep the Fire” | 1980 Although I’ve included songs from him before, “Keep the Fire” from 1980 is a favorite of mine from my college days and listening on […]
Category: Memories, Music, Video |
Tags: capri, cassette, concert, keep the fire, kenny loggins, live, music monday, musicmonday
RichC | June 19, 2023
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Category: AI, Memories, Music |
Tags: carl douglas, chatgpt, kung fu, kung fu fighting, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, one hit wonder, siriusxm
RichC | June 12, 2023
One cannot watch ANY of the videos by Music Travel Love and not be enamored by the beauty in the travel videography of their productions. The scenery aside, their singing of favorite hits throughout time is excellent and have me wanting to buy more of their music and hope for more beautiful travel. Most of […]
Category: Environment, Music, Travel, Video |
Tags: imagine, it's alright, john lennon, love, moffatts, Music, music monday, musicmonday, the impressions, Travel
RichC | June 5, 2023
Once upon a time, I would have defaulted to “Happy Anniversary Baby” by The Little River Band … but as the idiom goes, “been there, done that“ in a 2014 post. So to wish Brenda a Happy Anniversary, this Music Monday I’ll zero in on the year we were married and opt for “Open Arms” by […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Music, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: anniversary, brenda, idiom, music monday, musicmonday
RichC | May 29, 2023
For Music Monday and for Memorial Day this week I’m letting ChatGPT write the post for the 1971 song “Here” by the British–American (cough, cough) rock band America (formed in London in 1970 by Dewey Bunnell, Dan Peek, and Gerry Beckley [wrote this song] — at least they are all Americans).
America […]
Category: AI, Holiday, Music, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: america, band, chatgpt, here, Memorial Day, music monday, musicmonday
RichC | May 22, 2023
Another Music Monday and another 1970s hit. This week it is the Little River Band’s “So Many Paths” hit from their Sleeper Catcher album in 1978. I can still recall putting the album on the turntable in our ONU dorm room as we all tried to study. Good memories and a great time to be in […]
Category: Music |
Tags: little river band, lrb, music monday, musicmonday, so many paths
RichC | May 8, 2023
Canadian singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot passed away last week; he was 84. The respected entertainer has been a favorite of mine since high school and I enjoyed his music throughout the years … and still do. Music Monday has highlighted a few of his many songs and I felt obligated to reflect on his music this […]
Category: Entertainment, Music, Obituary |
Tags: canadian, cnn, gordon lightfoot, Music, music monday, musicmonday, obit, singer, songwriter, youtube
RichC | April 23, 2023
As I often do in the evening, I was listening music on headphones while reading last night. Jimmy Buffett was singing “Duke’s On Sunday” on SiriusXM’s Radio Margaritaville … and it soothed my soul; I think I could listen to it on repeat over and over. So instead of waiting until Music Monday, I’ll tag […]
Category: Music |
Tags: henry kapono, jimmy buffett, mellow, radio margaritaville, siriusxm, sunday, youtube
RichC | April 17, 2023
Who knew that I was becoming a Taylor Swift music fan (I may have to listen a little more)? Well at least after hearing a couple of her songs played on “KC‘s No Shoes” SiriusXM channel, I’m starting to enjoy and perhaps now know what I’ve been missing. So for today’s Music Monday, here’s “Breathe“ […]
Category: Music, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: beach, breathe, delray beach, music monday, musicmonday, taylor swift, vacation, youtube
RichC | April 10, 2023
While feeling a bit melancholy last week while thinking about my late father and mother-in-law (no Alzheimer’s, but some dementia), I heard the song “While He Still Knows Who I Am” recorded by Kenny Chesney on his Welcome to the Fishbowl album in 2012. It does trigger memories and getting things said while you can […]
Category: Health, Music |
Tags: aging, alzhemers, disease, grandparents, Health, kenny chesney, love bugs, music monday, musicmonday, parents
RichC | April 3, 2023
Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band songs are definitely Music Monday headphone listening material. I sort forgot just how much I enjoyed Mr. Michigan’s “garage rock” … especially back in the day — aka: 1970s (watch this video for a little history). Bob Seger – “Roll Me Away” | 1983 Here’s just one of his many […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: bob seger, garage rock, music monday, musicmonday, night moves, roll me away, silver bullet band
RichC | March 27, 2023
If you were around in the later 1970s, you no doubt heard “Smoke From a Distant Fire” by the Sanford-Townsend Band. After hearing the 1977 song while driving last week, and remembering it was released the year I graduated high school and started college, it seemed like the perfect Music Monday song for this week. […]
Category: Education, Memories, Music |
Tags: music monday, musicmonday, sanford townsend, youtube
RichC | March 13, 2023
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Category: Music |
Tags: all right now, free (band), mp3, music monday, musicmonday
RichC | February 20, 2023
My youngest granddaughter turns 3 years old today … WOW! Happy Birthday Ellerie. We wish we were spending it with you, but we will be calling you on your way home from Michigan (photo above on Sunday) and celebrating soon for your combined birthday with your sister. For Music Monday today, I was thinking about […]
Category: Music, Personal, Photos |
Tags: birthday, granddaughter, happy does, kenny chesney, music monday, musidmonday, youtube
RichC | February 13, 2023
While driving and listening to a few of my usual music stations last week … one being SiriusXM The Bridge … hearing Bonnie Raitt singing “Angel From Montgomery” reminded me how I’ve always enjoy the solemn blues sounds she can offer in her southern rock. This make not have charted as a hit or even […]
Category: Music, Video-TV |
Tags: bonnie raitt, late show, music monday, musicmonday, performing, singing, siriusxm, steven colbert, the bridge, video, youtube
RichC | February 6, 2023
Since “No Shoes” was mentioned in last week’s Music Monday post, I’ll stick with the theme and include a Kenny Chesney and a “No Shoes Nation” video of his 2020 song “We Do” this week (included KC a few times here before). It is always great to see happy crowds enjoying some great entertainment and […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: kenny chesney, live, music monday, musicmonday, no shoes nation, no shoes radio, singing, we do, youtube
RichC | January 30, 2023
Generally, reggaeis not my thing, but this time of year it is easy for me to include something a little more tropical for Music Monday. So my music listening turns to either “No Shoes Radio” or Radio Margaritaville on SiriusXM. This week it was listening to Mishka Firth’s 2010 recording of “Just Keep Livin” as […]
Category: Archive, Health, Medical, Music, Personal, Photos |
Tags: barefoot, brenda, excapism, flip-flops, fracture bionic, hip, injury, just keep livin, mishka, music monday, musicmonday, no shoes radio, radio margaritaville, reggae, shoulder, siriusxm, surgery, xray
RichC | January 23, 2023
Steven Stills, David Crosby and Graham Nash in concert in 2012 A depressing Music Monday today as music lovers remembered and reflected on the January 18, 2023 passing of the talented singer, guitarist and songwriter David Crosby. He impacted literally millions with is wonderful harmonies from the day he joined the Byrds in 1964 to […]
Category: Music, Obituary, Video |
Tags: csn, csny, david crosby, folk-rock, legacy, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | January 16, 2023
Perhaps it is that I feel younger “again” or that this song just the good memories from earlier times, but I do get a good feeling when listening to Steve Windood singing “Back In The High Life Again.” After a medically rough week … or several weeks with Brenda’s hip fracture and full hip replacement […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: mp4, music monday, musicmonday, siriusxm, steve winwood, the bridge
RichC | January 9, 2023
Perhaps the first song that I can remember hearing on the radio and remembering I liked was Roger Miller‘s “King of the Road.” I was probably too young to remember it clearly, but my mom and dad commented that I definitely liked it when I was just 4 or 5. I do know that … […]
Category: Memories, Music, Video |
Tags: glen campbell, honky tonk, king of the road, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, roger miller, twitter
RichC | January 2, 2023
There are songs that when you hear them trigger memories of times, people and places in life. Dan Fogelberg’s “Same Old Lang Syne” does that for me … although thankfully not as depressing as the lyrics. (I’m thinking about the “bigger than life trips” during my college Christmas/New Year breaks). Over the Christmas and New […]
Category: Memories, Music, Travel, Video |
Tags: dan fogelberg, florida, memories, mp4, music monday, same old lang syne, winter
RichC | December 26, 2022
Who doesn’t love those “one hit wonders?” Henry Gross had one call “Shannon” in 1976, which is probably why I remember it. It was a #1 hit in Canada and New Zealand, but reached #6 in the U.S. on Billboard Hot 100. It was played on the SiriusXM’s 70son7 channel last week and triggered a […]
Category: Friends, Memories, Music |
Tags: 70son7, beach boys, carl wilson, dogs, henry gross, music monday, musicmonday, one hit wonder, shannon, siriusxm
RichC | December 19, 2022
On Saturday I mentioned a cold front arriving before next weekend and possibly having a white Christmas … and therefore couldn’t help but think of Bing Crosby singing Irving Berlin‘s “White Christmas.” It is not a song from my generation, but I definitely remember my parents playing it when I was a boy. It is […]
Category: Memories, Music, Weather |
Tags: bing crosby, irving berlin, music monday, musicmonday, white christmas
RichC | December 12, 2022
Hearing that Christine McVie passed away earlier this month is just another reminder that we are all getting older. I still think of her as “the emotional glue in a band that has spent the past 50 years breaking up over and over, the most stable, sensible, down-to-earth member of rock’s most unstable, senseless, lost-in-space […]
Category: Music, Obituary, Video |
Tags: chicken shack, christine mcvie, christine perfect, fleetwood mac, music monday, musicmonday, rob sheffield, rolling stone, youtube
RichC | November 28, 2022
In keeping with the 1960’s Music Monday from a couple week’s ago, the song “Puff the Magic Dragon” by Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary flickered by in some way this past week when someone mentioned the old rumors speculating that “it contained veiled references to smoking marijuana.” But the authors, including the original […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 1960s, Music, music monday, musicmonday, peter paul mary, puff the magic dragon, song, youtube
RichC | November 21, 2022
Surprisingly Music Monday has only highlighted a little bit from The Beatles. Perhaps it was because they were for the most part “before my time” … or maybe it’s just not the kind of music that I’m attracted too? Nevertheless, the British group made a big splash in the 1960s and had an enormous influence […]
Category: Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: foxnews, hey jude, julian lennon, music monday, musicmonday, paul mccartney, recording session, the beatles, twitter