RichC | September 1, 2022
Some days I over-think things … today was one of those days. Like a lot of people, we have had an Amazon Prime membership for a long time. It has its pluses and minus, but continues to provide value and has become a habit and part of our daily lives. We use Alexa and I […]
Category: Business, Financial, Shopping, Technology |
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Tags: amazon, annual, membership, online, pennypinching, pennywise, prime, shipping, streaming, subscription
RichC | June 3, 2022
Over the years, I have backed a few smaller companies needing capital and pre-sales to expand their businesses. Before the days of online crowdfunding platforms such as Indiegogo and Kickstarter, I participated as an investor in two smaller Ohio local companies … one that landed a contract to fulfill candy for Disney World which need […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Innovation, Shopping, Technology |
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Tags: capital, elio, elio motors, funding, indiegogo, kickstarter, lures, magfast, mayfly, ordering, shipping, startup, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | October 8, 2021
Although my interest in productivity in running a business has waned a bit now that I’m no longer aggressively working or growing a small business, I still have curiosity when it comes to the direction things are going. I’ve read Christopher Mims “tech writing” for a few years now as he contributes regularly to the […]
Category: Books, Business, Innovation, Memories |
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Tags: akron, arriving today, book, Books, christopher mims, cpp, crossword, glose, online, ordering, Productivity, puzzle, rubber citty, shipping, wsj
RichC | March 30, 2021
The news that has captured much of the of the world’s interest this week was the very large Ever Given container ship lodged sideways in the Suez Canal by 40+ mph winds (and perhaps some mechanical issues?). The “Empire State Building” size ship snarled traffic for 6 days surprising most people as to just how […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Photos |
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Tags: blocked, canal, coronavirus, covid19, jit, locks, News, shipping, ships, shutdown, suez, supply chain, tugboats, wedged, world
RichC | July 3, 2020
As often as I gripe about ordering from Amazon or more to the point, complain about their delivery and updating, one would think I would opt for another online ecommerce portal? Unfortunately there aren’t better options or more dependable deliveries. This past week a small order came a day early, yet the app notification that […]
Category: Alexa, Business, Shopping, Technology, Video |
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Tags: ai, Alexa, amazon, bots, delivery, echo, ecommerce, mp4, ordering, prime, shipping, updates, video
RichC | August 10, 2019
I’m becoming increasingly grouchy over paying for Amazon Prime (now $119/yr) and dealing with various shipping problems that have been popping up. This past year, I have have several shipping issues with Amazon reporting one thing and then delivering another. Usually a delay, in for the most part very impressive delivery speeds, isn’t a life-changer, […]
Category: Business, Shopping, Technology |
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Tags: amazon, delivery, drop, online, ordering, prime, rant, ship, shipping
RichC | February 5, 2019
The prediction that diesel fuels will rise (“double in price” – note the last minute of the interview) is bound to impact the price of goods. Everything is shipped using diesel fuel, be it on ships, trains or trucks, and with those prices rising significantly, consumers will be paying. On the personal side, those of […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Diesel, Energy, Politics, Video |
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Tags: diesel, economy, fuel, inflation, phil flynn, shipping, tommy san miguel, youtube
RichC | January 20, 2019
A quick piece of advice for those who are in the habit of shopping online … especially if you are used to using Amazon and their Prime shipping. I’ve habitually price products since Amazon isn’t always competitively price with other online vendors, BUT my advice is to remember just how dependable and reliable shipping from […]
Category: Advice, Idioms, Marketing, Shopping, Tools |
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Tags: advice, amazon, idiom, oil, online, shipping, Shopping, tap magic
RichC | December 20, 2018
Who knew something as simple as ordering an Mann air filter ordered from Amazon would delay getting the Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel back on the road? I order a new battery “online” with free delivery since it was $20 cheaper than picking it up at the auto parts store (crazy!) and figured since I had […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Mercedes, Shopping |
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Tags: 300d, air filter, amazon, battery, benz, hassles, mann, mercedes, shipping, turbodiesel
RichC | June 6, 2018
Once in a while we all end up squabbling with a company over their product or service. Neither Brenda or I have ever been advocates for "frozen meat" or ordering the generally higher priced national brands that require significant cost to package and ship a product … but earlier this spring we took advantage of […]
Category: Advice, Business, Marketing |
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Tags: advice, Business, customer service, food, omaha steaks, shipping
RichC | January 10, 2018
Bits and pieces are still arriving from my Christmas shopping. Sometimes I forget that not every company/individual doing business online is shipping with the efficiency we become accustom to with Amazon and other big online retail sites. In any case, one of the gifts I assembled was an emergency kit that included survival items we […]
Category: Archive, Health, Misc, Shopping, Video |
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Tags: amazon, ebay, filter, hack, prepper, shipping, smartwater, video, water, youtube
RichC | December 16, 2015
When you begin to depend on prompt order fulfillment and reasonable delivery times from online retail stores, it feels like we’ve gone back a decade or two? On Cyber Monday, November 30th, I placed an order with Target thinking there was plenty of time before last minute Christmas ordering. I entered both my email address […]
Category: Holiday, Misc, Personal, Shopping |
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Tags: fedex, Holiday, rant, shipping, target, usps
RichC | September 25, 2015
If you are a regular online shopper and use Amazon, you may have contemplated purchasing their annual membership. Unfortunately each year it seems to go up in price and unless you “shop on Amazon or stream their video content” A LOT, it is hard to justify $99 per year. On the other hand, $67 (the […]
Category: Movies, Shopping |
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Tags: discount, Movies, online, prime, sale, shipping, Shopping, tech friday, techfriday