RichC | August 12, 2011
In the tech and gadget world, few devices are attracting buyers like smartphones and their grown-up counterparts the “touchscreen” tablets. Besides deciding on which carrier offers the best price/service, consumers chose a mobile OS and the manufacturer of their device. One of the most confusing decisions we make is “4G” — a loosely defined higher […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: 4G, android, blackberrry, Cellphone, iphone, smartphone
RichC | June 21, 2011
Looks like a technology change in Sprint’s 4G strategy? The Clearwire 4G / Sprint future is not as ‘clear’ as it once was now that the LTE networks seem to be the path forward. No announcement from Sprint just yet, but Lightsquared seems to be boasting about the billions headed their way from Sprint. Billionaire […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: 4G, smartphone, sprint
RichC | June 10, 2011
I’ve been keeping my eye on the new Sprint “Android” offerings since both Sprint and HP Palm have been a bit quiet on the slow motion release of the HP Palm Pre 3. The recent news from Sprint is that it will have the Motorola Photon 4G running Gingerbread 2.3 – the latest Android release. […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: android, Cellphone, hp, motorola, smartphone, sprint
RichC | April 13, 2011
T-Mobile is offering one of the better deals for smartphone users on a budget today. Users choosing the Even More™ and Even More Plus™ plans will save considerable over the previous unlimited talk plans. The Plus plan at $59.99/mo with a 2 year contract or$79.99/mo without a contract and both offer unlimited nationwide calling, texting […]
Category: Cellphone |
1 Comment
Tags: at&t, carrier, Cellphone, smartphone, sprint, t-mobile, verizon
RichC | February 21, 2011
I like the concept of the Motorola Atrix which combines the larger working area of a lightweight laptop display/keyboard/battery and the portability of a pocketable smartphone. I’m not sure that I’m ready to give up a full-powered Windows 7 notebook, but IF the new Windows 7 mobile OS running on an Atrix-type phone with a […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: atrix, motorola, smartphone
RichC | January 19, 2011
Add one more thing to the “inflation” worries (on top of energy and food) … especially if you are a Sprint wireless data smartphone user. It looks as if one might be wise to shop wireless phone carriers a little closer come renewal time. According to yesterday’s press release, Sprint has decided to “apply a […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: Cellphone, data, smartphone, sprint
RichC | January 11, 2011
While staying on the smartphone subject trend, I’ve been curious as to where the market is going besides the phone’s hardware and operating system – yesterday’s grumbling about HP/Palm and webOS. The devices is only half the picture and far less of the investment – the carrier may be the game changer. In reading a […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: 4G, at&t, smartphone, sprint, t-mobile, verizon
RichC | January 10, 2011
Well I’m not giving up on the HP/Palm and their WebOS entirely just yet as it does look as if there might be a few improvements in the new 2.01 operating system to keep me happy with my current Palm Pre for a little bit longer … if it is made available? Thanks to a […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: hp, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | January 2, 2011
After talking with my daughter this past week about games for cellphones … and mentioning to her that I didn’t really play them, I took advantage of a slow afternoon to download the popular Angry Birds for my Palm Pre – big mistake. I ended up draining my battery and wasting hours of an otherwise […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: angry, birds, Cellphone, game, smartphone
RichC | December 31, 2010
Either I was way too early in adopting Palm’s webOS and the Palm Pre smartphone, or the powers that be are dropping the ball in moving ahead quick enough to satisfy me with their OS and product line. It is too bad that Palm, then HP, did not develop the alliances with partners and market […]
Category: Computer, Technology |
Tags: hp, smartphone, webos
RichC | December 1, 2010
While closing in on 2 years with my webOS Palm Pre, I’ve opted to replace my original Pre smartphone with one of the last of the original Sprint Palm Pre phones before they are gone. (I’m crossing my fingers that Sprint will eventually get the Pre 2) Thankfully my insurance plan replaced the defective (but […]
Category: Cellphone, Photos |
Tags: cracked, palm, pre, replace, smartphone, webos
RichC | November 6, 2010
Although the new HP Palm Pre 2 has shown up in France, and according to rumors (an accidental web posting) will be available on Verizon in a couple days, I’m having a hard time getting too excited. That’s probably a good thing since my carrier Sprint may not have it for a while. The added […]
Category: Cellphone, Video |
Tags: hp, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | August 30, 2010
Every once in a while, the point of sale technique works on me … and today was the day. I coughed up $1.43 for a Palm Pre app called Neato! It’s a simple little application that runs on the webOS smartphone and receives webpage links, copied text and maps from a computer browser using a […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: app, smartphone, webos
RichC | August 25, 2010
A couple day’s before our vacation, Sprint pushed out the webOS 1.4.5 update to Palm webOS phones. I resisted the urge to update prior to leaving (thankfully), as I had some concern that the Pre Backup Utility wouldn’t be sufficient to restore the ‘homebrew’ apps, patches and tweaks I installed over the past year, an […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: smartphone, sprint, webos
RichC | June 29, 2010
Sprint announced the second 4G capable phone to be marketed in their offerings and at first glance I thought, “it can’t really be that big?” From their webpage, the image doesn’t necessarily look as if it fits “in the palm of your hand.” It will be interesting to look at it in person. I’ll also […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: 4G, samsung, smartphone, sprint
RichC | June 28, 2010
Thanks for the tip Dieter Bohn – … Google Docs is much improved on the Palm Pre; it is actually usable now! Fire up Google Docs on your webOS browser and you’ll find a nicer interface, courtesy of Google finally up and getting Document viewing working for Android browsers. The Google Mobile Blog […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: docs, google, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | June 5, 2010
I’ve had my Palm Pre about a year now and have been pretty satisfied with the webOS smartphone. Unfortunately the news coming from the acquiring company, HP, isn’t a confidence builder so it’s time to ponder the options … still most likely a year away. The buzz at Sprint is the higher data speed from […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: Cellphone, htc evo, smartphone, sprint
RichC | May 17, 2010
It seems much longer than a year, but the Palm based webOS smartphone has been out for almost 1 year on the Sprint network. It has expanded to Verizon and recently to AT&T and is available through carriers in Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, Irerland, Spain and France. Still, between the recession ridden economy and stiff […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer |
1 Comment
Tags: android, apple, hp, ipad, palm, slate, smartphone
RichC | April 28, 2010
Good news for Palm … I think? Hopefully HP shareholders feel the same way. Hewlett-Packard Inc. agreed to acquire Palm Inc. for nearly $1 billion in cash, ending months of speculation about the fate of the troubled wireless handset maker. H-P said it will pay $5.70 per share in cash for Palm, representing a premium […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Financial, News |
1 Comment
Tags: Cellphone, hp, palm, pixi, smartphone, webos
RichC | April 18, 2010
After noticing the color saturation and sharpness in photos coming from my Palm Pre smartphone were not the same as the first photos I took, I realized that just a cursory wipe of the lens wasn’t good enough. So let this post serve as a reminder to clean the lint, oils, dust, etc. out of […]
Category: Cellphone, Photos |
Tags: camera, Cellphone, palm, photo, smartphone
RichC | April 13, 2010
Although they are late to the party, Microsoft is targeting the younger demographic with a social networking smartphone made by Sharp called the Kin 1 and Kin 2. The one with the slightly larger screen sure looks like the Palm Pre to me? Microsoft Corp. introduced a family of cellphones tailored to young consumers, seeking […]
Category: Cellphone, Financial, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: kin, microsoft, smartphone
RichC | April 1, 2010
A new webOS 1.4.1 update is available for the Palm Pre and Pixi … at least for Sprint users here in the U.S. The feature improvements (listed below) are welcomed fixes to the 1.4 release, but what I’m really looking forward to is tethering with the the new 4G access that is now available to […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: palm, pixi, smartphone, webos
RichC | February 11, 2010
From BGR: According to an OTR Global report, three different sources have confirmed that all future orders of the Palm Pre and Palm Pre Plus are being suspended as of Wednesday. One of the sources said, “The decision is very sudden, and Foxconn was told to reduce all February Pre forecast to zero on Wednesday […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: boy genius, palm, pixi, rumor, smartphone
RichC | December 30, 2009
Another phone to blog test this one with a photo from the Palm Pre ‘Update’ screen (via Posterous but edited): Palm updated their webOS to version 1.3.5 during the last few days of 2009, and from my preliminary testing has improved the speed on my Pre. I’m hoping for battery improvement that has been promised, […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: palm, palm pre, palmos, smartphone, webos
RichC | November 20, 2009
Neither Palm or Sprint can be happy seeing the recently released (11/15/2009) Palm Pixi being heavily discounted by big box retailers who are handling their new “mass appear” smartphone product. The struggling Palm has had good press and reviews for its sleek Palm Pre and was no doubt hoping to build on the buzz with […]
Category: Cellphone, News, Technology |
Tags: palm, pixi, smartphone
RichC | October 7, 2009
The new podcast listening app available for the Palm Pre has just improved the sophisticated smartphone ten-fold when in comes to listening to audio. On the heels of the iTunes sync webOS 1.2.1 release/repair/update, the App Catalog new arrival of Stitcher now makes listening to podcasts a cinch. After a quick download and install (providing […]
Category: Audio, Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: mp3, palm, podcast, smartphone
RichC | October 5, 2009
Unfortunately Adobe Flash is not available ‘just yet,’ bu t one can see from the demo that it is getting closer and looks to be yet another reason to patiently wait for the webOS upgrades. As I’ve mentioned previously, the webOS 1.2 upgrade has been a great improvement on my Palm Pre and as a […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: adobe, flash, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | September 29, 2009
I waited until I arrived home today before risking the update to webOS 1.2 on my Palm Pre. It’s not that I’m overly paranoid, but I’m no longer comfortable taking that chance, having to swap phones last week — thank you Sprint. The download took about 5 minutes though the broadband connection and installation another […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: Cellphone, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | September 18, 2009
I’ve used the cellphone screen protection from Smartphone Experts on the displays of my Palm Treo and Centro PDA phones for years and have always been please with how they have performed. The same company makes full face coverings the Palm Pre, but the Smartphone Experts product I ordered (and had replaced at no charge) […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: Cellphone, experts, palm, smartphone
RichC | September 14, 2009
I have found that the Palm Pre works well for email and both MMS and SMS messaging on Sprint, but I’ve run into a glitch where my incoming messages will not show up in the messaging app unless I search for them, see screen capture (usually the conversations list unless I delete them). So here’s […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: Cellphone, palm, smartphone, webos
RichC | July 3, 2009
I’ve been grumbling about battery life since moving from the Palm Treo to the Sprint Palm Pre for the past couple weeks, but it seems Apple iPhone users, besides having a high heat problem, are grumbling too. There are a few software items on my ‘disappointed’ list, but top on my software and hardware list […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: battery, iphone, smartphone
RichC | June 9, 2009
— “Houston, we have a problem.” — Some heavy smartphone device users may have a problem with the Palm Pre’s battery life. My initial road test is turning up some pretty questionable results (click photo at right – used 80% of battery in 4 hours). I left the house this morning for a day on […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: Cellphone, palm, smartphone, treo
RichC | June 8, 2009
My new smartphone, the Palm Pre, is growing on me and although I’m slow to change the smooth skipping stone of a phone is growing on me. Productivity with it is not happening just yet since the keyboard layout has change over the Treo and Centro line (moved some keys around). I’m am surprised how […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: Cellphone, centro, palm, smartphone, sprint, treo
RichC | May 16, 2009
Enter now for your chance to win a Palm Pre from Sprint. The newest Palm smartphone could change the iPhone dominated playing field if the product operates as expected … but the hurdle is set pretty high. Nevertheless, by entering your email address (stick with your junk mail address) and phone number before May 18th […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: palm, smartphone, sprint
RichC | May 8, 2009
The MyPre website posted comments about a possible June 7th release of the Palm Pre. They pointed to an alleged leaked internal meeting agenda that will be taking place from June 3rd through June 5th. Historically June 7th has been a Sprint launch day for new products. Also, according to the buzz in Palm Pre […]
Category: Cellphone, Video |
Tags: palm, smartphone
RichC | March 11, 2009
Twitter comment at twtpoll:
Category: Cellphone, Misc, Poll |
1 Comment
Tags: Cellphone, Poll, smartphone
RichC | January 31, 2009
There was nicely formatted datasheet (below) on the new Palm Pre published at and it was interested to see the April 2009 release date, even though it is stated as “expected.” From what I have read, neither Palm or Sprint have said very much about what date the new smartphone will be available. Some […]
Category: Misc |
1 Comment
Tags: apple, iphone, palm, patent, pda, smartphone, touchscreen, treo
RichC | January 8, 2009
If you are a Palm device user who appreciates Palm products, Thursday January 8th 2009 might be the day that determines the company’s future. At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) advocates expect the announcement of Palm’s long awaited new Nova operating system and new smartphone. The rumored new device is expected to compete with the […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: 700p, Cellphone, centro, nova, palm, smartphone, treo
RichC | August 7, 2008
Here’s a great cellphone story that was published over at the more national Palm blog, but it actually comes from my neck of the woods. The customer email praises the durability of the Centro, which reflects politively on at least one of Palms’ designs; both my wife and daughter should feel good to have such […]
Category: Cellphone, Gadget |
Tags: Cellphone, centro, palm, smartphone, watch
RichC | October 2, 2007
I was discussing cellphones the other day while discussing the new full featured iPhone, Blackberries and Treo lineup and recalled my older Samsung SPH-i500 flip phone. Hmm … it was the one device that I wish would have seen continued development and adoption in the U.S. (the similar SCH-i539 is said to be sold in […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: handspring, palm, pre, samsung, smartphone, sph-i500