The stock market gyration has me pulling out my hair this week

| March 14, 2025

The manic markets and crazy movement down and up (today) are enough to have investors pulling their hair out. Thankfully there was a reprieve from the steady down movement over the tariff dispute between President Trump and many of our trading partners (more on that this weekend).  Consumer sentiment is not positive and will likely […]

An interesting Kiplinger chart on stocks after Fed rate cuts

| January 18, 2025

While reading a recent issue of Kiplinger as an investor, an article has me contemplating the history of the year following Federal Reserve rate cuts. It seems likely, that unless there is a crisis in 2025, that financial markets will see gains again. Of course the market watcher in me realizes that the stock market […]

What a different a year can make for the stock market indices

| October 30, 2024

Last year on this date, I commented about “investors being nervous this time of year” on the U.S. stock market indices. So as a filler nearly exactly one-year later, I figured I would do the same. The DOW and NASDAQ above on October 29, 2024 are WAY UP from 2023 and Chevron ($CVX) below is […]

The stock market seemed frazzled after Fed’s 1/2 point rate cut

| September 18, 2024

Investors and traders on Wall Street started today in a pensive mood as all impatiently waited for the much telegraphed “first rate cut since 2020.” Market journalists debated if Chairman Powell and the Federal Reserve board members would see the slowing economy as a sign that their tightening polices had stifled inflation enough to managed […]

The US financial markets finally take (start?) their October slide

| October 19, 2023

Those who are elected (or strong-armed their way to power) are failing miserably at keeping peace in our world as we teeter on the edge of yet another war. No matter how advance we think we are, human beings are unable to get along with each other.  Stock Market Indices market close 10/18/2023 Stock market […]

A crazy week post midterm election and for the stock market

| November 12, 2022

Well … the hopeful political “red wave” did not happen (at least from a conservative perspective). If we are to be generous, it could be viewed as a “small ripple” … but the results of the election as of this post are not fully counted even yet. Does that seem odd in our evolved and […]

A look back at the financial markets for today’s #TBT post

| September 15, 2022

As we face another recession (some believe we are already in one – see February 2022 part 1 and part 2), I couldn’t help but notice a post from about this time of the year in 2008 (see chart at left) when we faced a previous self-inflicted recession (banking crisis). The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis was the […]

Stock market pain was felt on Wall Street – 9/13/2022

| September 13, 2022

If you believe the number 13 makes for an unlucky day, you’ll probably point to that as an omen … but the deep, nearly 1300 points, drop in the Dow came as investors and economists were expecting an easing pace of inflation … not continued high inflation.  The CPI report indicated a 8.3% rate compared […]

Books: “The Day the Markets Roared” by Henry Kaufman

| September 4, 2022

Having recently read an article about Dr. Doom and “his pinnacle of influence” on August 17th, 1982, I’m adding Henry Kaufman’s book “The Day the Markets Roared” to my Amazon Kindle “want to read” list. Obviously since it is a look back on financial market history, it is not all that crucial that I read […]

A day of negative news and some positive: The stock market was down big, but the plus, Taylor closed on a condo

| August 26, 2022

It was an ugly day on Wall Street as investors reacted to comments from Fed Chairman Jerome Powell who indicated “that the Federal Reserve must continue to raise rates” and “hold them at a higher level until they are confident inflation is under control.” Some economists highlighted in Barron’s Magazine last week, have suggested that […]

Stay on your retirement planning track and consider iBonds

| June 25, 2022

It is stomach-churning to follow the often heard “hold tight” and “stick with the plan” advice often given by financial advisors.  If you are currently retired and living off of a fix-income and nest egg, or are trying to prepare for retirement, you are likely worried about times like these. Advisors tell you not to […]

Inflation hits a new FOUR-Decade High, with food and energy increases hurting those who can least afford it

| June 11, 2022

CPI up 8.6% driven by a 35% jump in energy prices and 12% increase in groceries This is what a “sea of red” looks like for investors and stock market traders … and I can only imagine the “red” those living on a fixed income or families struggling to make ends meet must be seeing? […]

A movie remake, with a twist? “iMac Down” & stocks down too

| June 10, 2022

A semi-disaster struck as my iMac choked on a Parallel 17 "virtual Windows" update on Thursday. It reminded me of the movie "Blackhawk Down" or perhaps "White House Down" … hence the subject line for Tech Friday.   The virtual Windows 10 side of my computer booted, but everything from the connected drives to the display […]

Stocks, bonds, crypto all down. What to do, what to do?

| May 13, 2022

FoxBusiness/WSJ graphic For the good or bad, whenever I’m away from my daily routine, it seems like the financial markets lose stability and investors go into crisis mode? The past couple of weeks, those invested in stocks, bonds and crypto know that it has been painful; there have been very few refuges from the sharp […]

The stock market begins the trading year 2022 with a roar

| January 3, 2022

Even with all the negativity around Covid19 and the rapidly spreading, but somewhat more tolerated, Omicron variant … investors chose to shrug off what looks to slow down the economic re-openings around the world. The saying I keep hearing is that “I’m done with it.” My view for the strong stock market start on the […]

Music Monday: “We’re having a Miles Davis Rally”

| November 8, 2021

Although I usually don’t purposely listen to jazz, I do appreciate hearing it when it is played and discussed. Last week when Fox Business host Charles Payne mentioned “We’re having a Miles Davis rally” in reference to the stock market – and the “be there or be square” 1950’s slogan. I tweeted about it and […]

Bubblicious, but I am not talking about bubble gum popping

| January 26, 2021

All I can think about are the stock market “bubbles” from the past. I’d love to believe the upward trend we’ve seen this past years is genuine and built on an appropriate foundation, but suspect as most know, it is being built on “hope” and “stimulus dollars.” Now that is not to say that certain […]

Down, Down, Down the stock market goes on #COVID19 fears

| March 11, 2020

Although I suspect all the selling on Wall Street has to do with needed cash or the “sell and re-assess later” attitude, I’ve been puzzled that gold (usual safe haven) and utilities have been hit as well. Personally I thought these areas might balance exposure to industrials, tech and energy. Obviously not as Wednesday’s market […]

Deusche Bank says buy $GE – What will stop this stock market?

| January 14, 2020

The stock market continues to rally on positive news: low inflation, cheap money, increasing wages, low unemployment and even good news on trade with China. If there was ever a time to use the “hitting on all cylinders” idiom, this would be it … but when things are looking this good … everybody gets a […]

A positive 2019 for bullish investors, what about 2020?

| December 20, 2019

As the year and decade wind down, it is the time of year investors and financially prudent planners take note of their savings and retirement portfolios. Barron’s surveyed strategists who continue to expect “more gains ahead for U.S. stocks” with the caveat, “barring a jarring election or a derailment in U.S. – China trade.” So […]

Political unrest is impacting economy and financial markets

| May 24, 2019

The political tension around the globe, along with the trade battle between the United States and China, have put a damper on what was a relatively good economy here in the U.S.  Add to those challenging international negotiations, the deepening divide between many Democrats still seeking to impeach President Trump in control of Congress are […]

It has been a tough week for those invested in the stock market

| June 21, 2018

After 8 down days for the Dow, the beginning of summer has not been kind to investors hoping 2018 would be a bit more positive. With unemployment at near all time lows, corporate tax cuts, the economy rebounding and promising better wages … and even talks with North Korea going well, one would think optimism […]

Financial markets head south as trade war fears loom

| March 22, 2018

It doesn’t get much uglier for investing than inching closer to a full blown trade war with China (and others) … and the financial markets aren’t taking it well as they are not in or very near correction territory – perhaps the Fed can go easier on rate hikes? President Trump followed through on signing […]

DOW drops big again – Down 1175 pts to 24,346 or -4.6%

| February 5, 2018

Well, well, well … perhaps this is the correction many watching the financial markets have been looking for as a 4.6% drop on the DOW in a day is a rather large one. It was another day of selling on Wall Street helped by computerized programmed trading and likely the relatively new ETF broad based […]

Big day for Apple shareholders and the DJIA

| August 2, 2017

The Dow broke above the 22,000 threshold for the first time on Wednesday rising for the seventh straight day.  The boost over the "nice round number" happened after Apple posted stronger-than-expected quarterly earnings and iPhone sales met expectations. $AAPL stock rose 5.5% and made its largest single day percentage rise since February. (Story

Investors sure do love to hear about tax reform and tax cuts

| April 26, 2017

What a start to the week for the stock market! There is optimism that something "will" get done with taxes, unlike #RepealAndReplace legislation. The news is that President Donald Trump will be unveiling his proposal to cut corporate taxes on US companies’ foreign profits and slash the top tax rate has investors in the "buy" […]

Economy and robust 1st quarter 2017 for stock market

| April 1, 2017

The “Trump Rally” as many have dubbed it, provided investors with solid quarterly gains as a brighter economic outlook offset the lackluster Washington DC agenda which has become bogged down in politics.  Investors still believe job growth, better corporate financial returns and tax cuts will over shadow the Fed “applying the brakes” in the form of higher […]

As the market slides, one wonders if the Fed can change rates?

| November 13, 2015

It has been a rough day … week … for the financial markets. One has to wonder if the Fed will ever be able to move lending rates back to traditional levels? Sure doesn’t look like the economy here or abroad is able to support itself without the easy money policies. (charts and heatmap:

How low can it go … Crude Oil that is!

| December 15, 2014

Wow! … I’ve watched oil continuing to dip lower on Monday afternoon (WTI $55.40/barrel) and this rapid drop in recent weeks has “for some reason” caused equities to sell off. Normally one would see lower oil prices as a good thing for the stock market since it makes goods and products less expensive and gives […]

Why do most investors see October as a scary month?

| October 10, 2014

Investors have a love-hate relationship with the month of October. It is a volatile month and has had its share of stock market ups and stock market downs. Those of us who were around and investing in 1987, we mostly remember the “down.” In those days before Internet investing, hearing and seeing share prices drop […]

Financial Markets continue climbing into record territory

| November 15, 2013

The U.S. stock market powered forward again today with the expectation that Janet Yellen will continue the easy money policies as head of the Federal Reserve. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (chart above) has investors cheering even as recent bumps attempted to derail the anemic jobless recovery. I doubt the party can continue forever, but […]

Stocks see strong gains making for the best week in 2 years

| July 1, 2011

Since I’ve posted on stock market declines enough times already this year, it is time to focus on a little positive news. Recently (like the past week), the wider U.S. stock market has reacted positively to much of the news … some good some bad. Today was no exception as the markets rallied into a […]

A lunchtime look at the stock market & world uncertainty

| November 23, 2010

The financial markets are on edge and trading lower today after a skirmish between North Korea and South Korea saw missiles being exchanged. The previous negative news over euro-zone debt is being overshadowed by this latest tension, but some economist point to a glimmer for a rebound in the U.S. economy do to economic growth […]

Is the economy turning or are investors just optimistic today?

| July 7, 2010

Up a week, down the next week. The markets closed with a strong surge of buying today as the approaching corporate earning season is expected to be optimistic . An analyst that I talked with today sees continued volatility for the balance of summer, but he hinted that projections are for a 17% increase by […]

Wall Street has little confidence in a rebounding U.S. economy

| June 29, 2010

The Dow Industrials closed down 2.6% or 270 points to 9870.30 on Tuesday afternoon. The Nasdaq stay in step down 3.85% to 2135 and S&P 500 closed at 1041.24, hitting its low for the year. A report indicating consumer confidence was way down in June had investors’ concerned about the overall global economy.  Investors headed […]

Strong technology pushed the stock market higher

| June 15, 2010

After dipping below the 10,000 mark for early June, the Dow Jones Industrial Average soared 213.88 points, or 2.10%, to 10404.77 today breaking out of the closely watched 200-day moving average. The S&P 500 was also up 2.35% seeing every sector moving in the up direction. The biggest gains 2.76% were over at the Nasdaq, […]

Stock market averages rebound helped by energy sector

| June 3, 2010

The stock market rebounded on Tuesday after selling on the government’s comments regarding criminal investigations of BP yesterday. Since I regularly reflect on moves down, it is about time to acknowledge that their is still an appetite for value … in today’s case, energy sector stocks. Most stocks were up as the DJIA jumped 225.52 […]

Trading glitches & unrest in Europe making it tough on investors

| May 7, 2010

If the whipsaw moves in the stock market didn’t make you sick to your stomach today, then you’d make a great bluewater sailor. I’ve followed the market as an investor and occasional daytrader since the crash of 1987 and I don’t ever recall as rapid a selloff as we saw Thursday afternoon. As I was […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog