How to get rid of a couple of common kitchen bugs
RichC | November 3, 2024
Goodbye Fruit Flies To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it 1/2′ with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid; mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever! Get Rid of Ants. Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. […]
Tidbit: Keeping the bristles on a paint brush gunk free
RichC | June 5, 2024
While reading paper or digital versions of magazines, I’m prone to clipping tips that I might find useful. Here’s one on soaking “just the bristles” of a varnish or polyurethane paint brush in solvent without the tips of the brush getting gunked up on the bottom. I have several wood handled brushes that I tried […]
Great tip for those wanting to draw things better
RichC | April 23, 2024
As a “non-artist,” I’ve always admired (or had someone on the CPP payroll) who have had the ability and training to create art. Here’s a social media video tip for those of us who would just like to draw a car.
Wood screw lubrication tip: Use toilet bowl wax ring
RichC | November 12, 2023
While looking thorough my library borrowed e-version copy of Woodworker’s Journal magazine (Oct/Nov 2023), I scanned an interesting tip. Since the paraffin wax that I usually apply to a heated wood screw take a little more effort (butane torch the screw threads and stick it in the wax), I thought I might try this great […]
Searching MDB: Current blog calendar navigation tip
RichC | October 3, 2023
Let’s just call this a PSA since I’ve been busy rethinking My Desultory Blog themes after updating to PHP 8.2 and how at least use the thousands of old blog entries for reference … or more precisely, remembering things! Anyway, the monthly “Archives” section is the same (select a previous month), but the “Calendar” was […]
A how to hang a picture on a nail with a fork #video tip
RichC | September 25, 2023
How to hang a picture on a nail with a fork social media household tip (short video below).
Tech Friday: Web email and deleting ProtonMail how-to tip
RichC | August 18, 2023
Proton Mail offers a free email service with limitations … as expected. There is a paid version which over time I’ve contemplated switching to for both the enhanced privacy and ability to use my old original business email domain: The monthly (yearly) subscription price is reasonable, but since I already run several Linux servers […]
A ‘distance planning’ tip for hiking or backpacking to pass along
RichC | May 23, 2023
My son Taylor has another semi-repeat backpacking trip planned with a friend from North Dakota (he is now in Montana) for the end of the summer in Glacier National Park (different area). The permits were obtained for the “loop” that they wanted … so now the packing and getting in shape begins (it was fun […]
Workshop Wednesday: Circle cutting with a router
RichC | January 25, 2023
Over weekend of snowy Bengal – Bills playoff football, I was able to get down to the workshop and continue working on a joint granddaughters’ birthdays present. The project required larger holes than I have a hole saw for and cutting it with a jigsaw would have left an imperfect hole. So … I used […]
Tool tidbit: Additional leverage when turning a screwdriver
RichC | December 28, 2022
Here’s a tool tip that isn’t widely known: If you need a little more screwdriver leverage … or your hands are slippery … check to see if a hex socket or wrench will fit on the handle of your screwdriver to give you a little additional torque (a 1” socket works for my standard Craftsman […]
Video tips on how to do a better job caulking
RichC | July 31, 2022
As someone who is not fond of both painting and caulking, whenever there are professional tips that make those jobs easier, I listen (a better “dripless” caulking guns link too).
Video: Comparing a few different wall anchors for screws
RichC | July 23, 2022
Here’s a very short video highlighting several different kinds of popular wall anchors or mollies and how easy they are to use compared to each other. I saw it on social media and found it an interesting tidbit for woodworking or for those of us spending time in a workshop.
A zero-clearance Table Saw throatplate and featherboard clamp
RichC | March 13, 2022
When it comes to workshops, tools, jigs and helpers, we all have our go-to favorites and my 35 year old featherboard is no exception. For years now, I’ve told myself that I was going to make a new one since this was just a quick temporary one (like the miter saw hold down below), but […]
Investors are concerned as the Fed tapers and inflation rises
RichC | October 16, 2021
A friend contemplating rolling over his 401K to an IRA asked me a bond investing question the other day as he would like to balance his portfolio of stocks by adding some bonds after the rollover. Since he has never owned a bond (outside of a managed fund), the question was, “what’s the impact of […]
Archive: The Practical Sailor “Foundational Four” solvent list
RichC | September 13, 2021
Who wants to even look at their home or boat shelf of solvents. I’ve bought different ones for different tasks and the cans just sit there since I never know which ones to use for which purpose. Is it possible to just stick with four? The Foundational Four Mineral Spirits. Good for thinning varnish and […]
What are you going to invest in if inflation continues to rise?
RichC | September 3, 2021
A friend asked me the other day, “what are you going to do if inflation becomes a bigger problem than it is already?” Good question … the canned answer (safe answer) is to be diversified. The reality is far more challenging. There was a day when the first reply was to own hard assets like […]
Tech Friday: Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know (WIRED)
RichC | July 23, 2021
Occasionally I still get calls from people asking me about shortcut key combinations. Most of the shortcuts are second nature to people who grew up using computers, but then again … what you don’t use, you forget. How about a refresher from Wired? Tip: Learn as many keyboard shortcuts as your brain can store. You […]
Tech Friday: Apple Mac OS Catalina desktop window tip
RichC | July 10, 2020
As an Apple Macintosh user for nearly forever, I learned a new tip from a Verge article this past month that has not been widely talked about. It happened to come up when I was offering advice on how I rotate through and set up about 5-7 desktops and the second monitor Parallels Window side […]
Woodworking: Jon Peters on biscuit jointers and a great tip
RichC | February 16, 2020
Although one could spend all day or night watching YouTube advice videos from expert woodworkers, I’ve limited my viewing to a few guys. I’m fond of Jon Peters for both the quality of his videos and for the short “focused” tips. In a recent YouTube video, he points out how often he finds himself using […]
A workbench repair and a cool oil filter wrench idea
RichC | August 31, 2019
Last week I brought my old Poulan chainsaw back to life for a few dollars after giving away my newer one, but I ended up damaging my workbench while adjusting the carburetor jets. The saw was still in several pieces (without filter, the bar, chain or guard on) while making tune-up adjustments and I accidentally […]
Ceiling fans: Direction, energy consumption, old vs new?
RichC | August 13, 2019
Great energy use tip for those of use who heavily rely on ceiling fans: The direction a ceiling fan should turn can be confusing. Modern fans have a switch that enables them to blow the air either up or down. During the summer you want the fan to blow air straight down, so your ceiling […]
Great little tidbits from innovative old school woodworkers
RichC | March 16, 2019
There are times when trying to hold or clamp irregularly shaped pieces can be difficult. Usually I resort to using my Jorgensen Handscrew clamps, but obviously with a little “old school” ingenuity, there are simpler ways! The photo above is one of those woodworking tidbit where a picture is worth a thousand words. For more […]
A couple inexpensive suitcase packing tips for any kind of travel
RichC | March 9, 2019
We all see them, even if we are not using Pinterest or refuse to go to pages designed to generate click income … but still, there are some great ideas. Here’s a packing tip that might help next time your putting liquids in your suitcase – put a little plastic wrap or any plastic over […]
A dab of epoxy and a neodymium magnet can be like magic
RichC | March 6, 2019
Back on what would have been my dad’s birthday, I posted a photo of my new Ridgid work light hanging on his old toolbox. The toolbox was one of those items of my dad’s that both my brother and I wanted when we were going through our parents belongings – I ended up with it. […]
Simple iPhone cursor features unknown for years by many users
RichC | November 24, 2018
This really should have been yesterday’s Tech Friday post, but between the holiday with turkey, family and football watching on Thursday and another market drop and oil plunge of another 7.7% to $50.42 on Friday my focus was elsewhere. As for a tech tip, a viral tweet last week caught hold when it really shouldn’t […]
Try Vinegar instead of Acetone to Clean Hands
RichC | February 15, 2018
Using acetone to clean up after nasty messy projects such as epoxy or sealant? There’s something that works better, is cheaper AND is less toxic! … Vinegar.
Tips on making Gmail easier to use by Joanna Stern,
RichC | May 18, 2017
Great tips from tech writer Joanna Stern of the Wall Street Journal on dealing with a few Gmail nits most of us using Google’s free services have. See her article at 1. Priorities, Priorities You may not know it, but Google’s email bots have not one but two ways of automatically organizing your messages: […]
Hammock time on a sailboat from Sailing Britaly
RichC | March 17, 2017
Tool Tips: Screwdriver hacks [video]
RichC | January 13, 2017
A few of these screwdriver hacks are not necessarily new, but could be helpful if you are ever caught shorthanded for the right tool. I’m particularly fond of using the wrench and screwdriver together (above left) as even with a full set of wrenched and sockets, there are a few oddities preventing wrenches from […]
Creative storage under a sink and vertical clothing storage
RichC | September 26, 2016
We already regularly “hang” spray bottle in our laundry room and in my workshop, but why not use a spring rod to take advantage of two layers of storage under the kitchen sink? Another one from the same website was in dresser drawer storage. Instead of piling folded clothing flat, fold it so it fits […]
31 Drywall Repair Tips & How To’s
RichC | September 2, 2016
Drywall is relatively simple to install and easy to repair. It’s also easy to repair badly, which can leave a lumpy mess that declares “shoddy” to anyone who enters the room. Full List: 31 Drywall Repair Tips & How To’s
How to Make a Whipping in 60 Seconds
RichC | July 26, 2016
Did you know that burned or melted ends could cause more problems? It may be a fast way for marine stores to cut new line when you purchase it. But if that hardened end catches on the outer core, it can chafe and break down delicate rope fibers. Follow these five easy steps to make […]
Reefing tips from SailingTotem blog
RichC | March 19, 2016
When do you reef? How should you reef? What are some excellent ways to screw it up? A few thoughts from Jamie (filtered through fun with salty sayings and his fondness for puns). Many witty phrases… Source: Reefing, by and large
Great idea for storing your flip-flops when sailing
RichC | February 24, 2016
I’m always looking for better ways to store things on the boat … Kelley Gudahl shared a few things they do on her Sailing Chance blog … so figured I would archive them. First the flip-flop storage idea really caught my eye since we always have them sliding around the cockpit floor. There’s not that […]
Tip: Cover sharp edges of cotter pins with a blob of silicone
RichC | April 22, 2015
Every once in a while I run across a good idea and save the tool tip. I don’t recall which sailing magazine or source I clipped this to my iPad in, but wanted to archive to my blog. I’ve noticed a few purchased products with a silicone blob on electrical connections, but adding a little […]
The original BLUE Dawn Dishwashing Liquid
RichC | April 18, 2015
If you’ve been around our house much, you will notice that we always have Dawn Dishwashing Liquid around. It has become our go to product for things other than dishes (use it for that too) as a hand wash, a degreaser and as a way to remove poison ivy oils after working in the yard. […]
TechFriday: Messages with attachments, ISPs, email and iOS
RichC | December 26, 2014
Here’s a very short Apple iCloud iOS tip from a question that came up this past weekend. The question had to do with what size files can be emailed or messaged back and forth between smartphones. A large message may be undeliverable even if it’s smaller than the iCloud Mail message maximum of 20 MB […]
Sharpening 5 knives and a tip for sheathing an awl
RichC | November 18, 2014
One of the items from my mother and father-in-law’s farmhouse that I wanted were her thin-bladed stainless steel kitchen knives. They were “always” dull, but the cast handles and all metal construction made them perfect for the dishwasher (although a couple of the tips were pretty bent). We have two similar knives in our kitchen […]
Video: Posted as much for the accent as the content :-)
RichC | November 9, 2014
Great tip for those who normally take two or three “buckets of ketchup” for their fast food (but really just enjoy hearing the Russian accent).
Tooltip: Carabiners for boxed end wrench storage
RichC | October 16, 2014
Here’s a tip for using carabiners to organize boxed end wrenches that was posted on Lifehacker. Since I keep most of my wrenches in my drawered tool box, this is unnecessary and would slow access … but I do keep a few wrenches in soft tool bags in the trunk of my car and on […]
Roller furling headsail tips from
RichC | August 31, 2014
Archiving a great sailing tip from the website starting with a tip on how to adjust the jib sheet car when using a roller furling genoa: Deck-sweeping genoas are not wonderful on a cruising boat if you’re at all interested in what’s going on ahead; nor do they work well with furling gear unless […]
Archived: Author Elmore Leonard has a few writing tips
RichC | August 17, 2014
Author and writer Elmore Leonard is known for his crime fiction, but he started out writing westerns. Leonard has written nearly two dozen novels and most of them are bestsellers (Glitz, Get Shorty, Maximum Bob and Rum Punch). Ten of his advice tips when it comes to being both a popular and respectable writer are: […]
Collaborative teambuilding with reduced conflict in business
RichC | January 2, 2014
What better way to start keeping my resolutions for the New Year than to start with a post about teamwork and conflict (self and tolerance). Liane Davey in the Harvard Business Review shared five tips over the holidays in here article called Conflict Strategies for Nice People. She states that although it can be uncomfortable […]
How to get rid of a headache without taking an analgesic
RichC | December 22, 2013
Who says spending time on social networking sites like Twitter is a waste of time? Here’s a tip that makes perfect sense in theory (mind you, I have not tried it). I don’t often have headaches, but if I do, it would be nice not to resort to taking Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or […]
Woodworking: The best material for a table saw throat plate
RichC | December 18, 2013
When needing to make precise cuts or dadoes on the table saw, I have found that making them from the marine material Starboard is the best (shop around for price). Most likely the experts in woodworking have found other stock that would just as well, like the self-healing cutting board material, but since I had […]
Hometime touch up drywall tip
RichC | April 27, 2008
I’ve been focused on multiple home repair and improvement projects this spring and am always looking for a quick way to make a repair and keep the mess to a minimum. I generally use the “empty box” under the repair technique when cutting or drilling drywall, but Dean Johnson from PBS’s Hometime suggested a sheet […]
Tool Tip: Extracting a damaged screw
RichC | January 5, 2008
A friend of mine asked me for some help in repairing a piece of furniture with a couple of damaged fasteners (Phillips headed wood screws). In talking with him about using a ‘screw/bolt extractor,’ or ‘cutting’ a new slot in the screws (above), I realized this might not be something everyone knows about? Hmm … […]
Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee
- lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
- digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.