RichC | September 30, 2021
Currently, Amazon Prime costs $119/year if you opt for an annual subscription and after the charges shows up each year on our credit card, I ask the same question: “Is Amazon Prime worth it?” (where are those 2015 prices) Eventually the irritation passes, the bill gets paid and we’re off to ordering and streaming for […]
Category: Shopping, Technology |
Tags: $AMZN, amazon prime, annual, membership, online, Shopping, subscriptions
RichC | September 30, 2021
"Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success." –Ernest Shackleton Seeing a colorized version of a photo on Twitter the other day from the British National Antarctic Expedition at the turn of the century triggered memories of […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Movies, Photos, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: antartica, Books, colorized, discovery, endurance, exploration, Movies, photo
RichC | September 29, 2021
Although my eyes are still a little dilated, I’m glad to have my 2021 vision appointment out of the way. Thankfully my prescription didn’t change, although the presbyopia is definitely not on the improve (suspect everyone will have aging eyes someday)? I’ve pondered the entire vision insurance gimmick (my opinion) before going back and forth […]
Category: Advice, Medical, Shopping |
Tags: advice, eye doctor, fsa, hsa, insurance, presbyopia, prescriptions, vision
RichC | September 28, 2021
Look out on the roads … and no I’m not talking about driving dogs. HA! FSD Beta is an unfinished version of Tesla’s premium driver-assistance software, FSD, which the company sells in the U.S. for $10,000 upfront, or $199 a month. Tesla has rolled out a software update for their controversial Full Self-Driving Beta (FSD […]
Category: Automotive, Humor, News |
Tags: automotive, beta, cnbc, dogs, driving, fsd beta, mode, self-driving, tesla
RichC | September 27, 2021
A couple of weeks ago, Taylor introduced me to a Dan Carlin “Hardcore History” podcasts. He thought I might enjoy them, since both of us particularly appreciate learning more about military history. The series is called “Supernova in the East” detailing the Japanese Empire from pre-World War Japan through WW 2 in six long lectures […]
Category: Apple, Audio, Education, History, Millitary |
Tags: afghanistan, audio, dan carlin, hardcore, History, japanese empire, pacific, pearl harbor, podcast, supernova, world war 2, ww2
RichC | September 26, 2021
What does it take for a country to switch from left-hand to right-hand driving? Sweden did just that in 1967 … with a lot of preparation. It was called Dagen H or “Högertrafikomläggningen.”
Category: Automotive, History, Video |
Tags: cars, dagen h, driving, sweden, traffic, youtube
RichC | September 25, 2021
I’m going write this Samsung Refrigerator failed icemaker blog post up with the idiom that “they don’t make them like they used to.” I’m not exactly sure what electrical part has failed, but the electrical circuit or electronic board that controls the thaw/motor swipe to remove the frozen cubes from the small 8-cube ice tray […]
Category: Blogs, Financial, How-To, Idioms, Misc, Photos |
Tags: electronic, fridge, icemaker, idiom, idioms, parts,, refrigerator, repair, samsung
RichC | September 24, 2021
Saved an interesting graphic posted on social media this past week. It is interesting to look at and contemplate how we use our smartphones and tablets … it also works as a Tech Friday filler.
Category: Cellphone, Human Interest, Social Media, Tablet, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: friday filler, graphic, internet, mobile, smartphones, tech friday, techfriday, traffic, worldwide
RichC | September 23, 2021
This map was posted on Brilliant Maps back in 2015, but graphically seeing the 4037 cities around the world with over 100,000 people in them was interesting for those of us who enjoy studying maps. LINK to larger black and white and LINK to color overlay map It may not be the most up-to-date map, […]
Category: Human Interest, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags:, cities, geography, maps, population, world
RichC | September 23, 2021
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photography, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, brenda, condo1718, delray beach, drew, ellerie, encore, family, florida, football, katelyn, megan, momh, osu, richc, taylor, weekend
RichC | September 22, 2021
As we shift from summer to autumn, those of us living north of the Mason-Dixon line have to prepare and wonder just what is in store when it comes to winter weather? Although I’m not a big follower of the Farmer’s Almanac, I recognized that they have an 80% record over 230 years in predicting […]
Category: Weather |
Tags: almanac, autumn, fall equinox, farmer's, forecast, prediction, winter
RichC | September 21, 2021
When I was a kid, I remember studying the illuminated glass globe in my bedroom and my grandparents pre-WW II atlas and then stumbling across the science theory showing the Alfred Wegener proposed supercontinent called Pangaea. The other day I saved the image overlay of today’s international borders on top of the globe image (click […]
Category: Blogs, Education, History, Memories, Misc, Science |
Tags: alfred wegener, atlas, geography, globe, maps, pangaea
RichC | September 20, 2021
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Category: Faith, Music, Video |
Tags: album, christian, contemporary, forever, fox news, michael w smith, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, worship, youtube
RichC | September 19, 2021
One of the more inspiring movies in the last decade or so was that based on the career of Katherine Johnson called “Hidden Figures” in 2016. It was compelling enough and about NASA and the Apollo space program that when I spotted the book “My Remarkable Journey: A Memoir” by Katherine Johnson, Joylette Hylick and […]
Category: Audio, Books, Space |
Tags: apollo, audiobook, book, hidden figures, mp3, my remarkable journey, nasa, racism, space
RichC | September 18, 2021
A lot of people, including me, stumble repeatedly on seemingly the simplest things. Often this comes when trying to remember something or with the spelling of words we write and read all the time … yet we still seem to forget them again and again. I’m not sure if “Lightening, Lightning and Lighting” are issues […]
Category: Education, How-To, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags: grammar, imagery, lightening, lighting, lightning, mnemonic, psychology, visual, words
RichC | September 17, 2021
Saw a bit of impressive wind sculpture art; it makes for an excellent Friday Filler post.
Category: Art |
Tags: ani gif, Art, friday filler, kinetic, sculpture
RichC | September 16, 2021
Here are a few leftover project photos from the weekend for Throwback Thursday #TBT to add to the personal archive. Normally we make banana bread in the full-size Bosch oven when our bananas go soft and brown, but I keep trying to get the convection baking setting correct on our toaster oven – not bad […]
Category: Archive, Computer, Memories, Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT, Technology |
Tags: boxes, cable, ceiling, cracks, drywall, fiber, fioptics, home, house, internet, isdn, office, oven, paint, painting, patching, project, repair, satellite, starband, TBT, toaster, water putty, wiring
RichC | September 15, 2021
As our current Apple iPhone smartphones age (currently Brenda and I have iPhone7 and 7 plus), there is an interest in upgrading to the 5G capable Apple A15 chipped iPhone13 or 13Pro. The Apple Event on Tuesday afternoon highlighted the new smartphones and focused on their photo and video capability. As a photographer and Apple […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Gadget, Marketing, News, Photography, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: a15, apple, appleevent, bionic, digital, iphone13, iphone13pro, photography, promotion, smartphone
RichC | September 14, 2021
Our end of summer driveway project has left us irritated and a bit depressed. This isn’t our first concrete project, so we do know what to expect and what is possible. Our builder supervised our first driveway at this house (the finish looked good and there were no initial cracks, but after a decade it […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Photos |
Tags: archive, concrete, cracks, dispute, driveway, project, september 2021, workmanship
RichC | September 13, 2021
Who wants to even look at their home or boat shelf of solvents. I’ve bought different ones for different tasks and the cans just sit there since I never know which ones to use for which purpose. Is it possible to just stick with four? The Foundational Four Mineral Spirits. Good for thinning varnish and […]
Category: Advice, Archive, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: acetone, mineral spirits, practical sailor, solvents, tips, vinegar, xylene
RichC | September 13, 2021
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Category: Millitary, Music, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, aaron tippin, afghanistan, biden, botched, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, patriotism, repost
RichC | September 12, 2021
Older photo of my 2010 BMW X5 35d from “fuel economy post” in 2016 after modifications Catalytic converters have precious metals that can be recycled, so I’ve been saving back a couple of the parts from the BMW X5 35d thinking that I might get a chance to see just what they might be worth. […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Environment, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: apps, BMW, catalytic, converter, eco cat, exhaust, precious metal, recycle, x5 35d
RichC | September 11, 2021
The news media has been doing their part this week to remember the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and memorializing the 2977 people killed by 19 radical Islamist terrorists. Twenty years ago, four commercial airliners loaded with unsuspecting passengers were hijacked and the fuel-ladened planes were used as suicide weapons. To […]
Category: History, Idioms, Millitary, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, afghanistan, anniversary, idioms, opinion, Politics, reflection, safety, terror, terrorism, war
RichC | September 10, 2021
In the never ending battle to thwart spam and fill WordPress and server vulnerabilities, a few new tools were added this week to This security and maintenance release features 60 bug fixes in addition to 3 security fixes. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. All […]
Category: Blogs, Technology |
Tags: content, login, maintenance, mydesultoryblog, restriction, security, sign-in, spam, subscribe, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | September 9, 2021
Last month when we were together with the kids, they were talking about enjoying trips to Michigan for long weekends during the summer (Drew’s parents have a house on Lake Michigan). It brought back memories for us and I mentioned that once-upon-a-time we thought about buying cabin property in the Upper Peninsula on Lake Huron […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Travel |
Tags: brenda, cedarville, Corbett Chronicles, family, home video, katelyn, michigan, mp4, richc, taylor, TBT, throwback, thursday
RichC | September 8, 2021
Since I have a couple items to pack up to take to a recycling and solid waste facility and was searching for options in our area (replaced an old AC compressor with refrigerant), it occurred to me that one way to reduce the items we generate is to not buy environmentally hazardous products in the […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Environment, Gadget, How-To |
Tags: batteries, dawn, disposing, epa, epsom, hazardous, HVAC, lithium-ion, recycle, recycling, rumpke, salt, trash, vinegar, waste, youtube
RichC | September 7, 2021
It was a home maintenance project that has been done before, but I’m still not fond of wire-brushing and repainting railings, our iron fence or rear gate … but since there was time at home this past Labor Day weekend, the project was started and finally finished. Besides digging out the rock at the base […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, To-Do |
Tags: fence, home, iron gate, labor day, maintenance, paint, painting, project, rustoleum
RichC | September 6, 2021
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Category: Music, Video |
Tags: anticipation, carly simon, good old days, heinz, ketchup, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, redux, siriusxm, the bridge
RichC | September 5, 2021
Last week I downloaded a new library app called Libby that is an Overdrive component for audiobooks for borrowing digitally from the library. I put it to use immediately after checking out the Bill O’Reilly book “Killing the SS.” So far it is very interesting considering I’m only in chapter 2, but love the storytelling […]
Category: Audio, Books, History, Tidbits |
Tags: audiobook, bill o'reilly, frewsburg, jamestown, killing the ss, libby app, library, nazi, new york, nuremberg trials, overdrive, robert h. jackson, supreme court, tidbits
RichC | September 4, 2021
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Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, aruba, backyard, chalazion, damage, ellerie, family, grass, grubs, insects, katelyn, lawn, megan, pests, sod webworm, taylor
RichC | September 3, 2021
A friend asked me the other day, “what are you going to do if inflation becomes a bigger problem than it is already?” Good question … the canned answer (safe answer) is to be diversified. The reality is far more challenging. There was a day when the first reply was to own hard assets like […]
Category: Advice, Business, Financial, Tidbits |
Tags: business insider, commodities, crypto, cryptocurrency, energy, Financial, gold, inflation, investing, nfts, stocks, tips
RichC | September 2, 2021
Since I post the flyer and announcement over at my local EAA284 (Experimental Aircraft Association) website, I’ll double up and add it to my blog as usual too. Join us for the Red Stewart Airfield 24th Annual Airshow September 4, 2021 starting at 5pm and the EAA Chapter 284 Taildragger Fly-In/Pancake Breakfast Sunday September 5, 2021 […]
Category: Aviation, Local |
Tags: airshow, breakfast, pancake, red stewart, taildragger, tdfi
RichC | September 1, 2021
Who knew we would be having so much rain in late August? It has been a pain for the crew trying to finish our concrete driveway project … but the “big pours” should be done for now and “I hope” they will be back to address a puddling issue in the rear (something I mentioned […]
Category: Misc, Nature, Personal, Photos, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: big pour, concrete, driveway, insects, lawn, problem, project, puddling, rain, sod webworm, weather