How about putting ALL that health care savings into a 529 plan?

| January 28, 2015

After 6-years of saving $2,500 each year on our “unchanged plan” or greatly improved “21st century” Obamacare health care plan, Democrats in congress and President Obama have made it possible for average Americans to have now amassed $15,000 (6 yrs x $2500) … no thanks to those Republicans voting against it (#sarcasm). And since getting […]

Pension plans continue to fall behind as stock market gains

| January 10, 2015

One would think that a “rising tide lifts all boats” when it comes to gains for financial markets, but that is not the case for conservatively managed U.S. pension funds. The strong stock market returns during 2013 and 2014 have helped most individual investors recover from the 2008 financial collapse, so as long as they […]

Do you know what your student loan repayments are used for?

| December 14, 2014

A discussion between the host and guest on CNBC this week concluded that instead of saving college students money on their student loans that the government was using the repayments in other areas amounting to BILLIONS of dollars – ie. $19 billion for deficit reduction and Obamacare!  It seems the take-over by the Federal Direct […]

The State–Obama Democrats vs Kennedy Democrats

| December 9, 2014

One wonders if today’s Democrats blindly following President Barack Obama and his administration’s goal of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” even remember what it was like to support a leader who understood our democracy?John F. Kennedy knew what it was to believe and fight for the words and principles which founded this country. […]

Obamacare remarks from Jonathan Gruber draw media scrutiny

| November 15, 2014

Some of the political hot-potato news this past week was related to self described “off the cuff” comments from MIT’s Jonathan Gruber a respected health economist. He helped craft President Obama’s health care law and was captured on video commenting about the “stupidity of the American voter” and suggesting the law was passed dishonestly (NYTimes). […]

Teach your children well – the correct U.S. Constitution perhaps?

| November 2, 2014

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Does a generous welfare benefit create a work disincentive?

| July 10, 2014

I listened to a debate on CNBC on Wednesday morning featuring Princeton economics professor Alan Krueger discussing the problems of long term unemployment which lead to Joe Kernen suggesting there are financial disincentives to taking entry level jobs … the kind of work the unemployed need to gain experience. Krueger discounted that people weigh the […]

Over-regulation deters small business entrepreneurship

| May 11, 2014

Fox Business anchor Stuart Varney comment, in between his entertaining persiflage with Don Imus, struck a chord with me as he highlighted the failures of the Obama administration’s big  government policies — regulations that are killing small business entrepreneurs. Stuart Varney with Don Imus (MP3) – May 2014 As someone who started a someone “traditional” […]

Michael Bloomberg on the Feds actions and wealth inequality

| May 2, 2014

Love him or hate him, billionaire “business magnate, politician and philanthropist” Michael Bloomberg clearly understands the effect the Federal Reserve has when it comes to pumping money into the economy. So simple and so true when it comes to who benefits the most from government trying to solve business and wealth inequity problems. He is […]

Happy Tax Day — April 15th! Where does the money go?

| April 15, 2014

If you hate paying taxes, move to Wyoming or Alaska

| March 23, 2014

Wallethub compared how average families from each state when it comes to paying taxes … how does your state look? According to their color coded map, the brighter red your state, the more you pay; conversely, the greener your state, the lower your taxes, and brown puts you somewhere in the middle. If you hate […]

Don’t forget to “spring forward” for DST this weekend

| March 8, 2014

We’ve changed the Federal DST law quite a few time (surprised me) and I learned a few more things about Daylight Saving time this week … starting with that there isn’t an “s” on the end of “Saving” … duh! Daylight Saving time, or its abbreviation "DST" was an idea first proposed by Benjamin Franklin […]

Balancing liberty and big over-reaching government

| February 15, 2014

Although I have a libertarian slant to my political philosophy, the wars and struggles in the Middle East demonstrate why our country need to maintain the appropriate balance between freedom and over reaching government. An article in the WSJ on Friday is a reminder that the threat from terrorists, cartels, gangs and other countries is […]

More on what the Obama administration chooses to shutdown

| October 6, 2013

In a previous post, I commented on the Obama administration choosing to shutdown U.S. memorials and parks in what many perceived as unnecessary. It is obviously that it is purely politics when it requires more federal workers and costs more to close sites like the World War II Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial (never closed […]

Citizens unnecessarily annoyed during government shutdown

| October 3, 2013

Although I’m not a big fan of the “goings on” in Washington DC, particularly the current government shutdown … but I’m really frustrated to see political elements doing their darnedest to make it even more uncomfortable for everyone. Most news watchers are aware of the brouhaha over the WW2 Memorial this past Wednesday, where World […]

The government shuts down and they are not even talking

| October 1, 2013

Once again our dysfunctional federal government reared its ugly head and made many of us wonder why we continue to send money to Washington DC?  The taxpayer continues to be squeezed by our bloated bureaucrats who can’t seem live on the nearly trillion dollars we send them each year — it’s ridiculous!   From my […]

Our Federal Government: more waste, fraud and abuse

| August 26, 2013

Wasteful government spending is nothing new, nor is the corruption and abuse by companies and recipients siphoning off our hard earned tax dollars. What is new is a much bigger federal government and the addition of bunches of new programs and the seeming disregard for responsible oversight that comes with a “bigger government.” It is […]

What Obamacare will cost if you are in your 20s or 30s

| July 27, 2013

The question posed by the WSJ this past week was “will the young and give up disposable income to pay for health insurance” or with they pay the penalty until it becomes too expensive? It has been difficult to explicate the complex and questionably titled “Affordable Care Act” – Obamacare to many who are politically […]

Big government policies = slow economy and no jobs

| July 7, 2013

Having a recent college graduated living at home and looking to start his career gives me intimate insight on what young adults and their parents are facing. The frustration exacerbates the strong opinions regarding the new health care law and the economic policies put in place by the federal government under the leadership of President […]

What do you know about Social Security Disability?

| April 11, 2013

If you are the average healthy American who is working or independently seeking a job, you might be as unknowledgeable as I am when it comes to knowing anything about government benefits. I’ve generally assumed that those who are “disabled” are not capable of functioning or were disabled on the job due injury. What I […]

Pitiful. Bureaucratic incompetence is part of the problem

| April 5, 2013

We’re hardly sputtering along when it comes to getting Americans back to work. One wonders why we bother to spend so much money on government when our over compensated bureaucrats only add to the problem. If it were not so frustrating and painful, government’s adding “programs,” meddling with tax rates and monetary policy and out […]

A country founded by geniuses, but run by idiots

| March 28, 2013

A filler blog post … just heavily forwarded “Food For Thought” email. If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally …you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots. If you have to get your parents’ permission to go […]

Are you prepared for catastrophic spending cuts? [sarcasm]

| February 27, 2013

I find it difficult to listen to “the sky is falling” coming from special interest groups with the politicians looking out for them … or for that matter President Obama “crying wolf” once again. If it is so difficult to trim a few percent federal budget (something that was suppose to be done several years […]

Political thoughts from the past are surprisingly apropos

| February 24, 2013

Every once in a while, actually a lot lately, someone will include something from the past in their books, articles or blog which reminds me of the challenges we face in becoming independent thinkers. A couple sailing friends of mine who have and are currently living a life out of the mainstream and shared a […]

It is embarrassing that they work for us

| February 21, 2013

Really … something has to change in Washington DC. We’re borrowing TRILLIONS, yet the President jets around playing golf while the first lady and family heads to Colorado on vacation. Sure it only MILLIONS … In the another branch of our govenment, they pass reams of laws, bicker about raising more revenue (taxing us), pretend […]

Targeted federal governments cuts or the March 1st sequester

| February 14, 2013

The coming government cuts, either by choice or sequester and their economic impact is bound to be felt by all of us. The President for his part Tuesday night in the State of the Union address offered a warning, but little that addressed the ominous across the board cuts coming on March 1st if nothing […]

The answer to our spending problem is to “broaden the base”

| January 16, 2013

It is becoming increasingly clear the the answer the federal government’s excessive spending is to “broaden the base” … but before the attacks from Democrats begin, let me clarify my reasoning (highlighted below) and explain. The current debate in Washington DC is whether to address the deficit (and mounting debt) by raising taxes on the […]

Who should pay more in taxes and what should be cut?

| December 11, 2012

Those of us watching the “dance” in Washington DC over the looming taxes and possible spending cuts closing in on every American can make one’s head spin. What we all know is that our government spends too much and seems unable to even come close to balancing their budget or coming up with a plan […]

Capitalism is good, so why is it getting such a bad rap?

| July 29, 2012

When did Americans become so critical of free enterprise and capitalism? Either they have been blinded by those who have socialist philosophical views or they have seen “free market capitalism” turn to “crony capitalism” in recent years. … capitalism is the best thing that has ever happened to the material condition of the human race. […]

Links and more links: Do we really need more government?

| July 17, 2012

Said tongue in cheek, just to be clear … Without big government, individuals and their businesses couldn’t build anything, according to President Obama. I suspect if he had his way we’d even have more government funded federal programs and bureaucratic agencies to oversee innovative and productivity. (Wake up America … take a look at how […]

Blame our dysfunctional government in Washington DC

| July 10, 2012

Unless politicians “create an environment” that encourages risking capital and investing in American businesses, it will continue to be a struggle to grow our economy. I’m seeing more cities and counties running out of tax revenue and many more will be forced to declare bankruptcy unless thing change soon. Out of work and financially stressed […]

Dependence on government and the value of a dollar

| May 18, 2012

As a country, a nation and a generous people … we are heading down the wrong path when assistance programs fail to teach the value of a dollar [insert joke here about the “value” of a dollar] and instead teaches the next generation dependence on government. “Over the last four decades, our government has quietly […]

Mitt Romney for President is just fine with me

| December 15, 2011

Well I was going to wait until closer to the Republican primary in Ohio (3/6/2012) to decide which candidate was best to run against the president, but after seeing recent polling, the candidate is obvious. When polls pitting Newt Gingrich against the sitting President Obama, the numbers indicate the President may have an easy re-election, […]

Labor Day: Are we facing the end of the American Dream?

| September 5, 2011

It is odd how my “simple mind” works when contemplating a blog post on Labor Day. As I grappled with the history of the holiday, my thoughts drifted to present day directional changes our country is making – some reminiscent  of the reasons that triggered our end of summer holiday. In reading about our nation’s […]

Look who continues to receive taxpayer (and borrowed) dollars

| August 16, 2011

With the Obama administration failing to lead in the area we expect, liberal politicians (might as well say “all politicians”) have little problem taking a leadership role when it comes to telling the industry how to run their businesses. The Department of Energy distributes our taxes as gifts grants as a way to warp free […]

Has the “safety net” grown into “middle class welfare?”

| August 1, 2011

Yesterday I heard part of an interview with noted social scientist Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute, which I recorded on my Palm Pre Z-corder app – well at least part of it. He pointed out that our government has moved beyond the point of providing just the necessary “safety net” …   […]

Down for the sixth week – Dow Industrial Average heads south

| June 10, 2011

I wish I would have been a better listener to the old adage: “Sell in May and go away and play.”  (INDU heads below 12000 Friday morning) It looks as if we’re in for a 6th week of down markets; a tough summer for those Americans hoping President Obama’s “bump in the road” comment was […]

Are we prepared for a government shut down?

| April 6, 2011

The fiasco in Washington DC over the 2011 budget, legislation that should have been passed last year by the previous congress is coming to a head once again. Some think we’ll see another extension delay tactic, but entrenched politicians are getting louder and seem to be unwilling to compromise. There are those wanting to cut […]

Federal stimulus funds available for Ohio Biofuel companies

| October 27, 2010

Federal stimulus funds are political hot potato as the Novemeber 2010 election draws near, but it is still good to know where the money is being spent. According to Biodiesel Magazine,  the Ohio Department of Development will be using "$8 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, to help biodiesel and ethanol […]

Washington ‘uncertainty’ is hindering business & job growth

| September 14, 2010

Why don’t politicians understand that uncertainty is a primary deterrent to planning for the future, for an individual or a business … but especially for businesses. In order for small business owners and  managers to reinvest and expand … and hire new employees … the political environment needs to be one where the prospect for […]

Training Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly

| August 13, 2010

“This week in 1861, the first federal income tax was instituted to pay for the Civil War. These days, we don’t worry about that kind of stuff. Our wars are paid for by our grandchildren.” — Jay Leno I’m not sure if we should laugh or cry when it comes to how government spends millions […]

This “Cash for Appliances” program is just great [/sarcasm]

| May 30, 2010

I “tried”’ to take advantage of the $100 Cash for Appliances rebate program back in March/April by reserving a reservation, purchasing a new dishwasher, recycling the old dishwasher and filling out the rebate paperwork, but I have been thwarted by the system. Once again our bureaucracy is too much for me to figure out. This […]

If Tax Collections Matched Spending, 2010’s Tax Freedom Day would be May 17

| May 17, 2010

Federal Spending in 2009-10 Highest Since World War II; Deficit Reaches $13,158 Per Household Recent news reports in USA Today and elsewhere have highlighted the historically low tax collections in 2009 and 2010, confirmed by the Tax Foundation’s annual Tax Freedom Day® calculations of April 8, 2009, and April 9, 2010. “The importance of the […]

Cash for Appliances – limited window of opportunity

| March 28, 2010

We’ve been thinking about replacing our humble (less than functional) dishwasher for a couple years now and the latest government giveaway stimulus program is just the push we needed. There is a small window of opportunity and a limited number of dollars available for each state to stimulate consumers to upgrade their existing appliances with […]

You can only ignore the will of the people for so long …

| March 22, 2010

As the the Democrat’s health care bill passes under less than optimum circumstances, tempers and emotions flare in both congress and between citizens of our nation. My representative, the Honorable John Boehner, lead the Republican minority in a valiant fight, in this case speaking for the majority of people across our nation (video below).  Unfortunately […]

Takers vs. Makers: Are we on the Road to Serfdom?

| March 5, 2010

The current Obama philosophy of social and economic justice continues with an attempt to move forward with expanding government, even as polls show Americans objecting to the existing health care bills. The concern for many of us is that we are becoming a nation of ‘takers.’ Current progressive Democrats are moving in a direction that […]

Is Healthcare “Deader than a doornail”

| January 22, 2010

[flv:FN_Healthcare1001221.flv 480 255] After President Obama, and most of the U.S. Congress (the Democrats), wasted a year on massive health care legislation, many are suggesting our nations’ leaders may finally be getting the message: Focus on jobs and the economy before spending money we don’t have on taking over health care. The current bills, according […]

Will President Obama be held accountable for his promises?

| January 8, 2010

President Obama, for all the “hope and change” that was promised, seems to have no problem with the lack of openness and transparency being demostrated under his tenure. Obama’s promises of “openness” are empty … or perhaps only apply when concerning Republican leaders? For many, President Obama is a bigger disappointment than his predecessors  because […]

Government, “it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it”

| December 6, 2009

We’re not all going to agree on how much involvement we want from our federal government, but I’m sensing that most Americans are concerned that their voices over an invasive government are being ignored. This concern isn’t just about the current administration, but includes the excessive spending and Wall Street rescue started by the previous […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog