Music Monday: “Christmas Island” – Jimmy Buffett (1996)

| December 23, 2024

It may not be the “best” … or even a “favorite” Christmas song … or even a thoughtful Music Monday song that puts us in the snowy, wintery, Christmas spirit. Still, Jimmy Buffett’s “Christmas Island” from 1996 seems about right this year since the decorations are minimal and I’m already thinking about warmer weather. It […]

Festivus … “the all-inclusive December gathering” #humor

| December 1, 2022

With Thanksgiving behind us, I’m wondering if Brenda is adopting a new-to-us December holiday tradition? Perhaps or most likely not … but I do see something that looks like a Seinfeld-like “Festivus” pole in our foyer. For those familiar with the the long running television comedy Seinfeld, you will recall immediately the 1997 episode call […]

Marking Presidents’ Day with a Republican oriented photo

| February 21, 2022

Although the artist wasn’t mentioned, Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan tweeted out an impressive painting this afternoon. Happy Presidents’ Day.

Thanksgiving with my brother and a few wrap-up photos

| November 28, 2021

Having Thanksgiving at my brother’s house with our family (minus Jaben who recently had COVID19) was one of those photo days that I should have packed my Lumix camera. The lighting was a bit dark and into window light for an older iPhone … and without a tripod was challenging. I propped it between some […]

Independence Day 2021: Stand for the “Red, White and Blue”

| July 4, 2021

Well … no surprise, but divisiveness (or just a “put the spotlight on me”) continues in our free-to-protest country. At one time, standing for our flag, appreciating living free from government oppression in America and singing … or at least respecting … our National Anthem was nearly universal, but in the past decade, not so […]

Music Monday: Holiday memories from the Carpenters

| December 21, 2020

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Winning freedom is one thing, maintaining it is yet another

| July 4, 2020

As we celebrate our country’s freedom from oppression and an independence won from Great Britain this July 4th, it is hard to imagine any US citizen wanting to give up their liberty? Yet once again, it is looking more and more as if a vocal and radical segment in the most successful democracy on the […]

Thinking about the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day

| May 25, 2020

We should probably come up with a better way to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country than a day off work, grilling out and giving momentary lip service? As I sat on the front porch on Sunday (something I don’t often do), I looked at the half staff flag and did […]

Valentine’s Day is also Single Awareness Day #humor

| February 14, 2020

Nope … I’m not going to forget Happy Valentine’s Day and have remembered to get something “sweet” for Brenda … although it is a good thing she reminded me earlier in the week with a “be sure to pick up a couple gift cards for the kids” comment. Whew! I was also reminded by my […]

Archive: We had a great family Christmas 2019 on New Years Day

| January 4, 2020

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Merry Christmas Eve: Twas the night before Christmas

| December 24, 2019

For some reason, the full text of this post and photo of our 2019 family Christmas tree went missing … or maybe it didn’t post to the blog? Oh well, at least here’s the archived photo of our tree:

Music Monday: James Taylor singing holiday songs

| December 16, 2019

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Can stamps get you in the Christmas spirit? #random

| December 8, 2019

While trying my best to get in the Christmas spirit … how about something from the philately world? Although I’m not a stamp collector, back in the day my company Consolidated Printing and Publishing did some plate work for special cancels and printing for a stamp collecting organization. Besides, my father-in-law had an impressive stamp […]

Archiving: Our Corbett Family Thanksgiving photo for 2019

| December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving dinner with the Corbett, Oostra and Ankrom familes (click for high res) It is nice to have a few holiday rituals and for us, it is a Thanksgiving family feast with my brother and his family. Brenda, in particular, has now fully taken over the setting of a nice decorative table with all the […]

A Thanksgiving Poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar 1872-1906

| November 28, 2019

If African American poet Paul Laurence Dunbar in the late 1800’s could express his “thankfulness” so eloquently on Thanksgiving, those of us living in the United States today should have little problem appreciating the freedom and abundance that we all too often take for granted. It is great to have our family coming to our […]

Productive home chores weekend while watching Dorian

| September 3, 2019

The approaching hurricane kept my attention this Labor Day weekend (writing this for Tuesday on Sunday) as there was really nothing I could do to prepare the condo in Delray Beach or our boat Encore (in the water) in preparation for the approaching storm. Likely when this posts, we will either have dodged a bullet […]

Happy Independence Day 2019 – tainting another symbol

| July 4, 2019

Most Americans love their country and enjoy celebrating our country’s “amazing” 243 year history and success. We are thankful for the rag-tag group of patriots from the 13 original colonies who boldly fought for their independence from Great Britain. In school, my generation (and previous) learned about our forefather’s near impossible struggle for freedom and […]

Music Monday: Merry Christmas from the Family

| December 17, 2018

How about a classic … Merry Christmas from the Family … first recorded by the “alternative country music” artist Robert Earl Keene in 1994 (below is a live version from 2006 still on YouTube). It still makes me smile even if in today’s world it is probably not PC … nor was it appropriate to […]

Christmas prep and my iMac is still recovering from surgery

| December 15, 2018

Although Brenda and I are making steady progress in getting things ready for Christmas, the iMac surgery mentioned yesterday did not go as smoothly as planned, but at least I do have backups to rebuild things from. Currently the “way too many” cloud services that I’m using are working overtime as my Time Machine archive […]

Happy Thanksgiving with an TBT memory from a few years ago

| November 22, 2018

This was probably not a Thanksgiving meal with my late mom and dad, but it was in the fall of 1987 and is a perfect #TBT memory. My daughter Katelyn was pretty close to her daughter Annalyn’s age and my brother Ron and Claire just engaged to be married. It seems like yesterday, but was […]

Do something for someone this Martin Luther King Jr holiday

| January 15, 2018

Today, January 15, 2018, our nation celebrates the life and accomplishments of one of our greatest Americans on his national holiday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This past Friday, President Trump signed a proclamation that honors Dr. King by designating his birthplace, church and tomb as a National Historic Park. Along with the president’s respectful […]

Do we show enough appreciation for a well decorated home?

| December 24, 2017

My wife Brenda shows a lot of attention to decorating with memories and detail to our house each December (and my mother did too). I wish I would be more thankful, but am usually a bit Grinchy when ask to do just a few things that seem to much such a waste of time … […]

WikiBuy and a frustrating Cyber Monday of shopping

| November 28, 2017

As someone who is relatively comfortable with ecommerce and shopping for the best deals online, I don’t think I’ve ever been as frustrated as I was on Monday. Brenda and I had semi-planned to do a little more shopping "online" this year and since Cyber Monday is generally a "good deal" day to shop for […]

Archive: Thanksgiving 2017 with the Corbett Family

| November 26, 2017

Better late than never in posting a few photos from our Thanksgiving day dinner and family time over this extended weekend. My brother Ron and his family were all able to get together at our house this year with our two new additions: Annalyn (Katelyn and Drew) and Teagan (Keira and Ben). Thankfully all of […]

Happy Thanksgiving. It is a tough day for Turkeys!

| November 23, 2017

If God created turkeys this ugly as protection from predators … it didn’t work … because 46 MILLION TURKEYS still ended up on some “thankful” American’s plate. Happy Thanksgiving. With all the “food fixing” going on, how about a little humor

Remember and honor those who paid the ultimate price

| May 29, 2017

While looking back at previous year blog posts Memorial Day prior to making a 2017 update in order to see how I may or may not have recognized this sacred day, I realized just how many there were and it made me think about just “how many” have paid that ultimate price. Be sure to try and set […]

Target is not Amazon when it comes to delivering the goods

| December 16, 2015

When you begin to depend on prompt order fulfillment and reasonable delivery times from online retail stores, it feels like we’ve gone back a decade or two? On Cyber Monday, November 30th, I placed an order with Target thinking there was plenty of time before last minute Christmas ordering. I entered both my email address […]

Honoring all who served

| November 12, 2012

It would be nice to be off today, but I will be spending most of the day driving in the rain. Minus that, I should be enjoying dinner tonight with a WWII vet (my father-in-law) so that will be respecting at least the Federal holiday, Monday following Veterans Day.  "To us in America, the reflections […]

Observing June 14th as Flag Day and Flag Week

| June 14, 2012

As a casual flag flier, I often wonder if I’m respectful enough of our stars and stripes? Disclosure: I’ve always had a flag, portable staff or flag pole and initially decided to raise our flag and illuminated it 24/7 after 9/11 out of respect for those serving our country. I committed to keep it flying until […]

Memorial Day respect, Patriotism 101 and archived posts

| May 28, 2012

I would be remise not to mention Memorial Day and our nation’s honoring and remembering those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. It is a day that many of our citizens tend to blend with honoring all veterans … not a bad thing … but in some respect causes confusion over the purpose […]

Remembering MLK and checking the high area gasoline prices

| January 16, 2012

There are only a handful of leaders that come along in one’s lifetime and for my generation, one of them is Martin Luther King, Jr (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968). Most know the history of Mr. King and the civil rights movement around challenging the laws particularly in the south, but I enjoyed a […]

Best Buy turns a blunder into positive PR

| December 24, 2011

Almost all companies have customer service issues and what separates the successful from the not-so-successful is how they are able to recover with the least amount of pain. One example this year is Best Buy who in the past was one of my least favorite retailers. During their pre-Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday store […]

Recognizing two special veterans today – a wonderful son

| November 11, 2011

My son made his father proud today by recognizing Veterans Day 11/11/11 in this way  … he posted a nice note to his Facebook page.

Labor Day: Are we facing the end of the American Dream?

| September 5, 2011

It is odd how my “simple mind” works when contemplating a blog post on Labor Day. As I grappled with the history of the holiday, my thoughts drifted to present day directional changes our country is making – some reminiscent  of the reasons that triggered our end of summer holiday. In reading about our nation’s […]

July 4th marks our annual flag retiring ritual

| July 5, 2010

America’s Independence Day marks the day our family (well … me really) puts up a new flag. Usually the old flag makes it about a year, although a few of the cheaper ones have deteriorated much quicker.  I’ve pretty much decided that the stitched and embroidered nylon flags hold up the best. The pile of […]

Cinco de Mayo – few celebrating know why they do

| May 5, 2010

As the population of the United States continues to expand, particularly with those of Mexican ancestry, Cinco de Mayo celebrations are becoming more and more popular in all parts of the United States. Not a single American I asked knew why May 5th has become such a popular day of celebration for all Americans (me […]

Honor Veterans today and everyday

| November 11, 2009

After the massacre at the Fort Hood Army post just a few days ago, there is understandably more attention on our Veterans today. The sacrifices our men and women in uniform make serving our country is deserving of respect and remembrance today and everyday. I thank all who serve and have served our nation. President […]

Remember Memorial Day

| May 29, 2006

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day and began to be observed on May 30th, 1868 to commemorate the sacrifies of Civil War soldiers. It was declared a General Order No. 11 by General John A. Logan May 5, 1868. The General Order stated: “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog