RichC | January 31, 2009
There was nicely formatted datasheet (below) on the new Palm Pre published at and it was interested to see the April 2009 release date, even though it is stated as “expected.” From what I have read, neither Palm or Sprint have said very much about what date the new smartphone will be available. Some […]
Category: Misc |
1 Comment
Tags: apple, iphone, palm, patent, pda, smartphone, touchscreen, treo
RichC | January 30, 2009
There are a few changes are coming for the hybrid car buying few … and I mean car buying few … unless Washington DC pulls a few last minute strings. Tax credits are being reduced by about half, so … if you are thinking about buying a new hybrid car this year, it might be […]
Category: Automotive |
Tags: credit, ford, hybrid, tax
RichC | January 29, 2009
If you are a Firefox user and enjoyed the speed improvements “once upon a time” that was evident, you might be experiencing a “fattening up” and slowing down of this excellent browser. In fact for me, I’ve found myself popping open Chrome for a quicker web look or even to check email or Google Docs. […]
Category: Computer |
Tags: browser, Computer, firefox, internet
RichC | January 28, 2009
A winter storm has moved through the Ohio Valley Tuesday January 27th and left several inches of snow followed by ice and sleeting rain. By evening there was a substantial glaze on top of the snow making for a bright and reflective photo (click for larger). While out driving during the afternoon the roadways were […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: driving, ice, roads, snow, Travel, weather
RichC | January 27, 2009
I’m following up my post about yesterday, both because I received an email from their customer service (posted it as a comment to yesterday’s post) and because I received a Twitter message suggesting that I check out I appreciated the email explaining that Scanr made changes on January 7th to their services and […]
Category: Computer, Photos, Technology |
Tags: application, Computer, internet,,, Software, web
RichC | January 26, 2009
Although I didn’t receive a notice (could have been sifted by gmail as spam) from about any changes to their ‘free’ services, the Pro accounts $4.99/mo ($30 annual) is a bit steep for the occasional user. I have recommend their services in the past as a way to send an emergency fax or post […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer |
1 Comment
RichC | January 25, 2009
I’m starting to think about taking my son back to college late this afternoon/evening and figured I might be a good idea to check the Ohio weather (1 PM image out the front window above). Thoughts like this rarely occurred to me in years past, but the older I get the more attention I pay […]
Category: Misc, Personal |
1 Comment
RichC | January 25, 2009
I enjoyed spending the day with my dad and celebrated his 80th birthday along with my brother and his family. The milestone was merely a number for my dad since he is doing great and has no complaints. We took him out to dinner and probably enjoyed a little too much cake and ice cream […]
Category: Personal, Sports |
RichC | January 24, 2009
This post is serving double duty: First a friend mentioned that my RSS feed looked a little different to him, and second, this video from Rex the Dog was just plain impressive. VIDEO REMOVED
Category: Video |
Tags: Feed, RSS, vimeo
RichC | January 24, 2009
Here are a few photos (Treo photos posted to Twitpic) while adding another 700 miles to my Honda Pilot. I would have preferred driving an efficient and long lasting diesel, but feel fortunate to be able to fill with unleaded regular for $1.78/gallon today.
Category: Automotive |
RichC | January 23, 2009
The Transition is another one of those flying car “dream” ideas (or as Terrafugia calls it, “a roadable aircraft”) which seems to be really moving closer in bringing driving and flying together. According to a the company’s website, this concept car/plane was founded in 2006 by a group of MIT students. They have work diligently […]
Category: Automotive, Aviation |
Tags: aircraft, car, eaa, mit, sport pilot
RichC | January 22, 2009
The Wall Street Journal‘s Personal Technology columnist Walt Mossberg has given his preliminary review of Microsoft’s recently released beta Windows 7. According to Mossberg, the most important improvement from the much maligned Vista OS is speed. In his initial tests, “even the beta version of Windows 7 was dramatically faster than Vista at such tasks […]
Category: Computer, Technology |
Tags: Computer, microsoft, mossberg, windows 7
RichC | January 21, 2009
The long running weekly PBS automotive program Motorweek reviewed the 2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI on last weekend’s show. As expected, they gave it a pretty decent review mentioning that it is now 50 state legal and clarified the emission control features that differentiates it from the “AdBlue” diesels. [flv:MW_2009VWJettaTDI090117.flv 480 355]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Volkswagen |
1 Comment
Tags: diesel, jetta, motorweek, review, tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | January 20, 2009
On January 20, 2009, Americans saw the power of peaceful change as President George Walker Bush stepped aside and heard the crowds cheered as President Barack Hussein Obama took office. Throngs of well-wishers filled Washington DC preceding today’s inauguration and many others gathered around televisions to watch this historic moment. It is a great testament […]
Category: News, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: inauguration, obama, Politics, president, Washington DC, whitehouse
RichC | January 20, 2009
The Wallstreet Journal took a look at the job approval rating of our Presidents. The graph illustrates public opinion of Presidents from Truman through George W. Bush. Th popularity of each President rises and falls as they were faced different crisis situations. Only President Truman and George W. Bush have seen both support as high […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: bush, carter, clinton, eisenhower, ford, johnson, kennedy, nixon, president, reagan, truman, wsj
RichC | January 19, 2009
Here’s another excellent Palm Pre interview, this time a little more of “Why they will succeed” from a business oriented perspective. (also $425 million from Elevation Partners doesn’t hurt either)
Category: Cellphone |
RichC | January 19, 2009
“Tampa Two,” as Superbowl XLIII is being slated will be between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Arizona Cardinals. The Steelers put down the Baltimore Ravens this weekend 23 -14 while the long time “dysfunctional” Arizona Cardinals will make there first appearance by a 32 -25 win against the Philidelphia Eagles.
Category: Sports |
Tags: football, nfl, superbowl
RichC | January 18, 2009
“Hello my name is Rich, I’m a 24-a-holic” and I am addicted to the Fox Television Series 24, yet I haven’t watch the current season yet. The intense neverending show has kept both my wife and I at the edge of our seats … or bed … depending where we watched it from. Blockbuster much […]
Category: Cellphone, Video-TV |
Tags: 24, jack bauer, palm, television, treo
RichC | January 17, 2009
A new USCGImagery video shows how impressive the landing (about 2 minutes into the clip), exit and immediate rescue was from the US Airways Flight 1549. The plane impacted the Hudson River at about 3:31 PM and within a few second passengers were out on the wings and emergency slides. As the camera zooms in […]
Category: Aviation, News, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: Flight 1549, US Air
RichC | January 17, 2009
MSNBC’s Mike Wendland reported on the new parking assist technology Ford will be offering in select 2010 models. As seen in premium … and not so premium … models before, it is pretty cool technology. YOUTUBE Video removed
Category: Automotive |
Tags: assist, ford, parking, self, Technology
RichC | January 16, 2009
With the cold weather we’ve been having we’ll definitely be complaining about home heating bills and the salt shortage when we get to February and March. It definitely has turn cold across most of the nation. I did a double take when I checked the temperature today. I probably shouldn’t include this photo when it […]
Category: Automotive |
Tags: cold, honda, pilot, winter
RichC | January 16, 2009
During a business call this week, a fellow who listens to streaming radio and knows my interest in Volkswagen TDIs, mention that a station he listens to was holding a sweepstakes offering a New 2009 VW Jetta TDI Clean Diesel as their grand prize. The station is KCPW in Santa Monica, California and features “an […]
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
Tags: diesel, npr, radio, sweepstakes, tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | January 15, 2009
Well this may not classify as a “miracle,” but its about as close as I can imagine. While driving home tonight I “listened” to television coverage of the incredible landing of US Airways Flight 1549 shortly after takeoff. The twin engine Airbus A320 jet had just left LaGuardia Airport enroute to Chalotte NC when it […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: miracle
RichC | January 15, 2009
So which automotive technology is in our near future? According to an article in Wednesday’s Marketplace section of the WSJ, “Analysts say sales of vehicles with such engines — which deliver greater fuel economy and power than today’s similarly sized gas engines — will far exceed those of hybrids and electrics for years to come.” […]
Category: Automotive |
Tags: direct injection, ev, hybrid, tdi, wsj
RichC | January 14, 2009
My company’s original office in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio – Photo Jan. 14, 2009 I’m well season in driving to from one corner of Ohio to the other, but today was one of the more uptight trips I’ve made. In fact, I even checked into the Radisson at 4PM since I no longer wanted to stomp […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: baja fresh, driving, ohio, snow, Travel
RichC | January 13, 2009
1/13/2009 – Wall Street Journal President George W. Bush held his final press conference on Monday and was extremely candid while reflecting on his mistakes, yet reminded Americans just how challenging the job of President of the United States is. I wanted to archive the last press conference for posterity sake and in part because […]
Category: Audio, Politics |
RichC | January 12, 2009
Autoblog reports on the concept roadster that Volkswagen calls the BlueSport at the Detroit Auto Show this year. Volkswagen’s Concept BlueSport should go a long way towards making the term “diesel performance” a household name. While it might seem to be an oxymoron to some, seeing it at the Detroit Auto Show, we can tell […]
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
1 Comment
RichC | January 11, 2009
Edmunds prepare an excellent video review of a 2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI a couple months ago and thought I would post it here.
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
Tags: diesel, jetta, tdi, volkswagen
RichC | January 10, 2009
To be truthful … “no” I’m not really focused on the NFL playoffs this year. I’m not 100% sure that I can pin my lack of enthusiasm on the dismal season of Ohio NFL teams (Bengals and Browns) or the personal distractions in my life, but I haven’t really enjoyed watching professional football this year. […]
Category: Sports |
1 Comment
Tags: football, nfl
RichC | January 9, 2009
Here’s a biodiesel hybrid vehicle for those who would like to reminisce; one can be had for $129,000 or if you can fore go the solar setup, go ahead and order one for pocketchange: $69,000 USD. It is a unique vehicle and isn’t just a “woody” — check out
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel |
1 Comment
Tags: biodiesel, microbus, verdier
RichC | January 8, 2009
It was a nice day to be a Palm user when on Thursday afternoon the company announced their long awaited smartphone with a new operating system (followed on Twitter). The sleek new phone with a sliding QWERTY physical keyboard “looked” to be precisely what many Palm advocates have been waiting for — I’m looking forward […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: Cellphone, centro, palm, treo
RichC | January 8, 2009
If you are a Palm device user who appreciates Palm products, Thursday January 8th 2009 might be the day that determines the company’s future. At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) advocates expect the announcement of Palm’s long awaited new Nova operating system and new smartphone. The rumored new device is expected to compete with the […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: 700p, Cellphone, centro, nova, palm, smartphone, treo
RichC | January 7, 2009
For those of us concerned with protecting the worlds’ oceans, President George W. Bush signing documents with Benigno R. Fitial, governor of the U.S. Commonwealth Northern Mariana Islands establishing the Mariana Trench Marine National Monument on Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009 is a positive step. The signing creates three new “national monuments” in the Pacific Ocean […]
Category: Environment |
Tags: Environment, national monument, ocean, protect, reef
RichC | January 7, 2009
The 2010 Ford Fusion hybrid “won the hearts of the Car and Driver folks,” according to AutoblogGreen. The best of class midsize car bettered even Toyota in the top fuel economy and still performed well when talking performance. The Ford Fusion hybrid goes on sale this spring and is being marketed as “America’s most fuel […]
Category: Automotive |
Tags: battery, car and driver, ford, fusion, hybrid
RichC | January 6, 2009
Trying to “half” listen to the Macworld Expo through Chirs Pirillo’s live feed. Noticed was hacked. 
Category: Computer, Technology |
RichC | January 6, 2009
It was an enjoyable night of football as we watch the Ohio State Buckeyes tangle with the Texas Longhorns in the Fiesta Bowl. The game was more exciting that most expected as the OSU defense held Colt McCoy and the Longhorn offense to 3 points in the first half and after falling behind early in […]
Category: Sports |
RichC | January 5, 2009
I saw a photo of these Buckeye fans on TwitPic (thanks for the link @1datarecovery) and had to repost in my blog as we “Buckeyes” look forward to the Fiesta Bowl tonight. Since the Jesus statue is a few miles up the road from our house at Solid Rock Church in Monroe Ohio, its always […]
Category: Sports |
1 Comment
Tags: buckeyes, church, football, jesus, monroe, ohio, ohio state, solid rock, touchdown
RichC | January 4, 2009
One of the interesting Christmas gifts this year was a new SD memory card to use in my Canon EOS Rebel XSi — a 4GB Anniversary edition Eye-Fi card. What makes this SD card unique is that it has built in WiFi. The card operates just like a 4GB memory card but utilized the camera’s […]
Category: Computer, Photos, Technology |
Tags: Canon, EOS, Eye-Fi, Memory, Rebel, SD, XSi
RichC | January 3, 2009
A few of us from the CinciTDI group enjoyed Saturday afternoon working on our Volkswagen TDI diesel cars and filming a new Fuel Injection Pump How To video. Bruce Bowling was once again in front of the camera and demonstrated the procedure to replace leaking gaskets and in making injection quantity (IQ) adjustments — both […]
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
Tags: Bruce, cincitdi, Eric, gaskets, gtg, hammer mod, How-To, injector pump, seals, tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | January 2, 2009
I’ve been looking for something that is a bit more meaningful than the ‘woe is me’ mood I’ve been in as 2008 ended. This morning while reading the Opinion page of the Wall Street Journal, a letter by Karl Rove hit me. If a Navy Seal who has been shot 8 times and has half […]
Category: Politics |
RichC | January 1, 2009
As we approach midnight on December 31st and my family watches the party in New York City’s Time Square, I want to wish a Happy New Year to all. For some, January 1, 2009 is no more than a change of a calendar… for others, the New Year symbolizes the beginning of a better tomorrow. […]
Category: Misc |