RichC | October 31, 2022
It doesn’t get any odder than seeing a “very low” fly-by photo from a fellow aviation enthusiast Ron Eisele on Twitter and having it trigger a “how low can you go” McDonalds commercial from way back when??? It’s probably not an appropriate Music Monday, but the music well is dry today … so I’m using […]
Category: Aviation, Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: commercial, fly by, low pass, mcdonalds, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, twitter
RichC | October 30, 2022
Although the meme floating around social networks (the one at the bottom of this post) is probably not correct, I enjoyed it enough to do a little digging. Personally I’ve always thought that “the whole (or full) nine (six) yards” had to do with the innings in a baseball game (old article below), so I […]
Category: Aviation, Idioms, Millitary, Sailing, Social Media, Sports, Tidbits |
Tags: ammo, History, idiom, idioms, meme, newspaper, phrases, sewing, the whole nine yards, wikipedia
RichC | October 29, 2022
My friend Jeff and I enjoy discussing and debating nearly every topic under the sun, but few subjects have held our attention over the decades like the impact of technology on society, geopolitics and how changing governments handle or don’t handle the demographics shifts. I tend to look at it from the perspective of an […]
Category: Books |
Tags: demographics, discussion, ebook, economy, end of the world, geopolitics, hoopla, investing, ipad, jeffp, kindle, libby app, overdrive, peter zeihan, reading
RichC | October 28, 2022
For those using Apple products and subscription services, the monthly cost is going up. The company announced new version of their iPad lineup this week followed by the news that they are hiking fees for Apple Music and Apple TV+ subscription services this week for the very first time. In the U.S., the cost of […]
Category: Apple, Financial, Streaming, Technology |
Tags: aapl, apple, apple tv+, ipad, price increase, streaming, subscription, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | October 27, 2022
Favorite actors pitching products has been a staple in the advertising business for a long time … probably because it works! Shortly after this Gigi and James Garner commercial came out for Mazda 323 in 1986, we bought a “new” 1988 Mazda 626 turbo that replaced a Volkswagen Golf (MK2 Wolfsburg edition). To this day […]
Category: Automotive, Marketing, Mazda, TBT, Video |
Tags: 1986, advertising, commercial, gigi, james garner, mozda, TBT
RichC | October 26, 2022
Last Saturday’s project was some overdue maintenance on what was a very nice day her in SW Ohio. The temps were warm at 77 degrees and the sky clear. I took the opportunity to start draining the oil in the BMW X5 35d with 195K miles in the morning, then drove the Mercedes 300d Turbodiesel […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Personal, Photos, Weather |
Tags: 300d, Blauparts, BMW, costco, diesel, eurol, maintenance, mann filter, mercedes, oil change, ravenol, rowe, x5 35d
RichC | October 25, 2022
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Sports, Weather |
Tags: annalyn, archive, college, drew, ellerie, family, football, jodyo, katelyn, megan, ohio state, osu, taylor, tylero
RichC | October 24, 2022
Music Monday triggers can come from anywhere. Today’s was from segment music on a morning Fox Business program and triggered a“disco” flavored song from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack in 1977. “More Than a Woman” was a Bee Gees song and was paired with a serene Minnesota early morning lake photo (new TV on […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: bee gees, disco, fox business, more than a woman, music monday, musicmonday, saturday night fever, youtube
RichC | October 23, 2022
The Federal tax brackets are adjusted each year by the IRS based on inflation numbers in an attempt to stop “bracket creep.” This prices have soared as in September 2022 consumer prices were up 8.2% compared to 2021. It is likely most Americans have not seen that kind of wage increase which means their buying […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags:, bracket creep, economy, inflation, tax brackets, tax foundation, taxes
RichC | October 22, 2022
The answer from NOAA is that it depends on where you live. The general prediction is for a bit dryer in the south and a bit wetter in the northwestern US and Great Lakes .. but perhaps we should check with the authority? 
Category: Weather |
Tags: almanac, dry, noaa, rain, snow, weather, winter
RichC | October 22, 2022
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, babysitting, construction, ellerie, family, halloween, homebuilding, house, lumber, oostra, perrysburg, whitehouse
RichC | October 21, 2022
With inflation raging and oil prices sky high, opting for the most premium synthetic oil is no longer and option for my aging 2010 BMW X5 35d diesel. I’ve been using Ravenol and usually do my own oil and filter changes and although self-changing the oil on a premium diesel model is still better done […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Financial |
Tags: Blauparts, BMW, change, eurol, inflation, maintenance, oil, oil prices, ravenol, x5 35d
RichC | October 20, 2022
Now, I’m not quite old enough to have regularly used this kind of service garage air station to fill car tires for FREE, but I have used them AND it still triggers memories: Do you remember the “bump, bump, bump” surging as air filled the tires? As I’ve mentioned twice before, one of my first […]
Category: Memories, Personal, Photography, Photos, TBT |
Tags: free air, good old days, memories, old photo, photographer, pump jockey, service station, shell oil, sidney ohio, trigger
RichC | October 19, 2022
There was a leftover beach flyover video on my phone from our late September – early October Florida vacation so with a private family post creating registered only viewing and the first real cold weather of the season, this makes for an envious filler. I’m looking forward to warm weather and the beach again. Why […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video, Weather, Woodworking |
Tags: beach, cold weather, delray beach, filler, florida, flyover, project, vacation
RichC | October 19, 2022
This content is restricted.
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: annalyn, cart, drew, drying, ellerie, family, granddaughters, grocery, homebuilding, katelyn, king lumber, lumber, property, tarp
RichC | October 18, 2022
As a former GOP VP hopeful would say, “You betcha.” In catching up on my Tax Foundation reading, one of their recent emails highlighted what internationally we have seen in off and onshoring is that businesses go to where they are treated best. It most often has to do with a companies lowest cost of […]
Category: Financial, Misc, Politics |
Tags: data, government, katherine loughead, local, map, migration, population, state, tax foundation, taxes
RichC | October 17, 2022
Los Lobos performing at the White House in 2009 Although there are likely several other musicians and recording of the song “La Bomba,” the two artists that come to mind are Ritchie Valens version in 1958 and then the Los Lobos recording in 1987 which was the title track for the film La Bomba in […]
Category: Music |
Tags: la bomba, los lobos, music monday, musicmonday, ritchie valens
RichC | October 16, 2022
It’s simple: between the Federal Reserve spewing out more than $4 trillion in cheap money over the past year, and Congress signing off on “relief” packages totaling an unprecedented $3 trillion, there is too much money chasing too few goods. .. Inflation will only get hotter if Biden and congressional Democrats press ahead with even […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: absentee, america, biden, commitment, contract, democrats, election, inflation, leadership, midterms, polls, Republicans, survey, voting
RichC | October 15, 2022
Disposing of household batteries could use some clarity since not everyone knows which ones can be tossed with everyday trash and which ones should be recycled or taken to a collection site. Do you dispose of them correctly? Batteries are broken down into two broad categories: Single-use and rechargeable. How you dispose of them is […]
Category: Environment, Gadget, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags: batteries, battery, disposal, Environment,, trash
RichC | October 14, 2022
Besides enjoying some minor league Toledo Mud Hens baseball this year with family, I have not been focused on MLB or the postseason playoffs. Being a Cleveland Indians Guardians fan, I am sort of pulling for them after they won the Wild Card series against Tampa Bay … but as always, beating the New York […]
Category: Misc, Sports, Streaming |
Tags: amazon prime, baseball, cleveland, fox, gom, mlb, nascar, nbc, playoffs, postseason, rant, sports, streaming, tbs, tech friday, techfriday, usa network, wahoo, world series
RichC | October 13, 2022
"Five ants rented an apartment with five other ants. Now they are tenants together."
Category: Humor, Misc |
Tags: ants, filler post, Humor, joke, math, tenants
RichC | October 12, 2022
The sawmill has returned Katelyn and Drew‘s lumber and it’s a BIG pile (very exciting!) What Is Air-Drying? Air-drying lumber simple means to stack lumber and expose it to the outdoors. Depending on the species of wood and desired moisture content the air-drying process could take several months to almost a year. Make sure to […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: beach, building, drew, drying, house, katelyn, kiln, lumber, property, woodworking
RichC | October 11, 2022
With a lot of football watching in the evening last week while on vacation in Delray Beach, our appetite was for pizza. Normally we might have ordered it from a pizza shop, but since Target had Red Baron pizzas on sale for $3.99, we opted for their Brick Oven medium pizza. Shockingly, neither Brenda or […]
Category: Food, Nature, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: beach, beachbub, brick oven, delray beach, favorite, florida, pigeon, pizza, red baron, umbrella, vacation
RichC | October 10, 2022 — Jimmy Buffett (@jimmybuffett) October 6, 2022
Category: Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: concert, jimmy buffett, music monday, musicmonday, tour, twitter
RichC | October 9, 2022
Brenda and I have been fortunate to almost always taken an autumn trip to Florida. Years ago it was often to visit my parents who would go to Panama City Beach or take a trip with the kids. After Katelyn and Taylor were in college, it was often to visit Brenda’s parents and then to […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: black tip, brenda, conch, condo1718, delray beach, florida, hurricane, ian, richc, shark, shell, surfing, tornado, vacation
RichC | October 7, 2022
Not that I’m trying to promote astrophotographers (although have mentioned this photographer before) or the selling of things on my blog, but since I enjoy maps and space photography … check out this from Andrew McCarthy (see Sunrise on the Highlands).
Category: Photography, Photos, Social Media, Space |
Tags: andrew mccarthy, astronomy, filler friday, highlands, maps, moon, photo, space, sunrise
RichC | October 6, 2022
The old Chrysler Town and Country Throwback Thursday #TBT post triggered my archiving of another old automotive photo of Brenda’s beloved 1998 Toyota Rav4. Having own that small ute with a surprisingly large interior for so many miles (265K) and so many years (18), it may be one of the best vehicles we have ever […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: brenda, Rav4, taylor, TBT, throwback, thursday, toyota
RichC | October 5, 2022
Occasionally an article triggers me enough to save a PDF version, even though I rarely go to the folder on the computer where I’ve saved them. I’m not sure why I bother? Anyway, here’s a medical oriented article offering up 5 habits for healthier eyes. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common cause of vision […]
Category: Health |
Tags: age-related, amd, article, degeneration, eyes, eyesight, Health, macular
RichC | October 4, 2022
The Lockheed F-117 was one of the most specialized and sophisticated aircraft to ever enter USAF service. Purpose built to defeat radars, it was all square and flat, a fact, reflected in the aircraft’s boxy cockpit. (@realairpower1)
Category: Aviation, Millitary, Social Media |
Tags: aircraft, F117, lockheed, usaf
RichC | October 3, 2022
Several years ago in 2018, Fleetwood Mac was at the top of my music listening as was evident by the number of posts regarding a Rumours of Fleetwood Mac concert Brenda and I enjoyed in Cincinnati. It doesn’t seem possible that was 4 years ago? Since I personally have rated their “Rumours” album the best […]
Category: Memories, Music, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: album, chistine mcvie, classic rewind, concert, dress, fleetwood mac, music monday, musicmonday, twitter
RichC | October 2, 2022
While out mowing the lawn this week … I “think” I may have brought a spider in the house with me? In any case, it was on my shirt and I felt something crawling on my arm. After an instinctive swat and swipe of the hand, I notice it landed on my glass chair mat […]
Category: Nature, Photography, Photos |
Tags: arachnids, fence-post, jumper, jumping, phobia, spiderid, spiders
RichC | October 1, 2022
Another interesting story tied to scientific development during World War 2 has crossed my email inbox from WSJ+. This one is about the virtually unknown Mary Sears, “the first oceanographer of the Navy.” Her groundbreaking oceanographic research led the U.S. to victory in the Pacific theater during World War II, according to the summary. I’m […]
Category: Audio, Books, History, Innovation, Millitary, Science |
Tags: audio, audiobook, Books, catherine musemeche, glose, lethal tides, mary sears, ocean, oceanography, wsj