RichC | January 31, 2023
I would be remise to not mention the the AFC playoff game that left Cincinnati Bengals fans out in the cold, unfortunately the excitement dwindles when your hometeam loses. In my opinion, the Bengals were healthier and the better team going into the game against the Kansas City Chiefs, but as anyone who has watch […]
Category: Sports |
Tags: afc, bengals, cincinnati, kansas city chiefs, nfl, superbowl
RichC | January 30, 2023
Generally, reggaeis not my thing, but this time of year it is easy for me to include something a little more tropical for Music Monday. So my music listening turns to either “No Shoes Radio” or Radio Margaritaville on SiriusXM. This week it was listening to Mishka Firth’s 2010 recording of “Just Keep Livin” as […]
Category: Archive, Health, Medical, Music, Personal, Photos |
Tags: barefoot, brenda, excapism, flip-flops, fracture bionic, hip, injury, just keep livin, mishka, music monday, musicmonday, no shoes radio, radio margaritaville, reggae, shoulder, siriusxm, surgery, xray
RichC | January 29, 2023
Instead of painting the entire woodworking project that is currently underway in the workshop, I want at least to be able to naturally lacquer finish the frames of the Cornhole game. Partially it is to show off the miters and walnut splines in the frame corners and partially because I didn’t want to use any […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: cornhole, granddaughters, jig, miter, project, router, spline, woodworking, workshop
RichC | January 28, 2023
This content is restricted.
Category: Gadget, Memories, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: Alexa, annalyn, echo, ellerie, family, granddaughters, katelyn, mp4, snow, snowday
RichC | January 27, 2023
As a boy growing up enamored with the NASA Apollo program and going to the moon in the 1960s, I’m still a little peeved at Pluto’s demotion from planet status. Nevertheless, I’m amazed at the New Horizon spaceship’s video flying over the mountains of Pluto. Amazing and a worthwhile Friday Filler.
Category: Science, Space, Video |
Tags: apollo, friday filler, mp4, nasa, new horizons, pluto, probe, spaceship, video
RichC | January 26, 2023
Besides nursing duties and doctor visits with Brenda this past week, I’ve been working with a customer who would like to deploy a non-CMS website and completely forgot to post something on Thursday — making it up today. Although I’m partial to using an inexpensive Linux server with Apache and MySQL, he would like to […]
Category: Blogs, Health, Medical, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: brenda, font, hip replacement, hugo, linux, raspberry pi, rdc personal font, static site, webserver
RichC | January 25, 2023
Over weekend of snowy Bengal – Bills playoff football, I was able to get down to the workshop and continue working on a joint granddaughters’ birthdays present. The project required larger holes than I have a hole saw for and cutting it with a jigsaw would have left an imperfect hole. So … I used […]
Category: How-To, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: cornhole, project, router, safety glasses, tips, woodworking, workshop
RichC | January 24, 2023
Just as the Cincinnati Bengals did last year in January 2022, they will be facing the Kansas City Chiefs again this year in the AFC Championship game after defeating the Bills in Buffalo on Sunday … impressively I might add. Even though I was proudly wearing my Joe Burrows #9 jersey, the credit goes to […]
Category: Sports |
Tags: afc, bengals, buffalo bills, chiefs, cincinnati, football, joe burrow, kansas city chiefs, nfl, patrick mahomes, zac taylor
RichC | January 23, 2023
Steven Stills, David Crosby and Graham Nash in concert in 2012 A depressing Music Monday today as music lovers remembered and reflected on the January 18, 2023 passing of the talented singer, guitarist and songwriter David Crosby. He impacted literally millions with is wonderful harmonies from the day he joined the Byrds in 1964 to […]
Category: Music, Obituary, Video |
Tags: csn, csny, david crosby, folk-rock, legacy, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | January 22, 2023
Reading periodicals from the library on the computer is not really something I do … but last week while checking out a couple of ebooks (one avaiilable the other on a long hold), I looked at the latest issue of the Woodworkers Journal magazine and realized just how much the iPad app for reading digital […]
Category: How-To, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: journal, magazine, razor knife, woodworkers, workshop
RichC | January 21, 2023
There are two projects sitting semi-started in the workshop this winter (delayed with Brenda’s hip fracture), although I’m still struggling to accept the VERY HIGH lumber prices. To be fair, I’ve always complained about buying lumber as no matter where it is purchased, it always seems far to high. But nowadays with inflation raging, it […]
Category: Financial, Misc, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: corner desk, cornhole, expensive, home depot, inflation, leather, lumber, out of sight, project, projects, receipt, slang
RichC | January 20, 2023
This is a test only post from a new to me Mac app called MarsEdit. It is similar to my much loved Open Live Writer on Windows, but without a few of the features or ablity to preview the blog format while typing. Still I’m going to give it a try and see if I can […]
Category: Apple, Blogs, Computer |
Tags: blog, editor, marsedit, testing
RichC | January 20, 2023
While watching NFL playoff football this month, I started looking for a app like Blogsy or BlogPad Pro that was available “in the old days” in order to post from my iPad. Unfortunately it is looking as if fewer and fewer app developer are focused on blogging software. My preferred software “was” Microsoft’s Windows Live […]
Category: Blogs, Software |
Tags: blogging, ios, ipad, mac, tech friday, techfriday, wordpress
RichC | January 18, 2023
As the great Yogi Berra is credited with saying, “It’s déjà vu all over again.” It is once again time to contemplate my home office computer set-up … something I seem to do every year. The last time I updated my main computer was when I replaced an early Mac Mini with the current 2012 […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Technology |
Tags: apple, dejavu, imac, ipad, m2 chip, mac, macbook, macmini, office, upgrade, yogi berra
RichC | January 17, 2023
You would think that after 60+ years that I would comfortably remember which spelling of for the past tense of ‘cancel’ was the common American English version and which was British English version. When it comes to a few words that I stumble over, I still need to check with Merriam-Webster. British vs. American English […]
Category: Education, Tidbits |
Tags: american, british, canceled, cancelled, english, grammar, spelling
RichC | January 16, 2023
Perhaps it is that I feel younger “again” or that this song just the good memories from earlier times, but I do get a good feeling when listening to Steve Windood singing “Back In The High Life Again.” After a medically rough week … or several weeks with Brenda’s hip fracture and full hip replacement […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: mp4, music monday, musicmonday, siriusxm, steve winwood, the bridge
RichC | January 15, 2023
Brenda is making remarkable improvements (in my opinion) in her mobility after having expedited full hip replacement surgery on Monday afternoon at 4PM. As mentioned yesterday, she was released from the hospital on Wednesday night and after a semi-restful day on Thursday, began physical therapy on Friday. Katelyn came down from Perrysburg and was wonderful […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: brenda, canadian rockies, get well, hip replacement, hospital, katelyn, mp4, physical therapy, rehab, surgery, taylor
RichC | January 14, 2023
Prior to Christmas, Brenda was moving furniture around in our carpeted bedroom in order to clean behind our king size bed and headboard. She knew at the time it was too heavy, but continued to push and pull with her legs and hip. When I got home, I noticed the bed and nightstands were out […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: brenda, compression, femur, fracture, hip replacement, hospital, osteoporosis. mp4, physical therapy, surgery, x-ray
RichC | January 13, 2023
Although I’m not sure what kind of art this is … it will be included as a Filler Friday video. It does appeal to me since it the artist or craftsman uses tools and nails to create a pixel or stippling. This is some pretty impressive work below.
Category: Art, Ideas, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: Art, artist, craftsman, filler friday, mp4, nails, pixel, stippling
RichC | January 11, 2023
According to a NYPost article, millions of Americans may soon be entering “not stove season.” The Biden administration is considering a nationwide ban on gas stoves — citing the harmful pollutants released by the appliances, according to a report. The Consumer Product Safety Commission is mulling the action after recent studies showed emissions from the […]
Category: Energy, News, Politics |
Tags: emission, energy, epa, fossil fuel, gas stove, natural gas
RichC | January 10, 2023
As I commented on Twitter … “until nuclear fusion arrives in bulk, there are limits to living without fossil fuels.” We need political leaders, climate activists and business leaders restricting capital through ESG measures who can exercise a little bit more commonsense when it comes to restricting and going to war with US domestic energy […]
Category: Environment, Humor, Nature, Photos |
Tags: bald eagle, climate, esg, nest, snow
RichC | January 9, 2023
Perhaps the first song that I can remember hearing on the radio and remembering I liked was Roger Miller‘s “King of the Road.” I was probably too young to remember it clearly, but my mom and dad commented that I definitely liked it when I was just 4 or 5. I do know that … […]
Category: Memories, Music, Video |
Tags: glen campbell, honky tonk, king of the road, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, roger miller, twitter
RichC | January 8, 2023
For the past few years, I’ve enjoyed reading the often contrarian thoughts from Forbes contributor, Brett Owens. He writes and contributes investment advice in several publications, newsletters and columns. He co-authored an excellent book too! 2023 Rule #1: Don’t fight the Fed. Print this rule out and tape it next to your computer. Or the […]
Category: Advice, Books, Financial, Retirement |
Tags: advice, brett owens, economy, fed, investing, martin zweig, saving, trading
RichC | January 7, 2023
The saying that “if something sounds to good to be true, it probably is” came to mind as I re-subscribed to a and for a FIVE-year subscription? Part of me wants to believe magazine resellers are legitimately selling the digital versions for less than going directly to Dow Jones, but the other part […]
Category: Business, Idioms, Misc, News |
Tags: barrons, dow jones, idiom, idioms, newspaper, resellers, subscription, wsj
RichC | January 6, 2023
It is hard to resist loving gadget gifts and this past year for Christmas I was excited to receive a Wyze Doorbell from Drew (and Katelyn – Thx!) Although the previous year in 2021, I will admit that I was intimidated … and still am … by the fancy double temperature Bluetooth and WiFi Weber […]
Category: Gadget, Personal, Photos, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: christmas, coffee, doorbell, embed, ember, grilling, mug, twitter, weber, wyze
RichC | January 5, 2023
A little bit of recipe reminiscing for Throwback Thursday #TBT this week. Over New Year’s Day, I enjoyed a “Bean Soup” recipe conversation with my daughter Katelyn. We discussed using the ham bone and pieces of ham from our Christmas dinner. I opted for a delicious Ham and Potato soup and froze a couple smaller […]
Category: Archive, Food, Friends, Personal, Photos, Recipe, TBT |
Tags: bean soup, bluhm, christmas, grandmother, ham and potato, handley, katelyn, momc, new years day, recipes, TBT
RichC | January 4, 2023
It has been about a month-and-a-half of steady construction on Katelyn and Drew’s #homebuilding project (the hashtag is how I’ve tagged their home construction on MDB). Since the Oostras were together on January 1st, they enjoyed a drive out to their Whitehouse, Ohio property as a family to check on the progress. It was shocking […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: construction, family, homebuilding, new years day, ohio, oostra, roofers, whitehouse
RichC | January 3, 2023
The Lake Superior State University list of banished words from 2022 for 2023 is out! It has been fun to regularly include their words and a link on MyDesultoryBlog … it has become a January tradition! Check out their full archive by year from when it started in 1976. This year, nominations came from […]
Category: Blogs, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags: annual, banished, lssu, words
RichC | January 2, 2023
There are songs that when you hear them trigger memories of times, people and places in life. Dan Fogelberg’s “Same Old Lang Syne” does that for me … although thankfully not as depressing as the lyrics. (I’m thinking about the “bigger than life trips” during my college Christmas/New Year breaks). Over the Christmas and New […]
Category: Memories, Music, Travel, Video |
Tags: dan fogelberg, florida, memories, mp4, music monday, same old lang syne, winter
RichC | January 1, 2023
I would like to wish everyone visiting a Happy and Healthy New Year … and after seeing this “black ice” social media shared video from last months deadly winter storm … safe traveling in 2023. Whew … very frightening.
Category: Holiday, Social Media, Video, Weather |
Tags: black ice, crash, driving, mp4, social media, video, weather