Red Stewart 20th Annual Airshow Labor Day Weekend 2017

| July 22, 2017

Along with the Red Stewart Airfield airshow and night airshow on Saturday September 2, 2017, my EAA284 Chapter will be serving up a pancake breakfast for those camping over or flying in on Sunday morning September 3rd. Always a great time.

Stratolaunch emerges from the hanger

| June 3, 2017

Stratolaunch, cited as the "world’s largest plane," has been under construction for four years, but is finally ready to come out of the hanger. The plane has a wingspan larger than a football field and according to the design firm Stratolaunch Systems, is designed to carry rockets into the stratosphere before firing the payload into […]

Looking back a few years to when I started to blog

| April 28, 2017

This content is restricted.

World War I surveillance DRONE – or pigeon photography

| February 5, 2017

Homing pigeons were outfitted with lightweight cameras in WWI with time-delayed shutters for aerial reconnaissance photography, likely the first "drones."  They were used very effective as messenger pigeons prior to wireless radio and effectively in communicating behind enemy lines in World War II. Interestingly the Swiss Army continued they military pigeons until it was disbanded […]

Aviation and sailing in one great Shot of the Week photo

| January 15, 2017

The quality of the photo isn’t the best, but the content is pretty impressive. The latest issue of the weekly Cruising Compass had this photo as the "Cruising Shot of the Week" … excellent! This busy shot of Boston Harbor from July 2013, with the Navy Blue Angels flying over the USS Constitution (Old Iron […]

Craziness and flight are synergetic terms

| November 10, 2016

When contemplating just how crazy men were when trying to fly in the era of the Wright brothers, you realize "some" are still testing the envelope when it comes to craziness and flight (or perhaps "stupidity and flight?")

R is for Robert, or is it Roger … or maybe Romeo?

| November 7, 2016

A learning game we played while traveling by car was to spell things out using the NATO phonetic alphabet. Both Katelyn and Taylor did a great job learning it … and I think to this day they remember it. Give it a try if you need a way to pass the time AND practice for […]

Archiving some quadcopter video footage from Wayzata, MN

| October 26, 2016

The  advancements in unmanned aviation continue to impress me as a new generation of pilots is flying by remote control rather than “stick and rudder,” “yoke and peddle” … but all can still fly by the “seat of their pants.”  I’m still unsure what to call these computer controlled devices nowadays … quadcopters, quadrotors  (what […]

A beautiful quadrotor aerial video from Lake Michigan

| September 1, 2016

My son-in-law Drew shared a really impressive Phatom3 movie clip on YouTube after his July 2016 vacation in Michigan. There were some incredibly beautiful views, sunsets and shoreline video … of course it didn’t hurt that the weather was perfect for Katelyn and Drew’s vacation at his parent’s “cabin” (as they call it). Although I’ve […]

Nineteenth Annual Labor Day Red Stewart Airshow

| August 28, 2016

Generator woes, beating the rain and EAA Chapter 284’s TDFI

| August 21, 2016

As John “Hannibal” Smith (the late George Peppard) from the A-Team would say, “I love it when a plan comes together.” As was the case when I had acres of grass to to mow into a rain filled weekend schedule — it is great when “plans come together.” I was able to squeak in and […]

MH17 anniversary: Meet the man suing Vladimir Putin

| July 18, 2016

Two years has passed since a missle downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, yet 298 families are still without closure. In the US we’ve heard the slogan “too big to fail” when giving a pass to big banks, companies or their decision makers. When it is the powerful like Vladimir Putin and Russia, one wonders if […]

Archive: Phantom 3 quadrotor-drone video from Iowa

| July 6, 2016

My daughter Katelyn and husband Drew were in Iowa over the July 4th holiday weekend with his family. Since they were visiting the old farm homestead, it was a perfect time to get his new Phantom 3 quadrotor out and take a little more video. The time to visit northwestern Iowa is obviously the summer […]

Quadrotors are likely going to be the next personal aircraft

| June 28, 2016

I’m not sure how the whole "drone" future is going to turn out, but it is exciting to watch the improvements over a short period of time. The ease of flying, improvements in batteries and quality of video have really advanced. It will not be long before we’re "jumping" around town in a quadrotor. I […]

A great night for taildragger flying from Molnau Airfield

| June 21, 2016

My son-in-law Drew had a special treat after an evening at the Ridgeview Medical Center fundraiser in Waconia, Minnesota. It looks like my daughter Katelyn persuaded her colleague, fellow pediatrician Dr. Adam Weber,  to take Drew up for an evening flight in his Bellanca Citabria (Of interest: When the original manufacturer Champion Aircraft derived the name for this […]

Jerry Skinner talks about #MH17 with @MariaBartiromo

| June 8, 2016

As the second anniversary approaches of the downing of #MH17 by Russian missiles over the Ukraine, my brother-in-law Jerry Skinner is doing what he can to keep the tragedy in front of the public eye. Pressure on politicians for them to pursue justice, compensation and a admission from Russia and Putin (a long shot) is […]

Airline litigation lawyer Jerry Skinner explains the case – #MH17

| May 25, 2016

My brother-in-law Jerry Skinner has been busy working on the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 case in order to bring closure for the families of victims. It is hard to imagine that shooting down of a commercial airliner was anything but a mistake, but who should be held accountable for Buk missiles capable of this kind […]

Russian jets make provocative passes over Navy ship

| April 14, 2016

This isn’t the first close call incident according to the news coming from the Pentagon, but a very close and dangerous pass over the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic. They halted exercises with a Polish helicopter landing on the flight deck and shared the video below.   Thankfully cooler head prevailed but at some […]

Kee Bird B-29 Superfortress story

| March 16, 2016

Watched an older aviation documentary this past weekend on YouTube (remembered reading about it years ago). The attempted rescue of the Kee Bird was a 1996 video story and heroic attempt ending in disaster — NOVA: B-20 Frozen in Time.

From my personal perspective, the TSA did their job well

| November 21, 2015

What a duffus! I don’t want to admit, but I made a MAJOR airport security mistake on Friday morning … and am thankfully a free man to tell the tale. KUDOS to the much maligned Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for doing their job and doing it well. Neglectful Rich left an extended round full 9mm […]

This Delta plane gets struck by lightning

| August 26, 2015

A passenger who was waiting for a storm to pass to board his flight caught the exact moment when a lightning bolt struck a Delta airliner. Source: Watch this Delta airliner get struck by a lightning bolt!

The Sony Mobile and ZMP Inc tests their new UAV

| August 25, 2015

After getting a chance to play with a quad copter last week, I’ve been a little more intrigued with the advancements in “drones.” Who knows, this innovation may find its way into the first realistic personal transportation device someday? Sony’s Aerosense drone that takes off and lands vertically but during flight gets most of its […]

What a fun time flying a quad copter or #drone

| August 19, 2015

Well … one of the positive things that happen at funerals (and weddings) is that families get together. Taylor took a funeral day (plus weekend) from his job and Katelyn and Drew drove home from Wayzata (Minneapolis, MN) and brought along his “new toy” … quadcopter with a camera – what a great distraction. We […]

Preparations for the EAA Chapter 284 TailDragger FlyIn

| August 13, 2015

This year’s September 5th and 6th Red Stewart Airshow and our  EAA284 TalilDragger FlyIn not until Labor Day weekend in September, but with my full plate I want to get my part done early. I’ve been up most every morning this week with Brenda (pain issues), and so while the PT/OT persona was at the […]

EAA 2015 Airventure app is available for smartphones

| July 11, 2015

For those aviation “nuts” who flock to Oshkosh each July for Airventure, EAA has a couple smartphone apps for you. I am told (thanks Bob) that version are in both iOS and Android so both major mobile operating systems are supported. I've just download myself so am not sure how helpful it will be, although […]

Air travel on the cheap. First flight on Frontier Airlines.

| July 11, 2015

It was a quick and inexpensive flight to Florida this past week to do a little tropical weather prep aboard Encore. Summer is the time of year that “commuter cruisers” double their line, remove sails and store an extra windage in case hurricane winds target the area … besides I really was looking forward to […]

Buy airline tickets 47 days in advance & on Tuesday afternoon

| June 17, 2015

Now I’ll be the first to admit, I spend too much time agonizing over purchasing things wondering if I’m buying the right model or brand … and am I paying too much. The Internet has only complicated matters since there is even more information to process. It’s the same thing when booking travel … although […]

Poor flight management by #Delta Airlines at Reagan National

| June 14, 2015

Somebody has had a lousy day of traveling … or is it two days? After 9 days in London, Taylor was up at 6AM UK time on Sunday to get to the airport for his flight back home. Because he had re-booked his ticket from CVG instead of leaving from Williston, ND, he ended up […]

Why is there a tiny hole in airplane windows?

| June 13, 2015

If you have already traveled by airplane, chances are you’ve noticed a tiny hole on the lower portion of all airplane windows The hole is designed to balance out the pressure between the last two layers of a typical pressurized-cabin window. For more images and a more detailed explaination see the article at Interesting Engineering.

Reading The Wright Brothers by David McCullough

| May 22, 2015

Out of sight, out of mind. Unlike a hard copy book sitting on my reading table, ebooks are easy to forget about … that’s one of the disadvantages of receiving the gift of an ebook (as is having multiple e-reading apps). My friend Jeff gave me David McCullough’s new book The Wright Brothers for my […]

The Treasure Coast was a popular place this weekend

| March 30, 2015

After the rain on Friday (above), the weather improve for a weekend finishing up a long drawn out engine work (plus a few other repairs) to Encore at the marina in Florida. The weather improved and was high 70s on Saturday and Sunday but with the north wind felt cooler in the shade. I wasn't […]

NYTimes says one of the pilots was locked out of the cockpit

| March 26, 2015

News is slowly trickling or leaking out as to what may have happened to Germanwings Flight 9525 with 150 people on board in the mountain region of southern France. The lastest indication from a New York Times report is that one of the pilots left the cockpit after having a “very smooth, very cool” conversation […]

The Germanwings Flight 9525 debris field is gutwrenching

| March 24, 2015

Early in the day I wondered why French President François Hollande was so quick to say that he expected no survivors in the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 … after seeing the debris field photos in the afternoon, I understand why (below). Sure seems like a suspicious crash considering the reliability of this Airbus A320 […]

New theme and pages for my EAA Chapter 284’s website

| March 19, 2015

I received a few long overdue updates items from our EAA chapter’s president for the interior pages of the EAA284 chapter website on Wednesday and so before forgetting I jumped right on it. We are continuing to keep the domain, but opt to use to host because it is free. Still there are […]

MH17 represented families should know, Jerry Skinner is not the stereotypical uncaring aviation lawyer

| February 12, 2015

The litigious society we live in gets plenty of criticism, most of it deservingly, but all to often the benefits are overlooked. Air travel for example is safer than it has ever been thanks to innovation and attention to design, maintenance, technology and training … and the improvements due to the costs forced on manufacturers […]

Always looking for the next cool thing in automotive aviation

| January 14, 2015

Imagine the Elio if it also came with wings? It might look something like the Aeromobil 3.0 prototype. I have to admit that I’m one of those dreamers who envisioned a flying car in my lifetime. Perhaps it is just a pipe dream, but I do envy those fortunate enough to be working on projects […]

Living in the Age of Airplanes movie release date April 10,2015

| December 27, 2014

From the trailer (below) and the previous Brian J. Terwilliger films, the new documentary movie Living in the Age of Airplanes should be another beautiful film. Tewilliger produced independent films One Six Right (One Six Left and Flying Full Circle), but the rights to his new film will have the National Geographic Studios brand to […]

Air travel and the annoyances of flying cattle class

| December 15, 2014

Expedia posted a lighthearted polling of what annoys airline passengers which got me thinking about what I notice and where I may offend. I already do my best to be overly attentive to most of these annoyances, but probably would rank “The Aromatic Passenger” as #1 followed by the “Back Seat Grabber” as my #2 […]

This has not been the week for U.S. space oriented vehicles

| October 31, 2014

The debris photos are starting to show up on the Internet on Twitter after the Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo prototype was lost after its first powered test since January. The crash of this suborbital “passenger carrying” spaceship happened at the Mojave Air and Space Port in California according to officials. Two pilots were aboard the craft […]

Acro Sport II airplane crashes in Liberty Twp neighborhood

| September 20, 2014

   A aerobatic bi plane, an Acro Sport II, crashed in a friend’s neighborhood a few mile to my north towards Monroe, OH but still in Liberty Township (thanks Tim). There were two people on board and there was an immediate fire on impact.  Damage can be seen to a house and yard (click for […]

Landing a Harrier jet aircraft on a stool

| July 1, 2014

The U.S. Marine Corps has some talented pilots, including Capt  William Mahoney landing his AV-8B Harrier aircraft, along with equally skilled U.S. Navy 6th Fleet support crews. What a landing. Thanks for protecting our country and keeping us safe!

Sunseeker Duo: a solar airplane for the summer skys

| June 2, 2014

The solar powered Sunseeker Duo airplane made it’s first two passenger test flight last month as Eric and Irena Raymond prepare for longer flights this summer. posted a few more photos in their article … what an interesting aviation project. Solar Flight says that the Raymonds took off together in the company’s third powered […]

Ten aeronautical advancements thanks to NASA

| May 21, 2014

The Dryden Flight Research Center posted ten technology examples on their site that made a big impact on aviation. Most assume NASA has contributed to our science and engineering advancements, but the debate continues over the the high cost of the taxpayers through government funding the NASA research centers or if the private sector can […]

Duke Engines holds promise for low vibration and light weight

| May 8, 2014

While sorting and tossing some old “paper” magazines last weekend, I stumbled across an article about New Zealand’s Duke Engines in a September 2011 issue of Sport Aviation (PDF of article) that peaked my interest. I’ve posted on engine design ideas before as they relate to aviation and automotive, but thought this design has some […]

TechFriday: Investing in UAVs and drone technology

| April 25, 2014

You’d be hard pressed to find those looking into investment ideas not mentioning companies developing or researching drones, quadrotors and UAVs.  Over the next decade I confident that we will see advancements and debate on how and where they should be used. The technology patents will be fought over and money will be made and […]

Big Data and Predictive Analysis when it comes to airfares

| April 22, 2014

A post on the blog by Kaiser Fung this past weekend analyzed the prediction of airfares on Kayak (after the removal of Microsoft’s Bing Travel’s Farecast in January 2014), left me wondering if the days of successful Big Data’s Predictive Analysis are disappearing? According to my read on Fung’s selective airfare routes research, you […]

Need a good reason to design, build and test aircraft parts?

| February 18, 2014

A 180+ton Boeing 767-200 needs well engineered landing gear, not to mention every other part that needs to hold up to the flexing and torsion mechanics on display. Watch a recent landing at England’s Birmingham Airport (BHX) where the windy and gusty crosswind conditions made for a challenging and probably questionable decision to land on […]

Can’t imagine airline seats getting much narrower …

| December 12, 2013

The more delays and longer the flight, the more cranky passengers are bound to get. Now imagine sitting in the middle seat of modified Airbus A320 as the scrunched seats get smaller and give up 3 more inches to the aisle seats? Oh, I’m sure those fortunate enough to book the wider seats, will be […]

Obituary: Aviation friend Kenneth Miracle passed peacefully

| October 10, 2013

A long time friend and fellow EAA284 chapter member Ken Miracle passed away last week and his family will be holding a gathering and a memorial service this Friday evening  (10/11) and Saturday morning (10/12). I regret being unable to attend. Ken was one of the first EAA guys to befriend me when I joined […]

Video: Creating flying dead cats is wrong in so many ways

| September 7, 2013

I’m at a loss for words … and might even have a nightmare about this! (video below)

Rain and storms made for challenging airshow

| September 1, 2013

It was a great “most of the day” on Saturday to be at Red Stewart Airport in Waynesville Ohio getting our EAA284 hanger ready for the pancake breakfast on Sunday. Yes it was hot, but it is still August. The Stewarts were gracious hosts as always and we enjoyed their pulled pork and corn on […]

Twitter stream highlighting early SF Boeing 777 crash photos

| July 6, 2013

Twitty photo stream After seeing the photos from the air, the crash of Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 in San Francisco today looks to have touched down short of the runway 28L. Who knows why the impact was short, but the rock jetty looks to have been impacted by the landing gear and at least the […]

Obit: Gary Collins memorial gathering 1-2PM July 1, 2013

| June 28, 2013

My condolences to the Collins family on the passing of Gary Collins after his accident last week. Gary’s love of aviation (EAA Chapter 174) and his passion for Corvair conversions was an inspiration to all of us who loved antique and grass roots experimental aviation. He was enjoyable to be around and our EAA284 chapter […]

Obama administration wants higher airline taxes

| May 28, 2013

Hard to believe that the already high price of air travel (20% is already in taxes) could go up another $14 per flight. May 27, 2013 — Another airfare increase may be on the way. But this time It has nothing to do with the airlines. The Obama administration has proposed raising the taxes on […]

An alligator/turtle relationship and an old Army airfield

| May 24, 2013

Location: Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge, Townsend, GA, USA Photographer: Mary Ellen Urbanski was at Bluebill Pond when she saw what she thought was an alligator sunning itself on a stump. On a side note and as an interest to aviation history buffs, the “now” Harris Neck NWR was once a WW2 Army airfield for […]

Hard to beat photos of aircraft landing in St. Maartin

| May 19, 2013

Great series of 13 photos from St. Maartin’s Princess Juliana International Airport on this month where Maho Beach-goers get up close and personal with landing aircraft (one of many posted short videos below).

Flying with frequent flyer miles

| May 9, 2013

An article in Thursday’s WSJ highlighted airline loyalty programs and just how easy it was to book a frequent flyer seat. The data collected by Switchfly Inc, looked for 2 seats on 14 round trip dates between June and October. The regular survey determined which airline made it the easiest to get the seat when […]

Video: Jay Leno talks about the B-17

| May 4, 2013

Jay Leno does a great job shooting automotive videos in between his real job duties (aka: The Tonight Show) and occasionally detours into subjects that interest many of us. His recognition for aviation history and those who fought for our country is appreciated … as is talking about the amazing  B-17. Nice job. On a side note, I would love […]

A local connection in Discovery – The Big Brain Theory

| May 2, 2013

The Discovery Channel’s Big Brain Theory included one of our Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA284) chapter members as a competitor – Tom Johnson (@flyboytomj). The engineering reality show debuted with both teams failing in their challenge of protecting a box of explosives in a head-on collision. Even worse, the project management demonstrated by both teams left […]

Simple carburetor for Volkswagen aircraft conversions

| April 25, 2013

This is really just an archive of a message to the guy who purchase my project. He indicated that the parts have successfully been permitted into China and inquired on what carburetor he should put on the engine. The Aerovee kit was tested with an Ellison but it was my intent to use an AeroInjector […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog