RichC | October 31, 2019
When it comes to politicians making promises and pitching far fetched ideas nowadays, the sky is the limit. The current crop of Democrats campaigning for their party’s presidential nomination have lifted the “sky is the limit” to “space is the limit.” The sales pitches stretch from free tuition and education debt forgiveness to buying votes […]
Category: Politics, Video |
Tags: campaign, cavuto, democrats, foxnews, health care, healthcare, joe manchin, medicare, medicare for all, mp4, Politics, president, presidential, primary
RichC | October 31, 2019
The Washington Nationals proved they deserve to be World Series champion by winning game 7 on the road against the Houston Astros. The entire series has been nothing but entertaining as both teams performed unbelievably well on the road … each winning every away game. Last night’s final game started slow with a lead by […]
Category: Sports, Video |
Tags: astros, babyshark, baseball, houston, mlb, mp4, nats, video, washington, worldseries
RichC | October 30, 2019
There are few limits when it comes to loving Volkswagen Beetles – how about a 2-wheeled bicycle version? Pretty creative.
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
Tags: bicycle, bike, creativity, volkswagen, volkswagen bug
RichC | October 29, 2019
It has been 26 years since the U.S. Supreme Court decided on Roe v. Wade. In 1973, our nine justices decided that pregnant women should have the right to legally choose an abortion (would it be different today?). Our national debate has continued non-stop for decades, but the call is getting louder to re-address the issue […]
Category: Education, Faith, Health, History, Human Interest, Science, Technology |
Tags: abortion, imaging, life, medical, pro-choice, pro-life, roe v wade, science, statistics, supreme court, ultrasound, worldmeter
RichC | October 28, 2019
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Category: Entertainment, Memories, Movies, Music, Personal |
Tags: an officer and a gentleman, dvd, jennifer warnes, joe cocker, movie, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, theme song, vacation, VacationOct2019
RichC | October 27, 2019
There were a few extra photos and some video of Brenda swimming on my iPhone from our Delray Beach, Florida vacation last week, so I’ll archive them and make a Vacation Part 3 post (Part 1 and Part 2). Nothing spectacular … but viewing the video and listening to the water and wave below is […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video |
Tags: archive, brenda, condo1718, delray beach, family, mp4, ocean, richc, sand, shells, swimming, vacation, VacationOct2019
RichC | October 26, 2019
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Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: annalyn, beach, brenda, condo1718, delray beach, drew, family, florida, katelyn, legoland, mp4, richc, vacation, VacationOct2019
RichC | October 25, 2019
Out of time and energy for a “vacation part two” post today so a National Geographic photo of the year will have to do. Perhaps I’ll recover from vacation this weekend? 
Category: Nature, Photography, Photos |
Tags: dance, insect, national geographic, photo, photography
RichC | October 23, 2019
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Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, bathroom, brenda, condo1718, couch, delray beach, drew, family, florida, katelyn, loveseat, mosaic, remodeling, richc, sewing, tile, updates, upholstery, vacation, VacationOct2019
RichC | October 22, 2019
One thing about waiting for a start-up car company to build a car is that I’m learning a lot more about the automotive manufacturing process. Nowadays, many of the parts are manufactured by suppliers to the automotive industry and then assembled. The same will be true for the unique Elio Motors three wheel tandem seating […]
Category: Automotive, Business, Technology |
Tags: automotive, design, digital buck, digital mockup, elio, elio motors, engineering
RichC | October 21, 2019
In the year of the home run, the Astros and Nationals have served as reminders that exciting, dominant starting pitching is still out there, and still effective. Both clubs, who will face off in the 2019 World Series beginning with Game 1 on Tuesday, are built around their rotation. LINK
Category: Sports |
Tags: baseball, mlb, world series
RichC | October 20, 2019
A photo from August 22, 2009 of a field that is now completely developed Saw this post from 10 years ago on my blog in August of 2009 as I was playing with the camera on my Palm Pre smartphone. At the time, I was impressed with the dramatic sky and quality of photo from […]
Category: Local, Photos, TBT |
Tags: clouds, liberty township, ohio, palm, photo, pre, TBT, throwback, thursday
RichC | October 19, 2019
Wildlife photography whether beautiful or funny have always been something I’ve enjoyed. There was a time that I thought I would spend my vacations hiking and sailing with a camera in hand … but it requires far more dedication and "love of hobby" than I was willing to devote. Still … this years photos on […]
Category: Environment, Hobby, Nature, Photography, Photos |
Tags: digg, nature, photographer, photography, wildlife
RichC | October 17, 2019
It is hard to fathom just how difficult life is in other highly populated third world countries. Count your blessings you live in America, even if you have a challenging “big city” commute. 
Category: Human Interest, Video |
Tags: commute, mp4, population, third world, train, video
RichC | October 16, 2019
Although I am not a huge shopper … be it groceries or other retail stores … the grocery chain Trader Joe’s stands way above the rest when it comes to quality and service in my opinion. Brenda and I had a direct comparison today as we first stopped at a Trader Joe’s to pick up […]
Category: Shopping |
Tags: grocery, quality, retail, store, trader joes
RichC | October 14, 2019
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Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, autumn, drew, facetime, family, fun, katelyn, legoland, megan, pumpkins, taylor, tractor
RichC | October 12, 2019
It isn’t easy to see this little magnetic bracket I made to hold my new Amazon Echo Auto low on the dash of the BMW X5 35d. I opted to make a little aluminum bracket that straddles the pushbutton switch blanks to the right of a few other buttons. It is fastened with automotive trim […]
Category: Acura, Alexa, Automotive, BMW, Computer, Gadget, Personal, Photos, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, auto, automotive, BMW, echo, echoauto, jerry-rig, jury-rig, magnet, mount, neodymium, rustoleum, x5 35d
RichC | October 11, 2019
My conclusion is that some of my most recent Apple iPhone and iPad iOS update problems stem from having older mobile devices and having loads older apps? That said, the upgrade to the mobile operating system known as iOS 13.1.2 (current) did not go smoothly for me. My iPhone 7plus is a few years old […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Social Media, Tablet, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: apple, fing, ios, iOS13, ipad, iphone, tech friday, techfriday, update, upgrade, virgin mobile, wifi, wireless
RichC | October 10, 2019
Previously I mentioned that Katelyn and Drew brought me kicking and screaming (not really) into the Fitbit “wrist device” wearing age and world. I had given up wearing a watch decades ago when I started carrying a pager. Eventually I adopted the Nextel belt holstered cellphone, then pocket folding Samsung i500 PDA phone. The new […]
Category: Archive, Cellphone, Gadget, Health, Personal, TBT, Technology |
Tags: activity, exercise, fitbit, Health, iphone, pager, palm, pda, samsung, smartphone, sph-i500, Technology, versa, weight
RichC | October 9, 2019
An Ellen DeGeneres video clip (shared on EllenTube) has been circulating this week after she attended a Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers NFL football game last weekend. With inflamed politics and our divided country it was both good to see and good to hear celebrities getting along. We all need to take her advice […]
Category: Advice, Human Interest, Humor, News, Politics, Social Media, Video |
Tags: advice, comedy, dallas cowboys, ellen degeneres, george bush, green bay packers, kindness, mp4, president, social media, twitter, video
RichC | October 8, 2019
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, autumn, disney, drew, facepainting, fall, family, festival, katelyn, minnie mouse, Photos, world
RichC | October 7, 2019
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Category: Music, Video |
Tags: aerosmith, emotion, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, rock, sweet, youtube
RichC | October 6, 2019
Saw this on one of my Facebook car groups and couldn’t help but posting on Twitter!
Category: Automotive, Humor, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: automotive, carseat, facebook, Humor, parenting, social media, symbol, twitter
RichC | October 5, 2019
Most people recognize how polarized our country has become … thanks in part to politicians and the media fanning the divisive flames. I’m not sure why we fall prey to their tactics, but generating hate and dislike for each other does seem to work when it comes to building campaign war-chests and rabid supporters. I […]
Category: Environment, Human Interest, Politics, Video |
Tags: conservative, debate, disagree, environmental, family, guns, liberal, mp4, polarized, Politics, progressive, video
RichC | October 4, 2019
Last week, Amazon authorized my invitation and gave me a promo code for the Echo Auto Alexa device for the car (it was a long wait, but they did discount to $24.99 for invitation holders). For the passed several months I’ve been using an Echo Input (no speaker) in my BMW X5 35d in an […]
Category: Alexa, Audio, Automotive, BMW, Gadget, Personal, Technology, Travel |
Tags: Alexa, amazon, auto, avin, BMW, echo, echo auto, echoauto, input, invitation, Music, Navigation, review, streaming, tech friday, techfriday, x5 35d
RichC | October 3, 2019
Late in the spring of 2019, I ordered three new refrigerator filters from an Amazon seller for Crystala replacement filters. I’ve opted for third party filters before and really didn’t think much about it … but as more vendors use Amazon Marketplace, consumers need to be more careful since their support isn’t what we might […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: amazon, complaint, crystala, customer service, express parts, filters, issues, o-ring, oring, refrigerator, replacement, review, samsung, water
RichC | October 2, 2019
Although they are not venomous, the people I know don’t like to go swimming with snakes … Northern Water Snakes in this case (I think – see screen grab below). After being away for a week, once again the local wildlife has decided to make our pool their home – it has been dry. I […]
Category: Environment, Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: anigif, backyard, gif, northern, pool, snake, snakes, water, wildlife
RichC | October 1, 2019
My son Taylor was in hot water most of Saturday afternoon trying to delay Megan from arriving early to the TV sitcom ‘Friends’ 25th anniversary birthday surprise hosted by her parents. He used the “watching college football” excuse and did everything he could to keep Megan from arriving early. Denni and Dave did a fantastic […]
Category: Entertainment, Personal, Photos |
Tags: birthday, family, friends, megan, movie, parents, party, surprise, taylor, theater