RichC | December 31, 2023
After commenting back in 2022 on a favorite Babylon Bee parody video (added from YouTube below the break), this 2023 year year end New Year’s Eve favorite is another California oriented music video. Both parody clips highlight memorable songs as well as destructive policies from progressive Democrats governing a once idyllic state. It does seems […]
Category: Humor, Music, Politics, Social Media, Video |
Tags: babylon bee, california, california fleein', parody, video, youtube
RichC | December 30, 2023
All fathers who semi-attempt to pass down a few “handyman” skills are proud of their sons (and daughters – mine is amazing!) when they tackle projects by themselves. Taylor continues to amaze me at his fortitude when taking on homeownership projects, although he’s never been hesitant to jump into things with both feet.
It […]
Category: Archive, Photos, Repairs, Tools |
Tags: family, handyman, homeownership, project, ridgid, taylor, tv, wiring
RichC | December 29, 2023
The IRS has set the new tax brackets to adjust for inflation beginning in January 2024. The update is to shift higher by 5.4%, but for 2023 taxes that most of us will be filing before April 15 and saw even more “bracket creep” due to the previously year’s inflation. Here are the changes […]
Category: Financial, News, Tidbits |
Tags: 2024, fbn, fox business, income tax, irs, rates, taxes, usatoday
RichC | December 28, 2023
After taking Brenda’s 2010 Acura RDX to a local service garage in September, it ran fine for a few months. Beginning in December though, it started to stumble and eventually triggered lights on the dash that included emissions and an AWD code. So we have taken it back this week to see if there is […]
Category: Acura, Automotive, Repairs, TBT |
Tags: acura, emissions, minnisota, rdx, repair, TBT, wayzata
RichC | December 27, 2023
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal, Photography, Photos, Video |
Tags: 2023, annalyn, bria, christmas, cookies, corbett, ellerie, family, oostra, teagan, tree, zoo
RichC | December 26, 2023
Have you ever wondered about taxes … and how many (or how much) is too little or too much? If so, here’s a short YouTube clip from the TaxFoundation:
Category: Financial, History, Video |
Tags: taxes,, youtube
RichC | December 25, 2023
Pre-posting a Christmas day blog update as I’m expecting to be busy with our family … and for the record … I am finally getting in the spirit and correct mood to celebrate Christ’s birthday. Since this is a Music Monday, it is appropriate to include the most popular Christmas song in America … BUT […]
Category: Holiday, Movies, Music |
Tags: brenda, christmas, donna reed, james stewart, mariah carey, movie, music monday, musicmonday, song, The Christmas Story, wonderful life, youtube
RichC | December 24, 2023
It is becoming more and more difficult to remember what I’ve added to the blog and what I have not when it comes to woodworking projects? I had thought I might have mentioned a few of the steps back in November regarding doweling a couple of unique joints when building a Puppet Stage for my […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Woodworking |
Tags: christmas, granddaughters, project, puppet, stage
RichC | December 23, 2023
Although I’ve never paid attention to those who perfect the skills of bartending, I’ve always enjoyed listening to Jimmy Buffett Caribbean escapism music … and sipping on a good Margarita. Beth DeCarbo posted a recipe and thought I might want to give it a try “next summer.”
Jimmy Buffett – “Margaritaville” […]
Category: How-To, Ideas, Music, Recipe, Video |
Tags: Beth DeCarbo, jimmy buffett, margarita, margaritaville, recipe, wsj
RichC | December 22, 2023
A couple weeks ago I mentioned ordering a $20 battery on Amazon for my iPhone 7 Plus. I probably really should be in the market to replace this phone, but even though the iOS can’t be upgraded, it still functions pretty well. The camera on ALL phones has been improved, but at $1000+ dollars, I’m […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon, battery, iphone, iphone7, iphone7plus, repair, replace, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | December 21, 2023
My childhood home on Lake Erie in 1967 It is the time of year when we reflect on the past year … or in my case … the WAY past years. Last month, my brother Ron mentioned that the property (just the land) that our childhood home was being listed for sale. We were both […]
Category: Archive, For Sale, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: curtice, dadc, howard farms, lake erie, momc, ohio, real estate, richc, ronc, TBT
RichC | December 20, 2023
Ok, so I’m not focused this year on “the reason for the season” (or frankly even the secular celebration of Christmas) … therefore it is really time to do something about it. We didn’t even write our Corbett Christmas Letter! Thankfully turning to Truth For Life and Alistair Begg’s teachings and message “It is HIStory” […]
Category: Audio, Faith, History, Holiday |
Tags: alistair begg, audio, christmas, History, Isaiah 9:1-7, message, mood, truth for life
RichC | December 19, 2023
This past weekend was enjoyable for our family as we celebrated Brenda‘s sister Chris Skinner‘s 70th Birthday. It was a surprise party planned by her grown children and it was pulled off wonderfully. Ann and Gary drove up to our house from Atlanta and we drove 30 minutes to meet up with the family and […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: 70th, birthday, chris skinner, family, sister, slow motion, snow
RichC | December 18, 2023
I’m not really a Taylor Swift fan … nor do I spend much time listening to “Swifties” pop music, it is probably apropos to highlight this BILLIONAIRE entertainer again on MyDesultoryBlog (surprisingly, I also posted a clip in 2015 … who knew)? The most stream women on Spotify also happens to be Time’s 2023 Person […]
Category: Entertainment, Music, Video |
Tags: christmas tree farm, music monday, musicmonday, person of the year, taylor swift, time magazine, travis kelsey
RichC | December 17, 2023
My buddy Jeff and I enjoy debating and learning from each other while sharing what we are reading. We are far from experts on anything (I should speak for myself), but that doesn’t stop us from opining. HA! Last week with the Federal Reserve “pausing” on interest rate hikes with inflation coming down and semi-telegraphed […]
Category: Business, Financial, Misc |
Tags: charts, debate, economic, economy, federal reserve, inflation, jeffp, monetary policy, money
RichC | December 16, 2023
NASA’s Perseverance rover continues on its Mars exploration mission that I’ve followed from the start. The Twitter feed along with the geology exploration and rock sample collection is space science at its best. For those not following the mission as closely, a YahooNews/CNN story last week that summarized the 1000 days of “roving” and of […]
Category: Science, Space |
Tags: cnn, explorationm, geology, helicopter, ingenuity, mars, pdf, perseverance, rover, space, yahoo
RichC | December 15, 2023
Just a little light “rumor reading” to close out the year when it comes to future Apple iPhones. Not that it makes any difference to most users, but it is possible the “side by side” camera lens (see below photo with my iPhone 7 Plus) could go vertical again (iPhone X thru 12)? Recent ones […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: apple, camera, iphone16, rumors, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | December 14, 2023
Since I was a heavy phone booth user as a sales guy back in the day (usually drive up style) … hence #TBT post … I couldn’t help finding humor in this social media meme.
Category: Humor, TBT |
Tags: Humor, phone booth, TBT
RichC | December 13, 2023
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: annalyn, christmas, drew, ellerie, facetime, family, homebuilding, katelyn, whitehouse
RichC | December 12, 2023
As someone who enjoys birds and birdwatching, I found this Red-Tail Hawk (left) vs Bald Eagle (right) video worth sharing. Did you know? The iconic sound of the bald eagle you always hear in movies and TV shows is the one of a red-tailed hawk. Why? This is the red-tailed hawk's vocalization vs a […]
Category: Nature, Social Media, Video |
Tags: eagle, hawk, twitter, video,
RichC | December 11, 2023
The song “Best Of My Love” by The Emotions was a song that I only listened on the radio to when it was released in 1977 (it was not in my music collection), but over the years I do enjoy how it reminds me of being “back in my younger days.” Hm, perhaps Don Williams […]
Category: Music |
Tags: best of my love, don williams, music monday, musicmonday, the emotions
RichC | December 10, 2023
It has been a few years since we entertained the idea of “cutting the cord” when it comes to cable TV. I’m once again inching closer as Altafiber (acquired Cincinnati Bell and Fioptics) has bumped up prices and forced an equipment update on us. It is both good and bad … since I’m not really […]
Category: Financial, Streaming, Technology |
Tags: altafiber, cable, cord cutting, streaming, television, tivo, tv
RichC | December 9, 2023
This would be a great photo of Brenda and Taylor, but for being a blurry selfie (click to see larger). Oh well, I enjoyed seeing the two of them out for their annual mother and son Christmas shopping and evening dinner. I hope they were successful? While they were out, I did my annual the […]
Category: Financial, Holiday, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
1 Comment
Tags: brenda, christmas, dinner, inflation, Shopping, taylor, tree
RichC | December 8, 2023
While doing a little tech reading this week, it doesn’t look as if Apple is planning more than incremental updates for the MacBooks and iPads for spring … although they do like to surprise us? Apple plans to refresh the MacBook Air around March 2024, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman said today in a report on Apple’s […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Shopping |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon, apple, battery, ipad, iphone7plus, macbook air
RichC | December 7, 2023
About a month ago, I stumbled across a photo that I think was used as a header for the CinciTDI website at some point after Katelyn and I sold our VW Jetta TDIs, but I had to smile noticing the Volkswagen in the header photo was once Taylor’s GTI. Very good memories for sure (and […]
Category: Automotive, Memories, TBT, Volkswagen |
Tags: 2004, cincitdi, clips, gti, how to, katelyn, taylor, TBT, tdi, volkswagen
RichC | December 6, 2023
Read the full article in Ok … so it is not “manned,” but check out these physics facts from Discover Magazine anyway
Q: Why does the moon always present the same face to us? I find it impossible to believe that this could happen by chance. — Michael Connelly, Toronto A: Nope, not […]
Category: Science, Space, Tidbits |
Tags: discover, moon, nasa, peregrine, physics, space
RichC | December 4, 2023
The music I listened to in the early 1980s was in my opinion still leftover from the 1970s. I was still finishing up college and grad school … but growing up since Brenda and I were married in 1982 (although “grown up” would be a stretch)! So for me, Hall and Oates and their hit […]
Category: Music |
Tags: college, daryl hall, john oates, miami university, music monday, musicmonday, onu, private eyes, youtube
RichC | December 3, 2023
On the recommendation of General Keith Kellogg this past week, I check out the late Senator and President John F. Kennedy book from the library. It was written in 1956 called “Profiles In Courage.” Having grown up with a larger than life version of President Kennedy, I started reading immediately (also, the book “John F. […]
Category: Books |
Tags: book, general, john f kennedy, recommendation
RichC | December 2, 2023
Loved this @Rainmaker1973 post about digital storage and in particular USB flash drives (also enjoyed the photo): Nope. Paradoxically (and theoretically), the more you save on a flash drive, the lighter it gets. USB drives use Flash memory, which means the the ones and zeros of the data are stored on transistors. When you […]
Category: Social Media, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: digital, flashdrive, ssd, storage, thumbdrive, twitter, usbdrive,
RichC | December 1, 2023
After a long and steady battle with the Internet connections at the condo over our Thanksgiving vacation in Florida, the fight is finally over. The pain of returning the hardware Xfinity sent was enough to make me scream (long wait JUST to return something) … but after tossing the Netgear R7000 router and replacing with […]
Category: Technology |
Tags: condo1718, internet, tech friday, techfriday, xfinity