Apple iCloud’s online beta for Pages, Numbers & Keynote

| July 23, 2013

Apple is testing a few new online iWork applications for those iCloud users accessing their cloud account. The addition of Apple’s document, spreadsheet and presentation software to iCloud will move the beloved computer company one step closer to Microsoft and Google went it comes to online “Office” productivity software. I’m reluctant to commit to one particular […]

Tech Friday: Cloud and sync storage called Cubby from Logmein

| June 28, 2013

You’re invited to Cubby by LogMeIn. Give is a free try. After eliminating Sugarsync, filling up my preferred but pricey Dropbox, and keeping Microsoft’s Skydrive and GoogleDrive for mostly shared online docs, spreadsheets and PDF files, I’ve been trying out a few other backup and synchronizing services. This week I added a couple MyCubby folders […]

Testing the Avast VPN wifi option while traveling

| June 20, 2013

Looking at using the paid Avast VPN option while connecting to unsecured wifi connections. So far it works just fine and seems transparent … except LastPass does not like the overseas routing. Speeds are good, at least at McDonald’s; not so sure about busy hotels or the marinas?

Finally … we know how to pronounce GIF

| May 22, 2013

Steve Wilhite, father of the Graphics Interchange Format, has ended the heated debate on how to pronounce "GIF." LINK

Tech Friday: Reusing my OLD Blue Snowball microphone

| May 10, 2013

After almost throwing away my older version of the Blue Snowball microphone, I decided to plug the USB mic into my new iMac running OSX 10.8.3 … and to my surprise it worked great for a couple VOIP connections.  For those of you familiar with this original USB mic, it was not supported with firmware […]

Financial markets down and Apple nears $400/share

| April 17, 2013

Who is calling for Tim Cook’s head? Apple shares were down 4.7% to $406 this morning and nearing the psychological $400 mark. If it drops below that point, Apple executives better start circling the wagons if they haven’t already. The stock has not traded below the $400 mark since late December 2011 and have slid […]

Tech Friday: A New iMac has replaced an old G4 and PC

| March 29, 2013

I’m still adapting to a new computer and trying not to burn out my eyes on this bright and large 27” monitor, but after the adjustment I think I’m going to enjoy using the new iMac for both OSX and Windows 7 chores (via Parallels Desktop 8). The new four cored 3.4 GHz Intel i7 […]

A new iMac, but losing a display shelf by retiring my CRTs

| March 23, 2013

Taylor’s ceramic artwork “given to me” from 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade One would think that I would look forward to replacing a couple old computers, the pile of wires and CRT monitors with a new 27” iMac 3.4ghz i7  computer … well yes and no. It certainly is well past time to retire […]

Impressed with the new half-priced Jambox bluetooth speakers

| March 19, 2013

Occasionally I make one of those spur-of-the-moment impulse purchases that doesn’t give me buyer’s remorse. I have been wanting a bluetooth speaker to improve the sound coming from my iPhone or iPad without resorting to plugging in the 3.5mm cable or using earbuds. I thought, “hmm, this will work great on the desk and even […]

Automatic now available for Pre-Order – no subscription fee

| March 14, 2013

Automatic’s online video and marketing phrase, “save hundreds on gas every year,” seems a little bit hokey, but the idea of a device which connects your smartphone to your vehicle’s OBD port by bluetooth is pretty smart. For a pre-order price of $69.95, the tech gadget should be able to give you plenty of diagnostic […]

Can you tell which image was computer generated?

| March 9, 2013

    Do we need “real” models nowadays? All of these images were computer generated. Computer artists have the ability to generate realistic looking images that look as good as most retouched professional photos. (click for larger) LINK

TechFriday: Health check your online settings with PrivacyFix

| February 15, 2013

A friend of mine recommended adding the PrivacyFix plug-in to Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. The install was simple on both and checks a variety of user adjustable privacy setting on Facebook and Google. After completing the 3 minute multi-step check, there is a option to install a small monitor icon on the browser […]

Google phone calls from Gmail for another year (2013)

| December 27, 2012

Good news from Google if you’ve been using the Gmail web interface to make calls to phones. I’ve found call clarity to be top notch and a perfect replacement for what was once a free service from Skype. I still would mind having both services offering free calls in North America, but glad Google will […]

Tech Friday: When replacing a device make more cents

| December 7, 2012

Tell me I’m not crazy, but this is the third  time that I’ve purchased an all-in-one multifunction printer in the past several years. For one, inkjet printer heads and ink are challenging to keep flowing without problems, particularly when using refills and remanufactured inks – link. The customer support phone line suggested that using “their […]

Security: Switching passwords to passphrases and beyond

| November 27, 2012

The topic of computer and Internet security came up this past holiday weekend as several family members wanted access to our home Wi-Fi. My son, having an “open attitude” when in rental houses on his college campus, complained about my “passphrase” security method when trying to help each of his cousins connect their computers and […]

Mobile devices are close to replacing everyday computers

| November 26, 2012

Mobile smartphone and tablet devices are closing in on replacing at least our portable notebook and laptop computers (story link), but according to early “Cyber Monday” sales numbers, laptop/notebook computers are the number one sellers. I’m personally not ready to eliminate the notebook or desktop computer, but mobile OS devices have improved dramatically and I […]

It is time to upgrade my original Slingbox and add an iOS app

| November 19, 2012

Upgrades, discounts, sales, coupons … way too much temptation. There is yet another reason to ignore email advertising or online marketing. Unfortunately I’m not taking my own advice and caved in to SlingMedia’s offer of a discount to upgrade my device either of their newer Slingboxes – 350 or “melted and warped” 500. I’ve opted […]

Apple refreshes line of Macs and introduces the iPad Mini

| October 23, 2012

Watching the Apple news trickle in this Tuesday afternoon after munching down my small but FREE piece of pizza from Dominos (National Sampling Day) … and that’s a lot cheaper than the starting price of $329 for the 7.9” iPad Mini. Price aside, it looks like another great Apple product and leave a little room […]

Tech Friday: Are you sharing your phone numbers on Facebook?

| October 19, 2012

After receiving plenty of election oriented phone calls this year, it is time to purge all my phone numbers from the public roles … something I thought I had been doing for years — obviously not!  An area overlooked my some is the increasingly popular way to share address and phone number data with contacts […]

Use caution with email links and check your anti-virus software

| October 10, 2012

Knowing that email links can be dangerous isn’t always enough to prevent even a relatively experience Internet user from occasionally being suckered into clicking embedded links in emails. It happened to me yesterday morning with a bogus Skype Voicemail notification (below). Emails can seem legitimate and be over looked if you’re not paying close attention […]

FreedomPop: A free wireless 4G Internet connection

| October 8, 2012

Last week I started testing the new wireless Internet being offered by The service is interesting because light data users can connect and use the Internet basically for “free.” Higher data use plans are available for those needing more, but requires paying for it, helping to build out the user base or completing offers […]

When should you buy an Apple product

| September 28, 2012

A friend of mine is contemplating a computer upgrade and wants to look at an Apple Macbook Pro or Macbook Air this year, but the $2000 price tag is something to think seriously about. He asked me for my opinion since I have a pile of old Macintosh computers and hears that most users are […]

Android and Apple iOS devices to be less similar in the future

| September 9, 2012

After Samsung’s recent lost to Apple in federal court, Android users will start to see a few changes to the look and feel of their phones and tablets and those being designed by Apple. One would assume that the individual manufacturer’s tweaks to Google’s Android — skins –will be modified from the current attempt to […]

One thing is for sure, Apple knows how to make money

| September 7, 2012

I read a simple article reviewing where Apple ($AAPL) makes their money … product mix, not geographic location. Anyway, I thought it was interesting that they make over 70% of their total sales (trailing 12 months) on the iPhone and iPad … that in comparison to Macintosh computers, software and services and even their Music […]

In Apple iPhone 5 anticipation, iPhone 4 and 4s prices drop

| August 13, 2012

If you really want an iPhone, this could be the time to buy … although prices could go even lower towards the end of the year? It seems the older iPhone 4 and 4s are selling slower than most retailers (and by assumption, Apple) would like and so retailers are doing what they can to […]

How secure are your online accounts … really?

| August 5, 2012

Internet security was again in the news last week with Gizmodo’s Twitter account getting hacked and although we are all vulnerable, many of us figure it will happen to someone else. I use to be concerned that “one” of my accounts or logins would be hacked, but after realizing just how interconnected things have become, […]

Tech Friday: Surprising real data browser speed comparison

| July 13, 2012

This comparison is not scientific since it only compares data pulled from Google Analytics and 25,000 MyDesultoryBlog visits, but it did surprise me. I expected to see Chrome a bit faster, but not Internet Explorer. Sadly the one time favored Mozilla Firefox is now a chubby porker and slow to load pages.

Tech Friday: Cleaned up my tweetstream this week

| June 22, 2012

I’m probably not the only one who has “excessively” followed people on Twitter over the past few years … so I am trying to clean up my tweetstream with TwitCleaner. So far so good. Twit Cleaner [web] (free) If you follow a large number of people and are looking to clean up your timeline, Twit […]

Tech Friday: Free online email services compared

| June 8, 2012

Like many long time Internet users, I have signed up and used my share of free client based and online email services over the years. One from back in the 90s that American Express offered was free to small business customers, but ended up spun off and turned fee based a decade ago. Since I’m […]

Tech Friday: A test drive of Google Drive

| April 27, 2012

Against my TOS reservations, I installed the PC version of Google Drive on my notebook computer. So far from what I can see – for storage — it’s not all that different from Sugarsync that I used for a couple years and my regularly used Dropbox installation (still preferred at this time). I had thought […]

CNET: Who owns your files on Google Drive?

| April 25, 2012

Before jumping ship from Dropbox, Skydrive or Sugarsync for Google Drive, the new lower price cloud storage solution, be sure to read the TOS agreement. A quick analysis of Google’s terms of service shows how the search company owns the files you upload the minute they are submitted, and can in effect do anything it […]

Tech Friday: The new GetPocket ReadItLater service

| April 20, 2012 is/was one of the better services for saving web pages for later reading or archive research. I’ve used a couple different services over the year on the computer, but have found the new ReadItLater better than most — and the free services is excellent. It is now called Pocket ( and has an […]

Sharing an impressive and artistic Wind Map website

| March 30, 2012

Click and be impressed …

Finally decided on a tablet – a lightly used Verizon 64GB iPad 2

| March 26, 2012

Those of you who read my blog once in a while know that I’ve struggled to decide which way to go when it comes to eReaders, Android tablets or iPads (or smartphones for that matter). I’m no longer on the fence; as timing would have it, a family member of one of my customers upgraded […]

Tech Friday: Chris Miller talks about security for online IDs

| March 23, 2012

Saw these tips on Google+ earlier this week and thought they would make for a good Tech Friday post.  Chris Miller has some great ideas regarding online security such as using a set of fabricated security question answers, separate addresses for Private, Personal and Public emails and setting all online avatars and info the same […]

Historic Event: Chrome Surpasses IE Market Share

| March 20, 2012

According to StatCounter, Chrome accounted for 32.70% of browser market share on Sunday, followed by 32.48% for IE and 24.88% for Firefox. The most popular browser version was Chrome 17 with 29.51%. IE9 was a distant second with just 15.61%. IE8, Firefox 10 and Firefox 11 followed with 13.56%, 9.91%, and 6.86%, respectively. On a […]

The new iPad – the 3rd generation. Surprised? Not really.

| March 8, 2012

Apple introduced their highly anticipated “new iPad” and although most of the specs were as expected, CEO Tim Cook didn’t reference it as the iPad3 … just the new iPad (although it is the third generation). A few leading features are the new 9.7 inch retina display with 2048-by-1536-pixel resolution, a class leading 10 hour […]

Tech Friday: Watching the weather with

| March 2, 2012

If you’re looking for a new way to watch the weather, check out … it is a weather and storm watching site and also has trackers with cameras in cars all tied to maps.  So instead of pulling up the basic weather while we are under a tornado watch here in the Cincinnati area […]

Tech Friday – … adding yet another landing page

| February 17, 2012

As the years go by I find myself forgetting which of the links and information sites I’ve signed up for … and I’m probably not alone. Anyway, if you are online at all, it might be helpful to have a personal landing page, especially if you’re not interested in your own URL and web server […]

Tech Friday: A couple Gmail tricks and a Thunderbird update

| February 3, 2012

I’ve been using Gmail for years and recently found a hidden gem for filtering email. It works particularly well for me while using the Mozilla client Thunderbird, although is equally useful with any other client or the Google’s web client (BTW the upgrade to 10.0 was pushed out this past week).  Without getting overly detailed […]

Tech Friday: Text to Image entertainment

| January 27, 2012

While playing with an image on the text to image site, I thought about using an avatar or personal photo … but instead figured I’d use some “descriptive  text” and marry it to a rather frightening photo. After clicking on the photo to enlarge it full size does the somewhat hidden suggestive photo help […] premium service free until it is adopted by G+

| January 22, 2012

It’s disappointing to be commenting on the demise of a free standing, but the premium features will now be available for free until April 19th when the tools will become part of Google’s empire as a complement to Google+. While traveling and away from my computer, or even as an alternative to Photoshop, I’ve […]

Tech Friday: Look up unicodes with

| January 20, 2012

I saw the Shapecatcher link highlighted on one of the technology media sites and thought it might make for a good a Tech Friday post. Yes, it has been a while since Friday has seen a technology related idea … so here’s any easy way to find the correct Unicode hexidecimal equivalent for a particular […]

Tell congress how you feel about SOPA and PIPA-for or against

| January 18, 2012

Against my inner voice telling me not to bother, I wrote to my congressmen yesterday regarding the Stop Internet Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA). There are areas that I agree with and understand, but also way too many areas that will impact what most of us appreciate about the Internet. As written, […]

Trivia tidbit associated with my pick for person of the year

| December 31, 2011

In tying up loose ends in closing out the year, one story that made a big impact on technology followers was the death of Steve Jobs. He was an inspirational and creative marketing wizard with oddities all too common with those we associate with the “genius” label … and would have been my pick for […]

Avast! Antivirus, Revo Uninstaller and my WordPress install

| December 21, 2011

I’ve been happily using Avast! as my virus scanner for the last couple years … and have been off and on satisfied for over a decade. The company updates always get me concerned knowing that the free version could become as bloated as are many others (paid versions aren’t immune either). Thankfully the most recent […]

Archive: According to Google, winter is here … and cookies!

| December 19, 2011

Fun new winter Google Easter Egg similar to the partial archived list from an earlier post … “Let it snow.” Also thought I’d include the tasty looking Christmas cookies my daughter made … unfortunately she is taking them to work and not bring them too me!

Apple looking to make a $400 million buy?

| December 13, 2011

With the “in the news” section of Anorbit a bit quiet, the rumor that Apple may be buying the company makes the story a bit more interesting. There might be a good reason for cash rich Apple to begin acquiring a few more of the parts they need to assure production continues for their hot […]

Wireless connections are less than perfect on the boat

| December 8, 2011

A few days of travel away from decent Internet connections has me appreciating my questionable home cable Internet connection (either Time Warner OR my internal network isn’t perfect). I ran a few tests of both the marina BeaconWi-fi and my tethered Sprint Palm Pre and have come to the conclusion that I need to treat […]

Leaked info on the Asus Padphone gadget combo

| November 22, 2011

After Asus introduced its Padphone prototype in the spring of 2011, additional phone/tablet Padfone information was leaked yesterday regarding the specifications (below). According to several tech sources the new Android phone will use the Snapdragon SoCs chipset and Adreno 225 GPU. The new chip supports global frequencies including the HSPA+ and LTE offering very impressive […]

WordPress and my slow MySQL database issue is solved!

| November 20, 2011

Finally, after about a month of trial and error fiddling with WordPress and MySQL since moving to a new server, I’ve figured out why MyDesultoryBlog has been so slow. Initially I blamed the new server since everything was fine at the old host, and even started to wonder if 6 years or so of daily […]

Looks like Google’s Flights search could be helpful

| November 16, 2011

I’m anxious to try for my next trip planning although I’m not sure it adds much besides the interface over competitive flight planning websites. The search giant has created a convenient way to compare the pricing and scheduled flight times, but in testing a few closer airports and flights it didn’t turn up any […]

Trying out Google’s latest music beta. So far, so good.

| November 15, 2011

Thanks to Google+ friend Paul Young, I had a chance to play with Google’s new Music beta on Monday. I can’t say that I’m a must have music listener (I’m not), but I do enjoy listening to tunes once in a while. I’m partial to Pandora but have enjoyed Spotify and do listen to several […]

Reports are hinting that HP is nailing the webOS coffin shut

| October 31, 2011

Since HP’s new CEO, Meg Whitman, reversed course on spinning off their PC division (link), many who use and appreciate Touchpads and Pre smartphones have been hoping the same thing might happen for the webOS division. Some believe (or believed) that there was new hope for webOS devices like the Touchpad and Palm Pre smartphones […]

And what kind of computer are you looking for sir?

| October 18, 2011

Perhaps it is my age … or just not paying attention to the changing terms associated with portability when talking computers, but as I contemplate upgrading my daily computer I realized the terms have changed yet again. My first “portable” computer went by the trade name Compaq … but it was basically a transportable. At […]

New software for sharpening photos in our future

| October 14, 2011

If you enjoy taking and working with photos, you might appreciate the advancements coming to software to help with optically blurry photos. The demonstration is not particularly easy to see (video below), but the reaction of the crowd was enough to thinking a plug in for Adobe Photoshop might be in our future. Check out […]

Taking count of my Apple life after the passing of Steve Jobs

| October 6, 2011

   I’ve been thinking about the passing of Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) and realized that there wasn’t enough time to include all I wanted over a lunch hour. First, his innovative vision, business savvy and keen sense of “what customers wanted” have earned him a place in my list of […]

Kindle Fire and new eInk readers from Amazon

| September 28, 2011

Stopped to check on the big NYC coverage from Amazon for their new eInk Kindle Touch reader device and highly anticipated Kindle Fire 7″ tablet device. A couple surprises are the “Silk” browser and pricing at $199. For those looking for a competitor to Apple’s iPad … look elsewhere. The new Kindles are more of […]

Read only Google Docs and Calendar content available off line

| September 2, 2011

Google web-based products such a docs and calendar were once upon a time available for off line use; thankfully they are now being re-launched. Things are slowly coming back to a more useful state with the new off line viewing (read only) extension for the Chrome browser. I’m looking forward to hopefully once again being able […]

HTC Eternity Windows phone rumored to sport a 4.7″ display

| September 1, 2011

My friend Jeff and I were talking about computers, tablets, readers, phones, mp3 players and cameras the other day at lunch and debated what we really wanted. After seeing the “rumored” Windows HTC Eternity spy shots, I’m rethinking the gadgets and devices that being carried – and also having to keep charged. The more I […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog