RichC | August 31, 2024
The folder labelled “MyCubby” on my Microsoft OneDrive is a place I collect images, links, photos, etc that might be worth looking at again … or perhaps used on the blog. Each month I try to start fresh with a relatively empty space … so to prepare for September 2024, I’ll archive a couple items […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, History, Humor, Medical, Misc, Photos, Science, Social Media, Weather |
Tags: big toe, climate change, ice age, leftovers, mycubby
RichC | July 6, 2024
Reading “view from the right” on this week has me wondering if our presidential candidates are getting too old … or if age is not the factor, perhaps having candidates pass the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) would be helpful? Retirement Ages — by Stephen Macaulay Here’s something for your July 4th distraction, a list […]
Category: Medical, Politics |
Tags: alzheimer's, biden, campaign, congnitive, debate, dementia, president, thehustings, trump
RichC | May 4, 2024
Juliëtte Sterkens gave an excellent TedTalk on “What you don’t know about hearing aids” — check it out if you or you know someone struggling with hearing loss. For most people it’s not a matter of if, but when, they will lose some sense of hearing. Still, we don’t give hearing loss or hearing aids […]
Category: Medical, Video |
Tags: hearing, hearing aids, hearing loops, Juliëtte Sterkens, tedtalks, telecoils, youtube
RichC | January 27, 2024
Brenda and I have been enjoying the NFL playoffs in late January from Florida this year and are looking forward to watching the final two games before Super Bowl LVIII on February 11, 2024. This weekend America will be watching the Detriot Lions vs the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC and the Kansas City […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Sports, Travel |
Tags: beach, brenda, eventity, football, nfl, osteoporosis, playoffs, vacation, webmd, wikipedia
RichC | November 25, 2023
This first story is from my son-in-law Drew, and highlights just how communication for doctors has changed throughout the years. The “pager” is synonymous with doctors as hospitals and medical offices have used them for years to communicate quickly. Sure they pretty much all have cellphones and smartwatches these days (they do also still use […]
Category: Medical, News, Space |
Tags: deep space, doctors, laser, light, medical, osu, space
RichC | February 27, 2023
From a CNNHealth story: A sugar replacement called erythritol — used to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk-fruit, and keto reduced-sugar products — has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study. “The degree of risk was not modest,” said lead author Dr. Stanley Hazen, director of the […]
Category: Health, Medical, News |
Tags: cardiovascular, cnn, erythritol, Health, heart attack, stroke, sweetener
RichC | January 30, 2023
Generally, reggaeis not my thing, but this time of year it is easy for me to include something a little more tropical for Music Monday. So my music listening turns to either “No Shoes Radio” or Radio Margaritaville on SiriusXM. This week it was listening to Mishka Firth’s 2010 recording of “Just Keep Livin” as […]
Category: Archive, Health, Medical, Music, Personal, Photos |
Tags: barefoot, brenda, excapism, flip-flops, fracture bionic, hip, injury, just keep livin, mishka, music monday, musicmonday, no shoes radio, radio margaritaville, reggae, shoulder, siriusxm, surgery, xray
RichC | January 26, 2023
Besides nursing duties and doctor visits with Brenda this past week, I’ve been working with a customer who would like to deploy a non-CMS website and completely forgot to post something on Thursday — making it up today. Although I’m partial to using an inexpensive Linux server with Apache and MySQL, he would like to […]
Category: Blogs, Health, Medical, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: brenda, font, hip replacement, hugo, linux, raspberry pi, rdc personal font, static site, webserver
RichC | January 15, 2023
Brenda is making remarkable improvements (in my opinion) in her mobility after having expedited full hip replacement surgery on Monday afternoon at 4PM. As mentioned yesterday, she was released from the hospital on Wednesday night and after a semi-restful day on Thursday, began physical therapy on Friday. Katelyn came down from Perrysburg and was wonderful […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: brenda, canadian rockies, get well, hip replacement, hospital, katelyn, mp4, physical therapy, rehab, surgery, taylor
RichC | January 14, 2023
Prior to Christmas, Brenda was moving furniture around in our carpeted bedroom in order to clean behind our king size bed and headboard. She knew at the time it was too heavy, but continued to push and pull with her legs and hip. When I got home, I noticed the bed and nightstands were out […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: brenda, compression, femur, fracture, hip replacement, hospital, osteoporosis. mp4, physical therapy, surgery, x-ray
RichC | August 17, 2022
Read this medical information the other day and thought it likely might be a question many of us may have when taking over the counter (and prescription) doses of the common NSAID Ibuprofen. Check out the full article on GoodRx. How much does ibuprofen raise your blood pressure? Studies have looked at how much NSAIDs […]
Category: Health, Medical |
Tags: article, blood pressure, drugs, goodrx, Health, ibuprofen, medical, nsaid, pain reliever, prescription
RichC | August 16, 2022
Since I wear a Fitbit and monitor a few things like heartrate, exercise and daily step count, I was concerned when my resting heartrate (graph left) seemed to be rising? After talking with my daughter about it, she mentioned that it sure seemed to correspond to my COVID diagnosis. Hm??? Hopefully it will return to […]
Category: Gadget, Health, Medical, Personal, Technology |
Tags: coronavirus, cough, covid19, exercise, fitbit, Health, heart, heartrate, resting heart, step count
RichC | August 1, 2022
Well it looks like COVID19’s BA.5 subvariant has found us … or we found it. Fortunately for us, we have been vaccinated and at least I have one of the boosters … so hopefully the more serious and severe illness seen by many can be avoided. As of my writing (over the weekend) the symptoms […]
Category: Archive, Health, Medical, Personal |
Tags: brenda, coronavirus, covid tests, covid19, paxlovid, richc
RichC | July 16, 2022
Since a lot of aging Americans have been prescribed a statin, they likely pay close attention to articles talking about possible links between statins and dementia –I take note too. Thankfully each time the medical studies and advice is updated, the benefits of taking a statin vs trying to live with high cholesterol still outweigh […]
Category: Advice, Health, Medical |
Tags: cholesterol, dementia, goodrx, Health, medical, risk, statin
RichC | May 3, 2022
My dad was known for saying he was planning to live to 160 years old and I’m following in his ridiculous longevity theories and his questionable medical advice (he died at 86 in 2015). Years ago I jokingly theorized that when Jesus told us that “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered” (Luke […]
Category: Advice, Faith, Health, Humor, Medical, Personal, Technology |
Tags: advice, bible, cholesterol, colonoscopy, dadc, fitbit, hairs, heart, heartbeat, jesus, life, medical, relaxation, stress, theory, versa, verse
RichC | January 13, 2022
“Eye” do it every year (a very Dumb Dad Joke #DDJ) … I make my eye appointment to get my updated prescription from my optometrist (OD) and contemplate ordering contact lenses from them or a less expensive retailer … just as I’ve been doing since the days of the “cooker” (only those of a certain age […]
Category: Health, Medical, Misc, Personal, Shopping |
Tags: bausch, contacts, ddj, eye doctor, insurance, lens, lenses, lomb, optician, optometrist, prescription, rebates, vision
RichC | December 15, 2021
As Christmas cards arrive and the 15th of December hits, it is time to start winding down my business year and thinking about 2022 (BTW, we mailed our cards this week). One thing I have noticed this year is that more cards are from people who are now retired or are retiring. Hm … does […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Health, Human Interest, Medical, Personal |
Tags: chamber of commerce, christmas, cola, cpi, cppnet, health insurance, high-deductible, hsa, inflation, medicare, medishare, ppi, retirement, social security
RichC | November 30, 2021
Who really spends time looking at themselves in the mirror … at least the men that I know? BUT … I noticed my elbows when getting dressed last weekend … there is some disturbing sagging “grandpa skin” … “when did this happen?” On the other hand, I’m not alone and I suppose this is to […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Tidbits |
Tags: aging, elbow, genetics, grandpa, sagging, skin, sun damage, wrinkles
RichC | November 25, 2021
It has been a challenging couple of years for most of the country and the world in not only combatting the Coronavirus pandemic’s loss of life and economic impact, but the psychological stress. I am thankful we in America have medical care and the pharmaceutical science able to rapidly develop antiviral medicines and vaccines. Let’s […]
Category: Holiday, Medical, Science |
Tags: america, coronavirus, covid19, James Whitcomb Riley, medicine, poetry, thankful, thanksgiving, vaccination
RichC | September 29, 2021
Although my eyes are still a little dilated, I’m glad to have my 2021 vision appointment out of the way. Thankfully my prescription didn’t change, although the presbyopia is definitely not on the improve (suspect everyone will have aging eyes someday)? I’ve pondered the entire vision insurance gimmick (my opinion) before going back and forth […]
Category: Advice, Medical, Shopping |
Tags: advice, eye doctor, fsa, hsa, insurance, presbyopia, prescriptions, vision
RichC | June 30, 2021
I enjoy the ocean but haven’t really had my equilibrium and balance back since my 2-year bout with Meniere’s Disease 20 years ago. That’s a bit depressing since I still have the desire to switch out our surfboard for a longboard (or SUP). That dream aside … my wife will tell you that I wasn’t […]
Category: Environment, Medical, Nature, Personal, Recreation, Video |
Tags: disease, longboard, menieres, mp4, ocean, relaxing, sup, surfing, swell, windsurfing
RichC | April 9, 2021
Sometimes when my mind wanders, I shift from pie-in-the-sky dreaming (flying cars, mind control devices, AI/robotics (mp4), time machines (mp4), “beam me up” transporters, etc) to something that’s a bit more realistic to the world of everyday technology. Let’s get the above “pie-in-the-sky” idiom out of the way first. “Pie In The Sky” Origin This […]
Category: Cellphone, Gadget, Health, Idioms, Medical, Personal, Technology |
Tags: aeropex, aftershokz, aid, bluetooth, cochlear, hearing, idiom, idioms, implant, innovation, iphone, machines, mimi, pie, sky, tech friday, techfriday, Technology, transporter, wishlist
RichC | March 6, 2021
Immunization is picking up speed, but we are still struggling to get enough of the produced vaccinations in arms … especially in some states. This past week an article in Fortune posted a “tracker map” illustrating where it is going well and where we’re are struggling to get shots in the arms of every American […]
Category: Health, Medical, News |
Tags: $JNJ, coronavirus, covid19, fortune, immunization, map, tracker, vaccination, vaccine
RichC | October 18, 2020
About half the time I need to cover a cut with a Band-Aid, it is on a finger. Often right where the joint flexes and then even the better stretchy bandages bunch, unstick and come off. Here’s a tip for covering the finger when dealing with a joint … and it works for the tip […]
Category: Ideas, Medical, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: band-aid, bandages, bandaid, finger, joint, mp4, tip, video
RichC | March 31, 2020
Although few of us really want to be tracking the exponential explosion of the COVID19 spread, a friend asked me if there was a preferred site to go to for updated information. I responded with or Department of Health here in Ohio as trusted sources, but then suggested that if he was like me, […]
Category: Health, Medical |
Tags: bayview, cdc, charts, coronavirus, covid19, Health, hospital, katelyn, maps, News, ohio, oregon, prayer, promedica, reporting, reuters
RichC | March 28, 2020
Here’s an easy Question and Answer put together by Apple: Take this simple test as a starting place to know what you should be doing. L I N K
Category: Apple, Education, Health, Human Interest, Medical |
Tags: answers, apple, coronavirus, covid19, psa, q & a, questions, testing, to-do
RichC | March 18, 2020
For those of us who in December thought this Coronavirus ‘thing’ was a Chinese story and not going to be a big deal here in America; we were wrong. COVID19 and the economic impact is being felt far and wide by everyone in the world. I still want to believe it will be short-lived and […]
Category: Entertainment, Health, History, Human Interest, Medical, News, Sports, Video |
Tags: 1980, coronavirus, covid19, curve, film, flattening, herb brooks, hockey, miracle, miracle on ice, movie, olympics, quarantine, rob mcclanahan, youtube
RichC | March 14, 2020
It was a tiring week with the drip, drip, drip Coronavirus news and highly-reactive financial markets. Although frightening, investors rightly or wrongly responded with a selloff of historic proportions. The entire meltdown seemed more like hysteria and panic and had me wondering how our country and nation ever faced plagues, a weak economy due to […]
Category: Financial, Health, Medical, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: birds, bookshelf, bookshelves, brenich, coronavirus, covid19, ezpoxy, Financial, library, musicroom, paint, petit, projects, workshop
RichC | March 7, 2020
I’ve purposely put off posting anything to MyDesultoryBlog as the worldwide spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (#COVID19) began. Partially since it is challenging to separate the unfounded fears and panic from the real threat since the reporting varies based on news sources (Information from China is particularly questionable but western media sources aren’t all […]
Category: Business, Financial, Health, Medical, News, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: 401k, be prepared, boy scouts, bsa, cdc, coronavirus, covid19, disease, flu, Health, idiom, idioms, infection, influenza, investing, ira, mortality, opinion, pandemic, precautions, retirement, savings, seasonality, trading, virus, who
RichC | January 1, 2020
We’re not getting any younger … and in my case, I’m a bit more conscious of age creeping into my decision-making process. Things I did years ago like heavy lifting, working under a car then jumping up and back down after retrieving a required tool … or even the enjoyable laying down on the floor […]
Category: Advice, Food, Holiday, Medical, Misc, Technology |
Tags: eating, exercise, fitbit, goals, healthy, how not to die, how not to diet, michael greger, new year, plan, plant-based, reflection, resolution
RichC | November 14, 2019
I probably shouldn’t make a joke about my brother Ron going in for a surgical repair to his shoulder on Friday, but since he was the one joking with me about how he has felt like a “one and a half armed man” since summer, I continue the joke. Hopefully, he will “slice” (ouch!) right […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: brother, corbett, family, hospital, Humor, photo, rehab, ron, ronc, shoulder, surgery, TBT
RichC | June 4, 2019
One of the long running medical debates in my family is my use of a fairly expensive supplement called glucosamine. Ever since I injured my knee 15+ years ago and received what seemed like a miracle steroid injection – suffered for weeks — I’ve been more serious about taking better care of my joints. Aging […]
Category: Advice, Health, Medical, Personal |
1 Comment
Tags: biobank, bmj, cardiovascular, cvd, disease, glucosamine, ibuprofen, joints, knee, pain, thebmj, uk
RichC | March 27, 2019
A couple of decades ago I suffered from Ménière disease (Ménière’s disease) and struggled to find treatment and relief from the miserably vertigo episodes. One does not understand how debilitating and miserable that this be, so much so that any potential treatment, regardless of the risk, seemed worth it at the time. In my case, […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Health, Medical, Memories, Personal |
1 Comment
Tags: archive, disease, medical, medscape, menieres, Personal, richc, surgery, treatment