Keeping my eye on Tropical Storm Cristobal

| August 24, 2014

It looks like all the weather models are keeping tropical storm Cristobal offshore which is both good for Encore as well as my travel plans … although those in, or going to, Bermuda may want to be prepared for some wind and rain. Testing the updated WordPress iPhone app for this post.

Highways can only handle so much rain … be careful

| August 13, 2014

Unbelievable rainfall causing flooding this morning in Long Island NY (photo above – Southern State Parkway near Exit 37 – Belmont Ave) this morning a day after watching the same thing happen in southeastern Michigan yesterday (photos below).   It is shocking to see these kinds of “highway” photos, but one can only imagine how […]

Are you prepared for a Coronal Mass Ejection – CME?

| July 25, 2014

Did you know that in July of 2012 that the earth was nearly hit by a CME (video)? According to the Nation Academy of Sciences, the cost of a large CME similar to the July 20, 2012 “storm” could cost $2 Trillion. On July 23, 2012, the sun unleashed two massive clouds of plasma that barely […]

Fires in Canada spread smoke south of the border

| July 23, 2014

Last weekend while traveling in North Dakota, we ran into the smoke from the many boreal forest fires burning in the Northwest Territories in Canada on Sunday. At first I wasn’t sure why the normally crisp clear skies were so hazy, but then Taylor told us about the smoke blowing south from the 156 currently […]

A cooler mid-July followed by a weak to moderate El Niño

| July 12, 2014

In planning our upcoming trip visiting the kids, a quick search of the weather indicated that we are in for a cooling spell which will feel good in mid-July IF it happens. I also ran across the  National Weather Service predictions for a weak-to-moderate El Niño. According to the NOAA site, “typical El Niño impacts in […]

Looks like Encore and I will be wet for a bit

| July 2, 2014

Arrived at the boat Tuesday evening after a long day of traveling … flight delays and rain squalls driving I-95 south from Orlando. All was well but wet as expected. Hopefully Tropical Storm Arthur will track a little faster and as expected taking the current 50 mph wind and rain with it. I’d like to […]

Weather watching as INVEST91L decides what it is going to do

| July 1, 2014

Packing list for this week: Repaired autopilot: ck Tool bag: ck Hurricane prep list: ck Clothes bag: ck Computer bag: ck Weather forecast – pack RAIN GEAR … Well that last one might not be going quite like I planned. So much for scheduling my trip for Encore’s hurricane prep for the first of July. […]

Tech Friday: real-time lightning detection

| June 27, 2014

Memorizing project that group-sources data from around the world and records lightning strikes. Incredibly ambitious it would seem until one realizes that much of the data is already being recorded and all that is needed is for “big data” to collect and create an interface on the web. Very interesting to watch the world and […]

The winter that will not end adds another inch of snow

| April 15, 2014

From weekend spring brush clearing to snow. It doesn’t look as if the 2013-1024 winter wants to leave? I was out feeding Tootsie this Tuesday morning in just a sweatshirt, and although it wasn’t necessarily springtime warm, it wasn’t really “wintery cold” either. The fresh overnight snow was wet enough for packing so it gave […]

As the song goes: It’s beginning to look a lot like Easter …

| March 26, 2014

Ok … so I have the holidays confused, but then so does Mother Nature. While driving around on Tuesday afternoon the squalls started and figured it was a perfect opportunity for an animated GIF. We can’t seem to shake off winter.   I expect to see a few flurries when I’m in northeast Ohio (had […]

Spring weather and “I’ve got the music in me”

| March 22, 2014

With the improved weather (70 degrees in Cincinnati on Friday) and spring smell in the air, its feels like it is past due for some music on the blog. Here’s a mystery tune for the day, which of course from the 1970s, but this is one hit that I’m sure everyone has heard. The first […]

Mother Nature has turned up the thermostat this afternoon

| March 11, 2014

With today’s temperatures in the 70’s, I can help but start thinking about longer days and warmer evening. Ah … it will be nice to put this winter behind us. Tuesday afternoon is sunny and down right warm. Unfortunately the weatherman says not so fast Ke-mo sah-bee (remembering The Lone Ranger). Maybe it is spelled […]

Valentine’s Day and winter in the eastern half of the U.S.

| February 15, 2014

  OK … enough already! Winter continues to blast most of us in the east and has been particularly brutal for those in the SE generally immune to heavyt ice and snow. Here in Cincinnati we’ve had our share of cold weather and a lot more snow than usual … and it has even been […]

Winter daze and contemplating more Encore projects

| February 13, 2014

Winter seems to be dragging on this year perhaps because it started earlier and has not let up. The “daze” have been colder and snowier than usual without the usual intermission of warmth and melt. It is notable that even in Cincinnati snow plow companies have adopted the practice of piling the snow in parking […]

More snow and more ice. When will this winter end?

| February 5, 2014

The winter of 2014 has been one of the colder and snowier in southwestern Ohio that I can remember (although we had some snow in 2010). In previous years, putting the snow blower on the old John Deere 330 was almost optional, but this year it has been used and abused more that any since […]

A frozen Lake Erie from space and rising water temps

| January 13, 2014

Here’s a beautiful satellite photo from NASA showing the ice formation on Lake Erie from  January 9, 2014 and a link to an interesting Discovery Magazine blog post discussing ice on the Great Lakes. Since I grew up on the south shore of Lake Erie and a lot of time “recreating” in all seasons on several […]

The worst of our record cold has passed … at least for now

| January 8, 2014

According to Ohio River watchers, the “formation of river ice is rare” and has happened in only 14 winters of the last 140 years of record keeping in Cincinnati. For some the recent cold temperatures has triggered memories from 1977 and 1978. Photos from the past and stories of the river freezing over due to […]

Where did autumn 2013 go? I still have fall chores to do.

| December 12, 2013

Winter arrived and autumn lasted only a week or two  this year — at least that’s the way it seems to me. I’m generally slow to give up on warm weather, but this year the switch was literally overnight. Thankfully I took advantage of one nice weekend to close the pool (barely) … but the […]

The big chill … thankfully not in Cincinnati

| December 10, 2013

And I thought my son Taylor’s stretch of below zero temperatures in North Dakota were cold? Brrr, Antarctica has been putting up some cold “Mars polar region” numbers of its own. Maybe we should be “pro” global warming and add some more CO2 to the atmosphere? Newly analysed Nasa satellite data from east Antarctica shows […]

Winter has arrived. The rain turned to ice and is now snow.

| December 6, 2013

Tried posting a photo to the blog on my way home from Cleveland on Thursday night, but the WordPress Postie plug-in failed to cooperate. The thursday night rain (left) gave way to ice and now snow (below the break).  Forecast: A Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until 1 am EST Saturday for SW Ohio. […]

Quite the weather wallop this Sunday afternoon/evening

| November 17, 2013

My schedule had me driving back and forth from Mercy Anderson Hospital late this afternoon and evening. The drive south earlier was so-so, but the drive home at 6:30 was a little more tedious — mostly wind and rain although heard tornadoes were spotted earlier in Indiana? My mother-in-law (reason for hospital visit) is doing […]

Sailing south for the hurricane season, but cutting it close

| July 8, 2013

It’s the perfect time to share a short shared video from Brittany, Scott and Isla, a couple Internet sailing friends, on their way south in order to be out of the track of most hurricanes this time of year. They are without a doubt one of the most envied young sailing families with a strong […]

Cleaned my gutters this morning

| July 6, 2013

Whoa! Lots of summer rain this morning and used the excuse to try a couple more panorama photos with the iPhone 5. I’m not sure how much came down or how fast, but from the water shedding off our back acreage (and neighbors) was significant, at least in Liberty Twp. Ohio. The morning was spend […]

A couple bolts and a couple volts

| June 27, 2013

Impressive super cell photo from Nebraska ( about a week ago. The photo is a sandwich of 2 shots about 9 seconds apart at f/22, 2.5 sec and ISO 100 according to the tech info shared on G+.

Major tornado damage in southern Oklahoma City

| May 20, 2013

I’m not looking forward to watching the news tonight … my thoughts and prayers go out to those in the path of these deadly storms. USAToday LINK

Hard to beat photos of aircraft landing in St. Maartin

| May 19, 2013

Great series of 13 photos from St. Maartin’s Princess Juliana International Airport on this month where Maho Beach-goers get up close and personal with landing aircraft (one of many posted short videos below).

Rain or Snow, what will it be?

| March 24, 2013

Come on in, the water is fine! Can you say “feeding frenzy?”

| February 11, 2013

It’s nice sun filled and warm day in Cincinnati today … although I don’t think it is pool time just yet. Would you like to go swimming with these “fishies?” (Click for larger) Photo credit: Photographer unknown

Archive: Hurricane Sandy: a collection of photos

| October 30, 2012

If you are in the northeastern U.S. – Brace, brace, brace

| October 29, 2012

An animation of satellite observations from Oct. 26-29, 2012 (below), shows Hurricane Sandy move along the U.S. East coast and into the Mid-Atlantic and northeastern U.S. Sandy had still not made landfall by the end of this animation. This visualization was created by the NASA GOES Project at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., […]

Millions in the northeast U.S. await Sandy

| October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy is still hours away from coming ashore in the northeastern U.S. but the winds, waves, rains and surge are already making an impact. Officials and residents are taking no chances and predictions are triggering evacuation orders for hundreds of thousands of residents, the cancellation of more than 7,700 airline flights. Schools and mast […]

Hurricane Sandy projected to remain east of Florida

| October 24, 2012

It looks as if we at least have one more hurricane for the 2012 season. Sandy has reached the hurricane wind threshold and is moving north. The projected path has the weak side of the storm passing east of Florida but over Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas. The beach erosion churn and rough weather will […]

Late winter storm hits New Zealand with hurricane force wind

| September 8, 2012

I’d love to visit and sail in New Zealand someday and I occasionally exchange emails back and forth with a couple friends living in that southern hemisphere country. One friend sent me a link on Friday after a strong storm hit Wellington with 140kmh (87mph) winds. They saw some damage throughout the city and it […]

Hurricane Isaac comes ashore with plenty of rain

| August 29, 2012

Hurricane Isaac s-l-o-w-l-y made its way ashore in Louisiana last night bringing 80mph winds and torrential rains. The category 1 storm may not have packed the punch associated with tight eye-walled hurricanes, but because it is moving at only 8mph, it dumps rain for a much longer period of time. Early reports are that a […]

Hurricane Katrina and Isaac are eerily similar

| August 28, 2012

Click for larger image In checking on TS Hurricane Isaac’s progress over lunch it was clear to see that those living in low lying areas on either side of the Mississippi River better be prepared for some nasty weather — currently the biggest threat appears to be rain. It is kind of eerie to see […]

Sailing and watching tropical storm/hurricane Isaac

| August 27, 2012

  I spent part of Sunday afternoon checking on tropical storm Isaac and watching some sailing (America’s Cup Preliminary races in San Francisco Bay). The sailing racing associated with America’s Cup has certainly changed in recent years and I’m not sure I’m happy with giving up the 12-meter monohulls this past decade? As for Isaac, […]

Isaac could reach hurricane strength by Thursday

| August 22, 2012

As expected, tropical storm Isaac has formed in the tropical Atlantic, about 500 miles east of Guadeloupe in the Lesser Antilles. The storm is expected to intensify into a hurricane Thursday or Friday in the Caribbean.

Liberty Township Ohio lightning takes another home

| July 18, 2012

Yikes … another lightning strike and fire too close to home (below is an out the window Palm Pre video on my way home tonight). This make the second house fire due to lightning in the last couple months in an area within walking distance from our home (May 2nd: LINK–amateur video). The surrounding area […]

The tropical disturbance is messing with my plans

| June 23, 2012

Since I’m hanging out at the boat this weekend getting Encore prepped for tropical weather/hurricane season, it is rather fitting that the chatter at the marina is about what is brewing in the Gulf of Mexico. A couple neighboring boat have added a couple extra dock lines and removed some canvas. I’ve taken down the […]

Sharing an impressive and artistic Wind Map website

| March 30, 2012

Click and be impressed …

The Loop Current again — once a concern for the BP oil spill

| March 13, 2012

Strange story about the Loop Current that runs around the southern tip of Florida and a three month voyage of the abandoned Lucky Dog (previous story).   PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL – A boat that sank in the Gulf of Mexico in December has reappeared – on a beach on the east coast of Florida. […]

Storms cut a wide swath thru 10 Midwestern States

| March 3, 2012

Following up on yesterday’s Tech Friday weather watching post, I had no idea that we were in store for this much destruction; the front spawned over 80 tornadoes and impacted ten midwestern states. I’m sure the death toll by these strong storms without the advancements and communications available to those monitoring severe weather. It is […]

Tech Friday: Watching the weather with

| March 2, 2012

If you’re looking for a new way to watch the weather, check out … it is a weather and storm watching site and also has trackers with cameras in cars all tied to maps.  So instead of pulling up the basic weather while we are under a tornado watch here in the Cincinnati area […]

Winter is finally here with a little snow and colder weather

| January 14, 2012

I’m thankful for the mild weather so far this year and it’s not realistic to think we’ll make it through winter without snow or cold weather. Still, waking up on Friday to 35 mph gusts and temps in the teens was a shock to the body as I haven’t adapted to winter yet, have you?  […]

First snow for 2012 and a UK Top Gear chuckle

| January 2, 2012

It looks like we’ll be getting the first real snow of the season today … and definitely the first for 2012, Happy New Year by the way. I’m spending today at home tackling a few chores like helping my son put his snow tires on the VW GTI; it is not the most behaved vehicle […]

Katia is getting stronger and could threaten the US

| August 31, 2011

Here we go again … Tropical Storm Katia expected to become a Hurricane and tracking toward the NW while it continues to pick up energy. Hopefully it will peel off to the north and dump its rain and wind  well offshore … but after Irene, and knowing we’re in the heat of the strong storm […]

Enjoying a cool & clear evening, but reflecting on Irene’s impact

| August 29, 2011

Late August here in SW Ohio feels more like an autumn evening; the air has cooled and the late day sunset very still. I do like this time of year and am trying to enjoy the moment (photo over the house on Monday evening). Also I realize how fortunate we are not to have been […]

Hurricane Irene continues to track precisely as forecasted

| August 26, 2011

  Clouds from Hurricane Irene off the South Carolina beaches on Friday (click for larger) While most living near the east coast of the U.S. prepare for Irene, the rest of us watch and hope early warnings are being heeded and that preparations are/have been made for the wind, rain and surge heading north. It’s […]

What will the economic cost of Hurricane Irene be?

| August 26, 2011

As the east coast waits for hurricane Irene to unleash its torrent of wind, rain and surge, the financial markets are analyzing the cost to insurance companies, taxpayers and eventually insurers (in higher premiums). Some suggest that Irene could make it into the top five list due to the forecasted impact of heavily populated east […]

Hurricane Irene soaks Puerto Rico and takes aim on the U.S.

| August 22, 2011

The U.S east coast and Bahamas look to be in the crosshairs of a strengthening hurricane Irene. The storm finished with Puerto Rico leaving more than half the island without electricity and a quarter of the population without running water. No deaths or injuries have been reported at this time. Hurricane Irene’s winds remained at […]

Time to watch the weather IF you’re in the forecast zone

| August 2, 2011

As if the financial news from our country and from around the world isn’t creating enough waves, tropical storm and hurricane watchers are forecasting Emily. This is the first named tropical storm of 2011 to target the islands of the Caribbean, Bahamas and possibly east coast of Florida. Hmm … did I prepare appropriately?

Sweating the summer heat, financial markets & debt ceiling vote

| July 28, 2011

In the Midwest we’re still sweating from the 90+ degree heat (12 days in a row for Cincinnati), although I’m getting use to it. We’re also sweating the debt ceiling and cost cutting measures being proposed in Washington DC by politicians. Like most of America, I watch the haggling and posturing between the extremes on […]

Storms, rain and more unusually severe weather continues

| May 23, 2011

I worked my way home west to east in southwestern Ohio either pursuing or being pursued by the severe thunderstorms passing through Monday night. I had to clear a tree and branches in our lane before I could safely get my car into the garage (photo below). The wind was blowing ‘straight-lined’ so hard that […]

I am not complaining, but it is kind of toasty today

| May 17, 2011

I’m trying to work through my checklist this afternoon on the boat since Brenda is off on her way driving her parent north for the summer. They will soon find out how well my son has been managing the house, feeding pets and knocking off the short chores list we have given him after his […]

What a muddy mess I have made of the backyard

| May 9, 2011

With the amount of rain we have been having this spring, we’ve had constant grass growth without hardly a day of dry weather in order to mow. I finally had to cut the soggy backyard for fear of never being able to cut it without a brush hog. After making the decision to cut it, […]

More snow, you must be kidding?

| April 1, 2011

Woke up this morning to protesting snow-people … we’ve had far too much winter weather this year here in Ohio (and I suspect many other areas feel the same way). It started at the beginning of December and didn’t give us much of a reprieve … unfortunately the forecast isn’t for spring quite yet either. […]

Rain and wind cause havoc at Sun n Fun in Lakeland Florida

| March 31, 2011

The annual Sun ‘n Fun air and trade show is a rite of spring for many pilots who regularly enjoy one of the premier fly-ins in the country. This year the weather in central Florida (Lakeland) did not cooperate and sent heavy ran and damaging winds through the airport ground. Early reports indicating that people […]

Snow, Snow, go away and a nice dinner out

| March 31, 2011

Isn’t it about time for this long winter to end? It was a slippery day of driving and another couple of inches of snow while making my way around northeastern Ohio on Wednesday. About the only positive was an enjoyable “Two for $20” dinner with my daughter at Applebee’s. A couple of spring 2011 snow […]

A misty sky and a Cincinnati area “Supermoon” photo

| March 20, 2011

Although my ‘supermoon’ photo from Saturday night isn’t one of the better ones from across the country, I did head outside to admire the “brightest moon since 1993.” The moon appear in its full phase just 50 minutes shy of the orbit that brings it closest to the earth … perigee. According to what I’ve […]

A rainy day is a good time to work on “inside” boat projects

| March 10, 2011

With a front moving through bringing rain all day on Thursday, it was a good day to tackle some non-essential ‘interior’ boat projects. After replacing the autopilot a month ago and waiting to see if all was good, I finally replaced the ceiling access panels — not as easy of a task as it sounds. […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog