The 2025 Daytona 500 and America is REALLY Back!

| February 18, 2025

NASCAR has always been something that I’ve taken an interest in watching. When I was a boy, I’d watch it with my brother and dad. When I was a dad, I’d watch it with my son Taylor and we collected cars and trading cars — he was a Jeff Gordon fan. These days I still […]

A New Dawn: American Optimism Flourishes Post-2024 Election

| January 2, 2025

A palpable sense of optimism has swept across America since the November 2024 elections. The nation, having navigated a period of intense political division, now looks forward with renewed hope and confidence. The election results have sparked a collective sense of relief and of possibility, with many Americans believing that the future holds great promise […]

Can you tell that it is going to be a contentious election year?

| June 1, 2024

With partisan Democrats controlling “some” city and state governments … and our Federal bureaucracy hanging on by a thread … it is no surprise to see the United States looking like the totalitarian regimes we see in Communist Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, etc (sidelining their political opposition). I can only assume Progressives, and […]

Where are Americans Born?

| September 5, 2023

There was an interesting tidbit shared on (formerly Twitter) that highlighted in graphical color where a states population was born. It highlights movements from different areas of the country to other areas, populations who were not transient … as well as what state people born outside the US made home. 

Music Monday: The band America and the song “Here”

| May 29, 2023

For Music Monday and for Memorial Day this week I’m letting ChatGPT write the post for the 1971 song “Here” by the British–American (cough, cough) rock band America (formed in London in 1970 by Dewey Bunnell, Dan Peek, and Gerry Beckley [wrote this song] — at least they are all Americans). 🙃     America […]

Books: “The Courage to Be Free” (2023) – Ron DeSantis

| May 10, 2023

My library borrowing and Kindle game caught up with me this week as the book I borrowed, “Metathreats,”  (and was in the middle of reading) expired … but because I have been keeping my Kindle in “Airplane Mode,” I continued reading. Generally I can’t finish a book without renewing so will often put my Kindle […]

Food For Thought: A Life Expectancy in America Map

| April 8, 2023

I’m not really sure where the data for this map came from or if it is accurate (??) … but it is something to think about. 

The grandson of John Tyler, the 10th POTUS, is still alive

| December 18, 2022

It took a little research, but the thought of the 10th President of the United States still having a living grandson alive today seemed … well, unbelievable. Mentally, I worked the numbers … and then had to do a little Internet sleuthing … but low and behold it was true. President John Tyler was born […]

Election 2022: Tuesday November 8th is FREE America Day

| November 7, 2022

If there is one thing palpable in America, it is that Americans are worried about their country and our future. Ever since the COVID19 pandemic began and particularly since President Biden took office in 2020 … hard working, freedom-loving citizens in our country have watched their liberty and prosperity eroded. There is both concern and […]

Midterm elections could not be more important this year

| October 16, 2022

It’s simple: between the Federal Reserve spewing out more than $4 trillion in cheap money over the past year, and Congress signing off on “relief” packages totaling an unprecedented $3 trillion, there is too much money chasing too few goods. .. Inflation will only get hotter if Biden and congressional Democrats press ahead with even […]

Number of shots or gun salute for Independence Day celebration?

| July 4, 2022

According to a little American Revolutionary War reading this past year, our Declaration of Independence was celebrated on July 4, 1777 with a 13-gun salute in the morning and 13-gun salute in the evening (13 for the 13 colonies). Interestingly, many historians suggest that the Declaration of Independence was actually signed on July 2, 1776 and […]

Automotive freedom: The politics of fossil fuel factors in

| July 2, 2022

In one of my social media automotive threads, I saw this comparison graphic and it triggered my thinking … both from a “freedom to choose” and “work need” perspective vs a “forced to comply” based on ever-changing environmental concerns or fiscal reasons … usually by politicians (regulation, taxes, dis-incentives or incentives). People are likely to […]

Books: The President and the Freedom Fighter: Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Their Battle to Save America’s Soul

| December 29, 2021

This book is on my 2022 “want to read” list and I’m unsure if I’ll opt for the audio version, ebook or paper edition (Amazon options)? While listening to the Brian Kilmeade (the books author) talking about the “battle to save America’s soul” on a Fox News program, it has become apparent that those setting the […]

Happy Thanksgiving 2021

| November 25, 2021

It has been a challenging couple of years for most of the country and the world in not only combatting the Coronavirus pandemic’s loss of life and economic impact, but the psychological stress. I am thankful we in America have medical care and the pharmaceutical science able to rapidly develop antiviral medicines and vaccines. Let’s […]

Books: Joe Scarborough’s “Saving Freedom” about “strange little man” called Harry Truman

| November 16, 2021

The author Joe Scarborough is not one of my favorite TV commentators … although I did like him as a politician back in the 1990s. In 2020 he wrote (and narrated) a book published by Harper Collins called “Saving Freedom.” I’ve been contemplating it and since the digital is on my Glose reader app, thought […]

The many political ‘ISMs’ discussed in our culture today #TBT

| October 21, 2021

Every time I use political term with an “ism” these days, I sense I need to clarify the meaning as much as for myself as to the person I’m talking too. Often I’ll refer to an online resource in order to be sure that I’m not misspeaking … but usually its because the terms have […]

TRILLIONs more in spending? IRS tracking at the $600 level? Where are the sensible leaders in our Federal government?

| October 9, 2021

If you think about it, the IRS will probably need far more than another $80 BILLION tax dollars to hire enough agents to track and follow up on every American who has a bank account or transaction over $600? A major component of President Joe Biden’s plan to raise revenue to pay for his trillions […]

Independence Day 2021: Stand for the “Red, White and Blue”

| July 4, 2021

Well … no surprise, but divisiveness (or just a “put the spotlight on me”) continues in our free-to-protest country. At one time, standing for our flag, appreciating living free from government oppression in America and singing … or at least respecting … our National Anthem was nearly universal, but in the past decade, not so […]

Music Monday: Supertramp – Breakfast in America LIVE (1979)

| June 28, 2021

Last week a friend of mine include an album cover photo and said “strike this pose.” I laughed to myself wondering just how many people seeing it would know and remember “Breakfast in America“ and the Engilsh rock band Supertramp? Interestingly, even though I clearly remembered the band and the album, I did not realized […]

A Sunday filler post for those willing to pray for our country

| January 24, 2021

"if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." — 2 Chronicles 7:14

The best part about Inauguration 2021: Memes of Bernie Sanders

| January 22, 2021

Not being an advocate for those advocating bigger government, higher taxes, progressive policies … or most Democrats in general, I was not looking forward to the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States this past week. In fact, I didn’t watch any live coverage and relied on the  news clips […]

The 2020 Election, the Georgia Runoff and changing America

| January 7, 2021

For red, white and blue flag waving, National Anthem honoring, military respecting patriots … who believed in the traditional values that founded this country … January 6, 2021 was a tough day. The election in Georgia for control of the U.S. Senate, the last line of defense for Republicans, went to the two Democrats Raphael […]

Election Day: Protect your freedom and liberty, vote GOP

| November 3, 2020

Today is election day and A LOT is on the line when it comes to the governing and political philosophy of the United States. Back in 2016, the promises then candidate Donald Trump, made when running as a new breed of Republican, had to be taken on face value and his words… something I personally […]

The 19th Anniversary of 9/11 and thoughts on our current path

| September 11, 2020

It seems like yesterday, but it was 19 years ago that the US was attacked by our own commercial airliners taken over by radical Islamic terrorists and orchestrated by Osama bin Laden. These evil men following a twisted ideology attempted to trigger an all out war between Muslims and who they perceived as the enemies […]

MLB players fan the flames with more anti-patriotic symbolism

| July 24, 2020

It’s an uncomfortable time to be a freedom-loving and patriotic American who misses old days of going about day to day business without wearing a facemask or triggering someone by “wearing” something with the wrong message. Heaven forbid a social media unaware person thinks (well, says out loud)  “All Lives Matter” rather than only certain […]

Winning freedom is one thing, maintaining it is yet another

| July 4, 2020

As we celebrate our country’s freedom from oppression and an independence won from Great Britain this July 4th, it is hard to imagine any US citizen wanting to give up their liberty? Yet once again, it is looking more and more as if a vocal and radical segment in the most successful democracy on the […]

Thinking about the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day

| May 25, 2020

We should probably come up with a better way to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country than a day off work, grilling out and giving momentary lip service? As I sat on the front porch on Sunday (something I don’t often do), I looked at the half staff flag and did […]

Personal thoughts on recent events in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio

| August 7, 2019

Way too often our citizens in cities and communities across the country suffer at the hands of criminals and most notably disturbed individuals in our society. The topic rises to the top of the political news when there is a mass-killing and the weapon is a semi-automatic firearm and the target are ordinary people living […]

The challenges of pursing the American Dream – a discussion

| June 21, 2019

Taylor is my millennial antagonist when it comes to discussing politics, investing and both government and personal finances. We both enjoy debating, so it’s cool most of the time. He is also a product of his generation just as I am of mine. We view the role and expanse of government differently when it comes […]

Music Monday: Ventura Highway – the mellow sound of America

| May 27, 2019

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American exceptionalism and competition on local display

| April 14, 2019

It is hard to believe our local El Rancho Nuevo Mexican Restaurant has been around for 9 years now (photo from opening in 2010) … but as the competition has increase, entrepreneurs have had to step up their game. This restaurant is one of the greatest small business example of why capitalism works: with increased […]

Music Monday: Sister Golden Hair by the band America

| November 27, 2017

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Learning the New American way of Life in the Obamaconomy

| February 8, 2016

It is well past time that we elect representatives with a little more commonsense than the ones who churned out “feel good” public assistance help from Washington DC and many state houses. They love handing out “other people’s money.”  Perhaps they think of themselves as do-gooders and either, don’t see or don’t care, that  the […]

Financial wisdom – Double Cash Back Credit Card from Citi

| September 24, 2015

Just in case you are the type of responsible credit card user who pays off the balance each month and has excellent FICO scores, you might want to consider using the Citi Double Cash Card. It is a no annual fee credit card and pays a total of 2% on purchases … I think that […]

Americans have a positive outlook for a rich country

| April 10, 2015

Jared Keller’s article in The Atlantic last month focused on the observation that “outside the U.S., fewer people in rich countries describe their day as a good day.”  For the most part, Americans are hopeful and optimistic as compared to their peer in other first world countries. (the graphic below is interesting on several levels) […]

Two great books for the holidays: 41 and America in Retreat

| December 4, 2014

Finished the best book I’ve read all year, “41” by George W. Bush last weekend and started a new Kindle ebook on my tablet, “America in Retreat” by the Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens. Both are well written and very enlightening … although I’ve just started the second. The GW Bush book about his father, […]

Thank a Veteran for their service today (and everyday!)

| November 11, 2014

Thoughts on the 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally and Glenn Beck

| September 3, 2010

  I’ve been contemplating this week how to comment on last weekend’s gathering in Washington DC promoted by FoxNews commentator Glenn Beck, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it justice until reading a blog post by Lexington Green. I Think I See What Glenn Beck is Doing described the event, the purpose and […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog