RichC | September 30, 2015
Although government is too big, there is a place and a need for it … especially outside of Washington DC. I’m thinking particularly those elected and hired to keep us safe in the military, law enforcement, as rescue workers and the fire department. When they are under attack, as some in law enforcement have been […]
Category: Local, Millitary, Politics |
Tags: blue, cops, curbs, enforcement, law, line, paint, police, thin
RichC | September 29, 2015
It was the first day of rain and ugly weather that we’ve had here in Cincinnati for a while as we have had a near perfect end to summer and beginning of fall … so, it was not all that bad of a day for doctor appointments. First, I had my annual physical knowing that […]
Category: Health, Personal, Photos, Politics, Weather |
Tags: brenda, doctor, injury, medical, rehab, shoulder, surgery, Wyrick
RichC | September 28, 2015
A few of my photos on Sunday night of the Super Moon Solar Eclipse in the sky over Cincinnati, Ohio. Very cool. Graphic from and below.
Category: Photos, Science, Space |
Tags: astronomy, eclipse, lunar, Photos, supermoon
RichC | September 27, 2015
My brother-in-law Gary is in the hospital in Atlanta recovering from surgery this past Friday … and while we were thinking about him, Brenda and I laughed at the few odd things that Gary says and does (some funny and some just odd … I smile just thinking about it!) At one of our family […]
Category: Audio, Health, Music, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: archies, bubblegum, gerber, Music, pandora, ron dante
RichC | September 25, 2015
If you are a regular online shopper and use Amazon, you may have contemplated purchasing their annual membership. Unfortunately each year it seems to go up in price and unless you “shop on Amazon or stream their video content” A LOT, it is hard to justify $99 per year. On the other hand, $67 (the […]
Category: Movies, Shopping |
Tags: discount, Movies, online, prime, sale, shipping, Shopping, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | September 25, 2015
Those who are social networking gurus know that each network establishes limits to reduce abuse and spam. It is also a way to manage an excessive number of unbalanced following. New users may not realize the limits until they bump up against them. A common limit on Twitter is the number of people being followed […]
Category: Productivity, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: followers, limit, network, social, twitter
RichC | September 24, 2015
Just in case you are the type of responsible credit card user who pays off the balance each month and has excellent FICO scores, you might want to consider using the Citi Double Cash Card. It is a no annual fee credit card and pays a total of 2% on purchases … I think that […]
Category: Advice, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: america, bank, chase, citi, credit cards, discover, tdameritrade, tdbank
RichC | September 23, 2015
As a long time advocate for long running and efficient diesel engines, I’m appalled to hear Volkswagen purposely cheated on emissions testing. I’ve been someone who has taken pride in the huge advancements diesel engine manufacturers and fuel refineries have made in the past decade (kicking and screaming) and have regularly posted stories in this […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: cheating, dieselgate, epa, scandal, tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | September 23, 2015
No doubt the American Dream is slipping away from the middle class, but a quick look a few graphs below depicts an even more dismal image of a nation in decline. Is it too late to turn our country around? Let’s hope not! Unfortunately too many regulations, thousands of laws, taxes on taxes and […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: economy, government, graphs, Politics
RichC | September 22, 2015
It may not be politically correct for Ben Carson or any other American candidate running for political office to say “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation” … yet the reasons are more rational than most Americans who are NOT religiously or ethnically prejudicial think. After hearing Dr. […]
Category: Audio, Faith, Politics |
Tags: carson, election, fiorina, gop, islam, mp3, muslim, opinion, political, potus, trump
RichC | September 21, 2015
It was a beautiful late summer (barely) weekend to hang out around home. Brenda continued her rehab exercises while planning a mid-October return to work, while I enjoyed working around the yard. We both took one more swim in the pool for 2015, watched the Bengals win and enjoyed a gorgeous Sunday evening with a […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Weather |
Tags: cincinnati, fireplace, home, photo, pool, porch, sunset
RichC | September 19, 2015
It’s probably being marveled by all things engineering that has me gravitating daily to the Interesting Engineering website and I probably browse longer than I should through the educational and “interesting” posts. Image Courtesy of Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Architecture, skyscrapers and buildings around the world are a monumental undertakings and amazing […]
Category: History, Innovation, Misc, Science |
Tags: buildings, engineering, websites
RichC | September 18, 2015
Twitter is an untapped monster. When $TWTR management (ie. new CEO and team) decides to market to "viewers" of tweets (not just the user base).
Category: Financial, Marketing, Social Media |
Tags: $TWTR, investing, Marketing, stock, trading, twitter
RichC | September 18, 2015
As someone who has sold a handful of domain names over the past 20 years, it is interesting to see what prices are being generated (my highest sale was $10,000). In 2015 there are a few less impressive high dollar dot-com transfers (overseas) … due to them being “two-letters” I assume… yet they still garnering […]
Category: Business, Marketing, Technology |
Tags: cpp, domain, internet, names, reselling, selling, tech friday, techfriday, web
RichC | September 17, 2015
I’ve mentioned using Amazon’s AWS storage once or twice before as a way to store data in the cloud. The more I use and learn about their services, the better I feel moving data into the cloud and archiving with AWS. Next step is to dig deeper into their cloud based servers for applications, CMS […]
Category: Archive, Cloud, Computer, Technology |
Tags: amazon, archive, aws, cloud, computing, services, storage, web
RichC | September 17, 2015
Last night’s second GOP debate on CNN at the Reagan Library wasn’t bad as debates go. The current frontrunner, the attention grabbing Donald Trump did one thing for the Republican brand … he got generated attention. His grade school behavior buffoonery brought far viewers to the stodgy GOP and that alone could help Republicans ideas […]
Category: Audio, News, Politics, Tidbits |
Tags: audio, candidates, cnn, debate, gop, idiom, mp3, political, reagan, republican, words
RichC | September 16, 2015
Archiving anchoring advice from a September 9, 2015 article in Bluewater Cruising‘s online Currents web publication. Anchor Marker Floats by Fran and Jean-Guy Nadeau Arriving in a crowded anchorage can be a daunting challenge. The degree of apprehension skyrockets while you bumble about trying to find that perfect spot while the skippers of the surrounding […]
Category: Advice, Archive, Sailing |
Comments Off on Anchor Marker Floats – Currents
Tags: advice, anchoring, bluewatercruising, currents, encore, sailboat
RichC | September 15, 2015
Ouch! That’s gotta hurt …
Category: Humor, Sports |
Tags: fail, funny, gymnastics, vine
RichC | September 15, 2015
I snipped a few screen shots while watching the #AppleEvent last week as Tim Cook and team unveiled the new iPhones, iPads and AppleTV. All in all the surprises were “non-surprises” so really there weren’t any shockers … not necessarily a bad thing. The normal expectation in the month of September is either upgraded iPhones […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, Technology |
Tags: 2015, apple, appleevent, appletv, ipad, iphone
RichC | September 14, 2015
As mentioned previously, we made our annual tree purchase this weekend (Swamp White Oaks), as well as added a couple clearance Hydrangeas. Who knows, we may live long enough to see a few mature hardwood trees in our backyard? Also, I can report positively on Brenda‘s recovery … she is now walking (with cane or […]
Category: Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: brenda, family, home, hydrangea, oak, swamp, trees, yard
RichC | September 13, 2015
Back in 2009, I purchase eleven small year-end-clearance trees from my brother’s home nursery – We had mixed success in that our deer population enjoys both eating the new growth and “deer rubbing” the branches and bark. Unfortunately it killed or mangled more than half the trees that we planted. Since it is autumn […]
Category: Environment, Personal |
Tags: home, landscaping, oak, plants, swamp, trees, yard
RichC | September 12, 2015
A few years back I was somewhat attentive to following a sailing friend, Donna Lange, complete her solo sail around the world. I’ve been less tuned in on her “Sail Twice Around” voyage due to being more focused on my wife’s injury and father’s passing. It is time to catch up a little bit. Donna […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: circumnavigating, donna lange, sailing
RichC | September 11, 2015
Fourteen years after Islamic extremists affiliated with Osama bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization attacked the United States with commercial airliners on 9/11/2001, we solemnly remember the 2977 who were killed with a national day of prayer and remembrance. A bill to make September 11th a national day of mourning was passed into law […]
Category: History, Holiday, Millitary |
Tags: 9/11, chris kyle, corn, maze, patriot
RichC | September 10, 2015
When my daughter Katelyn was home a few weeks ago, she wanted Brenda to try painting a few things with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. It happens to be a fairly popular crafty decorating “thing” and a creative way to reuse old furniture. This started the process of looking for items around our house to paint. […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: brenda, chalk paint, dadh, family, frames, katelyn, photographs, taylor, ww2
RichC | September 9, 2015
I’m a Dave Ramsey advocate for the most part and prefer not to borrow money for anything other than a home. Unfortunately that’s challenging for most people as well as yours truly a few items in the past. Brenda and I borrowed when starting and expanding our small business, for the occasional new car (a […]
Category: Financial, Personal |
Tags: borrowing, credit cards, emergency, finance, funds, insurance, loans, money
RichC | September 8, 2015
For those owning Twitter stock (TWTR) – trading Tuesday afternoon at $27.22 (down 3.3%), it has been a year without all that much good news to cheer about, followed by a declining stock price since May 2015. Today another executive, the former CFO Mike Gupta (overseeing the company’s venture capital arm) jumped ship. One wonders […]
Category: Financial, Social Media |
Tags: $TWTR, investing, social network, trading, twitter
RichC | September 8, 2015
A 140 meter (450+ feet) Super “Sailing” Yacht is currently being built in Germany for a Russian billionaire. The very white tenth longest private yacht ever produced is currently being built in a German shipyard and has been dubbed the “White Pearl.” The tallest of three masts on this super “sailing” yacht is expected to […]
Category: Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: billionaire, melnichenko, russian, sailing, super yacht, white pearl
RichC | September 7, 2015
Imperial College London scientists are developing a device that will plug into a mobile phone and deliver a short shock to the head via a set of electrodes. They hope it will be on sale within five years. Source: Have scientists found a cure for seasickness?
Category: Health, Sailing |
Tags: dailymail, device, sailing, seasick
RichC | September 6, 2015
Volusia County, Florida According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), a database for reported shark attacks, more unprovoked shark attacks have taken place off the coast of Volusia County in Florida than in the whole of South Africa – 235 in total, since 1882. None, however, have been fatal. You’re also more likely to […]
Category: Environment, Nature, Recreation |
Tags: beaches, county, florida, sharks, sharkshares, swimming, volusia
RichC | September 5, 2015
The origins of these idioms are interesting (even if untrue). I didn’t bother looking any of them up, just posted the saying from a forwarded email … although probably pulled from a magazine or an archived site? “In the old days,” a big kettle hung over the fire and was used to make a stew. […]
Category: Archive, History, Idioms, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags: england, middle ages, origin, rhymes, sayings, stories
RichC | September 4, 2015
Pandora has announced that it will celebrate it’s 10th anniversary on Wednesday September 9th and will offer those who are non-paying listeners with an ad free day. According to a Forbes article, free listeners still make up 95% of Pandoras’ active users and maybe hoping that a sample of what the premium paid-subscriber tier is […]
Category: Audio, Entertainment, Technology |
Tags: internet, listening, Music, pandora, radio
RichC | September 3, 2015
It is obvious the #TBT photo of my son Taylor on the left was taken by me, but the one above at the Great American Ballpark this summer in Cincinnati was copied from Facebook. Since Taylor posted them both to wall this past week, I starting thinking about growing up … both for him […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: archive, birthday, cincinnati, Photos, reds, richc, taylor, young
RichC | September 2, 2015
Let me start off that I have been abundantly blessed and thankfully to this point I haven’t faced the need for “therapy,” as the many versions of the below tee-shirt make light of. In my case was fortunate to be born to loving parents who emulated what it was to be a great mother and […]
Category: Advice, Automotive, Education, Financial, Misc |
Tags: cars, college, family, first, future, maturity, parents
RichC | September 1, 2015
Three small Ohio cities made Money Magazine’s list of Best Places to Live in 2015. Having lived in neighboring communities to Mason (currently Liberty Township) and both Solon and Twinsburg, Ohio (previously Hudson), I agree that both areas are great places to live and raise a family. Commonalities are that they are growing upscale small […]
Category: Financial, Marketing, Misc |
Tags: best places, housing, mason, money magazine, ohio, relocating, solon, twinsburg