RichC | April 30, 2016
You would think an over 17 million viewed video on YouTube with a Pumpy Umpy reference would be something I would have watched before … nope … but now I have. So much for knowing about Amy Castle or the Cuppycake song.
Category: Misc, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: bunny, family, katelyn, pet, pumpy umpy, Rabbit, youtube
RichC | April 29, 2016
It has been a rough couple of days for Apple ($AAPL) shareholders as growth this past quarter was elusive. Most blame the global economy, and in particular China, for the weak quarterly numbers. It does remind me of late 2012 and 2013 when analysts questioned whether management had lost their way. The same is happening […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: aapl, apple, finance, icahn, investing, stock, trading
RichC | April 28, 2016
Archiving a bit of information from a company I’ve purchased metal from in the past — good info. Heat Treatment Heat treatment is used to alter the physical and mechanical properties of metal without changing its shape. It is an essential process in metal manufacturing as it increases the desirable characteristic of the metal, while […]
Category: Archive, Tidbits |
Tags: annealing, metal, treatment
RichC | April 28, 2016
Just a few steps from my old office door … who’d a thunk it?
Category: Recreation, Video |
Tags: cuyahoga falls, rafting, river, youtube
RichC | April 27, 2016
A leftover weekend project was to see if I could get my dad’s old Triplett 630PL meter back to working shape. As a boy, I remember "carefully" using "his" meter when I was in junior high school and attempting to build Heathkit projects … like my shortwave radio. Thankfully I never has to depend o […]
Category: Memories, Misc, Tools |
Tags: batteries, electronics, hack, radio, repair, shortwave, triplett, voa, zenith
RichC | April 26, 2016
Since I’ve been driving the 1982 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel most of the late winter and spring this year, I’ve been racking up the miles and am due for a full fluid and filter change. Tonight was the night and after 4 filters (2 fuel, 1 oil and 1 air) and 8 quarts of oil, […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Mercedes |
Tags: 300d, benz, diesel, filter, maintenance, mercedes, oil, turbodiesel
RichC | April 26, 2016
Our lawn has never looked greener than this year (above, although cloudy in the photo) even if the landscaping and general cleanup leaves a lot to be desired. Which reminds me, we have a lot to do before calling it summer, but for now just getting the limbs and fallen trees cleaned up is […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: home, maintenance, yard
RichC | April 25, 2016
Since I have a bunch of florescent lights in my shops (most are 8 footers) it is getting to be a challenge to keep up with replacing both tubes and ballasts, I’ve decided it was time to experiment a small 2 foot 2 bulb fixture and replace with a couple cheapy “warm white” (2700 degree) LEDs […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags: bulbs, ebay, florescent, led, light, rewire
RichC | April 24, 2016
General Propeller Co. link
Category: Archive, Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: encore, parts, sailboat, seal, shaft, volvo
RichC | April 23, 2016
The other day after seeing Bill Engvall on the ABC sitcom Last Man Standing, I tried to remember his comedy bit where he used the line, "Bob, he’s a smoker." I could remember much more so I mentioned it casually to a friend — a few days later he text me the segment from his […]
Category: Audio, Entertainment, Humor |
Tags: bill envall, comedy, dorkfish, last man standing, smoker
RichC | April 22, 2016
The saga of our poorly running 2010 BMW X5 35d continues while replacing component by component the SUV is inching back towards running condition. The most recent hiccup was a bit of a computer glitch after getting the ECU back from the tuner. I was hoping that as as soon as I powered everything back […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Computer, Diesel, Tools |
Tags: BMW, carly, ecu, obd, scanning, x5 35d
RichC | April 22, 2016
While learning a bit more about Amazon S3 data storage, it was time to experiment with the hotlinking and leaching of stored content, be it video or photo. Although the S3 storage is relatively inexpensive, every byte that is stored (no biggie) … or megabyte that is downloaded/streamed (photo/video) is billed whether or not it […]
Category: Blogs, Computer |
Tags: amazon s3, blogging, hotlink, images, tech friday
RichC | April 21, 2016
I would have put the title of the book in the subject line, BUT it is a long one: We the People: The Modern Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers’ Vision of America … whew! Title aside, I’m really looking forward to readings Juan Williams thoughts on the impact on America […]
Category: Books |
Tags: book, foxnews, government, History, juan williams
RichC | April 20, 2016
In an email exchange with Andrew Rodriguez of, he hinted that he’ll have a few new products up in Wisconsin at the 2016 TDIFest this Labor Day. One item that caught my eye was a billeted chunk of aluminum "goodness" as the marketeers say — he knew what he was doing sending it to […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: 35d, aarodriguez, bmw X5, fixmyvw, performance
RichC | April 19, 2016
Recorded a bit of audio off the television this week as the intellectual thinker Charles Krauthammer summarized in about a minute and a half just how and why our country move from its independent founding to the dependent populous we see today. Krauthammer’s best comment in the exchange was “the big debate between left and […]
Category: Audio, History, Politics |
Tags: audio, conservative, factor, freedom, krauthammer, liberty, mp3, oreilly
RichC | April 19, 2016
I’m sure there are some naturalists who will point out the difference between alligators and crocodiles … but the rest can work with the "crocs" thing.
Category: Humor, Nature, Photos |
Tags: aligators, crocodiles, crocs, Humor, photograph
RichC | April 19, 2016
Have you ever wondered what a 1959 VW Karmann Cabriolet Convertible would look like if it was built 40% larger? Well here you go … Tumbler LINK
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
1 Comment
Tags: beetle, huge, tumbler, volkswagen bug
RichC | April 18, 2016
While cleaning out my mom and dad’s house in preparation to sell it, my brother and I are getting bogged down looking through items my parents kept. Sunday’s "finds" were sentimental treasures that my mom kept tucked away in her memory box. There were items like my first pair of glasses, the leg tag for […]
Category: Misc, Personal |
1 Comment
Tags: dadc, family, keepsakes, memories, momc, sentimental
RichC | April 17, 2016
What a difference a week can make come April here in Cincinnati. Last Saturday we woke up to snow (backyard photo below) and this weekend after cutting grass Friday night has the grass green and tulips blooming yesterday morning. Instead of shoveling snow that means yardwork and time to think about spring cleanup. Also wanted […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Weather |
Tags: amazon s3, aws, cincinnati, flowers, home, snow, tulips, weather
RichC | April 16, 2016
What a mess of "tiny snakes" as my daughter call the the organized harnesses of wires connected to my cars ECU. I have to admit, I was taken back at the perception of a rats nest of connectors and wiring all tying into the BMW X5 35D’s computer. The air and water tight box under […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel |
Tags: 35d, BMW, edu, service, wiring, x5
RichC | April 15, 2016
Since I’m running a couple of Raspberry Pi computers 24/7 and have both the Pi2 and Pi3 forwarding their processor temps a couple times each day with a Python Twitter script, it has been interesting to compare the two boards. Obviously the Pi3 is in every way faster at computing and running stock at 1200Mhz, […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi |
1 Comment
Tags: computing, heatsink, microchip, processor, raspberry pi, temperatures
RichC | April 14, 2016
Although Fatty Goodlander’s book "Creative Anchoring: Everything About Anchors and Anchoring" is a more in-depth guide to anchoring your small boat, a 2014 article by the same author is shorter and very good advice. I’ve read it before, but it is worth archiving on my personal blog just in case the link disappears. Anchoring […]
Category: Archive, Sailing |
Tags: anchor, anchoring, archive, fatty, fatty goodlander, goodlander, sailboat
RichC | April 14, 2016
This isn’t the first close call incident according to the news coming from the Pentagon, but a very close and dangerous pass over the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic. They halted exercises with a Polish helicopter landing on the flight deck and shared the video below. Thankfully cooler head prevailed but at some […]
Category: Aviation, Millitary, News, Video |
Tags: buzz, flyover, military, navy, russian
RichC | April 13, 2016
It is hard to believe that 3 years have come and gone already, but time does not stand still. Katelyn and Drew will be celebrating their wedding anniversary over the weekend rather than today; they have a special getaway planned! I’m so glad they found each other (Pumpy Umpy is glad too).
Category: Memories, Personal |
Tags: anniversary, bunny, drew, family, katelyn, pumpy umpy, Rabbit, wedding
RichC | April 13, 2016
It looks like a small heatsink might be a good idea in order to preserve the stability of my Raspberry Pi3 as well as a cooler processor making the little American Pi microserver last a bit longer. Temperatures are generally 20 degrees higher than the Pi2 and have reached 90 degrees C a couple times during […]
Category: Archive, Computer, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: heatsink, micro, raspberry pi, webserver
RichC | April 12, 2016
Did you know that "on this day" in 1934 in a small weather station (chained to the ground) atop of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire measured record setting winds speeds of 231 mph? Wow! That record held until Cyclone Olivia was recorded at 253 mph wind gusts on Barrow Island in Australia in 1996. I’m […]
Category: Weather |
Tags: mt washington, new hampshire, record, weather, wind, winter
RichC | April 12, 2016
Ever notice that the emoji you send from one device to another isn’t always translated the same? Well that because each platform has their own unique way of translating that "grinning or grimacing face" that we once-upon-a-time type as punctuation marks and called emoticons. A study by the GroupLens Research team at the University of […]
Category: Art, Cellphone, Computer, Misc |
Tags: emoji, emoticon, smiley
RichC | April 12, 2016
We found out a couple things Monday … first, the Raspberry Pi garage camera seems to be working just fine after tweaking a few thing while experimenting in the house, albeit the video is a bit delayed (15 seconds maybe ???). So far so good with video … next to get some motion detection so […]
Category: Automotive, Personal, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: brenda, camera, raspberry pi, Rav4, security, toyota, ustream
RichC | April 11, 2016
While cleaning up the WordPress install in preparation for an eventually PHP 7.0 update, I decided it was time to see just what posts were getting the most eyeballs. For years, the top post was the Great White Shark following a kayak … and rightly so. After a few years and a popular Accelerated Medical […]
Category: Audio, Blogs |
1 Comment
Tags: analytics, mp3, popular, stats, top posts
RichC | April 10, 2016
It is pretty easy for me to get distracted when I’m suppose to be working on taxes … especially when my Raspberry Pi2 has given up webserver duties to the Raspberry Pi3. There were a couple glitches in imaging the new 64GB micro SD card but all is as it should be now. With the […]
Category: Computer, Photos, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: gadgets, pianobar, project, raspberry pi, security
RichC | April 9, 2016
A little more tinkering with webservers and websites this weekend lead me to adding open source YOURLS project to my little used domain (it was just place holder for a server). Its use gives me a simplified or "like" personalized URL shortener. Initially I thought about opening it for public use, but […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Social Media |
Tags: bookmarklet, linux, php, raspberry pi, shortening, url, webserver, yourls
RichC | April 8, 2016
American Pi ( is up and running PHP 7.0 on this Raspberry Pi 3. So far no issues with the Iconic One WordPress theme, handful of plugins or the speeds on this Apache2 server (is it faster?) Click to check PHP Version
Category: Blogs, Computer, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: american pi, micro server, php, raspberry pi, upgrade, wordpress
RichC | April 8, 2016
On our last trip out sailing on Encore I noticed the Volvo was running hotter than it should be. My first thought was a lack of cooling water flowing in through the new smaller strainer, but then it was possible the coolant was low — I added about a quart. After returning home I also […]
Category: Shopping, Tools |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon, digital, encore, prime, sailing, thermometer, tool
RichC | April 7, 2016
Here’s a personal "what I’m doing" post after spending an evening with my son Taylor finishing up his taxes. We of course used this excuse to have dinner together too. I think we have both always enjoyed our time together, but the older (and more mature) he gets, the more I really do enjoy talking […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Politics, TBT |
Tags: family, momc, reunion, taxes, taylor, TBT
RichC | April 6, 2016
After buying a new 64GB Samsung EVO+ microSD card and imaging Raspian on it, I started the Raspberry Pi 3 in my home office. It is now time to start installing software and updating it to make it a proper "micro" webserver … although I already have WordPress and American Pi running on it (even […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: Computer, linux, micro, pianobar, raspberry pi, webserver
RichC | April 5, 2016
Love this car and the whole W123 thing!
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Mercedes |
Tags: 300d, benz, mercedes, turbodiesel, W123
RichC | April 4, 2016
In order to start working on the BMW X5 35d upgrades this weekend, I ordered a set of "star" sockets known as E-sockets. I picked up the larger set partially because I wanted the plastic storage box … and the Torx bits (already have "some") came with it — Amazon’s price with Prime shipping was […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Tools |
Tags: BMW, DPF, garage, tools, x5 35d
RichC | April 3, 2016
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Audio, Music, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: block, brenda, drew, encore, family, katelyn, mp3, sailboat, spare parts, toes, zac brown
RichC | April 2, 2016
We had a few wicked thunderstorms last week while in Florida and enjoyed watching this one “from a distance” in the cockpit of Encore (also a very short clip of Katelyn and Drew heading off to explore distant shores in the Zodiac – below the break). —
Category: Sailing, Video, Weather |
Tags: drew, encore, family, katelyn, sailboat, thunderstorms, zodiac
RichC | April 1, 2016
It has been a couple months since I backed the Pine A64 Kickstarter, but I did noticed my credit card was billed last month … meaning it was shipped??? Besides the hint of a March shipment in a previous email, there hasn’t been an update as to "if" the micro 64-bit computer board has left China […]
Category: Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: april, fools, gadgets, pine a64, raspberry pi