RichC | March 12, 2025
After excellent comments by retired 4-star General Jack Keane the other day, I heard him again this past weekend with Mark Levin. No matter what your thoughts are on politics or views on foreign affairs, Jack Keane is someone with a lot of knowledge, experience and insight … and his commentary is worth listening to […]
Category: AI, Audio, Millitary, News, Politics |
Tags: jack keane, mark levin,, russia, transcription, ukraine
RichC | February 9, 2025
Several decades ago we took Brenda’s father, Fred Howard, to the National Museum of the Air Force in Dayton, Ohio and seeing the Martin B-26 Marauder on display triggered an emotional response. Having flown 50+ bombing missions as a navigator in Europe during World War II and seeing his “ship” (similar) after so many years brought […]
Category: Archive, Aviation, History, Millitary, Video |
Tags: akron, aviation, b-26, fred howard, maps museum, museum, ohio, restoration, ww2
RichC | February 1, 2025
When it comes to reading downloaded books on my Kindle, sometimes I need to pick up where I left off. Last year I started to reading Bill O’Reilly’s 2016 book “Killing the Rising Sun” and put it down to read something else. So this year, I’ve picked it back up again while spending some extended […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary, Travel |
Tags: bill o'reilly, florida, History, killing the rising sun, kindle, pacific, reading, vacation, war, ww II, ww2
RichC | December 7, 2024
There are a few dates that tend to be remembered each year; December 7th is one of them. This year marks the 83rd anniversary of the surprise attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, killing 2,403 Americans and thrusting the United States into World War II. […]
Category: History, Millitary |
Tags: japanese empire, pacific, pearl harbor, remembrance, united states, war, ww2
RichC | October 15, 2024
Ever since I was a kid in elementary school and heard about John F. Kennedy’s World War 2 story and then read Robert Donovan‘s book “PT-109: John F. Kennedy in WW II” and movie “PT-109,” I’ve admired what innovated boatbuilders could do with plywood (besides utility trailer sides, I had a plywood dingy when I […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Innovation, Millitary, Movies |
Tags: andrew higgins, boatbuilding, boats, Dwight D. Eisenhower, john f kennedy, plywood, pt-109, robert donovan, war, ww2
RichC | September 3, 2024
Operation Crossroads Baker in 1946 Besides mowing the front lawn last Friday night (practically in the dark) and much of Saturday in the backyard, I did find time to replace the old cracked tires and rewire the “old” long ago broken lights on the Bame Utility trailer. On a book reading side note, I’m on […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary, Misc, Photos, Repairs |
Tags: annie jacobsen, atoll, bame, bomb, dome, enewetak, fat man, little boy, nuclear, painting, runit, trailer, utility, wiring
RichC | August 10, 2024
Not that I’m contemplating “doomsday” or ultra-paranoid, but the new book by Annie Jacobsen called “Nuclear War: A Scenario” is indeed frightening and does make me realize just how quickly the President of the United States must make nuclear decisions — 6 minutes. Our military interactions over the past 100+ years have all been quick-strike […]
Category: Audio, Books, Millitary, Video |
Tags: annie jacobsen, lex fridman, nuclear war, podcast, proud prophet, reading, scenerio, youtube
RichC | July 21, 2024
Have you ever started to read one of those book that you don’t want to put down? Here’s one: Holger Eckhertz published a two volume set from the viewpoint of German soldiers in “D-Day Through German Eyes” in 2016. It is a different perspective than most of us learn and view the events of June […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: allies, axis, d-day, german, holger eckhertz, nazi, reading, war, ww2
RichC | June 7, 2024
I’ve been using Twitter, which is now after Elon Musk purchase $TWTR and renamed it, since the early days of the 240 character social network. Shockingly, it has now been over 17 years since I joined in February of 2007 … and I decided it was finally time to eliminate the ads and gain […]
Category: History, Millitary, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: anniversary,, d-day, social media, subscription, tech friday, techfriday, twitter, ww2,
RichC | May 27, 2024
Each year Memorial Day holiday often brings out the best in Americans. Those I know, at least give “thought” to the service men and women who fought and died to protect and preserve our country, our freedom and way of life. It is of course, will never be enough appreciation from those of us who […]
Category: Holiday, Millitary, Social Media, Video |
Tags: flag, Memorial Day, mp4, Remember the fallen, remembrance, scrolling,
RichC | March 16, 2024
During our final days in Florida this winter, Brenda and I watch a movie that we both enjoyed called “The Catcher Was A Spy.” I recommended it to Taylor who also enjoys World War II history and am looking forward to his comments. The movie is based on a book by Nicholas Dawidoff about Morris […]
Category: Books, Entertainment, History, Millitary, Movies, Sports |
Tags: baseball, moe berg, movie, nicholas dawidoff, oss, spy, spying, the catcher was a spy, ww2
RichC | February 24, 2024
A few of the history oriented books I read in 2023 were about World War II Naval Aviation in the Pacific … after the previous years studying Navy and US Marine battles. As much as I enjoyed the books by several aviators who flew Corsairs (1, 2, 3, 4) … I really enjoyed reading last […]
Category: Aviation, History, Millitary, Video |
Tags: aviation, Books, corsair, grumman, hellcat, museum, pacific, reading, smithsonian, world war 2, youtube
RichC | November 11, 2023
Yesterday was the 248th birthday for the USMC (my X or tweet below). They have an amazing history and those who serve or served (once a Marine always a Marine) have a good reason to be proud. Their bravery and sacrifice was cemented for me earlier this year after listening to the audiobook by Eugene […]
Category: History, Holiday, Millitary, Social Media |
Tags: eugene sledge, marine corps, marines, twitter, usmc, veteran, veterans day,
RichC | November 8, 2023
On Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, I actually stood in line for 20- 30 minutes at the polls in order to vote in an off-year election! It wasn’t a big deal, but I wasn’t expecting a line considering I met my son for brunch after his doctor’s appointment and timed it purposely to not be at […]
Category: Archive, Audio, Books, Millitary, Personal, Photos |
Tags: audiobook, book, eugene sledge, hoopla, pacific thunder, reading, voting, ww2
RichC | October 17, 2023
As I’ve blogged a few times before, when it comes to history books, I enjoy reading and learning about World War II history and those of “the Greatest Generation” who rose to moment to save the world in the 1940s. My focus for the last decade or so has been in studying the Pacific Theater […]
Category: Audio, Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: audiobook, eugene sledge, map, okinawa, peleliu, reading, the pacific, with the old breed, ww2
RichC | October 14, 2023
Like most … but depressingly not all Americans … I’ve been heavy hearted and angry this week after Hamas terrorist slaughtered innocent Israeli civilians (including 27 Americans) and took an estimated 150 hostages back to Gaza. I’m not sure how those who side with Hamas and their backers (Iran) can explain away such horrific murder, but […]
Category: Audio, History, Millitary, News |
Tags: boston globe, gaza strip, israel, jeff jacoby, maps, megyn kelly, opinion, palestinians, podcast, terrorism, war
RichC | September 12, 2023
Occasionally when a good book is finished, it leave you wanting it to continue and hoping for more. That is the case with Frank E. Walton’s book “Once They Were Eagles.” It is the second book in the pile that I’m reading focused on the infamous World War II era’s VMF-214 better remembered at the […]
Category: Aviation, Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: black sheep, Books, corsair, History, pacific, war, ww2
RichC | September 3, 2023
In August I finished up an excellent 1958 autobiography by Gregory “Pappy” Boyington titled “Baa Baa Black Sheep” … mentioned previously. He was a United States Marine Corps fighter pilot who commanded the VMF-214 Black Sheep Squadron during World War II. The book tells the story of Boyington’s early life, his training as a pilot, […]
Category: Aviation, Books, History, Human Interest, Millitary |
Tags: baa baa black sheep, corsair, gregory boyington, map, pappy, ww2
RichC | August 5, 2023
The making of a traditional black walnut box, for the military service flag I was presented at my father’s funeral, has long been on my mind. As I close in on almost a decade since his passing and the flag still lives in the plastic holder provided by the funeral home. It has been my […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Millitary, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: american, dadc, flag, military, project, walnut, woodworking, workshop
RichC | August 1, 2023
There are plenty of books on my Kindle, in my “ebook pile” and “printed paper” book pile to read, but most of them are not particularly enjoyable “to me” to read. They either arouse political anger and frustration in the direction our country is being lead … or personal improvement books that “I interpret” as […]
Category: Aviation, Books, History, Millitary |
1 Comment
Tags: aviation, corsair, gregory boyington, hero, marine corps, pacific, pappy, world war 2
RichC | June 27, 2023
This past weekend I started a new book that I’ve been looking forward to reading since “Saved: A War Reporter’s Mission to Make It Home” was released in March 2023. Benjamin Hall’s book is one I should have purchased in the spring, but since I had a pile of reading to get through, I opted […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary, News |
Tags: benjamin hall, Books, reading, russia, saved, ukraine, war
RichC | March 16, 2023
The South China Sea has become a hotly contested region in recent years, with multiple countries claiming various parts of the sea as their own. China, in particular, has been actively asserting its dominance over the region by building military structures and increasing its naval presence in the area. The WSJ published a detailed article […]
Category: AI, History, Millitary, News, Technology |
Tags: chatgpt, china, History, islands, militarization, pacific, philippines, reefs, wsj
RichC | February 9, 2023
Here are a couple of B-26 Martin Marauder YouTube videos to archive (saved to personal cloud too) due to my interest in aviation and military history … but also because my late father-in-law serving as navigator on “this beautiful ship” in World War II (I can still hear him saying that).
Category: Archive, Aviation, History, Millitary, Video |
Tags: air force, b-26, dadh, mau, video, ww2, youtube
RichC | December 7, 2022
It feels uncomfortably routine, to nonchalantly include a remembrance post on December 7th each year … but it is important to reflect on the evil of man and human devastation associated with war. In remembering the loss of American lives inflicted by the Japanese in their “unprovoked and dastardly” attack of Pearl Harbor, I’ll include […]
Category: History, Millitary |
Tags: History, japan, japanese, pearl harbor, remembrance, timeline, world war 2, yamamoto
RichC | November 11, 2022
Although there are many who serve or served our country we can think about on this Veterans Day, I’ve opted to reflect on my late father-in-law, Frederick Howard, who navigated B-26 bombers over Europe in World War II. He was definitely part of the “Greatest Generation” and volunteered immediately when he came of age and […]
Category: Aviation, Holiday, Memories, Millitary, Personal, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: air force, fred howard, greatest generation, jack collier, twitter, us air corp, veterans day, ww2, wwii
RichC | October 30, 2022
Although the meme floating around social networks (the one at the bottom of this post) is probably not correct, I enjoyed it enough to do a little digging. Personally I’ve always thought that “the whole (or full) nine (six) yards” had to do with the innings in a baseball game (old article below), so I […]
Category: Aviation, Idioms, Millitary, Sailing, Social Media, Sports, Tidbits |
Tags: ammo, History, idiom, idioms, meme, newspaper, phrases, sewing, the whole nine yards, wikipedia
RichC | October 4, 2022
The Lockheed F-117 was one of the most specialized and sophisticated aircraft to ever enter USAF service. Purpose built to defeat radars, it was all square and flat, a fact, reflected in the aircraft’s boxy cockpit. (@realairpower1)
Category: Aviation, Millitary, Social Media |
Tags: aircraft, F117, lockheed, usaf
RichC | October 1, 2022
Another interesting story tied to scientific development during World War 2 has crossed my email inbox from WSJ+. This one is about the virtually unknown Mary Sears, “the first oceanographer of the Navy.” Her groundbreaking oceanographic research led the U.S. to victory in the Pacific theater during World War II, according to the summary. I’m […]
Category: Audio, Books, History, Innovation, Millitary, Science |
Tags: audio, audiobook, Books, catherine musemeche, glose, lethal tides, mary sears, ocean, oceanography, wsj
RichC | September 8, 2022
The WSJ book reviews are a great place to find new and interesting military history books and biographies. The recent download for me is a book by Robert L. Connell highlighting several bigger than life U.S. military generals. “Team America: The Age of Generals,” looks at often written about World War A-list leaders: Gens. Douglas […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary |
Tags:, biography, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, general, George C. Marshall, George S. Patton, reading, review, Robert-L.-OConnell, wsj
RichC | May 30, 2022
This Memorial Day reflection is a bit different than previous posts. Instead of an overall encompassing remembrance on all those who died in armed service to our country, it is a combined Music Monday twist that is a little more narrowly focused on those who fought and died in the Vietnam War (1955-1975). At the […]
Category: Holiday, Millitary, Music, Video |
Tags: Memorial Day, music monday, musicmonday, the animals, vietnam war, youtube
RichC | February 24, 2022
Russia, lead by the wicked Vladimir Putin, has invaded and attacked their neighbor on February 24th after massing their military around Ukraine this past year. They started the invasion with missiles and air strikes to all but eliminate Ukraine’s air defenses and are currently crossing borders from all directions with overwhelming military force. For students […]
Category: History, Millitary, News |
Tags: attack, axiom, biden, churchill, History, invasion, leaders, martin niemoller, peace, prayer, praying, putin, quotes, russia, sanctions, ukraine, war
RichC | February 13, 2022
We’ve never been all that timely in getting Christmas decorations put away after the holidays, but this year we … and by “we” I mean Brenda … has been slower than usual. To be fair, most everything has been packed and put away, but there are a few stragglers still around our house. I’m not […]
Category: Books, Financial, History, Holiday, Humor, Millitary, Personal, Photos |
Tags: barton biggs, book, brenda, christmas, decorations, house, investing, momc, santa mouse, war, wealth, wisdom, world war 2
RichC | January 21, 2022
The hefty book (1139 pages) that I tried to finish by the end of 2021 is finally done (halfway into January 2022) … so now in that same World War II Pacific vein, I’m starting Martha MacCallum’s “Unknown Valor” this week. I remember hearing about it last year, but never added it to my to-read […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: book martha maccallum, Books, ebook, History, reading, shattered sword, unknown valor, war, wsj, ww2
RichC | December 7, 2021
As we remember the day that the Empire of Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and try to “never forget” our ill-preparedness “date that will live in infamy” on December 7, 1941, I’ll finally finish the hefty book “Shattered Sword” by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully. (it’s a 1139 pages!) The “untold story of the Battle of Midway” […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: anthony tully, battle of midway, book, infamy, japan, jonathan parshall, pearl harbor, reading, remembering, shattered sword, world war 2
RichC | October 15, 2021
Who doesn’t enjoy a funny military rivalry video clip. HA!
Category: Humor, Millitary, Video |
Tags: air force, army, friday filler, Humor, marines, mp4, navy, video
RichC | October 3, 2021
While slowly getting going on Saturday, the Fox and Friends Weekend broadcast was on in the background. A frustrating … and depressing story … from an older veteran, retired Col Leonard B Scott III, the “Old Ranger,” from Edmond, Oklahoma (who had his flags stolen), caught my ear and irritated me a how some people […]
Category: Audio, Human Interest, Millitary, News |
Tags: army, author, flag, foxnews, Leonard B. Scott, oklahoma, old ranger, patriot, respect
RichC | September 27, 2021
A couple of weeks ago, Taylor introduced me to a Dan Carlin “Hardcore History” podcasts. He thought I might enjoy them, since both of us particularly appreciate learning more about military history. The series is called “Supernova in the East” detailing the Japanese Empire from pre-World War Japan through WW 2 in six long lectures […]
Category: Apple, Audio, Education, History, Millitary |
Tags: afghanistan, audio, dan carlin, hardcore, History, japanese empire, pacific, pearl harbor, podcast, supernova, world war 2, ww2
RichC | September 13, 2021
This content is restricted.
Category: Millitary, Music, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, aaron tippin, afghanistan, biden, botched, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, patriotism, repost
RichC | September 11, 2021
The news media has been doing their part this week to remember the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and memorializing the 2977 people killed by 19 radical Islamist terrorists. Twenty years ago, four commercial airliners loaded with unsuspecting passengers were hijacked and the fuel-ladened planes were used as suicide weapons. To […]
Category: History, Idioms, Millitary, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, afghanistan, anniversary, idioms, opinion, Politics, reflection, safety, terror, terrorism, war
RichC | August 31, 2021
Yesterday, Marine General Frank McKenzie announced the U.S. military’s withdrawal from our 20-year war in Afghanistan complete. We entered Afghanistan shortly after September 11, 2001 with a mission to hunt down al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and radical Islamic terrorists, but we spent much of the time fighting the Taliban who gave the safe haven to […]
Category: Millitary, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, afghanistan, bagram, biden, isis-k, kabul, military, Politics, radical islam, sharia, taliban, terrorism, war
RichC | August 22, 2021
As I commented on the utter failure in Afghanistan last week regarding the decision President Biden made in leaving Afghanistan, it is just another “ fail decision” in a short 8 months by this president and his administration (we can’t take much more). The US exit was ill-conceived and poor planned. It was made ignoring […]
Category: Millitary, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: afghanistan, biden, jihad, Politics, regret, taliban, terrorism, war, weapons, woke
RichC | August 16, 2021
The situation in Afghanistan is not something most of the civilized world wants to see, but within a few days we’ve watched the Taliban rapidly seize control throughout the country ever since President Biden telegraphed accelerating what was left of our military from our bases. Very few politicians have questioned the desire over the past […]
Category: Millitary, News, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: afghanistan, airlift, albatross, bbc, disaster, metaphor, military, mp4, nation-building, nytimes, potus, president biden, saigon, taliban, war
RichC | July 14, 2021
Progress has been slow in my latest nightly book reading, in part due to being wiped-out by full days with our granddaughters last week and more recently watching a few episodes each night of an old 1965-1971 sitcom called Hogan’s Heroes (mention once before). So for a update on reading Operation Pedestal by Max Hastings, “I […]
Category: Books, Entertainment, History, Millitary |
Tags: book, book review, british, hogans heroes, malta, max hastings, operation pedestal, sitcom, television, wsj
RichC | June 12, 2021
Well talking to Taylor at his birthday dinner, I mentioned someone posted a photo of a WW2 Vought F4U Corsair and asked about the “stripes” … or duct tape … on the cowl in front of the pilot. The answer from a researcher below is a great aviation tidbit for those with a curious […]
Category: Aviation, History, Millitary, Photos, Tidbits |
Tags: airplane, aviation, corsair, duct tape, military, taylor, vought, ww2
RichC | May 30, 2021
Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day and was first observed on May 30th, 1868 to commemorate the sacrifice’s of Civil War soldiers. It was declared a General Order No. 11 by General John A. Logan on May 5, 1868. The General Order stated: “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose […]
Category: Books, History, Holiday, Millitary |
Tags: American Sniper, chris kyle, civil war, decoration, kyle, Memorial Day, taya
RichC | January 9, 2021
As a “very” amateur military history buff who is currently reading the book “I Marched With Patton,” I came away from Frank Sisson’s memoir in thinking about other leaders who earned the respect of their men, but offended others and were seen as abrasive. Accomplishing a goal and “winning” was for the most part their […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary, Politics |
Tags: biden, Books, communism, diplomacy, History, leadership, macarthur, military, opinion, patton, style, thoughts, trump, war
RichC | December 30, 2020
When it comes to being the first to read a book, I’m not the guy to turn to, but eventually I do get around to some of them. I’m particularly fond of the history oriented books from the last century and “I Marched With Patton” by Frank Sisson fits that criteria. This World War II […]
Category: Audio, Books, Millitary |
Tags: audio, Books, frank sisson, glose, History, patton, reading, ww2
RichC | December 7, 2020
Recognition and remembrance for those of the Greatest Generation who were killed on December 7, 1941 are compelling reasons why Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day rings loud with me … but my remembering is also partially due out of respect for my parents. For them (and my late mother and father-in-law), the attack by Japan and […]
Category: History, Memories, Millitary, Misc, Personal |
Tags: american legion, dadc, dadh, family, message, pearl harbor, remembering, remembrance, veterans, video
RichC | October 14, 2020
This past week I finally finished Dan Hampton’s excellent historical World War II book titled “Operation Vengeance” about the operation to kill Isoroku Yamamoto and can finally move on to the book I mentioned in September after reading a WSJ review. Since the “reviewed” book was the third and finally Ian W. Toll’s book in […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: Books, cats, dan hampton, History, ian w toll, operation vengeance, pacific crucible, pearl harbor, reading, trilogy, war, ww2
RichC | July 19, 2020
I learned something new about firearms when reading and posting about the Coconut Rifle and it was interesting enough to me to include on the blog this week. Did you know Law Enforcement and the military (US Marine practicing in photo) uses something called a “breaching round” in their shotguns or accessory attachment like the […]
Category: Millitary, Misc, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: ammunition, breaching, firearms, guns, law enforcement, military, police, round, shotgun
RichC | July 8, 2020
The “Coconut Rifle” … known to most as the Colt ArmaLite AR-15 (SN 000106) … the original for what is now the longest primary service weapon in our country’s military history. The originals firearms (20 of them) were manufactured by Colt in 1959. One of them #106 was involved in a July 4th 1960 “Watermelon […]
Category: Blogs, History, Hobby, Human Interest, Millitary, Tidbits |
Tags: ar-15, ar15, armalite, black rifle, coconut, colt, firearms, gen curtiss lemay, History, jfk, m16, president kennedy, rifle, vietnam, watermelon
RichC | May 25, 2020
We should probably come up with a better way to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country than a day off work, grilling out and giving momentary lip service? As I sat on the front porch on Sunday (something I don’t often do), I looked at the half staff flag and did […]
Category: Holiday, Millitary |
Tags: america, flag, Holiday, Memorial Day, remember, sacrifice, thoughts
RichC | May 16, 2020
I commented to Brenda, “We must have done something right?” It was both a statement .. and a half question .. when reflecting on the book our son Taylor read, liked and then bought to give me for my birthday. It was definitely a very thoughtful and appreciated gift. Representative Dan Crenshaw’s book Fortitude slightly […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Millitary, Personal, Politics |
Tags: birthday, book, country, dan crenshaw, family, fortitude, ideology, patriotism, Politics, taylor
RichC | April 18, 2020
The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang is one of the most celebrated Allied fighter planes of WW II. It continues to have wide-spread aviation enthusiasm to this day … and one look (and listen – volume up!) will have you understanding why it is so admired.
Category: Audio, Aviation, History, Millitary, Video |
Tags: aircraft, airplanes, allied, aviation, military, mustang, p-51, planes, sound, video, war, world war, ww2
RichC | April 7, 2020
Likely I’m not the only one needing to de-stress or at least fall back on a few techniques to “Keep Calm and Relax.” Here’s a Navy Seal technique to beat stress. With a little practice, you can learn “box breathing” or four-square breathing as a way to reduce anxiety. Here’s how it works: Breathe in […]
Category: Advice, Health, Millitary, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: anxiety, box breathing, breathing, navy, navy seal, seals, stress
RichC | April 4, 2020
In a business meeting decades ago, Brenda used the term “Catch-22” without giving the etymology much thought. After the meeting, a older senior executive came up to her and commented that he was surprised to hear a 30-year old using the term “Catch-22” … and then asked if she knew it’s history. She did no, […]
Category: Books, Millitary, Misc, Movies, Tidbits |
Tags: brantley foster, brenda, catch-22, etymology, film, idiom, idioms, joseph heller, Movies, novel, terms, words, ww2
RichC | November 20, 2019
Actually needed a short video for testing the updated .mp4 embed code for WordPress.
Category: Blogs, Millitary, Misc, Video |
Tags: beach, coding, embed, florida, flying, formation, jets, military, sunset, testing, wordpress
RichC | November 11, 2019
This content is restricted.
Category: Books, Holiday, Millitary, Music, Video |
Tags: army, ballad, book, firearms, green berets, kindle, m14, m16, military, mini14, mini30, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, no flags did wave, rifle, ruger, special forces, tim klie, vietnam war
RichC | May 26, 2019
Earlier this week I posted something frivolous for a Music Monday, which happens to be Memorial Day, so I’m going to include is post a day early on Sunday thinking others might read it as a way to learn a little more about those who make the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country. If […]
Category: Books, History, Holiday, Millitary |
Tags: Arlington, cemetery, college, hillsdale, Memorial Day, national, sen tom cotton, Washington DC
RichC | March 14, 2019
Throwback Thursday posts can be interesting, especially when archiving a couple of my old photos from the early 1990s and tidbit of information that is likely not saved any place else (the horse was named Gus). Here’s a little Howard family history (my wife’s side of the family): Brenda’s grandfather, Allen George Howard died young; […]
Category: Archive, History, Memories, Millitary, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: allen, ancestry, archive, brenda, brocton, dadh, family, History, howard, jamestown, katelyn, mabel, momh, new york, richc, taylor, TBT