RichC | November 14, 2022
About a week ago while watching television, the song “Make Your Own Kind of Music” in a Volkswagen commercial caught my ear. It triggered a “Can you dig it?” psychedelia thought that I thankfully only knew from observing the “far out” subculture during the 1960s. Still, a lot of the music and memories are from […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: cass elliot, mamas, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, papas, psychedelic, wikipedia
RichC | November 7, 2022
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Category: Idioms, Music |
Tags: album, best of, dan seals, idiom, idioms, john coley, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | October 31, 2022
It doesn’t get any odder than seeing a “very low” fly-by photo from a fellow aviation enthusiast Ron Eisele on Twitter and having it trigger a “how low can you go” McDonalds commercial from way back when??? It’s probably not an appropriate Music Monday, but the music well is dry today … so I’m using […]
Category: Aviation, Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: commercial, fly by, low pass, mcdonalds, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, twitter
RichC | October 24, 2022
Music Monday triggers can come from anywhere. Today’s was from segment music on a morning Fox Business program and triggered a“disco” flavored song from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack in 1977. “More Than a Woman” was a Bee Gees song and was paired with a serene Minnesota early morning lake photo (new TV on […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: bee gees, disco, fox business, more than a woman, music monday, musicmonday, saturday night fever, youtube
RichC | October 17, 2022
Los Lobos performing at the White House in 2009 Although there are likely several other musicians and recording of the song “La Bomba,” the two artists that come to mind are Ritchie Valens version in 1958 and then the Los Lobos recording in 1987 which was the title track for the film La Bomba in […]
Category: Music |
Tags: la bomba, los lobos, music monday, musicmonday, ritchie valens
RichC | October 10, 2022 — Jimmy Buffett (@jimmybuffett) October 6, 2022
Category: Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: concert, jimmy buffett, music monday, musicmonday, tour, twitter
RichC | October 3, 2022
Several years ago in 2018, Fleetwood Mac was at the top of my music listening as was evident by the number of posts regarding a Rumours of Fleetwood Mac concert Brenda and I enjoyed in Cincinnati. It doesn’t seem possible that was 4 years ago? Since I personally have rated their “Rumours” album the best […]
Category: Memories, Music, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: album, chistine mcvie, classic rewind, concert, dress, fleetwood mac, music monday, musicmonday, twitter
RichC | September 26, 2022
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Category: Music |
Tags: bill medley, classic rewind, cleveland, mp3, museum, music monday, musicmonday, rachel steele, righteous Brothers, rock and roll, siriusxm, studio
RichC | September 19, 2022
The trigger for today’s Jackson 5 song “ABC” was due to hearing it as segment music on Fox Business last week. It triggered a memory of the choreographed “five-some” dancing and singing back on 1970’s TV, although I don’t recall watching them very much. Nevertheless, hearing them and watching a young Michael Jackson had me […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: abc, jackson 5, michael jackson, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | September 12, 2022
The tail end of summers weather has been conducive for both working outside (and sweating) in the yard and cooling dips in the pool. I usually relax in a patched up floating lounger with a copy of Barron’s … but after my delivery frustration I’ve so far declined renewing until they can improve paper delivery. […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: album, barrons, dan seals, john coley, music monday, musicmonday, nights are forever, pool, summer, yardwork, youtube
RichC | August 22, 2022
While listening to Radio Margaritaville and relaxing in the backyard at the end of the day last week, another Life On The Flipside song caught my ear and started me thinking about how I’m missing sailing and the ocean. I’m not an active surfer, although “IF” I still had decent balance (see Menieres), I wouldn’t […]
Category: Health, Music, Recreation, Sailing |
Tags: backyard, glenn goodman, jimmy buffett, mac mcanally, menieres, music monday, musicmonday, ocean, radio margaritaville, sailing, surfing, wave, youtube
RichC | July 25, 2022
An especially “cool” Jimmy Buffett concert in Cincinnati, Ohio was enjoyed by Taylor’s Megan and her Parrothead father Dave. As usual (except thru COVID), they were at the annual Riverbend concert and enjoyed the up close and personal and more intimate side of the concert. Dave Schnieder, a Cincinnati teacher and football coach all of […]
Category: Entertainment, Friends, Music, Photos, Video |
Tags: 2022, cincinnati, coconut telegraph, concert, dave, jimmy buffett, mac mcanally, megan, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, ohio, riverbend, schnieders, sweatband, wristband
RichC | July 18, 2022
Don’t ask me what triggered the 1975 television show The Jeffersons theme song, but caught myself bopping to the tune in my head this past weekend (and I’m not really a “bopper”). The All in the Family spinoff wasn’t a series that I watched as a teenager, but the catchy theme song written by Ja’net […]
Category: Entertainment, Music, Video |
Tags: all in the family, earworm, ja'net dubois, music monday, musicmonday, television, the jefferesons, theme song, youtube
RichC | June 27, 2022
It is officially summer … and what’s better in warm weather and sunshine than songs from Jimmy Buffett on Music Monday? So here’s “Slack Tide” off Life on the Flip Side album (as heard on Radio Margaritaville). I just happened to be listening to it streaming on the SiriusXM app on my new noise-cancelling Wyze […]
Category: Music, Technology, Video |
Tags: headphones, jimmy buffett, kubota, lawn, life on the flip side, mowing, music monday, musicmonday, radio margaritaville, siriusxm, slack tide, wyze, youtube
RichC | June 20, 2022
Just another Music Monday song from the 1970s, as heard on the relatively new SiriusXM Yacht Rock, Deep Cuts, Xtra “app-only” channel (from what I can tell?) Today song is from Australia’s Little River Band called “So Many Paths” … from side-B of their 1978 album, “Sleeper Catcher.” Little River Band – “So […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: deep cuts, little river band, lrb, music monday, musicmonday, rock, siriiusxm, sleeper catcher, so many paths, yacht, youtube
RichC | June 17, 2022
When it comes to a headset/headphones, I wear them all the time and am pretty much an Aftershokz guy. I find that I rarely take them off during the day, ever since getting my first “bone conduction” Bluetooth headset. I love nearly everything about the current Aeropex model even as the company updates with newer […]
Category: Audio, Gadget, Music, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: aeropex, aftershokz, bluetooth, david clark, distraction, headphones, headset, jawbone, koss, mpow, Music, noise-cancelling, palm, tech friday, techfriday, wyze
RichC | June 13, 2022
My “go to” Sirius XM channel for easy listening 1970s music has been The Bridge for the past decade now and it never fails to sooth my soul. The Music Monday pick for this week is another Doobie Brother song, this one from 1973 call “South City Midnight Lady” from their 2006 remastered album titled […]
Category: Music |
Tags: doobie brothers, music monday, musicmonday, siriusxm, south city midnight lady, the bridge
RichC | June 6, 2022
I was tuned into a television morning news show a few weeks ago and was shocked that two of the three hosts didn’t know “the band” Lynyrd Skynyrd … in fact one commented, “but I’ve heard of ‘him.’” Shocked, but maybe it’s an age thing? The conversation quickly shifted into the band’s eponym … Forby Leonard […]
Category: Entertainment, History, Memories, Music, Video |
Tags: band, eponym, freebird, leonard skinner, lynyrd skynyrd, music monday, musicmonday, southern rock, sweet home alabama, youtube
RichC | May 30, 2022
This Memorial Day reflection is a bit different than previous posts. Instead of an overall encompassing remembrance on all those who died in armed service to our country, it is a combined Music Monday twist that is a little more narrowly focused on those who fought and died in the Vietnam War (1955-1975). At the […]
Category: Holiday, Millitary, Music, Video |
Tags: Memorial Day, music monday, musicmonday, the animals, vietnam war, youtube
RichC | May 23, 2022
While reading in the evenings I’m often sitting with my headphones on listening to music while Brenda is watching one of her streaming series … I think she is watching the Bridgerton TV series on Netflix before we cancel our streaming service. Anyway, while listening to SiriusXM’s The Bridge channel on my iPhone, I found myself […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: bridgerton, cat stevens, headphones, islam, music monday, musicmonday, siriusxm, tea for the tillerman, the bridge, youtube, yusuf
RichC | May 16, 2022
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Category: Automotive, Humor, Music |
Tags: backroads, country music, daewoo, forenza, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, ricky van shelton, suzuki
RichC | May 9, 2022
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Category: Music |
Tags: album, let it go, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, YGWYG, zac brown
RichC | May 2, 2022
Today’s Music Monday is a little bit before my time, but when hearing Dion DiMucci singing “Runaround Sue” on Varney & Co. FoxBusiness show’s segment bumper music last month, it caught my ear. For me, it triggered memories of my parent’s music … as it would have been their era. I would not be surprised […]
Category: Entertainment, Music, Video |
Tags: dion, music monday, musicmonday, runaround sue, video, youtube
RichC | April 18, 2022
The years have passed, but my memory of a John Denver concert “in the round” was still the best and most memorable concert I’ve ever attended. I suspect a lot has to do with John Denver being a true entertainer. He knew exactly how to connect with an audience and was especially effective on a […]
Category: Memories, Music |
Tags: 1972, cass elliot, concert, john denver, Leaving on a jet plane, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | April 11, 2022
This week almost didn’t have a Music Monday song, but after hearing “Afternoon Delight” over the weekend, I thought that since this was the only song I could remember from the group called Starland Vocal Band, that it would be worth adding? “Lo and behold,” I’m not alone in remembering it, as my wife started […]
Category: Idioms, Music, Video |
Tags: afternoon delight, danoff, idiom, idioms, john denver, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, Nivert, starland, youtube
RichC | April 4, 2022
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Category: Misc, Music, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: early morning rain, gordon lightfoot, illusion, image, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, optical, twitter, unsee
RichC | March 28, 2022
Once again, in looking to get out of the 1970’s Music Monday rut, I pulled out a music memory from my trusty Apple iPod and Shuffle … mine is filled with Jack Johnson tunes (right – see Wikipedia list of iPods). The one I used most often was clipped to the back of a cap […]
Category: Apple, Music, Video |
Tags: 1990s, apple, bluetooth, hold on, ipod, music monday, musicmonday, shuffle, wikipedia, wilson phillips, youtube
RichC | March 21, 2022
Old black and while films have never been top picks for Brenda and me when selecting a movie for the weekend, but as the Coronavirus pandemic shutdowns started, we decided to add a few classic movies as a way to broaden our life experience. Like reading classic literature as part of a higher education, watching a […]
Category: Entertainment, History, Movies, Music, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: bette davis, classic, hitler, kim carnes, Movies, Music, paul lukas, putin, russia, ukraine, video, watch on the rhine, world war, youtube
RichC | March 14, 2022
Did you like disco? Me … not so much … but didn’t mind a few songs from the 1970s. For Music Monday here’s a YouTube video with KC and the Sunshine Band from 1979 performing “Please Don’t Go.” If you were like me and didn’t follow disco music closely, you probably didn’t know much […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: disco, harry wayne casey, kc and the sunshine band, music monday, musicmonday, please don't go, youtube
RichC | February 28, 2022
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Category: Music |
Tags: christopher cross, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, yachtrock
RichC | February 21, 2022
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Category: Memories, Music |
1 Comment
Tags: 8-track, album, band, boston, cassette, college, flooding, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, rock and roll
RichC | February 14, 2022
Considering I grew up listening to Carly Simon and James Taylor, it is surprising not to have included “You’re So Vain” from 1972 Music Monday before now … but as is say since 1386 (Chaucer) … “better late than never” (previous post: “Anticipation”). In hearing the studio version played on SiriusXM’s “The Bridge” channel the […]
Category: Music, Tidbits |
Tags: better late than never, carly simon, geoffrey chaucer, idiom, idioms, james taylor, marthas vineyard, music monday, musicmonday, siriusxm, the bridge, you're so vain, youtube
RichC | February 7, 2022
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Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 1960s, beach boys, dreaming, escapism, huarache, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, sandals, surfin' usa, video, youtube
RichC | January 24, 2022
This is not the usual kind of Music Monday. Michael Winslow and folk pop-musician Odd Nordstoga performed “Whole Lotta Love” on the Norwegian talk show back in 2011 (mp4)… although just recently saw it! A crazy talented “voice and microphone” artist.
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: michael winslow, music monday, musicmondy, whole lotta love, youtube
RichC | January 17, 2022
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Category: Health, Music, Politics, Travel |
Tags: australia, business as usual, coronavirus, covid19, down under, liberty, men at work, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, traveling
RichC | December 27, 2021
Social media is filled with nastiness and ugly news … but it is also a place for upbeat positive news, scripture, prayer requests and a shared love of song and some heartwarming father-daughter bonding. I’m not sure who these “smiling” amateur singers are that appeared on my Twitter feed, but it made my day and […]
Category: Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: ain't no mountain, amateur, diana ross, marvin gaye, motown, musicmonday, social media, tammi terrell, twitter, youtube
RichC | December 13, 2021
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Category: Idioms, Music |
Tags: 1970s, chairmen of the board, idiom, idioms, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, siriiusxm, soul
RichC | December 6, 2021
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Category: Books, Memories, Music, Video |
Tags: basement, book, flood, last chance texaco, mp3, mp4, Music, musicmonday, ricky lee jones, troubadour, video
RichC | November 29, 2021
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Category: Business, Music, News, Video |
Tags: Business, cavuto, ccr, creedence clearwater revival, foxbusiness, have you ever seen the rain, mp3, musicmonday, News, siriusxm, varney, youtube
RichC | November 22, 2021
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Category: Entertainment, Memories, Music, Personal, Photos, Sports, Tidbits |
1 Comment
Tags: buckeyes, college, drew, football, jerry moody, katelyn, megan, michigan state, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, ohio state, rick derringer, sloopy, sloopy girl, spartans, taylor, the mccoys, youtube
RichC | November 15, 2021
I’m recycling a Music Monday song from a few years back (2017) with Bruce Hornsby performing “The Way It Is” from the 1986 album by the same name … but this time not just audio, but the official video on YouTube/Vevo (so indicates the mp4 file). Although he is best known performing with his group […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: bruce hornsby, grateful dead, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, ricky scaggs, the way it is, youtube
RichC | November 12, 2021
A few times before, I’ve highlighted unlikely … or maybe just surprising piano playing talent on My Desultory Blog … and this Friday Filler video is no different. The first was Jacob Toliver in an Ohio hardware store and that post still makes me smile.
Category: Music, Social Media, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: friday filler, mp4, piano, talent, tiktok, video
RichC | November 8, 2021
Although I usually don’t purposely listen to jazz, I do appreciate hearing it when it is played and discussed. Last week when Fox Business host Charles Payne mentioned “We’re having a Miles Davis rally” in reference to the stock market – and the “be there or be square” 1950’s slogan. I tweeted about it and […]
Category: Financial, Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: charles payne, foxbusiness, idiom, idioms, jazz, miles davis, music monday, musicmonday, stock market, tweet, twitter, youtube
RichC | November 1, 2021
Last week the “Spot, robot dog” people at Boston Dynamics released a YouTube video of their robots dancing and moving like Mick Jagger to their 40-year old 1981 “Start Me Up” from the Rolling Stones Tattoo You album (previous Music Monday post).
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: mick jagger, music monday, musicmonday, rolling stones, spot, spot me up, youtube
RichC | October 25, 2021
It is hard not to remember Grand Funk Railroad when you think about rock concerts from the 1970s (never attended though) and in particular their hit “We’re An American Band.” Here’s a LIVE version from 1974 posted to YouTube. Grand Funk Railroad, sometimes shortened as Grand Funk, is an American rock band who achieved their […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 1970s, american, band, concert, grand funk, live, music monday, musicmonday, railroad, video, youtube
RichC | October 11, 2021
In keeping with a inclusive music from the 1970s for Music Monday, you can’t get much more American melting-pot inclusive than the band Redbone. The Mexican-American / Native American rock band even gets their band name from a Cajun term for “mixed-race” person … and who doesn’t love their stage show and music? Here’s their […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: cajun, inclusive, live, music monday, musicmonday, redbone, youtube
RichC | October 4, 2021
When it comes to listening to the music, it is appropriate to be a bit more inclusive when it comes to songs that we listened to (and some danced to) in the 1970s. That included R & B, funk, disco and soul music from bell-bottomed dancing vocal groups like The Taveres Brothers or just Tavares. […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 1970s, angel, bellbottoms, brothers, funk, heaven, music monday, musicmonday, r&b, siriusxm, soul, tavares, youtube
RichC | September 20, 2021
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Category: Faith, Music, Video |
Tags: album, christian, contemporary, forever, fox news, michael w smith, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, worship, youtube
RichC | September 13, 2021
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Category: Millitary, Music, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, aaron tippin, afghanistan, biden, botched, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, patriotism, repost
RichC | September 6, 2021
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Category: Music, Video |
Tags: anticipation, carly simon, good old days, heinz, ketchup, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, redux, siriusxm, the bridge
RichC | August 30, 2021
Who doesn’t know who Brian Wilson is or love his many decades of music … especially with The Beach Boys (even my kids played them on our amplified Echo and dance around a week or so ago)?
I stumbled across his timeline on the which highlights each decade with photos and highlights. A […]
Category: Blogs, Entertainment, Music, Video |
Tags: aging, beach boys, biden, brian wilson, music monday, musicmonday, video, website, youtube
RichC | August 23, 2021
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Category: Misc, Music |
Tags: driveway, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, pano, photo, song, wik
RichC | August 16, 2021
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Category: Aviation, Music, Social Media |
Tags: airplane, History, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, skies-of-glory, social media, the coasters, twitter, yakety yak