Why is President Obama following me?

| July 21, 2013

Hmm, I’m not really sure what to think of this? I’m sure those who supported President Barrack Obama’s campaign don’t mind being followed by his twitter account, but for me it is probably an indication that the IRS or Department of Justice is next. For those of you who are not socially connected, the President’s […]

A couple bolts and a couple volts

| June 27, 2013

Impressive super cell photo from Nebraska (www.tonightssky.com) about a week ago. The photo is a sandwich of 2 shots about 9 seconds apart at f/22, 2.5 sec and ISO 100 according to the tech info shared on G+.

Weed Man does an obvious upsell or perhaps bait-and-switch

| June 25, 2013

When a deal seems a bit too good, there is probably a reason to be skeptical. Now to be fair, I knew that for $25 I was not going to get my yard completely treated, but was expecting this Cincinnati area Groupon deal to be a way for Weed Man to demonstrate their professionalism and […]

Tech Friday: Frustrated with WordPress search options?

| June 21, 2013

Are you frustrated with the basic search feature available in WordPress? If so, join the club. I’ve been back and forth with several different search plugins and have even tried customizing my own using a Google API. Unfortunately none of them worked well for me when I was searching my own site for items that […]

An Oahu, Hawaii photo that was too beautiful not to share

| June 20, 2013

Karen Hutton of KarenHuttonPhotography posted a gorgeous photo from Makapu’u Lookout in Oahu, Hawaii yesterday that makes me want to return to Hawaii. (our 2006 trip) Her description was nice too: I could almost see the curvature of the earth on the horizon… it was dizzying! And wonderful, and blue, green, gorgeous and stunning. I […]

Kickstarter project: Shorts with a waterproof pocket

| May 30, 2013

Although there might be a way to improve on the “hatch” in order to store a phone, wallet, car remote, etc … these Stash Waterproof Pocket Shorts are a great idea for beach-goers, water sport enthusiasts or … cough, cough … sailing. I’d like to think the new upstart company will raise the funding, but […]

Spina Bifida lip dub effort at Lakota East #wewantellen

| May 20, 2013

My son mentioned a video produced by his alma mater, Lakota East High School, and after first thinking it was just another goofy video, I realized that the community and student body effort was a lot of work – I even watched it to the end as the music gets more appealing to those of […]

Finding a few photos of an old friend, his canoe and VW Bug

| February 12, 2013

It’s not fun drying out our basement, but I am enjoying finding long lost photos. Here’s one of a canoe trip (one of many) taken during a 1977 spring trip to the Whitewater River in Indiana with Charlie “Kamakaze” Matthews. We spent our free time both canoeing and sailing when we were in high school […]

Google continues to flex muscle to bolster its G+ social network

| January 3, 2013

I’m not a big social networking guy, but I do send tweets to Twitter, post a newsy story or two to Google+ and send a photo or two to Facebook once a month for family (and to a lessor extent use a few other social networks) … but Google is using its behemoth size to […]

Facebook settings can confuse even a Zuckerberg

| December 26, 2012

If you are confused over the privacy settings on social networking sites, particularly Facebook, you are not alone. Short suggestion: Assume everything you post is public … because it can certainly end up that way … just ask Randi Zuckerberg. As networks grow and friends connect to other friends, eventually the images and comments you […]

How to turn number 1 to number 2

| October 21, 2012

Too good to pass up … sharing from a Facebook post. Posted via email from RichC’s posterous

Waze — a social turn-by-turn navigation mapping app

| September 24, 2012

After being a little (ok, a lot) disappointed with Google Maps being replace by Apple’s Maps app in iOS, I was anxious to give something else a try — so I downloaded, activated and have started to update Waze . So far so good with using the turn by turn navigation on my way to […]

Added the Shareaholic “Sexy Bookmarks” social button bar

| August 30, 2012

I’m finally getting around to adding a social media plugin for WordPress after I received a comment from a friend who said his Internet reading now comes from links being shared on Twitter and Facebook. I had to admit that I no longer use my long list of RSS feeds as often as I once […]

Why doesn’t this vinyl music thingy fit into my CD player?

| August 28, 2012

Facebook comes through again and offered a connection to the past (1, 2, 3). Recently I received an invite indicating my “XX” year Sidney High School reunion was being planned (35th if you must know). A Facebook URL was given so I dutifully plugged in my lightly used FB account and ended up adding a […]

Why Facebook stock at $23/share is still “currently” over-priced

| July 27, 2012

I spend a few hours each day focused on trading and inventing and have been regularly asked about my opinion on buying Facebook stock. My reply has often been that it is a great company and is one of the leaders (if not “thee” leader) in social networking, but Mr. Zuckerberg and Company hasn’t figured […]

Tech Friday: Cleaned up my tweetstream this week

| June 22, 2012

I’m probably not the only one who has “excessively” followed people on Twitter over the past few years … so I am trying to clean up my tweetstream with TwitCleaner. So far so good. Twit Cleaner [web] (free) If you follow a large number of people and are looking to clean up your timeline, Twit […]

Ohio’s new law regarding text messaging and driving

| June 7, 2012

I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing the growing number of drivers texting and driving distracted (and ‘yes’ I have unfortunately done my share). Of course it is not just messaging, but also looking at dashboard information displays and GPS devices … and even watching movies on video screens … but soon doing it […]

Enjoyed this WSJ article … and yes downloaded Jotly

| June 6, 2012

No longer available WSJ article

Memorial Day hits some deeper than others

| May 29, 2012

  I didn’t want to let this story get away from me so I will post it after Memorial Day. Taylor had a few friends over this weekend and they enjoyed the sunshine, played football in the rain, cooled off in the pool and watched a couple movies. Brenda and I are thankful our kids […]

The highly anticipated Facebook IPO was priced right for day 1

| May 18, 2012

Facebook made it stock market debut today with a $5 move from the $38 IPO price to above $42/share and then kind of drifted back to close the day at $38.23. There was plenty of interest. Lots of hype and even a NASDAQ snag to prevent an on time opening this morning. For employees of […]

Surprising what high powered website can do for blog traffic

| April 14, 2012

I noticed a spike in my normal web traffic the other day as a weekend post was mentioned on a high traffic website. As someone who posts to a tiny personal blog, it still amazes me how many clicks and visitors My Desultory Blog generates. Over the years I have also noticed that viewers are […]

Tech Friday: Zite – a personalized magazine app for the iPad

| April 13, 2012

There are a number of news reading and article assembling type apps available for computer, phone and tablet platforms. I’ve looked at a few, but tend to shy away since they collect too many articles. Zite is a free one for the iPad (and iPhone) that I’m starting to like … probably because I’m only […]

Twitter Buys Into Blogging With Posterous

| March 12, 2012

Hmm … I’ll have to keep my eye on this … Twitter Buys Into Blogging With Posterous Twitter said Monday that it has acquired micro-blogging service Posterous, but will leave it up and running. Both companies announced the acquisition in a pair of blog posts that were posted Monday. “Today we are welcoming a very […]

Happy 5th Twitter Birthday to me

| February 29, 2012

Just noticed this when cleaning out my inbox … 5 years on Twitter. Wow … it doesn’t seem as if RichC has been posting tweets that long until you see over 5000 of them! Hmm, but it looks like MyDesultoryBlog on Twitter is still a youngster? [

What does NASCAR, Tide and Twitter all have in common?

| February 28, 2012

All highlighted at the Daytona 500 of course! In an odd turn of events, Sunday’s rain delayed big race was delayed further due to more rain for the Monday afternoon start, but eventually got underway Monday evening, much to the dismay of my wife (she would have preferred something other then watching cars turning left […]

When college age kids socially get the approval of parents

| February 20, 2012

As I’ve mentioned before, one of the primary reasons I don’t post or visit my Facebook account very often is because it is the domain of my kids and their friends. I’m sure I would not have wanted a nosy parent watching everything I said and did … so I didn’t focus on it as […]

Tech Friday – about.me … adding yet another landing page

| February 17, 2012

As the years go by I find myself forgetting which of the links and information sites I’ve signed up for … and I’m probably not alone. Anyway, if you are online at all, it might be helpful to have a personal landing page, especially if you’re not interested in your own URL and web server […]

Pinterest – is it worth using another social kind of site?

| February 16, 2012

How much is too much social networking … and how will they all make money? Traffic to the website—which lets users create online scrapbooks to share images of projects or coveted products—has grown tenfold over the past six months. In January, the number of visitors on Pinterest.com was almost a third of that on Twitter.com. […]

Is FB – Facebook – ready to go public?

| February 2, 2012

Yup … FB .. that’s the stock exchange symbol for Facebook; the biggest IPO of the year, or past few years. This will be the largest web-based company to have an initial public offering since GOOG went public (believe it or not, GM in 2010 was the overall largest). It will instantly turn Mr. Zuckerberg […]

President Obama connects on a hangout with Google+users

| January 30, 2012

YouTube live at 5:30PM EST on January 30, 2012 Great use of technology, although it certainly does require respectful users … unfortunately a little too much “respect” ends up with friendly to President Obama questioners. The hangout is interesting as I’m only 15 minutes in, but its beginning to sound a little like a campaign […]

While thinking about good ol’ days, how about this?

| January 19, 2012

I came across the video below where a father explains LP records to his daugher and thought the old photos and shared memoies that I posted earlier … ugh,  are my 78’s that old? (that would be 78rpm records, not the year 1978!) For the record (pun intended), the 78 records mention above were my […]

Tell congress how you feel about SOPA and PIPA-for or against

| January 18, 2012

Against my inner voice telling me not to bother, I wrote to my congressmen yesterday regarding the Stop Internet Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA). There are areas that I agree with and understand, but also way too many areas that will impact what most of us appreciate about the Internet. As written, […]

Volkswagen gets a free Passat TDI advertisement via Tweet

| January 12, 2012

There’s must be an easy way for social media users to capitalize on advertising products or companies using social media …hmm? For example, yesterday morning I passively plugged a product by recommending the Volkswagen Passat TDI to Andrew Ross Sorkin, one of the CNBC Squawkbox anchors and NYTimes columnist.  He is looking for a safe […]

A visit with a friend had me reminiscing about other friends

| November 18, 2011

Our old house and 5 acres of property on Stow Road in Hudson Ohio On my trip to NE Ohio this week I had both the chance to enjoy dinner with my daughter in Columbus (always a pleasure) and meeting with Mark Goloback, an old friend from when we lived in Hudson, Ohio. I recently […]

A little Sunday humor

| August 21, 2011

Saw this photo on a friends G+ “Things that make you go hmmm!” post. Too funny.

Smartmoney article: 10 Things Twitter Won’t Tell You

| August 17, 2011

From “10 percent of users create 90 percent of Twitter‘s content” to “ICanStalkU.com” … there are a few good reason to read Sara Germano’s SmartMoney article. WSJThisMorning Sara Germano on Twitter Here’s a tip on paying attention when uploading photos from your smartphone: “… smartphone pics are embedded with GPS data, making it so easy […]

Spotify.com comes to America after winning over Europe

| July 16, 2011

This content is restricted.

Google+ does a whole lot, but is a little too cumbersome

| July 9, 2011

First Impressions: After a couple of days playing with the new social networking service being rolled out by Google call Google+ (or G+ or Google Plus), it is my conclusion that it is it is far better than the ungainly Google Wave — which really isn’t what most think of as social networking services. Google+ […]

What is an overreaching “Terms of Service” agreement?

| July 7, 2011

Am I the only one questioning how some Terms of Service agreements are chipping away at user’s privacy, or just plain legally taking their posted information? Take for example Google+ project … they aren’t exactly protecting the users while freely offering this new social networking service. Will it be enough to prevent me from using […]

Google to rebrand Picasa and Blogger

| July 6, 2011

Looks like the Picasa and Blogger names are being retired by Google in the next “six weeks” according to Mashable.  “The move is part of a larger effort to unify its brand for the public launch of Google+, the search giant’s social initiative.” Blogger and Picasa aren’t going away, of course — they’re two of […]

Internet privacy and security

| June 26, 2011

Although I’ve not been overly concerned with “my personal” Internet browsing and how my habits are being watched, I am conscious that more and more of online habits are being tracked and marketed to interested parties. It does seem a bit intrusive. After reading a few more articles on the subject the use of https […]

Live Tweeting the Osama raid – without knowing it

| May 2, 2011

Hours before the world knew that U.S. Navy Seals helicoptered into Abbottabad, Pakistan, Twitter blogger @ReallyVirtual (Sohaib Athar) fired off a tweet after hearing helicopters at 1 AM. He continued to post comments not fully realizing what was going on … just that he was annoyed by the noise of the helicopters in the wee […]

Fatigue cracking on Southwest planes is a problem

| April 3, 2011

Citizen journalism was alive and well (‘alive’ being the appropriate word) this weekend as an emergency landing was made by a Southwest jet in Yuma Arizona. Shawna MalviniRedden, a blogger at The Bluest Muse, ‘tweeted’ comments and photos. Shortly after take off the Boeing 737 had a hole 5 foot long and 1 foot wide […]

Google takes another crack at social networking with +1

| March 30, 2011

The next big Google thing? Not wanting to fall too far behind leading social sharing sites (primarily Facebook), Google is rolling out it’s new socially connected experiment they are calling “+1.”  The new “+1” button is an opt-in service and will permit socially connected users to give their stamp of approval to a search results, […]

Tweetdeck’s deck.ly for longer Twitter messages

| February 9, 2011

The latest install of the Tweetdeck (v0.37.2) Twitter client added a new feature, a shortcut link called deck.ly, that allows for longer messages. Although the feature enables significantly more text to be included in a tweet, it does take away from the simplicity of Twitter … and the necessity to be concise. Personally I doubt […]

SOTU: President Obama, liberals and conservatives differ

| January 26, 2011

Wh.gov’s web and social networking team did a great job with enhanced State of the Union coverage, as well as pre and post-coverage tonight. I wish I could say the same for my confidence in President Obama’s leadership and vision for our country. (SOTU Transcript and Republican response video below the split) First a positive […]

Fun Twitter related web app: twbirthday.com

| January 25, 2011

Every once in a while an unusual and simple web app catches one’s attention – in this case twbirthday.com. Plug your Twitter name into this site and it creates a Birth Certificate along with “assigning” a Godfather; who is your Godfather? In my case it is my New Hampshire friend Scott Bilik (@sbilik). Wow, has […]

Coming clean on a Photoshopped image

| December 31, 2010

Taylor and his friends leaving for Chicago – Photoshopped (see below for original) I posted a photo to Facebook with a tag line questioning that after taking three photos of Taylor and his friends before heading to Chicago for New Year’s Eve that someone would have their eyes closed in every photo. I counted to […]

Tech Friday: posting etiquette and email signatures

| December 3, 2010

Admit it, you’ve been pretty annoyed receiving emails with extensive signatures or while reading in forums where regular users post distracting, offensive or just plain long-waste-of-screen-space signatures. This practice is one of my pet peeves when visiting certain‘permissive’ forums that allow ‘spam-vertising’ by user signature or avatar. This becomes doubly irritating when the same user […]

A Ménière’s disease reminder

| November 16, 2010

A friend of mine posted about the Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. on Facebook and it was a reminder to me how devastating Ménière’s disease was. Back in the 1990’s I (and my family) struggled in dealing with the frustrating ringing, sudden attacks of vertigo and associated debilitating sickness (sea-sickness as I described it). Although […]

Tech Friday: Create a newspaper page with Paper.li

| November 5, 2010

Here’s a last minute Tech Friday idea; a website that creates your own newspaper from Twitter connections.  Paper.li is a service that assembles a newspaper-like page with links, photos and media from Twitter users, lists or #keywords. Within a minute you can publish and share a randomly composed page of interesting, or not so interesting, […]

Apple iPhone TV marketing and social networking sites

| October 7, 2010

I don’t recall recall if the Apple iPhone advertisement appeared during the Philly’s no-hitter 4-0 win against the Reds or not, but the ad was intriguing in that the Twitter and Twitpic information had me checking the links. The marketing establish @gagebock account (currently 60-some friends) and Twitpic photo (700+ views) that was used in […]

Tech Friday: Finally adding Disqus commenting to my blog

| October 1, 2010

It’s been on the list of things to do, but since my personal blog isn’t necessarily a ‘must read’ for people, I’ve been slow to adopt a better commenting methods or in this case “discussion” method — Disqus = dis·cuss • d?-sk?s’. After reviewing and listening to the opinions of tech savvy friends, I’ve opted […]

How low will a political candidate go to attack Sarah Palin?

| August 11, 2010

According to a friend who lives in New Hampshire, at least one political candidate seems willing to go pretty low – link. In a Facebook post (below) which referenced the airplane crash in Alaska which took the life of long time Senator Ted Stevens, New Hampshire Democratic candidate Keith David Halloran posted, "Just wish Sarah […]

Twitter Email to Twitpic photo posting problem

| August 9, 2010

I’ve been having problems emailing photos from my Palm Pre (or computer) to Twitpic since last week, which is photo sharing service tied to my Twitter account … not that it’s all that important … but the digging turn up just how rapid the growth has been. Pretty rapid: In the couple of years since […]

Techie stuff: Canon 550D/T2i & WordPress 3.0 update

| June 19, 2010

I saw some video shot with an under $1000 Canon Rebel T2i/550D camera today that had me drooling to upgrade my digital camera. Although I’m not really in the market for a new 18 megapixel DSLR, the advertising video shot for Amber Mac’s (Amber MacArthur) book Power Friending had me thinking about it. The encoded […]

Are you looking for someone new to ‘follow’ someone on Twitter?

| May 19, 2010

New to Twitter or just tired of the same ol’ same ol’ tweets? Add @richwarren to your follow list … his tweets are always thought provoking, encouraging and helpful. Besides with the quality of advice he offers he should be over 100,000 followers IMHO. (99,049 as of 5/19/2010) MATURITY:Feeling the wrong thing but doing the […]

A ‘pop’ culture movie and social networking entertainment

| May 10, 2010

“Bueller… Bueller… Bueller“ Who can forget the Ben Stein line from one of the enjoyable comedy movies in the 1980s – Ferris Buellers Day Off. The movie continues to see success reaching near cult status for some and even found a following on social networking giant Twitter last week. A group of Chicago based Twitter […]

Think twice before you Facebook “Like”something on the web

| April 22, 2010

What are you doing when you click the Facebook “Like” button? You might want to think twice before you divulge your taste to companies who might be interested in marketing to you … especially if you prefer your privacy. The social networking giant Facebook has a potential goldmine of user information that can be marketed […]

Idol like talent Lin Yu Chun generates millions of YouTube views

| April 16, 2010

Although I’m not a fan of the “idol” television program(s), I archived the impressive performance by UK’s Susan Boyle who shocked the world about this time last year – by the way the online web video of that has generated over 90 million views. As shocking as it was to hear Susan Boyle, a similar […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog