RichC | April 30, 2022
Major League Baseball is back. Last week, baby feeding did not keep this hardcore fan from from enjoying a Cincinnati Reds game and coming away with a souvenir. Perhaps the Reds could add him to their roster … they sure need some kind of spark.
Category: Entertainment, Sports, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: baby, baseball, cincinnati, dad, feeding, foul, mlb, mp4, reds
RichC | April 29, 2022
With Y2K in the past, I wonder if I still need to keep this 3.5 inch disk from a Windows 2000 emergency repair? I suspect I can toss the disk since I don’t think I even have a 3.5” disk reader anymore … although in the pile of old computer gear … it is likely […]
Category: Computer, Humor, Technology |
Tags: disk, floppy, Humor, tech friday, techfriday, win2000, y2k
RichC | April 28, 2022
In keeping with personal home project updating, our hardwood flooring has been moving along this week. The guys are making a mess sanding … but doing their best to contain dust. We are hoping for a stain-match to our existing oak floors, but in any case, the guest bedroom and office are taking shape. Unfortunately […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
1 Comment
Tags: bedroom, chair, floors, glass, hardwood, home, mat, oak, office, project, sanding, update
RichC | April 27, 2022
Earlier this year after an HOA meeting, I added myself to the waitlist for a new Wyze Cam product called the Wyze Cam Floodlight. The neighborhood has been looking for a better way to monitor the pool without the high cost of a commercial security camera. I mentioned this economical motion floodlight with cam and […]
Category: Gadget, Ideas, Personal, Photos, Shopping, Technology, Video |
Tags: floodlight, hoa, megan, mp4, poolhouse, security, taylor, waitlist, washing, wyze, wyzecam3
RichC | April 26, 2022
The financial markets have been following the Federal Reserves messaging regarding tightening their easy money policies and has been selling off the last few days. The more aggressive, but late stance to slow inflation is one needed piece of the puzzle … although also heights concerns over slow growth or even a recession. That news […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: $DWAC, $TWTR, buyout, elon musk, federal reserve, finance, investing, markets, media, msm, parler, poison pill, Politics, stocks, truth social, twitter
RichC | April 25, 2022
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Category: Archive, Nature, Personal, Photography, Photos, Video, Weather |
Tags: apple blossom, ellerie, family, goacamole, granddaughter, iphone7plus, mp4, portrait mode
RichC | April 24, 2022
For a better reference to the subject line, see this post! (tweet below) 
Category: Automotive, Social Media, Volkswagen |
Tags: family, sportwagen, taylor, tweet, twitter, volkswagen, vw
RichC | April 23, 2022
As the Fed finally starts to deal with inflation, the market took note this month and seems to be selling off across the board. The expectation is that the economy will slow and as they say in the investing world, “don’t fight the Fed.” There isn’t a silver bullet that can keep businesses booming, paychecks […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: crude, economy, federal reserve, inflation, oil, recession
RichC | April 22, 2022
The MP3 format for audio has been used on My Desultory Blog since the mid-2000s and I have contemplated a variety of other opensource options over the years. Compression choices to keep file sizes and streaming acceptable come and go and as we search for quality of audio and bandwidth for streaming becomes less of […]
Category: Audio, Blogs, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: apogee, app, audio, compression,, format, ipad, iphone, m4a, microphone, tech friday, techfriday, voice memo
RichC | April 21, 2022
As the slow progress on finishing my home office continues, I’ve set up a temporary office in the basement (below). It is surprisingly comfortable, but I do miss the daylight and looking out the windows. I can’t help but reminisce to make this a Throwback Thursday #TBT post after finally removing the painters tape from […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Human Interest, Misc, Personal, Photos, Productivity, TBT, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: basement, floors, hardwood, home, imac, office, TBT, throwback, thursday
RichC | April 20, 2022
In keeping with this graphic, here’s a recent LA Times article highlighting a growing California crime problem … 17 L.A. gangs have sent out crews to follow and rob city’s wealthiest, LAPD says More than a dozen Los Angeles gangs are targeting some of the city’s wealthiest residents in a new and aggressive manner, sending […]
Category: Automotive, News, Privacy |
Tags: bumper stickers, california, cars, crime, information, latimes, privacy
RichC | April 19, 2022
After filling up the 2010 BMW X5 35d with diesel … ouch … I drove to the least painful Ohio DMV location in my area according to the online wait times. Thankfully I came prepared with my passport, address verification and requested ID information. After $56.40 … I came out in less than 30 minutes […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Diesel, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: BMW, carpet, diesel, drivers, floors, fuel, gas prices, license, x5 35d
RichC | April 18, 2022
For a day after Easter, the weather sure doesn’t look like spring! Also testing WordPress automated mp4 plugin with added gray vs black border than my normal hardcode video from iPhone7plus in slow-motion with poster image below the break)
Category: Blogs, Weather |
Tags: april, flurries, iphone, mp4, snow, wordpress
RichC | April 18, 2022
The years have passed, but my memory of a John Denver concert “in the round” was still the best and most memorable concert I’ve ever attended. I suspect a lot has to do with John Denver being a true entertainer. He knew exactly how to connect with an audience and was especially effective on a […]
Category: Memories, Music |
Tags: 1972, cass elliot, concert, john denver, Leaving on a jet plane, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | April 17, 2022
No time for a post today so I’ll include an amateur astronomer’s photo of M51 – Whirlpool Galaxy from a space-oriented social network group that was impressive.
Category: Photography, Photos, Social Media, Space |
1 Comment
Tags: astronomy, galaxy, m51-Whirlpool, photo, space
RichC | April 16, 2022
First, I mentioned pool repairs were underway earlier in the week. The tiles that I’ve been repairing are now long past due for a full replacement. So the water has been pumped out and a pool tile crew is beginning the demolition prior to making repairs and installing new waterline tile. Brenda’s comment made me […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: floors, hardwood, hudson, lumber, office, pool, project, projects, tile, wood floors
RichC | April 15, 2022
Pondering the suffering and sacrifice our Savior made for us nearly 2000 years ago – Good Friday 2022. “I am wholly deserving of all the consequences that I will in fact never receive simply because God unashamedly stepped in front of me on the cross, unflinchingly spread His arms so as to completely shield me […]
Category: Faith, Holiday, Quotes |
Tags: christianity, craig lounsbrough, easter, Faith, good friday, jesus, quote
RichC | April 14, 2022
Category: News, Politics, Poll |
Tags: distrust, economist, media, msm, News, organizations, Poll, trust, yougov
RichC | April 14, 2022
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Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, Weather |
Tags: annalyn, babysitting, bompa, dice, ellerie, family, farnsworth, games, granddaughters, maumee, oma, park, perrysburg, playground, river
RichC | April 13, 2022
It is hard to stand by and watch the wasteful spending, bloating of government and divisive polices streaming from our Federal government in Washington DC this past year. Unfortunately there seems to be no stopping the progressive Democrats in Congress who push their leftist agenda, followed by a constant stream of poor decisions from President […]
Category: Memories, Politics, Quotes |
Tags: biden, congress, disaster, government, harris, leaders, pelosi, quote, ronald reagan, Washington DC
RichC | April 12, 2022
While ordering Titebond III glue in the 16 oz size (best choice for wood glue) from ($7.98) instead of Amazon, who happened to only have other sizes and bulk packaging (although gone is $67 Prime shipping), I needed to add another item to my order to avoid the shipping charges. The Kubota ZD326 zero-turn […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Shopping, Woodworking |
Tags: amazon, fwp, grass seed, kubota, maintenance, mower, prime, sanding, service, spindle, titebond3, walmart, wood glue, workshop, zd326, zero-turn
RichC | April 11, 2022
This week almost didn’t have a Music Monday song, but after hearing “Afternoon Delight” over the weekend, I thought that since this was the only song I could remember from the group called Starland Vocal Band, that it would be worth adding? “Lo and behold,” I’m not alone in remembering it, as my wife started […]
Category: Idioms, Music, Video |
Tags: afternoon delight, danoff, idiom, idioms, john denver, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, Nivert, starland, youtube
RichC | April 10, 2022
We have put off replacing the pool tiles long enough as I’ve long ago burned through the spare tiles and have made repairs and replaced the damaged tiles so far myself, but there is only so much that can be done to salvage what still exists. It is time … or as most rational people […]
Category: Misc, Photos, To-Do, Weather |
Tags: maintenance, pool, repairs, replacing, spring, tile
RichC | April 9, 2022
Saw this “trash” can on social media the other day and don’t know if there was an R2-D2 Star Wars intent or not, but it did make me smile … ALMOST as much as receiving a photo from Katelyn and Drew while on spring break vacation with Drew’s family in South Carolina. It sure looked […]
Category: Archive, Entertainment, Humor, Personal, Photos |
Tags: audio, drew, family, katelyn, r2d2, Star Wars, starwars, taylor, trash, trashcan
RichC | April 8, 2022
After updating my iOS devices to 15.4 last week, I noticed a few annoying changes (normal when an operating system changes), and a few improvements. I suspected that older devices such as my iPhone 7 and older iPad would start to show signs of reduced battery life and sluggishness, yet how long nowadays do we […]
Category: Business, Computer, Entertainment, Financial, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: cable, cincinnatibell, fioptics, idiom, idioms, ios, ios15.4, tech friday, techfriday, update
RichC | April 7, 2022
While clearing out a few more old boxes and tossing junk in preparation for new floors in my office (and guest bedroom) last weekend, I just couldn’t throw this 1963 “fine artwork” colored by yours truly without taking a photo and archiving on my blog. A digital image take up far less space then paper […]
Category: Archive, Art, Blogs, Faith, Personal, TBT |
Tags: 1963, artwork, childhood, coloring, momc, richc, sunday school
RichC | April 6, 2022
Our concrete driveway is not small … and if you add to our front drive to the rear paved driveway, it is fair to say that we have a lot of money invested in concrete and asphalt. So … when last year’s front driveway replacement didn’t go well, we ended up in a dispute (friendly) […]
Category: Archive, Financial, Idioms, Misc, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: asphalt, driveway, idiom, idioms, long story short, resolution, settlement
RichC | April 5, 2022
When it comes to FRESH meals in a box, we’re relative newcomers to any of the meal plans … including the one we’re trying from HelloFresh. We have been pretty happy with ordering from Omaha Steaks over the years, but that’s not a “fresh” meal … just thaw and toss on the grill (my wheelhouse). […]
Category: Advice, Food, Idioms, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: cooking, dinner,, idiom, idioms, meal plan, meals, subscription
RichC | April 4, 2022
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Category: Misc, Music, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: early morning rain, gordon lightfoot, illusion, image, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, optical, twitter, unsee
RichC | April 3, 2022
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Category: Archive, Humor, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, archive, drew, ellerie, family, katelyn, laughing, laughter, passport, phone call, puzzle, smiling
RichC | April 2, 2022
The longer I live, the more I ask the question: “What is wrong with people?” While reading “The Coddling of the American Mind” last week, just before chatting with my son Taylor, the synopsis of the book came to mind. We were discussing a variety of current issues and ties to history (behavior, greed, crime, […]
Category: Books, Education, Human Interest, Video |
Tags: Books, coddling, college, culture, Education, greg lukianoff, harvard, jonathan haidt, roland fryer, schools, video, youtube
RichC | April 1, 2022
These illustrations make the rounds by email and social networking every so often and do so because they are interesting to naturally inquisitive humans … and in my case make for a blogworthy Friday Filler and “fool your mind” on April Fools’ Day post. This is one that cognitive psychology refers to as the Negative […]
Category: Human Interest, Misc, Photography, Tidbits |
Tags: afterimage, april fools day, cognitive, friday filler, negative, photography, psychology, vision