RichC | January 26, 2023
Besides nursing duties and doctor visits with Brenda this past week, I’ve been working with a customer who would like to deploy a non-CMS website and completely forgot to post something on Thursday — making it up today. Although I’m partial to using an inexpensive Linux server with Apache and MySQL, he would like to […]
Category: Blogs, Health, Medical, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: brenda, font, hip replacement, hugo, linux, raspberry pi, rdc personal font, static site, webserver
RichC | December 9, 2022
About this time of year the handful of servers that I maintain need to be looked at a little closer. Often I’m only doing the minimum maintenance, updates and backups … because there are often problems after an update. Pointing being, maintenance on this server have been getting over looked and put on the back […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Hobby, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: amd, linux, mydesultoryblog, server, tech friday, techfriday, ubuntu, update, upgrade, wordpress
RichC | July 1, 2022
For Tech Friday today, here’s an impressive slow-motion video used more for an internal streaming test than for the actual content. In my quest for low-cost minimalist data storage and serving, this is just a tiny computer test. (EDIT: It failed, but will include the video from my normal server anyway.)
Category: Raspberry Pi, Technology, Video |
Tags: mp4, pole vault, server, streaming, testing, video
RichC | June 18, 2022
Not that I was bored or anything while running on generator power for 24 hours, but last week’s outage had my small load-sharing Raspberry Pi “server farm” (semi-joke) that I run at the house (see, in need of service. One thing lead to another and I ended up tinkering a bit more with this […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: apache, brenich, cms, hugo, markdown, raspberry pi, saturday, server, tech friday, techfriday, testing, tinkering, wordpress, zigbee
RichC | June 5, 2022
A poor quality scan of our 1982 wedding with DadH, MomH, MomC and DadC Often a 40th Wedding Anniversary triggers a husband or wife to make the comment “thanks for putting up with me” or something to that effect. Although there is truth to it, spending the rest of your life with another person is […]
Category: Archive, Idioms, Memories, Personal, Photos, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: 40th anniversary, anniversary, brenda, dadc, dadh, idiom, idioms, milestone, momc, momh, richc, wedding
RichC | February 18, 2022
Over the years of playing (learning) Linux, setting up APIs and running webservers on a few Raspberry Pi computers, I’ve set up a Twitter “bot” in order to track them and keep them running. Last September 2021 Twitter launched an experiment of labels for these kinds of accounts that was voluntary. I run a “bot” […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: automated, bot, bots, james altucher, qdex, quickdex, tech friday, techfriday, twitter
RichC | January 15, 2021
Years ago when RAM was expensive, it was common to set up a SWAP space file for additional memory on computers and servers with plenty of fast hard drive space … especially when speed was not as important as preventing crashes. As applications get a little more demanding and server traffic increases, memory use steadily […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: Computer, linux, ram, server, swap, tech friday, techfriday, terminal, virtual memory
RichC | January 1, 2021
After the previous challenging server update from years on Ubuntu Linux 12, 14 and 16 to a questionable 18 upgrade … I’ve been hesitant to upgrade the server to “Focal Fossa” 20.04 in the spring and summer … so I didn’t. But now that we are at the end of the year (actually by the […]
Category: Computer, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: 20.10, Computer, groovy gorilla, linux, raspberry pi, server, tech friday, techfriday, ubuntu, update, upgrade
RichC | December 4, 2020
Although I only have one address accessible IP at the house, I can split it up via “Port Forwarding” on the cheap Cincinnati Bell router, rather than the home “mesh” network. After a little tweaking (ok, A LOT), I do have a work-around solution using a variety of ports to access different devices. For the […]
Category: Computer, Gadget, Hobby, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: apache, cincinnatibell, hugo, network, pandora, pianobar, port forwarding, power brick, python, raspberry pi, router, servers, siriusxm, ssg, tech friday, techfriday, tinkering, usb
RichC | November 27, 2020
It is not uncommon for me to head down a rabbit hole when learning a little more about Hugo the fast static site generator (SSG). The experimenting from a few weeks ago on a 64-bit Linux ubuntu server had me wondering if it might work on a Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately with Raspian, the normal Linux […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: homebrew, hugo, linux, raspberry pi, server, tech friday, techfriday, testing, ubuntu
RichC | October 30, 2020
While doing some “self” tech-oriented education this past week, I ended up distracted after a friend tweeted and shared some information on “static site generators (SSGs)” .. so off down the “HUGO” rabbit hole I went (thanks A LOT Scott, #sarcasm – LINK to his Hugo powered Bilik.Family website). I’ve never really worked with any […]
Category: Computer, Friends, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: cms, Computer, generator, hugo, scott bilik, site, Software, ssg, static, tech friday, techfriday, website
RichC | April 13, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Alexa, Apple, Computer, Friends, Music, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: ads, advertising, Alexa, brave, browser, commecials, covid19, echo, gregg allman, imac, input, jackson browne, jeffp, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, pandora, premium, streaming, subscription, these days
RichC | May 21, 2019
An odd subject line to be sure, but several “Native Ohio trees” grown by my younger brother Ron were planted in the back of our property and they always makes me think of him. Today is his birthday and wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday. (photo from Raspberry Pi cam yesterday 5/20/2019 … reminds […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: birthday, Cam,, photo, raspberry pi, ronc
RichC | January 22, 2019
Am I the only one who contemplates the minutest things … or am I normal? This COLD morning I thought, “Hm, this is the last of my deodorant and it’s really cold … perhaps I can get away with a single swipe and make it last another day?” The Raspberry Pi Cam view of […]
Category: Misc, Photos, Raspberry Pi, Weather |
Tags: cold, deodorant, frugal, random, thoughts, weather, winter
RichC | January 12, 2019
The Raspberry Pi Cam photo automatically captured the backyard snow during a break in the falling snowflakes. The storm was well forecasted, so decided it was time to put the snowblower on the old John Deere 330 diesel tractor. I hope the wet snow will “blow” as my preliminary shoveling has me thinking it might […]
Category: Misc, Photos, Raspberry Pi, Weather |
Tags: Cam, john deere, photo, raspberry pi, snow, snowblower, weather
RichC | December 11, 2018
Who doesn’t fall for the “treasures” found in the hardware store discount bins? I’m always looking for a “good buy” when I’m walking through the hardware store … and such was the case in seeing this outdoor LED floodlight. The twin incandescent floodlights that were on the back of the pool house garage for security […]
Category: Energy, Misc, Photos, Raspberry Pi, Shopping, Tidbits |
Tags: budget, cheap, dawn, discount, dusk, floodlight, led, lighting, photo-sensor, pool house, security, spotlight
RichC | November 29, 2018
The weather has turned this week with temperatures in the 20s and our second snow in Cincinnati for winter 2018-19 (here’s first). My automated Raspberry Pi cam regularly tweets out a photo with this one still looking like an autumn sky … or perhaps winter since the sun looks pretty low in the southern sky? […]
Category: Photos, Raspberry Pi, Weather |
Tags: backyard, Cam, photo, raspberry pi, snow, twitter, weather, winter
RichC | November 15, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Nature, Personal, Photography, Photos, Raspberry Pi, TBT |
Tags: annalyn, brenda, Cam, cleanup, drew, katelyn, leaves, Photos, raking, raspberry pi, TBT, yard
RichC | June 16, 2018
Frustration in tech land! Power out – now the cable modem or router won’t reboot properly! If you haven’t following along with my updating the progress on the Florida condo, I’ve been adding bits and pieces to “home automation” besides the normal “construction updates” to the kitchen (and eventually bathroom). Most of it has been […]
Category: Ideas, Innovation, Personal, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: automation, Cam, deebot, gadget, gadgets, home, nest, programming, raspberry pi, smartthings, wyze
RichC | March 21, 2018
Pulled up Tuesday 3/20/2018 afternoon’s Raspberry Pi Cam photo of the backyard and Wednesday 3/21/2018 morning’s images (click for larger) — what a different a few hours makes.
Category: Personal, Photos, Raspberry Pi, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: Photos, raspberry pi, snow, spring, weather
RichC | January 8, 2018
Our Amazon Echo Dot Christmas gift is the gift that keeps on giving now that I’m learning new “skills.” There isn’t anything earth-shattering it is currently doing, but the “easy” interface to Amazon’s cloud server for content and function may be limitless … at least looking into the future. It is an impressive device; perhaps […]
Category: Alexa, Audio, Music, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, alistair begg, amazon, beatles, bible, christian, echo, help, music monday, musicmonday, spurgeon, study, truth for life
RichC | December 29, 2017
In the world of community supported software and Internet applications, there are few better than those associated with the Linux Foundation Collaborative Projects … like Let’s Encrypt. The latter provides HTTPS certificates that are perfect for lightweight Linux OS webservers and it operates on a "donate" for certs services basis. This month Let’s Encrypt plans […]
Category: Advice, Blogs, Computer, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: blog, https, letsencrypt, linux, security, ssh, ssl, tech friday, techfriday, website
RichC | June 6, 2017
One of the fun areas of IT that has been growing in recent years is the “maker community” of products for do-it-yourselfers. These devices range from the Raspberry Pi, Pi Zero, Photon, Arduino, etc. The movement is bringing electronics to those of us that have that tinkerer mindset, but it also extends the opportunity to […]
Category: Guest Post, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: diy, fruth, guest, HVAC, jeff pitts, jeffp, linkedin, monitor, pharmacy, photon, project, raspberry pi, stores
RichC | May 5, 2017
Ever since the switch from Time Warner to Cincinnati Bell Fioptics, the Raspberry Pi2 and Pi3 that I’ve been using for testbed Linux servers have been out of commission. I’m struggling to come up with a way to bypass the Port 80 block that CB and many ISPs put in place to protect users equipment […]
Category: Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: apache, blocking, isp, port 80, raspberry pi, server
RichC | January 20, 2017
A friend of mine has been brainstorming the components and options for a project that I’m tinkering on for both the sailboat and improving my back up power at the house. Basically the idea is to use a minimalist single board computer like the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Pine64 or maybe just the new IoT Photon. […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology, Video |
Tags: a64, aduino, Computer, high power, mp4, pine, raspberry pi, relay, solar
RichC | December 9, 2016
I helped fund the Raspberry Pi based computer Kickstarter project known as the RaspberryShake networkingworking a large number of inexpensive earthquake monitoring station around the world ( The idea of connecting hundreds if not thousands of independent volunteer monitoring stations isn’t new, but it is a growing force in data collection. Hopefully I’ll be able […]
Category: Computer, Environment, Photos, Raspberry Pi, Science, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: earthquake, kickstarter, raspberry pi, raspberryshake, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | November 10, 2016
A mockup weapon seen at a Ukrainian trade show appears to use a Raspberry Pi micro PC as the basis of a guidance system—probably not at all what the inventors of the hobby computer had in mind when they introduced their affordable wonder to the world. The weapon was reportedly sighted at last month’s Bezpeka […]
Category: Millitary, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: missile, raspberry pi, rocket, russia, ukraine
RichC | November 4, 2016
The pile of new electrical parts in my photo likely doesn’t mean much to those who don’t enjoy tinkering with computer and robotic projects, but for me a novice in programming computers gadgets, it is an chance to learn on the cheap. With the budget Raspberry Pi and Pine64 computers, beginners of “all ages” have […]
Category: Computer, Education, Innovation, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: code, computers, gadgets, learning, pine64, programming, raspberry pi, tech friday
RichC | August 7, 2016
Once again, the little Raspberry Pi 3 is running hotter than optimal for long life and performance. I’m adding the small heatsinks as with the first Pi3 which eventually failed to boot — exchanged under warranty BUT it was running consistently hot. I have purposely monitored and kept the case open (saves a few degrees) […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: heatsink, micro server, raspberry pi, rpi3, zdnet
RichC | July 15, 2016
It has been a long time in coming, but the PineA64 Kickstarter project that I backed in January finally arrived. As start-ups, this one was not as smooth as it could have been. The team promised deliveries in March, then April and finally no later than May. Eventually June and finally July for the last […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: board, Computer, kickstarter, micro, pine a64, remixos
RichC | May 25, 2016
The Raspberry Pi 3 acting as the American Pi Apache server may have over heated last week. I detected a slow and steady rise in processor temperatures near the time it flickered the monitor on and off three times before it gave up the ghost (solid red light only); it was over 70 degrees Celsius […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: american pi, microcomputing, raspberry pi, server
RichC | May 17, 2016
It’s shocking actually at the video and uploading of my wirelessly wifi connected Raspberry Pi 2 has been flawless in streaming a video feed to uStream for nearly a month … MORE on American Pi
Category: Raspberry Pi |
Tags: microcomputing, raspberry pi, raspivid, steerman, ustream
RichC | April 15, 2016
Since I’m running a couple of Raspberry Pi computers 24/7 and have both the Pi2 and Pi3 forwarding their processor temps a couple times each day with a Python Twitter script, it has been interesting to compare the two boards. Obviously the Pi3 is in every way faster at computing and running stock at 1200Mhz, […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi |
1 Comment
Tags: computing, heatsink, microchip, processor, raspberry pi, temperatures
RichC | April 13, 2016
It looks like a small heatsink might be a good idea in order to preserve the stability of my Raspberry Pi3 as well as a cooler processor making the little American Pi microserver last a bit longer. Temperatures are generally 20 degrees higher than the Pi2 and have reached 90 degrees C a couple times during […]
Category: Archive, Computer, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: heatsink, micro, raspberry pi, webserver
RichC | April 12, 2016
We found out a couple things Monday … first, the Raspberry Pi garage camera seems to be working just fine after tweaking a few thing while experimenting in the house, albeit the video is a bit delayed (15 seconds maybe ???). So far so good with video … next to get some motion detection so […]
Category: Automotive, Personal, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: brenda, camera, raspberry pi, Rav4, security, toyota, ustream
RichC | April 10, 2016
It is pretty easy for me to get distracted when I’m suppose to be working on taxes … especially when my Raspberry Pi2 has given up webserver duties to the Raspberry Pi3. There were a couple glitches in imaging the new 64GB micro SD card but all is as it should be now. With the […]
Category: Computer, Photos, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: gadgets, pianobar, project, raspberry pi, security
RichC | April 9, 2016
A little more tinkering with webservers and websites this weekend lead me to adding open source YOURLS project to my little used domain (it was just place holder for a server). Its use gives me a simplified or "like" personalized URL shortener. Initially I thought about opening it for public use, but […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Social Media |
Tags: bookmarklet, linux, php, raspberry pi, shortening, url, webserver, yourls
RichC | April 8, 2016
American Pi ( is up and running PHP 7.0 on this Raspberry Pi 3. So far no issues with the Iconic One WordPress theme, handful of plugins or the speeds on this Apache2 server (is it faster?) Click to check PHP Version
Category: Blogs, Computer, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: american pi, micro server, php, raspberry pi, upgrade, wordpress
RichC | April 6, 2016
After buying a new 64GB Samsung EVO+ microSD card and imaging Raspian on it, I started the Raspberry Pi 3 in my home office. It is now time to start installing software and updating it to make it a proper "micro" webserver … although I already have WordPress and American Pi running on it (even […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: Computer, linux, micro, pianobar, raspberry pi, webserver
RichC | April 1, 2016
It has been a couple months since I backed the Pine A64 Kickstarter, but I did noticed my credit card was billed last month … meaning it was shipped??? Besides the hint of a March shipment in a previous email, there hasn’t been an update as to "if" the micro 64-bit computer board has left China […]
Category: Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: april, fools, gadgets, pine a64, raspberry pi
RichC | March 30, 2016
Amazon has released a step-by-step guide on how to turn the $35 Raspberry Pi into a voice-controlled assistant. The instructions demonstrate how to set up the single board computer to use Amazon’s Alexa Voice Service to create a low-cost alternative to the Echo, Amazon’s $180 smart speaker. Like other online assistants, Amazon’s Alexa responds to […]
Category: Computer, Productivity, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: Alexa, amazon, assistant, raspberry pi, voice, zdnet
RichC | March 29, 2016
Once in a while, you may want to do some maintenance on your Ubuntu machine and clean up unnecessary files that are chunking up large storage space in your hard disk. Here are 8 ways that you can use to clean up your Ubuntu[…] Source: 8 Ways to Maintain a Clean, Lean Ubuntu Machine – […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: clean up, linux, maintenance, ubuntu
RichC | March 16, 2016
Updated a bunch of plugins and WordPress themes on a couple of my personal servers … prior to making any mods to my clients sites. I’m pleased with the efficiency improvements after Apache2 configuration changes last week keeping it from hogging to much memory (no restarts since!) In this same trend continued to tweak things in order […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: apache, cache, raspberry pi, wordpress
RichC | March 1, 2016
The Raspberry Pi is arguably the world’s most successful and accessible computer platform that anyone can program. Today, the Raspberry Pi foundation has launched the Raspberry Pi 3, an upgraded model that is on sale now for the same $35 price. Source: Raspberry Pi 3 launches with faster 64-bit processor and Wi-Fi for the same […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: pine a64, raspberry pi, wifi
RichC | February 25, 2016
The American Pi blog was due for an update (including on too!) and thought escaping for a minute to gaze into water and sky of the right color for this dreary February afternoon was a good idea. Why am I still in Cincinnati again?
Category: Photos, Raspberry Pi, Sailing, Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: bahamas, blog, coding, ocean, python, sailing, water
RichC | January 27, 2016
This little “toy” will be fun! (should receive mine in March) Specs: CPU: 1.2 Ghz Quad-Core ARM Cortex A53 64-Bit Processor. It has 64 and 32 Bit execution states for scalable high performance power – including a NEON Multimedia processing engine. I/O EXPANSION: Two I/O Expansion slots – the Pi-2 Expansion and Euler box – […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: Computer, kickstarter, pine a64
RichC | January 16, 2016
This is probably something I should have known, but the small Apple device chargers have such small printing that I’ve never eyeballed them close enough. The are only a 1A charging device so they do not power the Raspberry Pi computers approrpriately (just in case you needed to know). Instead, you’ll need to be looking […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: apple, charger, raspberry pi, usb
RichC | January 15, 2016
We’ve had a professional security system in the house for years, but I’ve always thought it would be nice to make a homemade version for the detached garage/pool house – might be a perfect Raspberry Pi project? The first step was to see just what kind of wifi signal was there, considering the tiny $10 […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: camera, monitor, project, raspberry pi, security, wifi
RichC | January 9, 2016
Thankfully the weather held and the construction was able to continue on the chimney repairs. They completed the final soldering of seams on the stainless steel custom top this morning and were quick to show up and collect the check too. Although this was an expensive surprise after replacing the roof, I’m glad to have […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: chimney, home, house, repair, roof
RichC | January 5, 2016
After tweaking the 64GB micro SD card to get a few things set up on the Raspberry Pi, it sounded like a good idea to backup an image. The best option sounds like using the Terminal and command line instructions … but be aware, even with rdisk, it take a while. An example from […]
Category: Archive, Computer, Raspberry Pi, Tidbits |
Tags: backup, command, macintosh, raspberry pi, sd card, terminal
RichC | January 4, 2016
This post is more to test a “borrowed” wireless keypad that is set up on the Raspberry Pi — I’m not fond of the Logitech K400r. The photo to the left is part of the ongoing roof project and continuing chimney repair. In order test the Raspberry Pi’s image serving ability, I uploaded it from […]
Category: Computer, Personal, Photos, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: gadget, home, raspberry pi, repair, tinkering
RichC | January 1, 2016
If you enjoy playing with inexpensive computer gadgets and perhaps getting them a LinuxOS Raspberry Pi … or maybe a PINE A64??? Check out the inexpensive Single board Super Computer … and under $100 computer set-up and top of the line smartphone might be all the tech many of us need? PINE A64 compared with […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: Computer, gadget, pine a64, raspberry pi, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | January 1, 2016
Out with the old and in with the new. Happy New Year 2016! Edit: Posting this as a Raspberry Pi home image server test from the iPad. Impressive little box!
Category: Computer, Holiday, Raspberry Pi |
RichC | December 27, 2015
Katelyn and Drew headed back home to Wayzata, MN this Sunday morning after monitoring the wave of nasty weather pushing north later today. It looks as if they will be in the clear by the time they get to Chicago; the ice, snow and rain should be south of Wisconsin and Minnesota … at least […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal, Photos, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: christmas, family, fun, gifts, minnesota, traveling, wayzata
RichC | July 11, 2014
Those who enjoy tinkering with Linux and the small and inexpensive Raspberry Pi will love the new $45 (Intro price) credit card sized HummingBoard computer.
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: Computer, linux, raspberry pi