RichC | July 31, 2021
To salvage or toss: It is a quandary those of us who try to fix, salvage and repair things. My theory is that those of us who take thing apart as kids to see how they work, tend to be the ones doing it when they are older and collecting boxes of junk? I often […]
Category: Ideas, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tidbits |
Tags: aaron howard, dehumidifier, emory, family, fan, idea, ideas, lauren howard, project
RichC | July 30, 2021
Professional surfer Billy Kemper — and his son Lion — surfing together. Surfer Billy Kemper says he glimpsed at death after a wave broke his pelvis in half (CNN) – It was a tiny error in judgement, but within seconds he realized that the consequences could be potentially life threatening. “That wave sucked me up […]
Category: Recreation, Sports, Video |
Tags: cnn, friday filler, kids, mp4, ocean, sports, surfing, video
RichC | July 29, 2021
While reviewing and purging a few backups to stay under one of my cloud storage service’s data caps, a favorite photo popped up that was backed up on OneDrive. It was a pre-children time for Drew and Katelyn visiting his parent’s place on Lake Michigan when there was free-time for self, hobbies, tech gadgets and […]
Category: Hobby, Memories, Personal, Photography, Photos, TBT |
Tags: cincinnati, drew, drone, family, katelyn, memories, michigan, ohio, Photos, quadrotor, river, taylor, TBT, throwback, thursday
RichC | July 28, 2021
Perhaps it is my aging eyes, just worn out in the evening … or just too many distractions when the TV is on … but my book reading has slowed a bit. Of the several books sitting next to my chair, on my Kindle or iPad, most have been started, but sit unfinished. So this […]
Category: Audio, Books, History, Sailing |
Tags: audiobook, book, circumnavigation, discovery, exploration, francis drake, in search of a kingdom, laurence bergreen, maps, queen elizabeth, seafaring, voyaging
RichC | July 27, 2021
As a longtime subscriber to the Wall Street Journal (and for the last decade or so Barron’s), I’ve learned to appreciate certain journalists, economists and opinion piece writers like Jason Riley at the Manhattan Institute. When he told the inspiring story of Thomas Sowell for PragerU, I quickly viewed the video and applauded – well […]
Category: Books, Business, Education, Financial, History, Politics, Video |
Tags: barrons, biography, brainwashing, capitalism, communism, free markets, hoover institution, idealogical subversion, jason riley, marxism, maverick, milton friedman, propaganda, saul alinsky, socialism, thomas sowell, wsj, youtube, Yuri Bezmenov. mp4
RichC | July 26, 2021
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Category: Music |
Tags: 70son7, burt bacharach, dionne warwick, jj walker, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, r&b, siriusxm, spinners, then came you, thom bell
RichC | July 25, 2021
So what do you know about bats? Personally, I didn’t know very much at all. I see them regularly in the evening sky darting around and have always repeated the mantra that they are good for the environment because they eat mosquitos and pesky insects (article). Beyond that … and the vampire stories … I […]
Category: Environment, Health, Idioms, Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: animals, backyard, bats, china, coronavirus, covid19, idioms, pandemic, pool, rabies, wet market, wildlife, wuhan
RichC | July 24, 2021
If it were not for the questionable messaging being pushed by every politician, biased partisan media personality (both left and right), so called medical experts and even our own wishy-washy Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it would be easier to decipher if this Delta Covid-19 variant is something to worry about or just […]
Category: Health, News |
Tags: coronavirus, covid19, delta variant, dr rochelle walensky, economy, facemasks, messaging, pandemic, shutdown
RichC | July 23, 2021
Occasionally I still get calls from people asking me about shortcut key combinations. Most of the shortcuts are second nature to people who grew up using computers, but then again … what you don’t use, you forget. How about a refresher from Wired? Tip: Learn as many keyboard shortcuts as your brain can store. You […]
Category: Computer, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: Computer, keyboard, shortcuts, tech friday, techfriday, tips, wired
RichC | July 22, 2021
Although the “installing engineered hardwood flooring” comment caught my eye in this @Forbes retweet from @ForbesAdvisor … I couldn’t help but noticed the “likely” canned image with an old Palm Treo hanging on the installers belt. Fun to remember those old days! It does bring back memories …
Category: Memories, Misc, Social Media, TBT |
1 Comment
Tags: floors, forbes, installer, palm, treo, twitter, wood
RichC | July 21, 2021
My brother Ron spent his career as a civilian with the USAF and much of it was spent year working with F-16 modifications. He was a cog in the bureaucratic gears dealing with the many upgrades and decade long modification cycles. I saw this 60/40 international joint partnership model in a photo discussed by my […]
Category: Aviation |
1 Comment
Tags: f-16, ge aviation, general dynamics, mitsubishi, photo, ronc, twitter, usaf
RichC | July 20, 2021
Most news outlets are covering the Jeff Bezos and crew launching the few minutes delayed Blue Origin first crewed 11-minute space flight on the anniversary of Apollo 11’s moon landing in 1969. The New Shepard spacecraft launched flawlessly and was a beautiful site … although, shockingly short, for $28 million dollars per passenger. Interestingly, […]
Category: Human Interest, Personal, Photos, Space |
1 Comment
Tags: astronaut, blue origin, flight, gx8, iphone7plus, jeff bezos, lumix, moon, new shepard, Photos, rocket, space
RichC | July 20, 2021
Figured I would archive a couple leftover photos and an animated gif from a nice weekend working out in the yard. Since the concrete crew has not started the driveway project yet, I am continuing to clear brush and cut low branches (contemplating large concrete mixing trucks). Once again, the bonfire brush pile is starting […]
Category: Art, Entertainment, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: ani gif, Art, black widow, branches, brush, family, movie, museum, richc, spider, toledo, trees, yardwork
RichC | July 19, 2021
If you are an investor or long term education and retirement saver, you’re feeling the pain today as the coronavirus Delta variant spread could impact the economic recovery. U.S. stocks, oil prices and government bond yields slid Monday as anxiety mounted over the spread of the Delta coronavirus variant and its potential impact on the […]
Category: Financial, News |
1 Comment
Tags: chart, coronavirus, covid19, investing, saving, wall street,
RichC | July 19, 2021
It has hard for me to imagine that there is anyone who doesn’t appreciate the music of Neil Diamond? He may not have been at the top of my 1970s music listening list, but when it comes to soft rock, there are few men who can match his vocal talent. A Twitter snippet of a […]
Category: Entertainment, Music, Video |
Tags: 1970, crackin' rosie, music monday, musicmonday, neil diamond, parkinson's, retirement, soft rock, youtube
RichC | July 18, 2021
Good news and bad news. First, my relatively new (2018) smaller Ridgid tool battery will not hold a charge for very long … which has been my gripe with all previous battery powered “cordless” tools, especially those prior to Lithium Ion. Actually my complaint was not with the batteries, but the pricing of replacement batteries. […]
Category: Hobby, Shopping, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: battery, cordless, dewalt, home depot, lithium, lsa, milwaukee, replacement, ridgid, tools, warranty
RichC | July 17, 2021
Slow progress on my home office as I continue to work in disarray; I am missing my accessory junk … including a small hanging TV. I don’t necessarily “watch” business television, instead listen to the stream via SiriusXM to my Aftershokz Aeropex headset. Occasionally though, do still find it helpful to have a video image […]
Category: Archive, Computer, Financial, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tablet, Technology, Video |
Tags: aeropex, aftershokz, cabinet, cork, heatpump, home, HVAC, investing, ipad, minisplit, mp4, office, pioneer, project, remodel, siriusxm, television, whiteboard
RichC | July 16, 2021
My Amazon Kindle Voyage is not used much for reading anymore as I have gravitated to using my iPad, but every time I’ve picked it up lately the battery has been dead. So after ordering an inexpensive replacement lithium battery – it is surprisingly small – I popped the back off with the help of […]
Category: Books, Gadget, Photos, Technology |
Tags: amazon, battery, Books, ebooks, kindle, lithium, reading, replaced, replacement, tech friday, techfriday, voyage
RichC | July 16, 2021
Just a pleasant, but warm evening photo as a Friday filler, after mowing the front lawn on Thursday night … and before the crews come to bust up the driveway and prepare to pour concrete (I hope!)
Category: Misc, Personal, Photography, Photos |
Tags: driveway, filler, front, house, iphone, pano, panorama, yard
RichC | July 15, 2021
After seeing this photo of someone workbench screwdriver holder, I don’t feel quite as bad about my multiple tool boxes and workbench racks. Without a doubt, I do have my share of tools and gadgets, but I’m not sure how many screwdrivers it is necessary to have in one holder? The Facebook photo above aside, […]
Category: Human Interest, Memories, Personal, Photos, Social Media, TBT, Tools |
Tags: 2-factor, booksafe, boy scouts, boys life, facebook, magazines, memories, popular mechanics, scout life, scouts, screwdrivers, security, toolbox, tools
RichC | July 14, 2021
Progress has been slow in my latest nightly book reading, in part due to being wiped-out by full days with our granddaughters last week and more recently watching a few episodes each night of an old 1965-1971 sitcom called Hogan’s Heroes (mention once before). So for a update on reading Operation Pedestal by Max Hastings, “I […]
Category: Books, Entertainment, History, Millitary |
Tags: book, book review, british, hogans heroes, malta, max hastings, operation pedestal, sitcom, television, wsj
RichC | July 13, 2021
The downside of having self-monitored smarthome security cams, sound sensors, door triggers and motion detection at the Florida condo in Delray Beach is that one never knows what will set it off. Usually it has been a flash of light or in a couple cases a slightly weakened battery on a sensor. Yesterday though, even […]
Category: Gadget, Misc, Technology, Weather |
Tags: aeropex, aftershokz, app, Cam, dark sky, delray beach, florida, security, smarthome, storm, thunderstorm, wyze
RichC | July 12, 2021
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Category: Idioms, Music, Weather |
Tags: i go crazy, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, paul davis, radio, rock, siriusxm, yacht
RichC | July 11, 2021
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: annalyn, aquarium, backyard, brenda, drew, ellerie, family, fun, funm mp4, granddaughters, katelyn, pool, project, puddle, richc, summer, swimming, tailgating, tie dye, vacation
RichC | July 10, 2021
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Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: 4th of july, annalyn, brenda, drew, ellerie, family, katelyn, megan, memories, mp4, richc, sparklers, taylor, weekend
RichC | July 9, 2021
For the last few years, I’ve been using Google’s Backup and Sync software on my iMac to back up mostly archival data to my free Google Drive space that was part of my legacy Miami University EDU teaching account. I haven’t taught in Oxford, Ohio for decades, but did spend a few dollars for Taylor’s […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: amazon, apple, aws, backup, beta, cloud, Dropbox, encryption, google, icloud, imac, microsoft, mydrive, onedrive, proton, protonmail, storage, sync, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | July 8, 2021
After seeing the latest Wirecutter recommendation the other day, I was glad to know we were ahead of the curve back when we replaced our old dishwasher with a Bosch model in 2010.
Category: Advice, Misc, Shopping, TBT |
Tags: bosch, dishwasher, kitchen, TBT, throwback, thursday, wirecutter
RichC | July 7, 2021
One of the segments from the Wall Street Journal that I especially enjoy are the book reviews … or the “bookshelf.” I’m always intrigued by the history selections and the review on Stephen Walker’s book “Beyond” was no exception. It so happened that it is also a WSJ+ “free book club read” for the month […]
Category: Books, History, Space |
Tags: book, cosmonaut, ebook, glose, reading, review, space, wsj, yuri gagarin
RichC | July 6, 2021
It was probably the intimidating photo of 9 year old Abhimanyu Mishra that caught my attention, but as someone who once enjoyed the “recreational game” of Chess as a boy, it is also impressive to see what this young New Jersey boy has accomplished. At the GM Mix in Hungary last week, a 12-year old […]
Category: Entertainment, Human Interest, News, Photos, Tidbits |
Tags: abhi, abhimanyu mishra, chess, dailymail, games, grandmaster, prodigy
RichC | July 5, 2021
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Category: Music, Video |
Tags: american pie, crossroads, don mclean, folk, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, song, songs, youtube
RichC | July 4, 2021
Well … no surprise, but divisiveness (or just a “put the spotlight on me”) continues in our free-to-protest country. At one time, standing for our flag, appreciating living free from government oppression in America and singing … or at least respecting … our National Anthem was nearly universal, but in the past decade, not so […]
Category: Books, Holiday, Politics, Sports |
Tags: 4th of july, america, freedom, Holiday, independence day, liberty, olympic trials, protests
RichC | July 3, 2021
As we transition to renewable energy and electric vehicles, the discussion I had with a German tourist on our cruise to Alaska continues to replay in my head. I am an advocate of free-market capitalism and smaller, less intrusive government … but have been known to stumble a bit and have supported government using incentives […]
Category: Automotive, Energy, Environment, Financial, Hybrid, Innovation |
1 Comment
Tags: brad templeton, capitalism, charging, electric, energy, ev, forbes, government, incentives, power, renewable, stations, tesla, vehicle
RichC | July 2, 2021
According to (and previously rumored on, Apple will be launching a 10.86-inch OLED iPad … likely to be branded the iPadAir in 2022. The panel will be a Samsung display and likely be followed by the larger 11-inch and 12.9-inch OLED iPad Pro models the following year (2023). Since I’m committed to the […]
Category: Apple, Technology |
Tags:, apple, ipad, ipadair, oled, rumors, tech friday, techfriday,
RichC | July 1, 2021
While reading one of my favorite investment strategist, Brett Owens wrote a REIT and CEF-focused Contrarian Outlook newsletter and occasional webinars that I enjoy. He commented tongue-in-cheek … that “we dividend investors really only need three things:” Hm, how hard can that be? Brett partnered with Tom Jacobs a few years ago to write […]
Category: Books, Financial, Humor, Idioms |
Tags: brett owens, cef, dividends, etf, idioms, investing, retirement, stocks