How many of these berries are you familiar with?

| March 25, 2025

While I love eating most berries, I will admit to not knowing all of these — do you? 

Music Monday: “I Will Play For Gumbo” by Jimmy Buffett (live)

| September 9, 2024

Back during COVID, Americans were not able to eat out the way we once did. Our habits in the Corbett household changed a bit, although we actually started cooking a bit more after our favorite restaurant closed (we were no longer just tossing food in the microwave or on the grill). One of the things […]

A simple yet debatable chart for “tart vs sweet” Apples

| February 22, 2024

As an Apple eater, I’ve personally always wanted a simple way to know which and why I enjoy certain Apples. After seeing this chart, I thought it was worth sharing. 

Rowdy Bar-b-que sauce and home mortgage applications chart

| July 26, 2023

Katelyn and Drew brought us back some Rowdy barbecue sauce when they took a trip to Tennessee in the spring. I didn’t get a chance to use it until last week — chicken wings in the toaster oven (better than Buffalo sauce?) Anyway, a belated thanks; it is delicious.  A chart/graph in the WSJ last […]

An impressive grilled Mexican sandwich

| May 11, 2023

Saw this double-tortilla inspired grilled Mexican sandwich on Twitter the other day and wanted to save to my food and recipe categories with the thought … I might try this!

Our shrinking kitchen counter space in the Florida condo

| February 16, 2023

Nothing like a big game, a bag of frozen Costco chicken wings and a desire to make them crispier than in a normal oven to talk us into a splurge buy! At home in Cincinnati, we enjoy our Breville convection toaster oven at home so much that really wanted one down at the Delray Beach […]

Recipe reminiscing, the lost art of handwriting and longer days

| January 5, 2023

A little bit of recipe reminiscing for Throwback Thursday #TBT this week. Over New Year’s Day, I enjoyed a “Bean Soup” recipe conversation with my daughter Katelyn. We discussed using the ham bone and pieces of ham from our Christmas dinner. I opted for a delicious Ham and Potato soup and froze a couple smaller […]

Homemade Croutons: My mother would have smiled

| December 10, 2022

With inflation pushing grocery prices up, Brenda refuses to purchase store-bought croutons unless they are “on sale.” So since we had a quarter loaf of stale bread after our recent week away, I decided to cube and turn it into Rosemary, Italian seasoning, Garlic and Olive Oil croutons. After making them (bake 10 minutes at […]

Red Baron Brick Oven Pizza and beach pigeons …

| October 11, 2022

With a lot of football watching in the evening last week while on vacation in Delray Beach, our appetite was for pizza. Normally we might have ordered it from a pizza shop, but since Target had Red Baron pizzas on sale for $3.99, we opted for their Brick Oven medium pizza. Shockingly, neither Brenda or […]

Taylor has a CAN-DO attitude that can get him in trouble

| September 27, 2022

After fixing “Arthur Avenue Pork Sausage and Pepper Heroes with Melty Mozzarella Cheese and Garlic Potato Wedges” … as the recipe card states on Sunday night, which was the last of our subscription meal for a while … my son Taylor called at 8PM after getting himself “in a pickle” (a perfect place for a Shakespearian […]

The enticement emails from worked

| September 17, 2022

Having initially enjoyed the weekly meal offering from Hello Fresh, the menu started to get a little stale as new items began to resemble previous meals. With inflation at the grocery store (and the fuel and time cost), the price was somewhat less of a gripe, but both of us started to notice fewer and […]

Oostra lot clearing has begun, a KETO diet and Fitbit update

| July 13, 2022

Instead of starting a rant on our nightmare return trip from the Canadian Rockies flying Air Canada … I’m going to let the stress dissipate for a while. It was painful travel. So instead I’ll archive a couple exciting photos from Katelyn and Drew as their builder has started clearing the trees from their lot […]

Sunday thoughts: A rainbow photo and delicious fish dinner

| June 12, 2022

Thank you Drew for sharing this amazing backyard rainbow photo from last week! “I set My rainbow in the cloud … and I will remember My [promise to] … every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh … that is on the earth”  — Genesis […]

Are you a Coffee or a Tea drinker? Coffee for me, please!

| June 1, 2022

Who doesn’t enjoy of teasing friends back and forth over foodie items? Here’s one that I’m going to debate with my friend Jeff … as he has always been a “Tea drinker” and I’ve been a “Coffee guy.” I’ll start with my pro-military, flag-waving “patriotic Americans drink coffee” position, and I’m sure he’ll lay out […]

Katelyn found a new version of Lucky Charms for Annalyn

| May 20, 2022

This content is restricted.

Working towards my 10,000 step per day Fitbit Versa target

| May 18, 2022

When the weather finally warmed up and I was motivated to head outside to work in the yard and start cleaning things up around the house, it was good for my activity level. Let’s see if this will correspond with losing a few pounds and getting a little healthier – it certainly can’t hurt (a […]

A little praise for our HelloFresh trial and now subscription

| April 5, 2022

When it comes to FRESH meals in a box, we’re relative newcomers to any of the meal plans … including the one we’re trying from HelloFresh. We have been pretty happy with ordering from Omaha Steaks over the years, but that’s not a “fresh” meal … just thaw and toss on the grill (my wheelhouse). […]

Another Mexican dinner with my friend Jeff and some humor

| February 9, 2022

Last week I had dinner with my buddy Jeff after taking him to pick up his car from a seat repair/re-upholstering job. He previously planned it so we could go to our “old” favorite Acapulco Mexican Restaurant (which is no longer tolerated as well in my digestive track as it was 20 years ago). He […] the good (delicious) and the bad (expensive)

| February 2, 2022

We were late to trying the fresh meal kit plans and put off cooking the first two fresh meals a week. When we finally did get around to fixing them, they were still reasonable fresh and the excellent recipes and produce shocked us at just how tasty the first meal was. I had already […]

Even at my age, curiosity makes me do unusual things

| December 18, 2021

Our Omaha Steak special New Year’s spiral cut ham arrived this week and after finding room in our freezer for 10 pounds of ham, I moved the foam cooler out to the garage. After giving some thought to how nice and cold the contents were, I decided to see if the dry ice was keeping […]

Old bananas, a place for everything and everything in its place

| August 11, 2021

Generally we (really just me) eat up the bananas before they go too soft or brown, but when they do, I make banana bread. Slowly but surely I’ve been tweaking my recipe (below) … usually adjusting the amount of bananas (and how soft) and the 1/2 – 3/4 cup of sugar part. This past week, […]

Aging, health, diet, a new decade and a New Year’s resolution

| January 1, 2020

We’re not getting any younger … and in my case, I’m a bit more conscious of age creeping into my decision-making process. Things I did years ago like heavy lifting, working under a car then jumping up and back down after retrieving a required tool … or even the enjoyable laying down on the floor […]

It has been HOT and an update on the New Gutters for the house

| July 23, 2019

The weather has been super hot and humid so far this July over most of the eastern half of the country. It is pool and grilling weather to be sure … although when the pool water temperature is 90 degrees, it really doesn’t feel all that refreshing anymore. Since I was clearing off the porches […]

Music Monday: Cheeseburger in Paradise – Jimmy Buffett

| July 22, 2019

What would summer be without Jimmy Buffett music and cheeseburgers? How about remembering summer fun with Jimmy Buffett‘s Cheeseburger in Paradise song from back in 1978 with a relatively new personal connection twist? Besides me being a nearly life long listener, this past year or so I have another connection to Buffett as mentioned before. […]

Premium Rapeseed Cooking Oil for Taylor from Duchess Farms

| June 19, 2019

My son Taylor has a friend who runs a farm in the UK that he visited with back in 2015. Besides the bachelor pad in a barn with collectable British and Italian sports cars, he also grows and processes rapeseed oil for cooks and unique restaurants.  The Duchess Oil brand is not available in the […]

This is why we own shares of Pepsi $PEP and Coke $KO #TBT

| June 13, 2019

We have so many cans (mostly Brenda’s Diet Pepsi, but plenty of my Diet Mountain Dew as well) is almost embarrassing how I take aluminum cans to a local recycling center. It is even more eye-opening to “see” just how much pop (soda) we buy and consume! How is it possible to drink this many […]

Our favorite Spinning Fork restaurant is now re-opening as The Spinning Forchetta Italian Eatery, now closer to home

| June 5, 2019

We were obviously not alone in sheading tears over the lost of our favorite local restaurant Spinning Fork in Fairfiled, Ohio(we’ve eaten there since 1995)… but thankfully the family, recipes and history looks like it will be around a while longer, just not at the same location. They have moved to a Hamilton Elks Golf […]

Spinning Fork, our favorite local Italian restaurant has closed

| February 24, 2019

Brenda and I have been eating at The Spinning Fork Restaurant in Fairfield, Ohio since even before we moved to the Cincinnati area – was our favorite restaurant. Our family grew up enjoying their delicious food and personal warmth, something that I think only exists at locally owned establishments. We are hoping new owners will […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog