More for A Real Economy vs a Fake Economy

| March 15, 2025

Some might say that I’m spending too much time focused on the political news coming from Washington DC these days … but so much is happening — and at a rapid pace. I’ve enjoyed spinning commentary a little more than usual this past year … and am a bit more Trumpish when posting on […]

Leftover political humor highlighting a U.S. postage stamp

| February 2, 2025

Although I’m sure the November 2024 election loss might still be raw for some, a leftover lampoon of the 46th president and a U.S. postage stamp “might” of had me smiling … as did “this real video” a couple months ago. It could have been tossed to the computer trash or left to humor others […]

Another opportunity for me to opine on

| January 28, 2025

Getting an invite to write for the “right column” of is becoming a habit. Once again the editor reached out after my January 2024 comment, “Let’s Start With a Clean Slate,” mentioning that he has a very short list of conservative writers willing to be a little more pro-Trump — a couple of his […]

Impressive US stock market rally yesterday and political winds

| July 11, 2024

Those of us following the stock market and managing investments can’t help but smile at the strong U.S. financial markets on Wednesday and so far this summer. For some who “sell in May and go away” (as the idiom goes) … they are are not smiling quite as much. As a long term value investor, […]

How old is too old to be POTUS … or is it a cognitive thing?

| July 6, 2024

Reading “view from the right” on this week has me wondering if our presidential candidates are getting too old … or if age is not the factor, perhaps having candidates pass the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) would be helpful?  Retirement Ages — by Stephen Macaulay Here’s something for your July 4th distraction, a list […]

Watching President Biden struggle as he ages is difficult, even for those of us who disagree with his leadership and policies

| June 29, 2024

This past week, I had the intention of blogging in a bit more detail on the first Biden – Trump Presidential Debate … but it almost feels wrong to be critical of President Biden in his current rapidly deteriorating condition. I’m not sure he will make a second debate no matter how accommodating it is […]

Bidenomics, Inflation, Moral Decay and the Cost Of Living

| June 26, 2024

Have you noticed that food, housing and energy aren’t the only things that have gone up in the three-plus years of President Biden and his Bidenomics (heavy government spending AND regulation — especially on energy)? Recent reports have also detailed how insurance rates and property taxes have risen and are rising … by hundreds, if […]

Pondering the Presidential Election on November 5th, 2024

| March 5, 2024

The presidential election for 2024 is nowhere close to being certain (7 months away), but it is looking more and more like a repeat of 2020: President Joe Biden (81) and Donald Trump (77) … an election for the “aged.” 😉 host and WWE wrestler, Tyrus made an interesting analogy last week comparing the […]

Student loan forgiveness, the Supreme Court and an old post

| March 1, 2023

With student loan forgiveness in the news again as the U.S. Supreme Court looks at the Constitutionality of  President Biden’s authority with a stroke of  his pen to be able to forgive student loans. Common sense would question the question of this extraordinary power, but past presidents have paused payments due to emergencies … so […]

Midterm elections could not be more important this year

| October 16, 2022

It’s simple: between the Federal Reserve spewing out more than $4 trillion in cheap money over the past year, and Congress signing off on “relief” packages totaling an unprecedented $3 trillion, there is too much money chasing too few goods. .. Inflation will only get hotter if Biden and congressional Democrats press ahead with even […]

Look what else is pouring across our open borders …

| August 11, 2022

As the Biden Admin ignores illegals pouring across our southern borders, cartels are taking advantage of distracted border patrol and ICE “processing” agents to flood the United States with drugs … including some that look like candy.

Inflation hits a new FOUR-Decade High, with food and energy increases hurting those who can least afford it

| June 11, 2022

CPI up 8.6% driven by a 35% jump in energy prices and 12% increase in groceries This is what a “sea of red” looks like for investors and stock market traders … and I can only imagine the “red” those living on a fixed income or families struggling to make ends meet must be seeing? […]

The Pain at the Pump is even worse when it comes to diesel #TBT

| May 26, 2022

I have put off buying diesel fuel for the Kubota mower and John Deere 330 as long as possible … but inevitably the reserve of 25 gallons stored in fuel jugs gets used up. It looks as if it is time to pay $$$ the inflated prices on fossil fuels — elections have consequences (pre-Russia invasion […]

Stocks, bonds, crypto all down. What to do, what to do?

| May 13, 2022

FoxBusiness/WSJ graphic For the good or bad, whenever I’m away from my daily routine, it seems like the financial markets lose stability and investors go into crisis mode? The past couple of weeks, those invested in stocks, bonds and crypto know that it has been painful; there have been very few refuges from the sharp […]

Remembering when we had better leadership in WashingtonDC

| April 13, 2022

It is hard to stand by and watch the wasteful spending, bloating of government and divisive polices streaming from our Federal government in Washington DC this past year. Unfortunately there seems to be no stopping the progressive Democrats in Congress who push their leftist agenda, followed by a constant stream of poor decisions from President […]

Pondering Stagflation in the US after Russia invades Ukraine

| March 2, 2022

I’m not an expert on how the events in Ukraine will impact the world, but I do pay close attention to geopolitical events, the financial markets and the economy … and can’t help but wonder how this will reshape our future. For the past year or so I’ve been grumbling about how the Biden administration’s […]

Praying for the people of Ukraine and the instability of our world

| February 24, 2022

Russia, lead by the wicked Vladimir Putin, has invaded and attacked their neighbor on February 24th after massing their military around Ukraine this past year. They started the invasion with missiles and air strikes to all but eliminate Ukraine’s air defenses and are currently crossing borders from all directions with overwhelming military force. For students […]

How long can the U.S. keep bailing before the ship sinks?

| January 25, 2022

So … how’s the economy doing in 2022? Well, if you measure it based on the stock market or maybe finding a job (if you want to work) … then the façade looks ok. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find out that your paycheck doesn’t go that far … IF you can find what […]

Energy Independence: Oil was once dictated by OPEC #TBT

| November 4, 2021

Not to many years ago, the United States was on its way to becoming energy independent … until the American fossil fuel industry came under attack from within our own country. This time the reason is not due to our country’s inability to produce enough oil and natural gas for our needs, but an ideology […]

TRILLIONs more in spending? IRS tracking at the $600 level? Where are the sensible leaders in our Federal government?

| October 9, 2021

If you think about it, the IRS will probably need far more than another $80 BILLION tax dollars to hire enough agents to track and follow up on every American who has a bank account or transaction over $600? A major component of President Joe Biden’s plan to raise revenue to pay for his trillions […]

Music Monday: Trying to keep faith in America by listening to Where the Starts and Stripes and Eagles Fly by Aaron Tippin

| September 13, 2021

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The U.S. is out of Afghanistan, but what an ugly way to leave

| August 31, 2021

Yesterday, Marine General Frank McKenzie announced the U.S. military’s withdrawal from our 20-year war in Afghanistan complete. We entered Afghanistan shortly after September 11, 2001 with a mission to hunt down al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and radical Islamic terrorists, but we spent much of the time fighting the Taliban who gave the safe haven to […]

Music Monday: The songwriting gift that is Brian Wilson

| August 30, 2021

Who doesn’t know who Brian Wilson is or love his many decades of music … especially with The Beach Boys (even my kids played them on our amplified Echo and dance around a week or so ago)? 😊 I stumbled across his timeline on the which highlights each decade with photos and highlights. A […]

President Biden will regret the day he ignored conditions on the ground, instead exiting Afghanistan based on a political timeline

| August 22, 2021

As I commented on the utter failure in Afghanistan last week regarding the decision President Biden made in leaving Afghanistan, it is just another “ fail decision” in a short 8 months by this president and his administration (we can’t take much more). The US exit was ill-conceived and poor planned. It was made ignoring […]

President Biden has a bold tax and spend plan for the US

| April 29, 2021

Personally I don’t like using the word "bold" for taxing and spending by big government since it has a positive attribute (at least to my thinking), but President Biden’s Joint Address last night was unlike any we’ve ever seen. It looked far more like a socialist spending wish list than a unifying address to bring […]

Opinion: We need an all of the above energy plan in the U.S.

| February 25, 2021

As an advocate of renewable energy, be it biofuels, hydro, solar, wind, etc for decades, I don’t understand why Americans can’t come together on a united “all inclusive” energy plan? I know a few anti-solar/wind energy types, but usually they are just pushing back against the extremist wanting to do away with all fossil fuels […]

Bold and accomplished leaders often lack diplomatic tact

| January 9, 2021

As a “very” amateur military history buff who is currently reading the book “I Marched With Patton,” I came away from Frank Sisson’s memoir in thinking about other leaders who earned the respect of their men, but offended others and were seen as abrasive. Accomplishing a goal and “winning” was for the most part their […]

The 2020 Election, the Georgia Runoff and changing America

| January 7, 2021

For red, white and blue flag waving, National Anthem honoring, military respecting patriots … who believed in the traditional values that founded this country … January 6, 2021 was a tough day. The election in Georgia for control of the U.S. Senate, the last line of defense for Republicans, went to the two Democrats Raphael […]

Election Day: Protect your freedom and liberty, vote GOP

| November 3, 2020

Today is election day and A LOT is on the line when it comes to the governing and political philosophy of the United States. Back in 2016, the promises then candidate Donald Trump, made when running as a new breed of Republican, had to be taken on face value and his words… something I personally […]

The 2020 Presidential Campaign season has been ugly

| October 29, 2020

After all the hate during the 2016 Trump vs Clinton election, most Americans were relieved the contentious campaigning was finally over … but it was not. The political left, assisted by much of the media, celebrities and activists, continued to encourage elected Democrats to fight on, impeach President Trump on fabricated information and “resist” any […]

Just how many years do you need to be wrong?

| October 26, 2020

Generally, I prefer not to spread propaganda and campaign advertising, but Americans do need to vote with their eyes open. Not everyone’s family is getting paid millions by the Chinese like the Bidens. Played this video at today’s rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania—a must watch! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2020

The 2020 Presidential Election through symbolism

| September 5, 2020

In trying to look at our divided America in a glass half-full way, the 2020 Presidential election at least gives voters a clear contrast in a candidates or political party’s desired direction for the country. Obviously symbolism plays a part in painting a picture of political philosophy and the kind of voter each candidate seeks, […]

The Democrats had their 2020 virtual convention last week and the Republicans started their virtual convention this week

| August 25, 2020

To sum up the nomination process for the November 3rd 2020 presidential election in a short paragraph is foolhardy, but that doesn’t prevent me from opining on the week long telethons. I expected both parties to come out with their vision for America and to at least give the leader-to-be’s vision, plans and goals? Unfortunately […]

Music Monday: Time Passages -Al Stewart (1978)

| July 27, 2020

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The politically motivated impeachment of President Trump

| December 19, 2019

How does a “relatively open minded” politically moderate to conservative American see the impeachment of President Trump? I pay relatively close attention to the news … and politics since it is a big part of our news nowadays … AND with three years of quarrelling and intense dislike for President Donald Trump by his political […]

So how did the VP debate go?

| October 12, 2012

Some are having difficultly getting beyond mannerisms — Laughin’ Joe. 🙂 Ralston Report’s Jon Ralston: “Biden’s facial expressions guarantee he will have a talk show after his elected career, but may not be good for a debate.” (Jon Ralston, Twitter Feed, 10/11/12) NBC News’ David Gregory: “Biden’s smile is out of control.” (David Gregory, Twitter […]

VP Biden: the middle class has been buried for the last 4 years

| October 2, 2012

Ok Vice President Biden … I understand you are upset and angry from the tone of your voice. I also understand that you are campaigning for re-election … but how do comments pointing out that the middle class has been "buried for the last four years" convince Americans that the Obama administration deserves another term? […]

President Obama delivers another Budget, while VP Biden sleeps

| April 13, 2011

Since the President delivered his budget in a speech during mid-day, I didn’t get the chance to listen to President Obama unveil his ‘updated’ budget … after the one he submitted two months ago. I had thought he might get serious about taking a bipartisan leadership position in deficit reduction and realized that most Americans […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog