RichC | May 31, 2019
If you are using Apple’s Photos app, you’ve probably noticed the software attempts to identify faces of people (not just Apple either). This can be helpful for “you” to sift through photos, but also seems a bit nosy when the app also builds a pile of “facetile” photos on its own. Most people likely will […]
Category: Cellphone, Cloud, Computer, Photos, Software, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: app, apple, backup, bigdata, cloud, Computer, drive, facial, google, imac, ios, phone, Photos, privacy, recognition, tablet, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | May 30, 2019
I’m not sure Hollywood can match this on a sitcom! You are invited to throw out the first pitch at an MLB game … and then you do this! – another LINK
Category: Humor, Sports, Video |
Tags: baseball, first pitch, Humor, mlb, video
RichC | May 29, 2019
It is summer and what is more “summery” than being out in the sun and going to the beach … and thinking about “JAWS.” Yikes! Ever since the iconic “we’re going to need a bigger boat” Jaws movie came out in 1975, most people have been both fascinated and fearful of the Great White Shark. […]
Category: Movies, Photography, Photos, Travel |
Tags: beach, bull, Euan Rannachan, great white, jaws, movie, ocean, ocearch, photography, sharks, summer
RichC | May 28, 2019
Thankfully the tornado(es) and severe storms that blasted through Indiana and Ohio last night were all to our north. I checked in with my brother Ron in Tipp City and he was fine, although his home and my nephew Jaben’s (Huber Heights) were in the path of this nighttime storm. The photo of a massive […]
Category: Local, News, Video-TV, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: cbs, celina, claire, dayton, family, jaben, News, ohio, ron, tornado, weather, youtube
RichC | May 28, 2019
Just a little bit of wasted time this weekend after realizing I need a better way to hold my iPhone when using it for video conferencing and FaceTime calls. In the past I’ve used a little rubberized tape on the edge of ceramic plate that sits under my iMac … … but it was never […]
Category: Cellphone, Misc, Technology, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: calls, conference, facetime, holder, iphone, magnet, neodymium, project, video, workbench
RichC | May 27, 2019
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Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 1972, america, mellow, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, soft rock, ventura highway, youtube
RichC | May 26, 2019
Earlier this week I posted something frivolous for a Music Monday, which happens to be Memorial Day, so I’m going to include is post a day early on Sunday thinking others might read it as a way to learn a little more about those who make the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country. If […]
Category: Books, History, Holiday, Millitary |
Tags: Arlington, cemetery, college, hillsdale, Memorial Day, national, sen tom cotton, Washington DC
RichC | May 25, 2019
It feels a late start to opening the “mudhole” … I mean “muddy” pool … this year as our trips to Florida have set me back on the usual spring chores. I think the earliest we have opened the pool as been March, but this year is about the latest that I can recall, although […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: chores, cleaning, home, house, Memorial Day, mounds, mud, opening, pool, yardwork
RichC | May 24, 2019
The political tension around the globe, along with the trade battle between the United States and China, have put a damper on what was a relatively good economy here in the U.S. Add to those challenging international negotiations, the deepening divide between many Democrats still seeking to impeach President Trump in control of Congress are […]
Category: Energy, Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: crude, economy, Financial, investing, oil, Politics, retirement, savings, stock market, trump, wti
RichC | May 23, 2019
I had several hobbies as a teenager, but photography was one that I thought might lead to a career. It “sort of did” since it opened the doors to eventually starting a printing and publishing company. When studying photography, several names of recognized photographers were published in the magazines and books. One French photographer that […]
Category: Education, Memories, Personal, Photography, Social Media, TBT |
Tags: career,, edouard boubat, europe, france, hobby, paris, photography, photojournalism, TBT
RichC | May 23, 2019
It is time to work on a few long in the tooth server updates and one of them isn’t compatible with my “old” WordPress video plug-in – it is no longer supported. There are several options that I’m testing both for my site as well as customer installs so am testing one of them with […]
Category: Computer, Software, Technology, Video |
Tags: plugin, server, testing, updates, video, wordpress
RichC | May 22, 2019
Yes … the U..S economy is in good shape … but if you are an investor, these last few weeks may not have felt like the stock market is responding as it should in a good economy? Enter trade with China … well primarily China. Yet there is also unrest in the Middle East with […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: barrons, china, economy, financial markets, investing, phrase, Politics, tariffs, trade, trading, trump, united states
RichC | May 21, 2019
An odd subject line to be sure, but several “Native Ohio trees” grown by my younger brother Ron were planted in the back of our property and they always makes me think of him. Today is his birthday and wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday. (photo from Raspberry Pi cam yesterday 5/20/2019 … reminds […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: birthday, Cam,, photo, raspberry pi, ronc
RichC | May 20, 2019
Whenever I hear the Doobie Brothers, I can’t help but think about being back in high school and listening to my high school pep band at basketball games (while I was behind the basket shooting photos for the paper). Several songs were regularly played as I recall … China Grove, Listen to the Music and […]
Category: Memories, Music, Video |
Tags: 1970s, doobie brothers, Music, music monday, musicmonday, rock band, youtube
RichC | May 19, 2019
Working on remodeling projects away from home a few days at a time really seems to stretch a project out (photo – flying home from Fort Lauderdale FLL last night – I was checking out the FULL anchorage at Lake Sylvia from the plane). Thankfully both Brenda and I have always enjoyed the hands-on projects. […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: bathroom, condo1718, cushions, delray beach, florida, master, painting, remodel, remodeling, tile, updates, upholstery, vacation, vanity
RichC | May 18, 2019
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, birthday, drew, family, katelyn, megan, mother's day, ohio, perryburg, taylor
RichC | May 17, 2019
Intel chips are presenting a huge problem for nearly every computer user with chips since 2011. These Intel chips have vulnerabilities that if exploited can be used to steal sensitive information directly from the processor. According to published articles from security experts, "the bugs are reminiscent of Meltdown and Spectre, which exploited a weakness in […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Financial, Technology |
Tags: $intc, Computer, hack, intel, security, tech friday, techfriday, virius, vunerability
RichC | May 16, 2019
After struggling to keep our network and Internet connection alive earlier this month, I started to question my relatively expensive Netgear Nighthawk R7000 router and “way too many” devices were the problem? After resetting everything several times, calling Cincinnati Bell Fioptics (our ISP) and shrugging my shoulders, I left town and instructed Brenda on how […]
Category: Computer, Technology |
Tags: bell, cincinnati, fioptics, internet, isp, netgear, nighthawk, router, speeds
RichC | May 15, 2019
More than likely Florida is at least considered due to better winter weather, a low cost of living and no personal income tax. There are a few other growing destinations, but very few in high tax states or in the cold north. It may come as no surprise that Florida snagged the top spot once […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags: cnbc, florida, planning, retirement, states, tax
RichC | May 14, 2019
It has taken awhile, but someone who enjoys Walleye fishing decided they wanted all my MayFly Lures. He made me an offer and so decided to give him a “buy them all” price. At least I’ve recovered most of my printing losses on this project from years ago and likely made a fisherman happy. He’ll […]
Category: Business, Financial, Misc, Recreation |
Tags: cpp, fishing, lake erie, lures, may fly, mayfly, printing, walleye
RichC | May 13, 2019
Having posted songs from the Allman Brothers Band and Gregg Allman a few times before, it was surprising not to have included a Music Monday “Ramblin’ Man” post? So instead of a vinyl single to mp3 (recorded 1972 – release 1973), how about a live YouTube live video from November of 1972 at Hofstra University […]
Category: Entertainment, Music, Video |
Tags: allman brothers, concert, hofstra, live, Music, music monday, musicmonday, ramblin man, video, youtube
RichC | May 12, 2019
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Category: Holiday, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, brenda, katelyn, mother's day
RichC | May 11, 2019
Although I regularly sharpen our "home" kitchen knives in my workshop and maintain the edge with a "steel" (love to try ceramic rod) … but that was not possible last week in Florida. I noticed when cleaning up the condo and starting the master bathroom update after the winter lease ended, that the new kitchen […]
Category: Advice, Shopping, Tools |
Tags: amazon, condo1718, cooking, kitchen, knife, knives, review, sharpen, sharpening, sunrisepro
RichC | May 10, 2019
Last year’s Condo1718 update to the kitchen and guest bathroom was a bit more ambitious than this year, but so far it doesn’t seem like it. Mentally I had my timetable worked out and figured the demolition wouldn’t take all that much. Well really it didn’t, but after finding a few things not where I […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Sailing, To-Do, Travel |
Tags: bathroom, condo1718, delray beach, demolition, florida, master, plumbing, remodel, update
RichC | May 9, 2019
Although the Love Bugs didn’t seem quite a bad driving through Florida this past week as they were a few years ago (added old photo for ThrowBack Thursday #TBT), they still managed to annoy me aboard Encore and messed up the Honda Odyssey. Thankfully there were also several heavy thunderstorms when driving and since I […]
Category: Automotive, Environment, Memories, Misc, Nature |
Tags: bugs, encore, honda, love bugs, odyssey, pilot, usatoday
RichC | May 8, 2019
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Category: Entertainment, Humor, Personal, Photos, Sports |
Tags: annalyn, family, funny, Humor, kentucky derby, lookalike, nbc, rutledge wood, sports, taylor, television, tv
RichC | May 7, 2019
In a discussion with my son Taylor last week, the subject of homeownership came up. He is single and currently rents, but like many millennials, hasn’t been in a big hurry to "put down roots" as have previous generations. On the other hand, being that his career is in "planning" and "economic development," regularly talks […]
Category: Advice, Blogs, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: case-schiller, chart, homes, house, housing, phrase, real estate, rent
RichC | May 6, 2019
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Category: Audio, Music, News |
Tags: change, morning edition, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, npr, songs, theme
RichC | May 5, 2019
Every student learns just how big and important the Mississippi River is in our country. From transporting materials from the America’s breadbasket to markets throughout the country and beyond … to draining the snowmelt and rainfall off the land so it can be cultivated (was reminded of this with all the flooding this spring). It […]
Category: Education, Environment, News, Travel, Weather |
Tags: flooding, maps, mississippi, river, united states, weather, wikipedia
RichC | May 4, 2019
We added yet another Echo Dot and so it only makes sense to ask Alexa a few more questions. Here’s list that has been floating around the Internet and so just wanted to archive it on My Desultory Blog. 100 Funny Alexa Tricks for the Entire Family For music lovers: “Rap for me!” “Sing […]
Category: Alexa, Archive, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, amazon, archive, assistant, echo, questions, virtual, voice
RichC | May 3, 2019
You are not alone in wanting the Trump-Russia collusion story and investigation to end. Americans in both parties are tired of this investigation and "thought" that after finally getting the summary from the US Attorney General William Barr (right), and the release of the full $30 million Mueller investigation report (with security redactions), that it […]
Category: News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: barr, collusion, democrats, investigations, mueller, obstruction, Politics, russia, trump
RichC | May 2, 2019
A tweet from an online friend and an automotive journalist reminded me (Throwback Thursday) that my photography hobby helped me adapt to a new high school back in the mid-1970s when we moved from the Toledo area to Sidney, Ohio. It was at a time when friends were already made and connecting with others was […]
Category: Education, Memories, Photography, TBT |
Tags: camera, Canon, cpp, darkroom, ftbn, high school, miami university, ohio, photography, sidney, TBT
RichC | May 1, 2019
Those of us invested or following the stock market either with individual stocks, mutual funds or ETF index funds have to be pleased with the rebound in the economy since December 2018. The first quarter has rewarded those who remained invested (so as long as they have been diversified) for the long haul. Even with […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: 401k, economy, Financial, investing, ira, markets, stocks, trading