RichC | January 12, 2024
Well then there’s an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) for that … finally. But now the decision, which one do you add to your investment portfolio? Check out this article on CNBC and chart of ETFs and fees. The bitcoin exchange-traded funds launching Thursday after the SEC’s long-awaited approval come at a wide variety of price […]
Category: Crypto, Financial, News |
Tags: bitcoin, cnbc, crypto, cryptocurrency, etf, hardware wallet, sec, software wallet
RichC | December 24, 2022
Jane Wells has been a reporter for CNBC (“Janie” as the late Mark Haines called her) that I’ve followed for years while watching business news channels (or should I have said, “is a ‘has-been’ reporter?” – hopefully a little humor that she would appreciate!). Anyway, I always smiled when watching her “quirky” stories and reporting […]
Category: Audio, Faith, Holiday, Human Interest, Humor, Social Media |
Tags: birth, christianity, christmas, cnbc, comedy, eve, jane wells, jesus, kickstarter, podcast, quirky, story
RichC | March 4, 2022
On Tuesday, I received my Apple Event invitation for March 8, 2022 where tech watchers expect to hear Apple announce a new low-cost 5G iPhone SE. The current SE is $399 and retains the Touch ID which as me wondering if the new iPhone SE will remain similar? They are also expected to announce a […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, News, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: announcement, apple, cnbc, event, ipad, iphone se, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | November 21, 2021
Saw a longer list of phrases on CNBC’s "Make It" website last week but pick out a few that I hear (or say) quite often. The easiest to correct are probably the ones that we stop saying … but can it be done? “Needless to say …” What to say instead: Nothing “Needless to say” […]
Category: Advice, Blogs, Tidbits |
Tags: avoid, cnbc, language, make it, petras, phrases, website, words
RichC | September 28, 2021
Look out on the roads … and no I’m not talking about driving dogs. HA! FSD Beta is an unfinished version of Tesla’s premium driver-assistance software, FSD, which the company sells in the U.S. for $10,000 upfront, or $199 a month. Tesla has rolled out a software update for their controversial Full Self-Driving Beta (FSD […]
Category: Automotive, Humor, News |
Tags: automotive, beta, cnbc, dogs, driving, fsd beta, mode, self-driving, tesla
RichC | May 15, 2019
More than likely Florida is at least considered due to better winter weather, a low cost of living and no personal income tax. There are a few other growing destinations, but very few in high tax states or in the cold north. It may come as no surprise that Florida snagged the top spot once […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Misc, Tidbits |
Tags: cnbc, florida, planning, retirement, states, tax
RichC | October 14, 2018
As a business news junkie, I’ve been watching Fox Business since I "demanded it" (as Neil Cavuto would tell viewers in the early days of the expansion Fox network). They have steadily grown and have become serious competition for CNBC (watched/listen since it’s debuted) and BloombergTV. Fox Business has mixed in far more general news […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial |
Tags: bloomberg, cnbc, fall2018, fox, foxbusiness, foxnews, schedule
RichC | July 8, 2018
As the current bull stock market gets long in the tooth (average is 7 years, we’re now closing in on 9 years), financial analysts are beginning to write regularly about preparing for the next slowdown. Few are declaring it over at this moment, but most advise prudence as it comes to what investments are being […]
Category: Advice, Financial, News |
Tags: $CVS, $PG, $XLU, barrons, bull market, cnbc, economy, inversion, investing, recession, trading
RichC | April 27, 2018
As someone who appreciates a good chart or graphic to illustrate a point, here is a great "Chart of the Week" posted to CNBC’s website this week. The article highlights where the "three comma club" super wealthy keep their money … compared to the rest of us. The graphic looks at the asset distribution for […]
Category: Financial, Human Interest |
Tags: asset, cnbc, infographic, investing, wealth
RichC | April 26, 2017
CNBC posted a simple chart in their article looking at #taxreform, cuts and simplification as to what deductions might be eliminated.
Category: Financial |
Tags: cnbc, deduction, reform, taxes, trump
RichC | June 27, 2016
Whew … luckily no injuries.
Category: Automotive, Video |
Tags: cnbc, garage, jay leno, racing, youtube
RichC | July 11, 2015
It was a quick and inexpensive flight to Florida this past week to do a little tropical weather prep aboard Encore. Summer is the time of year that “commuter cruisers” double their line, remove sails and store an extra windage in case hurricane winds target the area … besides I really was looking forward to […]
Category: Advice, Aviation, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: airlines, cheap, cnbc, encore, flying, frontier, hurricane
RichC | June 11, 2015
Although I still own and wear an old pair of New Balance athletic shoes, this is a reminder post to myself (posted before) to consider the New Balance brand when replacing my current Sketchers (no complains as they are great shoes too). I liked the comments in the video (below) and article on CNBC about […]
Category: Advice, Business, Shopping, Sports, Video-TV |
Tags: athletic, cnbc, newbalance, shoes, sports, usa
RichC | June 6, 2015
In a 2015 look at cable companies, very few customers are happy with their providers, in fact the report indicates a couple of the biggest have lost ground (chart below). Barely half of Mediacom Communications, Time Warner Cable and Comcast customers indicate that they are satisfied with service … and the latter two above have […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial |
Tags: cable, cnbc, internet, isp, media, survey, television
RichC | June 5, 2015
Really tempted to pre-order a Lily “non-drone” (company doesn’t like the “drone” term) according to a CNBC article (below). Lily: the world’s first throw-and-shoot camera Deborah Findling | @dfindles For those times when the selfie stick just isn’t good enough, there is now a flying camera. Really. Called the world’s first throw-and-shoot camera, the Lily […]
Category: Technology, Video |
Tags: camera, cnbc, drone, lily, pre-order, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | May 21, 2015
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie isn’t someone who personally appeals to me … perhaps because I see him as an “in your face east coast loud mouth” (my problem as a mild-mannered Midwesterner). On the other hand, I do appreciate the fact that he is not afraid to speak his mind unlike most flip-flopping, finger […]
Category: Audio, Politics |
Tags: chris christie, cnbc, hillary clinton, media, mp3
RichC | May 20, 2015
Looks like we may be onto something here … People who took a single vitamin pill twice a day cut their risk of the two most common forms of skin cancer by nearly a quarter, Australian researchers reported Wednesday. (Tweet This) The vitamin is a form of vitamin B3 called nicotinamide, and it’s sold in […]
Category: Health |
Tags: australian, cancer, cnbc, Health, research, skin, vitamin
RichC | April 8, 2015
Very confusing numbers in a recent Wall Street Journal graph noting that the number of job openings being posted are way up (green line) … up to the highest level in 14 years. That’s good news right? Unfortunately a look at the red line shows the number of hiring. Hmm, that trend has moved down, […]
Category: Audio, Financial, News, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, economy, graph, hiring, jobs, krueger, labor, participation, Princeton, siemens, Spiegel, statistics, wsj
RichC | March 8, 2015
Canada’s central bank is urging citizens to stop defacing their $5 notes in a tribute to deceased actor Leonard Nimoy (3/26/1931-2/27/2015). In a trend dubbed “Spocking,” Canadians have taken to drawing pointy ears and tiled brows on top of Canada’s seventh prime minister, Sir. Wilfrid Laurier, to make him look like Mr. Spock, the half-Vulcan, […]
Category: Financial, Humor |
Tags: 5 dollar, banking, canada, cnbc, nimoy, spock
RichC | February 25, 2015
With oil prices down and the stock market in rally mode (particularly these top 5 Nasdaq stocks), it might be time to nibble on a few of TheStreet Ratings best Oil and Gas companies (below). I’ve been watching a few of the “big oil” companies figuring it was time to start building a more diversified […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: $XOM, cnbc, investing, oil, stocks, trading
RichC | February 21, 2015
CNBC interviewed Gov. Scott Walker on Thursday morning (video below) as America is beginning to talk and take note of him as he makes the media rounds. It is early, but for Walker getting a little better better name recognition is a way to keep dollars growing for a potential (and likely) campaign run to […]
Category: Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: candidate, cnbc, election, gop, president, primary, scott walker
RichC | February 6, 2015
While watching my Twitter feed and tuning into Squawkbox on CBNC (my usual morning routine), the excitement was notable particularly since partisans on both sides of the political spectrum spar to take credit for improving numbers. We do seem to be on a trajectory of adding jobs consistently which should eventually put pressure on employers […]
Category: Audio, Financial, News |
Tags: cnbc, economy, jobs, mp3, squawkbox, superbowl, wings, wsj
RichC | January 10, 2015
One would think that a “rising tide lifts all boats” when it comes to gains for financial markets, but that is not the case for conservatively managed U.S. pension funds. The strong stock market returns during 2013 and 2014 have helped most individual investors recover from the 2008 financial collapse, so as long as they […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: cnbc, government, investing, pensions, recession, retirement, towers watson
RichC | December 14, 2014
A discussion between the host and guest on CNBC this week concluded that instead of saving college students money on their student loans that the government was using the repayments in other areas amounting to BILLIONS of dollars – ie. $19 billion for deficit reduction and Obamacare! It seems the take-over by the Federal Direct […]
Category: Education, Financial, Politics |
Tags: cnbc, college, congress, Education, federal, government, loans, obamacare, student
RichC | December 1, 2014
Last week oil prices hit multi-year lows after the Organization of the Petroleum Countries (OPEC) decided to maintain their current production rate. This indicated that they are either comfortable with the current price of oil or more than likely want to force producing areas with a higher cost per barrel to stop exploration, drilling and […]
Category: Energy, Environment, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: cnbc, crude, oil, opec, petroleum
RichC | November 3, 2014
Here’s a new chart for those who enjoy the occasion Chartist trader humor … Gold’s Two Hump Vomiting Camel Pattern chart from CNBC’s Fast Money.
Category: Financial, Humor |
Tags: charts, cnbc, finance, investing, trading
RichC | October 30, 2014
The left, the media and even mainstream Republicans had me convinced that Senator Ted Cruz was not a viable candidate to put on the national ticket … and that his ideas were “just too radically conservative” for today’s America. BUT … listening to him for 6 minutes (below) on CNBC’s Squawkbox this morning, I’m not […]
Category: Audio, Financial, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: audio, cnbc, congress, elections, mp3, Politics, squawkbox, ted cruz
RichC | October 15, 2014
It’s October … why would anybody be surprised by the market heading violently in the down direction? I posted earlier this afternoon while watching the market selloff across the board and figured the end of the day deserved an update. At one point the Dow was down 460 points with most stocks moving sharply to […]
Category: Audio, Business, Financial |
Tags: chris faulkner, cnbc, energy, finance, investing, mp3, oil
RichC | September 14, 2014
There was a spirited debate this past week concerning the Federal Reserves’ exit strategies and what will happen when the Fed balance sheet is deleveraged. The equity bulls continue to believe the U.S. will see economic grow as interest rates remain low and continued tame inflation numbers (some like Wilbur Ross are more concerned about […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: cnbc, federal reserve, finance, investing, markets, peter schiff
RichC | August 13, 2014
As both an automotive enthusiast and budget minded “frugalist,” I regularly grumble and complain about the cost of owning a car cars. From insurance and registration each year to the ever rising price of a new car and the fuel pumped into it, there seems to be no end to forking over dollars. Recently both […]
Category: Automotive, Financial |
Tags: bureaucracy, cnbc, frugalist, iowa, ohio, registration
RichC | July 10, 2014
I listened to a debate on CNBC on Wednesday morning featuring Princeton economics professor Alan Krueger discussing the problems of long term unemployment which lead to Joe Kernen suggesting there are financial disincentives to taking entry level jobs … the kind of work the unemployed need to gain experience. Krueger discounted that people weigh the […]
Category: Audio, Business, Financial, Politics |
Tags: cato, cnbc, economics, economy, government, krueger, mp3, welfare
RichC | June 17, 2014
While listening to CNBC’s Squawkbox yesterday morning, Southern Company’s CEO Thomas Fanning sees exporting U.S. energy as economically a best path forward. The strategy is not without debate and hits opposition from both sides – the anti-fossil fuel greens and conservatives wanting to preserve our nation’s natural resources for America’s future. That argument aside, one […]
Category: Audio, Energy, Environment, Science |
Tags: cnbc, coal, energy, mp3, natural gas, thomas fanning
RichC | May 2, 2014
Love him or hate him, billionaire “business magnate, politician and philanthropist” Michael Bloomberg clearly understands the effect the Federal Reserve has when it comes to pumping money into the economy. So simple and so true when it comes to who benefits the most from government trying to solve business and wealth inequity problems. He is […]
Category: Audio, Financial, Politics |
Tags: cnbc, economy, federal reserve, government, mp3, wealth
RichC | April 11, 2014
Those who spend any time watching financial markets and attempt to analyze a mix of investments the future, understand that there are mix signals coming from economist, financial analysts and those hired to manage investments (or pick for TV). I follow both the bullish and the bearish thinkers, yet end up being more conflicted about […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: bear, bull, cnbc, economy, investing, market, squawkbox, stocks
RichC | March 12, 2014
I keep thinking that something has got to give in Washington DC when it comes to the how the Obama administration and many in congress bog down the greatness of our country. The lack of an economic recovery is hurting the middle class and there isn’t a commonsense reason for it. Take the debate over […]
Category: Energy, Environment, News, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, congress, energy, keystone, oil, pickens, pipeline
RichC | December 9, 2013
As a conservative, government intrusion into the private sector is something I have difficulty in supporting. Unfortunately in the United States we’ve at least partially embraced the idea that government will regulate crucial areas of our economy in order to keep prices affordable for the masses. Utilities and food items come to mind and the […]
Category: Business, Politics |
Tags: cnbc, dairy, farm bill, milk, Politics
RichC | November 4, 2013
Frequent guest and St. Louis Federal Reserve President Jim Bullard discussed making “decisions by the numbers” on CNBC’s Squawkbox this morning. He offered an opinion that current low inflation and a sluggish economy is keeping the Fed’s “loose money policy” in place and that conditions are not signaling a need to taper. I’m probably not […]
Category: Audio, Financial |
Tags: audio, bullard, cnbc, economy, inflation, mp3, taper
RichC | September 18, 2013
Walgreens WSJ article … but actually playing with the postie plug-in for WordPress early this morning. EDIT: Failed to get a video posted directly by email from my iPhone to the blog.
Category: Financial, Misc, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, obamacare, walgreens, wsj
RichC | August 14, 2013
Way to go Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel. Let’s keep the pressure on reforming Ohio and to make our state a model of openness and transparency. For those in SW Ohio … watch to the end when he compares Cincinnati to Detroit. Concerning?
Category: Financial, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, josh mandel, ohio
RichC | May 1, 2013
Erskine Bowles gave his pitch on CNBC’s Squawkbox Wednesday morning although doesn’t seem to be making much headway with the politicians who refuse to face reality. Neither Republicans or Democrats seem willing to negotiate our future solvency — looks like we’ll need another crisis before real reform is made in Washington DC. I found it […]
Category: Financial, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: bowles, cnbc, debt, Politics, simpson, Washington DC
RichC | January 14, 2013
Phil LeBeau of CNBC interviewed Jonathan Browning the President and CEO of Volkswagen Group of America and highlighted not only their outstanding 30+ sales growth year in 2012, but the commitment to expanding the TDI diesel line-up in North America. The interview from the floor of the Detroit Auto Show also mentioned the addition of […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Video-TV, Volkswagen |
Tags: cnbc, diesel, tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | November 17, 2012
There is a Rise Above movement afoot and it is being promoted by business news network CNBC. Supporters and business leaders from both political parties agree that politicians must work together to focus on the financial health of our country and rise above partisan politics. We have yet to see progress and the stock market […]
Category: Entertainment, Financial, Local, Politics |
Tags: cincinnati, cnbc, finance, investing, Politics, rise above
RichC | November 16, 2012
Hostess Brands Inc., an 82-year old business with household brands such as Twinkie, Ho-Hos, Ding-Dongs and Wonder Bread will close its doors and liquidate assets after a bitter battle with unions and millions of dollars from venture capital in hopes to save the company. This morning CEO Greg Rayburn talked for 10 minutes with […]
Category: Audio, Business, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: Business, cnbc, economy, mp3, unions
RichC | September 27, 2012
After three rounds of Federal Reserve quantitative easing and the pumping money into the system, the economy remains depressed and there is growing concern over eventual inflation. The buying power of the U.S. dollar is noticeably weaker for those with stagnate earnings — most of middle-class America. Who knows when government inaction on trade, deficits, […]
Category: Audio, Financial, Politics |
Tags: cnbc, dollar, eric sprott, gold, inflation, mp3, qe3, sprott
RichC | August 22, 2012
Since our nation’s oil and gas industry has expanded its capacity to produce natural gas in recent years, it only makes sense that we take advantage of this plentiful, clean, and low cost energy resource. It sure sounds like a sensible way to keep the United States an economically competitive place to build and expand […]
Category: Audio, Energy, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, energy, natural gas, ng, oil, pickens, squawkbox
RichC | July 27, 2012
I spend a few hours each day focused on trading and inventing and have been regularly asked about my opinion on buying Facebook stock. My reply has often been that it is a great company and is one of the leaders (if not “thee” leader) in social networking, but Mr. Zuckerberg and Company hasn’t figured […]
Category: Financial, Social Media, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: cnbc, dan niles, facebook, investing
RichC | July 27, 2012
Peter Fisher, the head of Blackrock Global‘s fixed income, made a few observations this morning regarding economic slowness worldwide. One of the important conclusions that I’ve been hearing from experienced voices is that the U.S. is the safest bet when securing capital and inching out returns. In other words, investors globally move to the security […]
Category: Audio, Financial |
Tags: audio, blackrock, cnbc, investing
RichC | July 19, 2012
When someone who suggests they are a “social liberal” like Barry Sternlicht (Chairman and CEO Starwood Capital Group) mentions that he is concerned regarding the direction the U.S. and Europe are going when it comes to business, capitalism and taxes … it is time to listen. Some excellent commentary comes after the Verizon comments — […]
Category: Financial, Video-TV |
Tags: barry, cnbc
RichC | July 10, 2012
A down day for the markets after slowing earning from big companies like Cummins and Alcoa … but it was the day CNBC announces the top states for business. Of course it is no surprise that Texas was the top state for the 3rd time in 6 years. The other states to make the top […]
Category: Business, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: Business, cnbc, texas
RichC | July 4, 2012
I heard a short bit on Tuesday from CNBC’s Rick Santelli, the fellow that may have triggered the political movement known as the Tea Party. I wanted to post the video or audio this morning as a way to think about the Fourth of July but ended up side-tracked with powerwashing the front porch, garage […]
Category: Holiday, Politics |
Tags: audio, cnbc, happiness, pursuit, rick santelli
RichC | July 2, 2012
There are a few "experiments" happening at the state level in our nation which if talked about might open a few eyes to the benefits of less government as well as more freedom for individuals as the model for our country. Florida Governor Rick Scott (and Governor Perry from Texas by phone) did a pretty […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, governor, rick perry, rick scott, squawkbox
RichC | June 19, 2012
After conversing back and forth with a VW TDI friend of mine in a Google+ thread about the 30-40% increase in new car prices, we sort of concluded in a “maybe we’ll buy a used car?” Of course with the higher priced used cars recently (particularly diesels), I’m not so sure that is a good […]
Category: Automotive, Blogs |
Tags: cars, cnbc, diesel, prices, tdi, used
RichC | June 5, 2012
Although I’m not a big advocate for President Clinton, I do respect his intellect and ability to navigate the politics and the economy more than the current POTUS. Maria Bartiromo on CNBC had an interview which was both political (stumping for the Dems) and reasonably accurate when it comes to the dealing with the stalled […]
Category: Audio, Politics |
Tags: audio, bartiromo, clinton, cnbc, interview, mp3, Politics
RichC | March 22, 2012
According to Volkswagen (WSJ), the demand for their new American built Passat is showing steady improvement and therefore they’ll will be adding a 3rd shift and 800 new jobs in their Chattanooga Tennessee plant. I’ve commented on the new diesel version Passat previously and found it an excellent mid-sized sedan; with the current high oil […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Video-TV, Volkswagen |
Tags: cnbc, diesel, passat, tdi, volkswagen
RichC | February 13, 2012
Every once in a while those interviewed on widely watched financial television channels have an opportunity to mention individual stocks … not a big deal when the companies are larger. Unfortunately mentioning a couple lessor known companies can move the prices. Today CNBC’s Bill Griffeth on his Closing Bell segment interviewed an analyst from Oppenheimer […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: charts, cnbc, finance, investing, stocks, trading
RichC | February 4, 2012
Fred Smith, CEO of Fedex, spoke on Thursday this past week and simplified his thoughts on turning around the economy and creating jobs. He supplied a chart which doesn’t necessarily clear up the “chicken or the egg” discussion associated with which comes first, but his chart does show that capital investment and private sector employment […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics |
Tags: Business, cnbc, employment, fedex, fred smith, Politics, taxes
RichC | January 23, 2012
David Walker is an idea man that speaks as clearly as any in stating our country’s issues and would be a great advisor to any administration lucky enough to add him. His ideas, that “I believe” the majority will agree on, could be a reasonable approach for most of America who elect moderate Democrats or […]
Category: Audio, Politics, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: cnbc, david walker, Politics
RichC | January 21, 2012
I’m archiving the comments of guest Doug Dechille (First Principles Capital Management LLC) on CNBC’s Squawkbox this week. It gave me pause as our politicians and media debate the capital system which helped grow our country. Dechille brought light to the problems financial institutions have with government involvement and the heavy hand of the Federal […]
Category: Audio, Financial, Politics |
Tags: banking, cnbc, doug dechille, finance, Politics, squawkbox
RichC | January 12, 2012
There’s must be an easy way for social media users to capitalize on advertising products or companies using social media …hmm? For example, yesterday morning I passively plugged a product by recommending the Volkswagen Passat TDI to Andrew Ross Sorkin, one of the CNBC Squawkbox anchors and NYTimes columnist. He is looking for a safe […]
Category: Automotive, Social Media, Volkswagen |
1 Comment
Tags: cnbc, diesel, passat, social, tdi, twitter, volkswagen
RichC | December 10, 2011
After a few flurries and cold temperatures last night, we woke to the first ice on the small lake in front of our house this morning. Brrr … I’m not ready for winter yet. Preparing for Christmas on the other hand, is in full swing as I hauled home a tree last night finishing […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Politics |
Tags: christmas, cnbc, ken moelis, Poll, tree, wsj