RichC | November 9, 2024
The “yellow tape” applied to the table saw sled has bothered me since adding it in 2019 (above left). I’ve never had a problem remembering to keep my hands away from pushing the sled with my hand in the wrong place, but realized not having a guard was foolish (added above right). So a little […]
Category: Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: safety, sled, table saw, tablesaw, workshop
RichC | October 20, 2024
There is probably a better way to archive tips and articles from online magazines these days (it was easier when I just cut it out of the monthly paper magazine), but until then, saving snippets and tidbits to my blog is what I’ll do, even though I have a few ideas saved in my MacBook […]
Category: Archive, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: bandsaw, dowels, snippets, template, woodworking, workshop
RichC | October 12, 2024
Snipping from my digital woodworking magazines definitely become a habit, although I’m not sure I’ll remember how to find them, even though they are archived on the blog (or keep myself from marking up the image with digital red marks)!
Nevertheless, the one above might be useful IF I make the edge guide a […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Ideas, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: clipping, ideas, magazine, snippet, woodworking, workshop
RichC | September 15, 2024
The summer growing season is over and I’m eating the last of the tomatoes that KDAE brought from NW Ohio. They were a real treat and “all for me” since I’m the only one in the family who loves and eats tomatoes. They were so much better than store bought. Also, I know I sort […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: clamps, garden, jorgensen, rack, tomatoes, workshop
RichC | August 30, 2024
In scanning through a couple of “foreign” woodworking magazines, there were a couple of ideas and even a set of plans (in metric) that I decided to snip and archive. Loved the idea above for hanging cords, etc … similar to a commercial one that I use … and a more complicated Slant Leg Coffee […]
Category: Archive, Woodworking |
Tags: pdf, plans, project, woodworking, workshop
RichC | July 17, 2024
Just a clipped “Pick of the Tricks” from Woodworker’s Journal (publishing will end with October 2024 issue) 
Category: Ideas, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: apron, idea, journal, magazine, tablesaw, woodsmith, woodworkers, woodworking, workshop
RichC | July 9, 2024
Usually workshop tinkering is saved for rainy days and shorter days, but I decided that there were too many jigs and router table components just laying around. When I had fewer items, I could stick them under the table, but now I’m accumulating a few too many jigs, hold-downs and push stick type items that […]
Category: Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: blower, filler, jigs, light, ridgid, router, router table, shelf, workshop
RichC | July 4, 2024
Five or so years ago while working in the garage, I damaged the oak banding edge on my workbench. It continued to bug me until I tried some car body filler as a repair. It has been fantastic ever since and continues to remind me that there’s a simple, economical fix for nearly everything. To […]
Category: Memories, Repairs, TBT |
Tags: 4th of july, independence day, repair, scar, TBT, workbench, workshop
RichC | June 29, 2024
This past week, I had the intention of blogging in a bit more detail on the first Biden – Trump Presidential Debate … but it almost feels wrong to be critical of President Biden in his current rapidly deteriorating condition. I’m not sure he will make a second debate no matter how accommodating it is […]
Category: Humor, Ideas, Photos, Politics, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: biden, commonsense, debate, ladder, lumber, material, stool, trump, wood, workshop
RichC | June 12, 2024
Great from Eastwood‘s “Mark’s Garage” in using a 4-fluke end mill in a cordless drill to remove “weld through” primer’s and coatings when making plug welds. Also appreciated the budget minded 3/16″ drill bit advice from a follower: “You don’t need to buy an end mill. Grind a drill bit flat on the end and […]
Category: Automotive, Tools, Video |
Tags: drill bit, eastwood, endmill, garage, plug weld, welding, workshop, youtube
RichC | June 6, 2024
My Grandpa Bluhm made this workbench and gave it to me for Christmas back in 1966. His influence early-on likely influenced my interest in tinkering and woodworking (car restoration and rebuilding was probably mostly influenced by DadC). This past weekend I cleaned it up a bit and added a homemade light strip with a roll of […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT, Tools |
Tags: bluhm, capri, family, fishing, granddaughters, grandpa, knife, license plates, workbench, workshop
RichC | June 5, 2024
While reading paper or digital versions of magazines, I’m prone to clipping tips that I might find useful. Here’s one on soaking “just the bristles” of a varnish or polyurethane paint brush in solvent without the tips of the brush getting gunked up on the bottom. I have several wood handled brushes that I tried […]
Category: Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: cleaning, magazines, paintbrush, tips, workshop
RichC | May 26, 2024
Here’s an interesting rainy weekend workshop project idea: A squeeze clamp drill press vice to hold smaller items securely. Hm … looks interesting and simple enough. I currently use a classic Jorgensen wood clamp called a Jorgensen Handscrew (above) to hold pieces while using the small drill press, but could use something like this. Check […]
Category: How-To, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: jig, vise, woodworking, workshop, youtube
RichC | May 23, 2024
Upstairs in the Western NY Farmhouse Barn’s workshop in 2013 In keeping with the occasional ThrowBack Thursday #TBT, the above was a pano photo of DadH’s workshop after he passed away. I mentioned to Brenda that I wondered how he was able to climb the stairs of the barn and work on such a large […]
Category: Memories, Personal, Photos, Social Media, TBT, Video |
Tags: barn, bees, buttercups, dadh, family, farmhouse, flowers, momh, mp4, sister, TBT, workshop
RichC | April 17, 2024
If you aren’t into woodworking, a Table Saw Jointer Jig will mean nothing … but Katelyn and Drew have a pile of lumber from their lot in the garage, and some of it needs a new home.
So I need to start hauling some of it back and prepping it for woodworking projects (I […]
Category: Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: jig, jointer, lumber, project, table saw, tablesaw, woodworking, workshop
RichC | March 21, 2024
I started reorganizing the south wall of my basement workshop on Sunday afternoon, first, so that I could store a bit more lumber on my storage rack (the extra Oosta lumber!) … and second, so that I could clean up my old children’s workbench for my granddaughters to use when they come this summer. After […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT |
1 Comment
Tags: 1966, basement, christmas, grandpa bluhm, lumber, namesake, oostra, workbench, workshop
RichC | January 21, 2024
Really this is to archive a few project ideas (below the break) for Taylor. He is a Mid-Century Modern lover and has consistently focused his decorating with this kind of taste. If dollars didn’t limit his shopping, I think he would be living in a Frank Lloyd Wright home and have it decorated with a […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Personal, Photos, Shopping, Travel, Woodworking |
Tags: chair, desk chair, dresser, ideas, new century modern, nightstand, office, project, taylor, workshop
RichC | January 11, 2024
All woodworkers making projects tinker with making joints and deciding on which ones are best for their drawers, frames and boxes. I’ve experimented with a variety usually based on traditional construction and visual appeal. BUT I also assumed certain joints were stronger an provided both glue and mechanical strength necessary (ie. drawers getting closed and […]
Category: Tidbits, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: jointery, scott walsh, woodworking, workshop, youtube
RichC | November 12, 2023
While looking thorough my library borrowed e-version copy of Woodworker’s Journal magazine (Oct/Nov 2023), I scanned an interesting tip. Since the paraffin wax that I usually apply to a heated wood screw take a little more effort (butane torch the screw threads and stick it in the wax), I thought I might try this great […]
Category: Advice, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: reader tip, tips, woodworking, woodworking journal, workshop
RichC | October 5, 2023
This isn’t the first time I’ve admired the clean professional, but “make-able” jigs from Rockler. This taper jib would be great to have when and IF I decide to make nesting tables. I do already have a “questionable quality” … but adjustable … taper jig that I quickly made for the high chair project, but […]
Category: Ideas, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: jig, nesting tables, rockler, table saw, tablesaw, taper, workshop
RichC | September 26, 2023
Here’s another idea for the router table that might work better than the table saw for cutting splines in the corners of small frames, simple drawers and boxes. I usually struggle with lining up and clamping framed boxes multiple times using my table saw and a tendon jig (with box that cuts splines) and thought something […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: cornhole, ideas, janky, jigs, router table, spline, workshop
RichC | September 17, 2023
Oostra House getting paint early in September 2023 While babysitting at my daughter’s house last week, a conversation with Brenda shifted to an heirloom “nesting table” woodworking project idea. Katelyn inherited the small tables made by her Jamestown, NY furniture making great grandfather Holmstrom and treasures them as much as Brenda and MomH did (photo […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: brenda, family, furniture, grandfather, holmstrom, momh, nesting tables, project, workshop
RichC | August 29, 2023
There is no plan to buy more stuff, but I’m collecting ideas for the wall behind my newly upgraded router table for the accessories. Previously I have either just hung the jigs, etc on the wall individually or put them in a drawer nearby with my table saw parts and jigs. Now that I finally […]
Category: Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: bits, featherboard, router, router table, shelf, workshop
RichC | August 26, 2023
Since I now have a few more featherboards to use with my table saw and router table, it seemed like a good idea to add a couple T-Tracks. Most modern woodworking workshops now seem to use these anodized aluminum tracks for a variety of purposes … they will be helpful for hold downs on my […]
Category: Ideas, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: fence post, router, router table, t-track, tablesaw, workshop
RichC | August 22, 2023
I really did have the best of intentions to used the new knobs from Rockler to upgrade my existing router table fence, but after putzing around with my 40 year old angled aluminum non-adjustable fence, decided that an upgrade from the Amazon Warehouse (Outlet) for $133.64 made sense — although I could be wrong? The […]
Category: Shopping, Woodworking |
Tags: amazon, featherboard, powertec, rockler, router, router table, tinkering, upgrade, workshop
RichC | August 20, 2023
One of the frustrations in setting up tools of any kind is to get the settings precisely adjusted quickly and accurately on the first or at least close to the first try. For years I’ve struggled with my old questionable router table (35 years old) and dislike a few of the set up items. I […]
Category: Ideas, Productivity, Shopping, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: jerry rig, knobs, rockler, router fence, router table, tools, workshop, youtube
RichC | August 5, 2023
The making of a traditional black walnut box, for the military service flag I was presented at my father’s funeral, has long been on my mind. As I close in on almost a decade since his passing and the flag still lives in the plastic holder provided by the funeral home. It has been my […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Millitary, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: american, dadc, flag, military, project, walnut, woodworking, workshop
RichC | July 29, 2023
A couple of years ago when contemplating upgrading the dust collection equipment in my workshop … the urge passed. The old ShopSmith DC3300 was again cleaned and re-bagged … and still today the dusty basement shop continues to annoy me. Fast forward: Last week Rockler put their Dust Right FlexiPort Power Tool Hose Kit on […]
Category: Ideas, Shopping, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: cyclone, dust collector, rockler, sale, vacuum, vacuum hose, woodworking, workshop
RichC | July 9, 2023
Yesterday morning was rushed, as I attempted to get a few things done in the backyard. I mowed the front yard on Friday night and was hoping to get the back done on Saturday — nope, the rain and thunderstorms arrived before lunch. BUT … I was able to at least use my new Worx […]
Category: Hobby, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: backyard, edging, jerry rig, pool, project, router, router table, scissor lift, side table, workshop, worx
RichC | July 7, 2023
One of the TWO reasons that I’ve opted for the Ridgid brand of cordless power tools is their LSA … which I’ve used once before on a couple of early batteries. Besides the minor hassle in registering and filing a claim, it seems to be the right way to go considering the problems with tools […]
Category: Advice, Misc, Shopping, Technology, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: 9Ah, ani gif, anigif, battery, blower motor, claim, inverter, lithium, lithium-ion, lsa, ridgid, tech friday, techfriday, tools, warranty, workshop
RichC | July 1, 2023
Before I archive clipped workshop tips and ideas to a computer folder (saved in a place I will never look again => #humor), ideas that I’ve snipped from a variety of library borrowed woodworking magazines, I’m going to save them to my blog. If I were sharing and posting correctly, I would footnote or at […]
Category: Archive, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: idea, project, woodworking, workshop
RichC | June 17, 2023
Since the Cornhole game project for Taylor’s birthday is finished … and because we had a little bit of rain … I decided to restart work on the Octagon side table. The challenging eight-sided top was finished a couple months ago, but not the legs. The legs need to be sturdy enough to hold the […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: condo1718, maple, octagon, project, side table, table, woodworking, workshop
RichC | June 1, 2023
The previous “refined” Cornhole game project for my granddaughters worked out so well that I decided to make a modified set for Taylor’s birthday in June this year. Thankfully I started it early since I’m modifying the project just a little bit to work on mortise and tenon jointery … and have been busy outside […]
Category: Woodworking |
Tags: cornhole, game, granddaughters, jointery, mortiser, project, taylor, tenon, woodworking, workshop
RichC | March 14, 2023
Over the weekend, I started a woodworking project that has been buzzing around in my head. There is no hurry to this side-table (mentioned previously), but wanted to use recycled hardwood rather than the particle board in the mass manufactured tables. This required a different design that I patterned after our antique octagon foyer table and […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: octagon, project, side table, weekend, workshop
RichC | March 7, 2023
For years now, I’ve been planning to make a set of Cornhole boards for the backyard when entertaining in the summertime, but never really wanted to just slap together construction grade 2 x 4s and plywood. So when thinking about a project gift for my granddaughters 3rd and 6th birthdays this year, who are now […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Recreation, Woodworking |
Tags: birthday, cornhole, game, gift, granddaughters, osu, project, workshop
RichC | January 29, 2023
Instead of painting the entire woodworking project that is currently underway in the workshop, I want at least to be able to naturally lacquer finish the frames of the Cornhole game. Partially it is to show off the miters and walnut splines in the frame corners and partially because I didn’t want to use any […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: cornhole, granddaughters, jig, miter, project, router, spline, woodworking, workshop
RichC | January 25, 2023
Over weekend of snowy Bengal – Bills playoff football, I was able to get down to the workshop and continue working on a joint granddaughters’ birthdays present. The project required larger holes than I have a hole saw for and cutting it with a jigsaw would have left an imperfect hole. So … I used […]
Category: How-To, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: cornhole, project, router, safety glasses, tips, woodworking, workshop
RichC | January 22, 2023
Reading periodicals from the library on the computer is not really something I do … but last week while checking out a couple of ebooks (one avaiilable the other on a long hold), I looked at the latest issue of the Woodworkers Journal magazine and realized just how much the iPad app for reading digital […]
Category: How-To, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: journal, magazine, razor knife, woodworkers, workshop
RichC | September 18, 2022
Who hasn’t needed to repair, or re-repair, a broken piece of furniture? In today’s world, most furniture, as well as other items, are throw-away after they break, but there are still a few of us who enjoy getting the last few useable years out of a well worn piece of furniture. My like-minded son-in-law showed […]
Category: Advice, How-To, Misc, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: dowels, furniture, glue, project, Rav4, repair, repairs, table, titebond, workshop
RichC | August 14, 2022
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: 2022, annalyn, aquarium, birdfeeder, ellerie, family, granddaughters, mp4, newport, project, summer, taylor, vacation, workshop
RichC | August 3, 2022
It is likely that I’ve used and cleaned over 100 paint brushes in my lifetime … besides the throw-away bristle and foam versions. That said, I find myself gravitating to a couple favorites that I hang over the basement utility sink. These are of the softer full-bodied brushes that hold paint well, brush smooth and […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: brush, brushes, paint, painting, photo, workshop
RichC | July 23, 2022
Here’s a very short video highlighting several different kinds of popular wall anchors or mollies and how easy they are to use compared to each other. I saw it on social media and found it an interesting tidbit for woodworking or for those of us spending time in a workshop.
Category: Social Media, Tidbits, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: anchor, anchors, mollies, mp4, screws, tips, tools, tool_tips, wall, workshop
RichC | July 20, 2022
Some time ago I spotted a Rockler article with a couple of experienced woodworkers explaining the placement of a vice on a woodworking bench. Years ago (decades) I remember contemplating where to put “my” vice too (photo left) … so just stuck to tradition in the trade and put it on the left. I’ve often […]
Category: Woodworking |
Tags: craftsman, placement, rockler, vice, woodworking, workshop
RichC | May 25, 2022
Now that the desk and hardwood floors are complete, and floor finish has cured enough in my home office, it is time to tackle the trim painting, putting the closet and bookshelves back. Another project I’ve been contemplating is to revitalize my older well-worn corner computer desk. Having used it for a couple of decades […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Misc, Personal, Photos, Productivity, Woodworking |
Tags: apple, Computer, corner desk, edging, home, leather, mouse, oak, office, project, workshop, workspace
RichC | May 11, 2022
Since I use these dovetail MicroJig clamps for woodworking in my workshop, it seemed only logical to archive a photo so I can build a "jointer jig" or perhaps more appropriately just a jig to use with the table saw for small tapers … or especially for cuts when the piece of wood isn’t flat […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: fence, jig, microjig, table saw, taper, woodworking, workshop
RichC | April 12, 2022
While ordering Titebond III glue in the 16 oz size (best choice for wood glue) from ($7.98) instead of Amazon, who happened to only have other sizes and bulk packaging (although gone is $67 Prime shipping), I needed to add another item to my order to avoid the shipping charges. The Kubota ZD326 zero-turn […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Shopping, Woodworking |
Tags: amazon, fwp, grass seed, kubota, maintenance, mower, prime, sanding, service, spindle, titebond3, walmart, wood glue, workshop, zd326, zero-turn
RichC | March 29, 2022
I’ve been thinking a little bit more about workshop safety (although always do) and after posting about zero clearance throatplates the other day, I started contemplating adding a splitter to my table saw or to the insert when reading the article. Since my Delta Table Saw is pre-riving knife (below left), I either need to […]
Category: Ideas, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: family handyman, ideas, instructables, pushstick, riving knife, splitter, table saw, woodworking, wordsnwood, workshop
RichC | March 22, 2022
“A place for everything and everything in its place,” is probably not the most fitting idiom for my cluttered workshop, since the debatable originate has to do with “neatness” according to an Ohio Repository (Canton, Ohio) article by Charles A. Goodrich in 1827. Although with a little sleuthing, it has also been credited to Benjamin […]
Category: Advice, Gadget, Hobby, Idioms, Misc, Personal, Photos, Quotes, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: benjamin franklin, charles goodrich, hook, idiom, idioms, led, light, oak, ohio repository, opinion, panel, ridgid, storage, workshop
RichC | March 13, 2022
When it comes to workshops, tools, jigs and helpers, we all have our go-to favorites and my 35 year old featherboard is no exception. For years now, I’ve told myself that I was going to make a new one since this was just a quick temporary one (like the miter saw hold down below), but […]
Category: How-To, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: clamp, featherboard, instructables, rockler, saw, someday, table, tablesaw, throatplate, tips, tools, woodshop, workshop
RichC | March 8, 2022
The final steps of finishing the rocking chair for my granddaughter are finally getting done. The canvas strips of material have been added with a little flexible adhesive in the center and epoxy on the ends. The canvas material should do a couple things, first prevent the painted rockers from wearing to bare wood and […]
Category: Archive, Photography, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: canvas, chair, clamps, epoxy, frame, frames, high chair, projects, rocker, rocking chair, wicker, workshop
RichC | March 1, 2022
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: annalyn, drew, ellerie, family, granddaughter, granddaughters, katelyn, painting, Photos, priming, rocking chair, sanding, workshop
RichC | February 20, 2022
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: annalyn, birthday, drew, ellerie, facetime, family, katelyn, michigan, Photos, richc, rocking chair, woodworking, workshop
RichC | February 19, 2022
I used the word “customized” because besides getting the “rocker” for this chair from a set of plans … for safety sake … I’ve been tweaking the children’s rocking chair from collected ideas … and trial and error. Besides wanting to use dimensional lumber and running it through the planner for the frames, I’ve pulled […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: biscuit, dowels, glue, project, rocking chair, silicone, titebond, tool, workshop
RichC | February 8, 2022
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Social Media, Weather, Woodworking |
Tags: annalyn, cincinnati, east walnut hills, ellerie, family, granddaughers, lumber, perrysburg, playing, project, rocking chair, snow, snowman, taylor, weekend, winter, woodworking, workshop
RichC | February 1, 2022
For a soon to tackle project in the woodworking workshop, I tinkered with my older plug cutter in order to hide the heads of a few drywall screws. For a test, I used contrasting wood just to see how much gap there was going to be – it looks as if it will work. To […]
Category: Photos, Shopping, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: coping sled, fixtures, jigs, plugs, rebate, rockler, router, router table, sale, tinkering, tools, woodworking, workshop
RichC | January 19, 2022
For the lack of a better subject line, this will be called a Workshop Wednesday post … even though I’m rarely in the workshop on Wednesdays (it was last weekend). Anyway, I was busy making a jig to help cut the “cheap” (and I mean “cheaply made”) crown molding that I purchased from Wayfair for […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: bemus point, chautauqua, Corbett Chronicles, fred howard, jigs, mark howard, molding, mp4, new york, wayfair, workshop
RichC | December 28, 2021
As usual, I was late in coming across a simple workshop miter guide for my table saw, although more recently something I needed for my small bandsaw. While working on a Christmas project for my granddaughter, I needed to cut a bunch of small pieces where I didn’t lose so much wood to the table […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Tidbits, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: bandsaw, big tech, google, granddaughers miter, guide, jig, project, sled, table saw, tablesaw, tracking, video, workshop, youtube
RichC | December 22, 2021
It has taken me a long time to cut into the outfeed table that I added to my Delta table saw in 2019, but I’ve finally added “the notch.” The spacing between the often used Shopsmith band saw and my lumber rack has always been tight … so tight that I’ve found myself angling it […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Productivity, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: dust collector, notch, outfeed, table, tools, vacuum, woodworking, workshop
RichC | December 12, 2021
After years of collecting a variety of tools and “tool” parts (bits, blades, etc), I’ve noticed that the mish-mash of storage containers have become even more interesting as the actual items being stored and saved (click photos for larger). Here are a few photos with a variety of storage items in a Where’s Waldo (or […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Memories, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: altoids, bits, boxes, coffee cans, drawers, parts, pickle jars, storage, sucrets, taps, tins, tobacco, tool, toolbox, tools, vials, workshop