Archive: Coffee and then mixing compost and planting flowers

June 7, 2023

Who doesn’t smile when waking up to a cup of coffee in the morning — oh, I can smell it now. I know I do … and would be shocked if it actually smiled back! Really this is just adding to the archive in getting the yard ready for summer and the family this weekend. […]

We can hope that April 2022 Flurries don’t kill May Flowers

April 18, 2022

For a day after Easter, the weather sure doesn’t look like spring! Also testing WordPress automated mp4 plugin with added gray vs black border than my normal hardcode video from iPhone7plus in slow-motion with poster image below the break)

Flowers, some Kubota service and waking up the Packard Hawk

May 11, 2021

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Archive: Brenda’s flowers, busy working bees and babysitting

September 9, 2020

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Out and about, yardwork, flowers and more rain

May 24, 2020

It has been a slow start to getting our yard in shape. By now we usually have the pool open and flowers planned, but for some reason (probably rain) we are not ready for summer. Thankfully though, Saturday was nice most of the day. I waited as long as possible to add a few brown […]

Bookshelves artwork display area update and spring flowers

April 11, 2020

The bookshelves have been on-again, off-again as the laborious painting and improved spring weather dictates my indoor verses outdoor activities. I did get a chance to finish the “art display area” in the center bookshelf section … and so far, so good. My plan was to create a little depth perception by bring the art […]

Music Monday: Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair

April 9, 2018

(click for larger) I read an interesting article about music in Wired this past weekend and in particular a World Song Map image that instead of a "place name" there is a "song name." It may not be the best song selection for the place, but it did trigger an old song from 1967 by […]

Spring as sprung and flowers are blossoming everywhere

April 22, 2013

Although we were hoping the tulips would be in bloom for Katelyn and Drew’s wedding (tulips for the “Dutch” Oostra … not that it mattered), they didn’t quite start blossoming until the other day. In fact everything is now blooming and the smells are fantastic.       Even the less desirable “flowers!” (below)

Green grass and ground cover flowers are growing fast

March 27, 2012

I was out at dusk trying to get a little more of the grass cut again. The grass is green and growing fast … I don’t think I’m going to be able to keep up with it if it rains. Thankfully it was dry enough (barely) to get some of the longest and thickest cut, […]

Green grass and Magnolia flowers proclaim Spring is here

April 8, 2011

After arriving home late last night Brenda wanted me to see the flowering White Star Magnolia flowers … so I indulged her and walked out to look at them with her … and snapped a weak LED flash photo with my Palm Pre smartphone. Little did she know, I had already been looking at them […]

Proof that spring has sprung: Flowers on the Star Magnolia

March 27, 2011

Although I’d be hard pressed to convince anyone that spring is here based on the long winter and the cold temperatures we have been having, our Star Magnolia is telling us that winter is over and that spring weather is here or suppose to be here. Let’s hope the latest cold weather will be our […]

Appreciating the flowers that beautify our home

May 16, 2010

I enjoyed the day working in the yard and found myself appreciating Brenda’s gardening talents. As the landscaping around our yard continues to mature and the varieties of different flowers bloom one after another all spring, all the hard work to plan, plant and tend is beginning to pay off. Today’s overweight Peony blooms were […]

The vegetable garden is half planted and the flowers are blooming

May 22, 2009

I was able to get some of the vegetable garden planted this past week and fenced in order to protect the tender plants from the ravenous bunnies we have around our house. One would think that Tootsie, our Australian Blue Heeler could defend the property, but the rabbits seem to populate despite her efforts to […]

Spent the weekend wire-brushing and painting the utility trailer

August 27, 2024

The “flowers photo” was not the purpose of this post, but because the tiny purple flowers looked so nice this past weekend, I took a photo (I should know the name or at least take the time to look it up … but I’m not).  BUT the real reason was to archive the very messy […]

Enjoyed the weekend with KDAE and a wonderful dance recital

May 22, 2024

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Archive: A few leftover Valentine’s Day photos to make me smile

February 15, 2024

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A “feel good” story from Clint Edwards’ book “Fatherish”

October 1, 2023

Make America Great Again, one parent at a time (not political). Here’s slightly different take on MAGA with an uplifting lesson and message for fathers; pay attention to your role in your family.  When I asked my 11-year-old son to help me unload dirt from our small pickup into his mother’s new garden boxes, his reaction […]

Our six-year old granddaughter’s dance recital weekend

May 24, 2023

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Wyze Cam Smoke Alarm notifications and spring has sprung

March 30, 2023

It may not be pretty with the old mulch, leaves and dirty sidewalks … but spring has sprung in 2023. The old-ish bulbs are up and the buds are on the magnolias and lilacs.  On another subject, I’ve contacted Wyze about one of my newer cams triggering a RED “Smoke Alarm” message which definitely caught […]

Obituary: Alton Gwynn Pitts (1926-2022) and finding the right words to comfort a friend on the passing of his father

November 3, 2022

Although it was not unexpected, my long time friend Jeff‘s father passed away last week. It was the way we all would want to die … "peacefully in our sleep at home."  My memories of Alton Pitts are few since he lived in Florida, but the few I have are of kindness. I first met […]

Buttercups photo and reflecting on another school shooting

May 28, 2022

We are enjoying my late mother-in-law’s transplanted Buttercups (Ranunculus) that we brought home from the Jamestown, NY farmhouse (winter pics). Initially, Brenda’s sister Chris asked me to bring her some home for her since I was the one driving back and forth to western New York to clean out, take care of the property and […]

Tech Friday-ish: Van Gogh virtual world artwork filler

May 27, 2022

Although I appreciate the talent of artists in all mediums and have plenty of artwork in our home, I’m not sure where this Vincent van Gogh “virtual world” art fits in??? Maybe it is just fitting for the blog?  

Enjoyed a Mother’s Day beach week of R & R in Florida

May 10, 2022

Depressing as it may be, our vacation in Delray Beach is over, but it was a perfect and needed rest and relaxation trip. Our old 2002 Honda Odyssey is still surviving … although I did pondering a new Florida vehicle after having to jumpstart and fidget with the flakey AC. Yet it still didn’t convince […]

It is semi-officially spring when our lilacs bud

March 18, 2022

Each year I think I take a photo of either our flowers or trees coming back to life in the spring. I know from a quick search that there are at least ten posts similar to this one over the years … here is one from February 2017.  Since this particular lilac plant can’t be […]

A quick trip to Florida so as not to waste an expiring ticket

November 20, 2021

Brenda and I flew to Florida with a “use it or lose it” expiring Southwest Airline ticket …and hopefully as a way to earn a future companion-pass ticket (we’ll see how that goes). We were there for a long weekend and to enjoy a couple days at the condo and the beach. Unfortunately I wasted […]

Memorial Day: Honor those who gave their life for our country

May 30, 2021

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day and was first observed on May 30th, 1868 to commemorate the sacrifice’s of Civil War soldiers. It was declared a General Order No. 11 by General John A. Logan on May 5, 1868. The General Order stated: “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose […]

Come on, it is late April 2021! Is Spring really in the air?

April 22, 2021

After just finishing cutting the lawn on Tuesday night and working on our landscaping this past weekend in anticipation of a cold front with some “expected rain,” it ended up coming down as SNOW! I mean, come on, it is the time of year to be thinking sunshine, warmer weather and flowers .. not snow.  […]

Happy Valentine’s Day to friends and family, especially my girls!

February 14, 2021

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Idea: Using eggshells as planters to grow seedlings

July 2, 2020

Every once in a while an idea triggers me into thinking … “I’m going to try this!” Last week I stumbled across a Lifehacker post that was worth archiving. Using biodegradable eggshells to start seedlings … and after losing half the $60 in flower flats we purchased this year, I may give this one a […]

Happy Mother’s Day to my wife … and as mom to our kids

May 10, 2020

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Sanding – my favorite part of woodworking #sarcasm

April 15, 2020

Instead of spending time this past Easter weekend dressing,going to church and getting together with family, I spent a few more hours sanding … and sanding … and sanding. My goal is to get this old exterior black walnut door (super thick veneer over oak – see above photo) ready to take a traditional oil […]

Music Monday: Ruby Tuesday – Rolling Stones 1967

September 30, 2019

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A final 3-day Labor Day 2019 weekend photos update

September 4, 2019

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Spring had definitely sprung for Easter Sunday in 2019

April 23, 2019

Although Brenda worked Easter Sunday this year, the weather could not have been more beautiful in Cincinnati for a few chores. I buffed out the oxidation on our 2002 Honda Odyssey, as the Florida sun is hard on paint. After buffing, I wax and buffed again in order to add a layer of protection … […]

Happily busy with our granddaughter Annalyn these past few days

September 29, 2018

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We all surprised Brenda to celebrate her 60th birthday

August 13, 2018

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iPhone photography and seeing signs of spring

April 3, 2018

The other day I mentioned “selective focus” as a photography technique to my son … so I took advantage of the low light and ugly rainy weather to use the “longer x2 lens”on the iPhone7plus to hide the ugliness. The telephoto lens on any camera, especially in closer up photography), is that it is easy […]

Obit: The passing of an old friend and customer, Larry G Hart

September 10, 2017

Larry G. Hart, 81, former longtime resident of Cuyahoga Falls, passed away on Friday, September 8, 2017, at Copeland Oaks Crandall Medical Center, in Sebring, after a lengthy illness. Larry graduated from South High School, earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Akron, where he was a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity, and […]

Obit: Glen Travis Campbell 1936-2017

August 8, 2017

Glen Campbell, one of my all time favorite musicians from my earliest memories has passed away. So thankful we still have his mountains of music. It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved husband, father, grandfather, and legendary singer and guitarist, Glen Travis Campbell, at the age of […]

Learning the Lumix GX8 – Prime lens and flower pictures

April 16, 2017

With the buds and flowers popping this Easter weekend around Cincinnati, a sunny morning was a great opportunity to put the lesser used prime lens on my new Four Thirds Lumix GX8 camera. The 14-140 stabilized zoom is usually on my camera for convenience, but today I suspect the slightly faster f1.7 prime lens might be sharper […]

Our Spring landscaping could use some sprucing up

April 12, 2017

It’s not exactly pristine landscaping this year at the Corbett abode, but seeing the rapidly growing grass and spring flowers popping out feels good. This is the first year that I recall actually missing winter.

TechFriday: Kickstarter Raspberry Shake and other item arrived

December 9, 2016

I helped fund the Raspberry Pi based computer Kickstarter project known as the RaspberryShake  networkingworking a large number of inexpensive earthquake monitoring station around the world ( The idea of connecting hundreds if not thousands of independent volunteer monitoring stations isn’t new, but it is a growing force in data collection. Hopefully I’ll be able […]

Very sobering, Bill Gordon, a college friend collapsed and died

June 13, 2016

The death of an in-shape friend and someone who is my age, really hit me when I read Bill Gordon had died on Facebook Sunday afternoon. He was one of my Ohio Northern University roommates and according to closer friends, he was on a ride Saturday morning and collapsed. How can that be??? He was an avid […]

Tidbits from the old days: The origin of sayings (maybe)

September 5, 2015

The origins of these idioms are interesting (even if untrue). I didn’t bother looking any of them up, just posted the saying from a forwarded email … although probably pulled from a magazine or an archived site? “In the old days,” a big kettle hung over the fire and was used to make a stew. […]

Honor and respect: A memorial service for my father

August 18, 2015

On Monday (August 17, 2015), we held the memorial service for my dad at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sidney, Ohio. Dad died on August 12th after his “thankfully” short hospice care after suffering a stroke and brain bleed. The burial urn (above) was surrounded by flowers and a lifetime of memory photos (our families […]

A veteran who hates hearing Happy Memorial Day

May 25, 2015

It’s not Veterans Day. It’s not military appreciation day. Don’t thank me for my service. Please don’t thank me for my service. Here’s how it was outlined in General Orders No. 11, Washington, D.C., May 5, 1868: The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating […]

Obituary: Aviation friend Kenneth Miracle passed peacefully

October 10, 2013

A long time friend and fellow EAA284 chapter member Ken Miracle passed away last week and his family will be holding a gathering and a memorial service this Friday evening  (10/11) and Saturday morning (10/12). I regret being unable to attend. Ken was one of the first EAA guys to befriend me when I joined […]

Sealed the rear driveway and admired the fall colors

October 18, 2012

Projects are getting done one at a time before winter arrives, but seems as soon as I can check one off the list, two more need to be done. I’ve been repairing the tiles on the pool before closing for the season and on Wednesday evening sealed the new front porch pavers since I’m in […]

Our White Star Magnolia has bloomed super early this year

March 18, 2012

Since each year I’ve either looked at, blogged about or taken a photo of the White Star Magnolia we planted for Brenda back on Mother’s Day in 2008, I’ll include a macro video test  with the little waterproof Kodak Playsport Zx5 pocket camera. (hint: don’t use the macro setting for this) The flowers have been […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2012

Once again we are faced with the dreaded Saint Valentine’s Day … well “dreaded” for those of us men who fall short in the thoughtfulness category, or end up buying the cheesy and over-marketed box of chocolates, flowers or — gulp — jewelry. Thankfully I have a wife who isn’t all that difficult to please […]

2011 Camp – Day #1: RHM

June 14, 2011

Reposting the Romanian Handicapped Ministry information for a few in our family … Day #1 of camp was fabulous as usual with lots of excitement, flowers, and gifts for us, kisses, and lots of hugs! Anna was so excited for ‘camp’ to start that she woke up @ 6 am and would not leave her […]

Obituary: Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Finnegan Biden

January 8, 2010

Condolences to Vice President Biden and his family. January 8, 2010 Statement from Vice President Joe Biden “My mother, Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Finnegan Biden, passed away peacefully today at our home in Wilmington, Delaware, surrounded by her children, her grandchildren, her great-grandchildren and many loved ones. At 92, she was the center of our family […]

Memorial Day, formerly Decoration Day

May 25, 2009

While listening to my wife reminisce about Memorial Day days traditions when she was a child, I found myself looking down with a little embarrassment since I didn’t establish the same thoughtful traditions for our family. Disclosure: her father, WWII vet, was the only one in the family who actually prioritized the day. Nevertheless, the […]

Spring is on the horizon

March 12, 2007

This past weekend was enjoyable; I had an opportunity to be outside, take a few photos and contemplate the work ahead in the yard. The grass and trees were still brown of course, but signs of spring were all around — including the smell. In Cincinnati, we had a mild December and January for the […]

Hawaii Trip Wrap up: Part 1

August 29, 2006

I’ve been planning to write down some thoughts and include some personal photos from our recent family vacation to Hawaii. We enjoyed near perfect weather on our entire trip, both on a cruise ship, NCL(A)’s “Pride of Hawaii,” and the time spent with my nephew David and his wife Gillian who live on Kauai — […]

Save the South Central Farm arrests

June 14, 2006

It may seem that I’ve become a bit too interested in the events at the South Central Farmers in Los Angeles, California, considering I’m from Ohio, but once started, I have a desire for closure. 🙂 Yesterday the “Save the Farm” campaign came to a head as arrests were made and evictions began. I’m posting […]

Remember Memorial Day

May 29, 2006

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day and began to be observed on May 30th, 1868 to commemorate the sacrifies of Civil War soldiers. It was declared a General Order No. 11 by General John A. Logan May 5, 1868. The General Order stated: “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose […]

“SoyToy” to be at the Cincinnati Flower Show

April 20, 2006

The Tri-State Clean Fuel Network along with Ohio farm groups will be displaying the ‘SoyToy’ at the Seventeenth Cincinnati Flower Show this year. The show runs from April 22nd to April 30th this year as will span two weekends and is nationally recognized as one of the finest shows of its kind. Better Home and […]

Discovered! A red faced, wattled honeyeater

February 7, 2006

Yes, discovered –a red faced, wattled honeyeater — its a bird. 🙂 An area high in the rainforest of New Guinea is being described as the “lost world.” I read through an article published yesterday in “The Independent” that details the unknown and rare animals that have been discovered by a team of international scientists. […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog